Author Archives: KCSTRONGMAN

Old Time Strongman Update

By Eric M Todd, Esq

 2015 USAWA Old Time Strongman Championship featuring the late, great Art Montini

2015 USAWA Old Time Strongman Championship featuring the late, great Art Montini

There are a couple things I would like to mention in regards to the Old Time Strongman Championship on September 8.

  • I failed to add an entry deadline on the notice or entry form.  The entry deadline is August 25.  I need entries in hand by then in order to finalize awards and such for the event.  No late entries will be accepted.
  • MTI/myhmb is sponsoring the event by way of donating shirts for all competitors.  Check out their new website here:
  • This event WILL BE DRUG TESTED!  Please be prepared to be chosen for drug testing, and do not enter if you will not pass.  I have the tests in hand.

That being said, I hope to see you all there.  I have seven entries in hand with a number more who have verbaled.  It should be a great day for lifting big weights!

Lance Foster-KCSTRONGMAN Stalwart

Lance Foster pulling a bus at the Gus Lohman Memorial Challenge back in his strongman days

Lance Foster pulling a bus at the Gus Lohman Memorial Challenge back in his strongman days

By Eric Todd

Back in 2006, KCSTRONGMAN had been going strong for 3 years.  Training partners came and went, but there were a couple regulars and always a steady stream of guys coming out to train.  I was ALWAYS getting email correspondence from people interested in coming out, but more often than not, it never got past the email stage for those who were new to the idea. However, I got an email from Lance Foster, and the rest is history.  Lance showed up and put it all on the line that day.  Lance became a stalwart of KCSTRONGMAN training days and contests.  When I sent out an email saying who is interested in competing in such and such competition, Lance was always on board.

Lance was born in St Joseph, MO on November 12, 1965.  Lance grew up on a farm that raised cattle and pigs, produced dairy, and grew tobacco.  Anybody that grew up on a farm as a child knows what kind of hard work this entails. Raising tobacco and pitching hay  goes hand in hand with the strength needed to be successful in strength disciplines. He attended North Platte High School, a small school in Missouri, where he played football and threw shot and discus in track and field.

As for many of us, prior to getting involved in strongman, Lance was drawn to watching “World’s Strongest Man” on ESPN.  It used to be broadcast quite regularly, and featured monster men who were capable of fantastic feats of strength.  The show appealed to guys like Lance and me, because these guys were doing things that seemed impossible.  However, Lance came across a forum that showed there were smaller amateur competitions at the local level.  These competitions seemed more doable, so he summoned the courage to take that first step, and he contacted me about training.  Little did he know when he took that first step that he would soon be not only competing at the local level, but also at state and national competitions.

Lance lifting his car at a strongman meet

Lance lifting his car at a strongman meet

Other training partners came and went, but Lance stuck around.  Lance has competed in strongman, highland games, highlander, and powerlifting.  He threw the shot put in the corporate challenge.  Now he participates primarily in all-round.  Lance is one who is always up for a challenge.  Almost any time I am looking at doing a meet, Lance is game.  Lance has even competed at the world level in all-round.

Lance shouldering a stone at "The House of Iron and Stone"

Lance shouldering a stone at “The House of Iron and Stone”


Lance has achieved quite a bit in all-round.  He is a certified level 2 official, which is the highest level you can currently attain. He has 38 national records and holds the world record for the 2″ bar straddle (which is known as the Jefferson Lift-Futon Bar in the US) in the 45+ year 125+ kilo category.  In 2012, Lance was chosen by his peers as runner-up for the sportsmanship award. However, even with those accolades, Lance says the thing he likes best about all-round is the camradarie. With Lance’s dedication to all-round lifting, and the USAWA, I trust he will be enjoying that camraderie for years to come!

KCSTRONGMAN-The background

Pulling a dumptruck back in my strongman days

Pulling a dumptruck back in my strongman days

By Eric Todd

I began my strongman career in 2001.  After wrestling competitively most of my life, my college career was riddled with injury and disappointment.  When it ended, I thought my days of competing were over; however, I found that I had not lost that competitive fire. So, I started training for strongman with rather meager equipment and knowledge.  Despite all that, I had rather decent success quickly.  I was fourth at my first meet, first at my next (which was hosted by fellow all-rounder Thom VanVleck, but that is another story), and won my division at nationals within a year.

With this quickly discovered success, I figured the sky was the limit; I had my sights set on winning my pro card.  I was within shooting distance at that first nationals, finishing third overall, and figured that it was a logical goal.  I had found a couple guys in the area who did strongman and we would train together at times, but it was inconsistant.  I was often left training alone.  I came close to my goal of a heavyweight card, getting second and third at a few qualifiers, but fell short in the end.  And despite placing quite well in some tough meets against the best of the best at the time, I felt like I had failed.

