Bob People’s Deadlift
by Thom Van Vleck

Bob Peoples doing some rack work showing the inspiration for the OTSM "Peoples Lift" (photo from
The Bob Peoples’ Deadlift was recently approved at the USAWA National meeting as an OTSM “official” lift. You can take a crack at setting a record in this lift at the OTSM Championships to be held by the JWC in Kirksville, Missouri on Oct. 14 and entry can be found on the upcoming meets section on the USAWA homepage. It is basically a Deadlift from 18″ off the ground instead of the standard Deadlift. Here are the Official Rules:
Peoples Deadlift – This is a partial deadlift, where the bar height must not be over 18″ from the platform (measured from the top of the bar). The plates or bar may be supported on stands, rack supports, or blocks to obtain this height. The lifter must have the bar in front of the legs, as in a normal deadlift. The hands must be on the outside of the legs (NO SUMO STANCE) during the entire lift. Lifting straps or any other gripping aid is not allowed. It is NOT an infraction to drag the bar up the legs, bounce the bar up the legs, or support the bar on the legs during the lift (hitching). A one minute time limit is allowed for the lifter to make a legal lift, during which time a lifter may make multiple tries. Once the lifter is totally upright and the bar motionless, an official will give the command to end the lift.
Now, a little history. I’m not gonna try an do a comprehensive history on Bob Peoples. But if you know your lifting history you would know that Bob was one of the greatest Deadlifters in history. Bob was pretty strong all the way around, but his best lift was the deadlift and he came with many new and innovative ways to do the lift. One of these things was to utilize the power rack, which formed the basis of the Peoples lift. He also utilized heavy negatives using a hydraulic lift on a tractor to reset the weight and he also used a ring while on a platform that allowed him to drop well below what you would with a regular deadlift. It honestly looks like the forerunner of the Trap Bar!
Try your hand at the Peoples Deadlift! Sign up for the OTSM today!!!!