Best Lifts in the Past Year
by Al Myers
We have seen alot of great lifting in the USAWA during this past year. It got me thinking about what lifts I would consider the BEST LIFTS of the year. This was a very hard decision as I felt like I was leaving some lifters and their great lifts off the list, and it was a TOUGH DECISION to narrow the list down to only 10. I was fortunate to have witnessed most of these lifts on the below list, and I can attest to the impressiveness of them. I’m sure others would come up with a completely different list, but this is my story and my list! Just for humor I ranked them, but that doesn’t really mean I found any more impressive than the others. This list isn’t based on any formula or scientific calculation – just my opinion and view point. I welcome anyone to make comments about this list in the Discussion Forum if your feelings are different. Here it goes – from number 10 to number 1:
10. Chris Anderson and his 300# Dumbbell to Shoulder at the 2011 OTSM Championships.
9. David Dellanave and his 605# record setting Jefferson Lift at the Minneapolis Meet.
8. Dale Friesz and his 122# Ring Fingers Deadlift at Art’s Birthday Bash.
7. Mark Mitchell and his 252# Pinch Grip at the 2012 Dino Gym Record Day.
6. Bryan Benzel and his 355# Apollons Lift at the 2012 Battle in the Barn.
5. Art Montini and his 176# Zercher Lift at the 2011 World Championships, breaking the 80+ age group record held by Ed Zercher.
4. Andrew Durniat and his 519# One Arm Deadlift at the Black Swamp Meet.
3. Chad Ullom’s 900# Neck Lift at the 2011 Heavy Lift Championships in York, PA.
2. Adam Glass and his 822# Dinnie Lift at the the Minneapolis Meet.
1. Wilbur Miller and his 457# 12″ base deadlift at the 2012 Dino Gym Record Day at age 79!
I do have one honorary mention lift, and that includes the 804# Team Deadlift done by myself and my daughter Emily at the 2011 Gold Cup in England. I only mention this because I was extremely proud of her effort in being part of setting the ALL TIME male/female deadlift in the USAWA & IAWA. This past year has had MANY GREAT LIFTS done by the membership and I fully expect this coming year will even be better.