Author Archives: KCSTRONGMAN

Bill Clark’s 90th Birthday Weekend

By Bill Clark

Bill Clark visits with Steve Schmidt and John Carter in Clark's Championship Gym

Bill Clark visits with Steve Schmidt and John Carter in Clark’s Championship Gym

This is a two day Affair with a party on Saturday night and a Sunday afternoon pigout at Golden Corral.  The weekend is being used to honor 10 or so folks who were the foundation blocks on which the USAWA was built-and a special lift that was a trademark of those being honored.

The Lifts:

1-Steinborn Lift – To honor Henry “Milo” Steinborn, who was never defeated in his namesake lift.

2-Zercher lift – To honor Ed Senior, a true strongman

3-Harness Lift-Harness lift – To honor Steve Schmidt, still the best ever in the heaviest of all lifts.

4-Hip Lift – To honor John Carter, still the best with the hip belt.

5-Hand and Thigh – To Joe Garcia, still the best ever with the knuckle-buster.

6-Neck Lift – To honor Kerry Clark, who helped design the first USAWA rule book and is still the best ever female in the neck harness.

7-Miller clean and Jerk – To honor Wilbur Miller for all he did for lifting’s every aspect

8-Heels together Deadlift-To honor Art Montini, not only for his deadlifting ability, but his prowess with the hip belt

9-Left Hand Deadlift -To honor Rex Monahan, still the best in his specialty, and the guy who saved more than one meet director with his contributions.

10-Right hand Deadlift- To honor Frank Ciavattone, still the leader in the 1 hand deadlift world and promoter of the sport since day one.

11-Rampage-All the reps you can do with a weight of your choice in the Clean and Press-Heels together in one minute.  To honor two: John Grimek, the greatest all-rounder/odd lifter of all time and Tony Cook from England who joined with me in December 1986 to organize the IAWA, the parent of the USAWA.

It will be a fun weekend. Several still active will be on hand.  Lift in all of the events for a trophy of some kind, lift in those that are fun, or just show up and visit with the crowd and don’t lift anything unless it is a fork and spoon at the food bash.

There will be no entry fee.




Calling all authors

By Eric Todd

We need people writing articles and blogs for the website.  I am sure members and outside folks get tired of hearing from me, so we need some other individuals contributing.  I know for a spell, I did not do my part, as I have a hard time unless I feel inspired; however, it does not have to be anything monumental.  I can be a writeup from a postal meet, a training day, a biography of one of your training partners.  It can be memories of an old contest, or stories of those who came before us. Talk to us about your latest training routine.  Routines that have worked and failed in the past.  Where you got that old rusty set of weights that you still use.  We want to hear from our membership.  Feel free to email me with any stories or blogs you may have at  I think we all would appreciate it.


IAWA World Championship

By Denny Habecker

Peter Phillips from Australia with his One Hand Hack Lift at the 2017 World Championship

Peter Phillips from Australia with his One Hand Hack Lift at the 2017 World Championship

Schedule of Events
October 1 & 2, 2022
Venue :
Acernus Crossfit
440 South 9th Street
Lebanon, PA 17042
Weigh-ins : 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M.
Lifting starts : 9:30 A.M.
Saturday : Clean & Press,  Continental Snatch, Cheat Curl, Deadlift- One Arm
Sunday: Continental Clean & Jerk, Pullover & Push, 2- 2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift
Entry Deadline: September 2, 2022 [ Late entries will not be guaranteed award or shirt ]
Entry Fee – $75.00 Shirt included
Awards: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each weight class and Age divisions for Masters, Juniors, and Women, based on total poundage lifted.
Best Lifter Certificates for each age group in Masters,
Juniors, Senior [20-39], and Women by Formula

Going Postal (revisited)

By Eric Todd

With our 2022 postal series getting ready to get underway with lifts being completed by the end of the month, I thought I would re-run this article.  This was something I wrote back in 2017.  Perhaps some of you all have already completed your postal lifts.  I know the KCSTRONGMAN clan in planning to lift next Saturday.  I would love to see a big turnout for this series this year, and support in Denny’s efforts to keep this series going.

Phoebe Todd completes a Habecker Lift in the 2021 Postal Championship

Phoebe Todd completes a Habecker Lift in the 2021 Postal Championship

(Article originally published on October 17, 2017)

One of the many benefits of lifting in all-round is the postal competitions.  These have been going on for as long as I have been involved.  When I first started in the USAWA, Bill Clark ran a three part postal series with a multitude of lifts contested.  Later John Wilmott took over being in charge of the postals in the USAWA, followed by our President Denny Habecker.  On the international front,  I believe it was Frank Lamp from Australia who ran a very nice postal meet in the early 2000s where he would send out medals and a booklet of results (to his financial distress, I would imagine).  Later Steve Gardner, and of late it has been taken over by Al Myers.

I would encourage everybody who is physically able to participate in these postal meets.  First of all, it allows one to maximize what they are getting out of their USAWA membership at no cost to the lifter.  They do not cost us a dime to lift in.  I happen to live in an all-round hotbed with plenty of USAWA meets to participate in.  But for those not so fortunate, the postal series allows for several opportunities for athletes to compete.  If you live close to a certified official, you can enter the Andy Goddard IAWA World Postal Championships (you must have at least one official for that one).  For the postals hosted by Denny and the USAWA you do not even have to have a certified official to enter (though you must use one for it to count for a record).  You can have your Uncle Ernie officiate, and it would count for the sake of the meet (certainly everybody’s Uncle Ernie would be happy to help them in this capacity).

Another fabulous benefit of competing in the postals is you get to challenge yourself against the best in the US (for USAWA postals) and the World (for the IAWA one) without extensive travel and cost.  I have competed against lifters from England, Scotland, China, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand (among other countries, I am sure), all from the comfort of my home.  And you are not restricted to a particular day.  If this Saturday you are occupied, you can compete on the following Thursday (or another day if Thursday is booked).  Just as long as you do the lifts all on one day within the competition window and get your results in on time, you are good to go.  I love looking up the results and comparing myself with lifters from far away both in formula and total.

Now, I have been as guilty as anyone else of missing a postal here and there.  Sometimes due to injury.  Other times it was lack of planning.  The end of the window came and me and Lance could not make a time work (I probably should have called Uncle Ernie). Sometimes life just gets in the way.  Otherwise, it was just laziness on my part.  But, I have made an effort to increase my postal participation percentages.  It just feels like a real easy way that we can support the USAWA to help keep the organization alive out of respect for those who have lifted before us, and for those who I hope will follow.


Record List is updated

By Eric Todd

Big thanks goes out again to our records director, Scottish Johnny Strangeway.  The updated record lists are now posted.  They are updated through the postal championship.  Please look them over to be sure your records have been accurately recorded.  If you did it after the Postal Championships, it will not be reflected in this record list.

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