I knew that I needed to regroup and refocus to make my goal happen.  I thought that gathering like minded people together would help us all. We would coach each other, train together, compete together, and push each other to maximize each lifters potetial to rise to heights higher than what we could achieve alone.  So, I started the website and forum known as “KCSTRONGMAN.” Though my motivation for doing this was completely and utterly selfish, in the end it was a great deal for many folks.  We had people who identified as part of the KCSTRONGMAN community from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas.  We had honorary members from other states as well.  We trained together, traveled to meets together, ate together, and discussed training, philosophy and life via road trips and the message board.  I met some of the best friends of my life through KCSTRONGMAN.  And though I never did win that heavyweight pro card, I did alter course a little and win a pro card in the 105K division.

As life has a way of doing, all good things must eventually pass.  The old forums gave way to Facebook and the like.  Though I tried to keep the message board going, it began to start to feel like a waste of time, and I began to feel a bit schizophrenic talking to myself on there.  The forum is still up, but there is virtually no activity, and I have stopped wasting my time with it.  At one time, though, it was a hopping place!  After about 10 or 12 years of competing frequently, my body let me down.  I tried to make a run of one more nationals, and reinjured myself.  I knew that it was the end of the line for being able to train like I would need to to compete at a high level in strongman.  I walked away.

As luck would have it, I had found all-round just a short time after I started strongman.  I had competed in it some, but stayed rather busy with my strongman schedule, so not as regularly as some.  The genius about all-round is that everybody can do some of the lifts.  So, even though my body had failed me in strongman, I still had some strengths that all-round would accentuate. A couple of my strongman confederates came with me to the USAWA and we first registered as a club in 2011.  KCSTRONGMAN has had members compete in the grip championship, the heavy lift championship, and the Old Time strongman championship.  We have had members compete in nationals, Worlds, and the Gold Cup.  We have been active in the postal series as well.  We have promoted regular meets, record days, and some championship events.  Though KCSTRONGMAN has evolved a bit since we first started, the general philosophy is the same:  Lifting each other to greater heights through camraderie and support.

At any rate, that is the general background of KCSTRONGMAN, where we came from and how we got here.  It is my intention to do a biography of each current member of the KCSTRONGMAN USAWA club over the next month or so.  Hope you enjoy.

Dave Hahn-The man, the myth, the legend

Dave Hahn with a 550 Hand and Thigh

Dave Hahn with a 550 Hand and Thigh

By Eric Todd

Last month, I hosted the Heavy Lift Championship.  The turnout was good, but as always when leading up to an event that I am promoting, participation in it concerns me.  So, daily I check the mail in eager anticipation of a new entry or two.  Weeks before this championship, I was both surprised and excited to recieve an entry form into the meet from Dave Hahn from Kansas.

I had met Dave previously on two different occasions.  The first time was in 2014 at the Heavy Lift Championships promoted by Al Myers in Holland, KS.  Dave was a competitor at that meet.The second time was in 2015 with my first effort at promoting the Heavy Lift Championship when Dave surprised us by coming out with a few members of his family to spectate the lifting.

This time around, Dave was competing again, and I had more opportunity to visit with him and really pay notice to his lifting.  It became quite evident to me that Dave is quite an exceptional individual.  It was those observations that inspired me to dig in with Dave a little deeper and write this article.

Dave rolled into the meet early, and came with an entourage of family members.  We again exchanged pleasantries.  Dave impressed me as a very unassuming individual, and was rather soft spoken in nature.  Unassuming, that is until it was time to move iron.  There was more than once when I wondered if Dave was paying attention, or if he was going to open too heavy.  Several lifters might be done lifting before Dave even called his opener.  However, I was wrong.  Dave knew exactly what he was doing; he was going BIG.  It also became evident that the rest of us were all going to have to take care that this 81 year old 150 pound man did not bypass us in points and beat us on the podium.  Well, that is exactly what he did, in securing runner up rights at the 2018 Heavy Lift Championship.  Then, back to his unassuming ways, Dave quietly thanked me and said he had no idea he would be recieving such a nice award when he signed up for the competition.

Dave Hahn with runner-up honors at 81 years old.

Dave Hahn recives his award from Chris “Leroy” Todd of KCSTRONGMAN

Dave has been lifting for many moons.  In more exact terms 66 years.  He began his affair with the iron at the age of 15 when he started lifing at the old YMCA in downtown Kansas City.  He first competed at the age of 18 at an event called “Mr. Kansas City.”  Dave competed in the “Mr. High School Physique” portion along with the bench press and curl competitions.  He won both the physique and curl portions of the event. Another contest that Dave took part in  in that first year of competing was called “Heart of America Physique Festival”.  It was also in Kansas City.  This festival had an event in which the competitors would be challenged to squat 125 pounds over their bodyweight for as many repetitions as they could muster (sidebar-this sounds like an absolute HOOT!) Dave won this contest by sqautting 325 for 24 reps.  He went on to win it again the next year by squatting 330 for 30 reps.

