Ben Edwards
by Al Myers

Ben Edwards performing a One Handed Thumbless Grip Deadlift of 230 pounds at the 2009 Dino Gym Record Day. Ben's best One handed Thumbless Grip Deadlift is 250 pounds, which is one of the best in the USAWA Record List.
Ben Edwards, the winner of the latest Quiz of the Week, has announced he intends to host an USAWA grip competition. There has not been a grip competition in the USAWA since Kevin Fulton hosted the annual Super Grip Challenges. Ben has been a “grip specialist” and has competed in numerous grip competitions over the past several years. He also holds several grip records in the USAWA. He has expanded his lifting to training all the all-round lifts and competed in this past year’s National Championships. Ben intends to enter more all-round meets in the future. The USAWA needs more energetic, young lifters like Ben Edwards!!!!
Top 5 All-Time One-Handed Thumbless Grip Deadlifts in the USAWA
1. 266 pounds Mike McBride
2. 254 pounds Tom Ryan
3. 250 pounds Ben Edwards
4. 230 pounds Al Myers
5. 225 pounds Matt Graham