It was in 1960 that Dave first met Bill Clark, founder of the USAWA, when Dave entered his first Olympic style weightlifting meet at the Missouri State Penitentiary.  Dave continued lifting in the Missouri Valley AAU, which from my understanding was the direct precursor the the USAWA.  They would do the Oly lifting, but include some odd-lifts among their competitions.  In the Missouri Valley competitions, Dave’s best lifts were 255 in the press, 190 in the snatch, and 270 on the clean and jerk, done in the split style.  Dave graced the platform with many of the area’s great lifters of the time including Charlie Scott, Wilbur Miller, Ken McClain, Gary Cleveland, Jim Ellis, Bill Fellows, Wayne Jackson, Wayne Gardner, Art Tarwater, Walt Zuk and Homer Lewellen.  Though a couple of those lifters are unfamiliar to your humble author, most I know of from having met them, lifted in meets named for them, reading about them in old “Strength Journals” or on the USAWA news, or through hearing stories.

In reading many of those old “Strength Journals” that Bill Clark wrote, I remember reading about some of those marathon type weekends, where the competitors would compete in a hodge podge of different types of competitions, some being lifting some being from other disciplines.  I even think there may have been bowling in them at times.  Well, as it turns out, Dave particpated in something similar that Clark put on called “Heart of America Power Festival” back in the 60s.  It included a number of different standar and odd-lifts as well as a 100 yard dash.  Dave won the event in ’62 and was 5th in ’63. During the 70’s Dave competed primarily in prison powerlifting meets after powerlifting became it’s own entity.

1987 saw the birth of the USAWA.  It took those odd-lifts that were being contested in the old Missouri Valley, and gave them a home.  Dave Hahn was in the inaugural class of this new organization, along with notable greats such as Bob Burtzloff, Steve Schmidt, and Ed Zercher. In 1991, Dave participated in the Zercher Classic. This was Dave’s first introduction to the chain lifts, and they immediately caught his fancy.  Now, for any of the readers out there who are not familiar with the Zercher Classic, it is 13 different lifts, including 4 chain lifts.  The first year I competed in it, I thought I had crippled myself.  So, it is no wonder Dave took off the next 23 years of competing to recover.

When you do something as long as Dave has done lifting, there are bound to be some changes.  When Dave got started at the old Y, lifters just helped each other out with form and such, but there were no “coaches.”  Now, there are olympic and powerlifting coaches, as well as personal trainers and the availability of online coaching.  Women and youth did not compete.  That was a realm left to men.  One thing that has not changed in lifting, though is the camraderie.  At least that is the impression I have gotten through participation in strongman, Highland Games, and all-round.  Dave said that 8-10 of he and his his confederates from the old time get together for luncheons organized by Ken McClain biannually.

Dave held many records in the old Missouri Valley AAU organization.  One that stood out to me the most are his cheat curl of 255 pounds in the 181 pound class.  To put that in perspective (to me anyhow) my best cheat curl is in the 230 neighborhood, and I am much heavier than Dave was when he hit this.  He also hit a strict curl of 175 pounds.  My best is 20 pounds less at around 80 pounds heavier bodyweight.  In the USAWA record book, Dave holds a hack lift record from that old Zercher meet that has stood for 27 years!  He also holds several, more recent records in the big bar lifts.

Dave is one of the lesser known treasures that we have with us in the USAWA.  The man is an absolute wealth of knowledge and a living legend.  He is living history of our organization and where we came from.  That, and he is one heck of a guy.  He and his family are welcome at my meets anytime!

OTSM Championship

By Eric Todd



Meet promoter Eric Todd showing his technique in performing a 313# Dumbbell to Shoulder.

Your humble promoter performing the Dumbbell to Shoulder in the 2017 championship

Where:  ET’s House of Iron and Stone

When: September 8, 2018

Weigh-ins: 9:30

Rules meeting: 10:00

Liftig begins: 10:30

Lifts Contested:

Saxon Snatch

Cyr Press

Dumbbell to Shoulder

Dinnie Lift

Awards: There will be awards given for this meet

Cost: $25 (Checks can be made out to Eric Todd)


KCSTRONGMAN once again has the priveledge of hosting the USAWA Old Time Strongman Chamionship. Though one of the newer championships in the organization, it has often been one of the better attended USAWA events.  It is my hope that this year does not disappoint. In the seven years that this championship has been held, there have been 6 different overall men’s champions.  I have won it twice, and am joined by Al Myers, Chad Ullum, Denny Habecker, Abe Smith, and Greg Cook.  In the women’s division, we have had champions in Whitney Piper, Jenna Lucht, and 2 time champion, Heather Tully.  We will see what 2018 bring in the way of champions.  Here is a great opportunity to add your name to that list!  Though the weather was quite nice last year, early September in Missouri has the distinct possibility of being hot.  The facility is not air conditioned.  Nor do we have running water, so the pot is an outhouse out back.  I will sweep out the wasp nests and spider webs prior to the meet, so hopefully it will meet your expectations.  If those two items have not disuaded you from competing, you will be pleased to know that we have lots of weight, and stout equipment.  There have been many good lifters train and compete here over the years; it is a fine atmosphere for lifting big.  So, put this one on your calendar.  My hopes are that we cam make this the biggest OTSM championship ever!

OTSM Entry

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