Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Forty Years of Lifting

by Thom Van Vleck

It was 40 years ago in May that I started my weightlifting journey.  I had messed around with the weights for a couple of years.  I would workout but a month or two later I would quit.  I made myself a promise on my 15th Birthday I would start training and give it my all.  I’ve been lifting ever since.

I remember maxing out on some lifts to get a base line.  I deadlifted 225 pounds, I could barely squat my own bodyweight (due to having broken both legs and my hip), I benched 105, and power cleaned 125.  I weighed in at a porky 198lbs.  As a matter of fact I wore a 38 waist then and I now weigh 275 and wear 38’s.  I was a fatty!

My birthday was the first day of school being out.  I worked out in the old Jackson Weightlifting Club which was in a barn with a metal roof.  More often alone than with someone. There was no air conditioning.  It was hot!  I would workout about 2 hours every single day all summer.  Not surprisingly I lost over 30lbs in three months plus I think I converted another 10lbs to muscle.  On top of that I grew about 4 inches.  My transformation was so great that when I went back to school that fall a classmate didn’t recognize me.

My lifts didn’t sky rocket up.  I was probably over training badly.  I was also constantly maxing out and not sticking to a routine.  But I was dedicated and I learned a lot and I got well conditioned.

I would spend my time reading stacks of weightlifting magazines owned by my Uncles and my grandfather that were laying around the gym. My routines were often gleaned from these pages.

My memories of those days working out in that unairconditioned, metal roof building in the sweltering Missouri heat are burned into my mind.  I felt like a spartan!  I had friends come by to workout and they would last a day, maybe two.  Then they would quit.  It was too hot and too hard for them.

My Uncle Wayne would come by and workout three days a week.  We would visit, talk about training, and I would watch him put up some fantastic weights and dream of when I would be that strong.  He regularly pressed 300 pounds or more.  I remember him doing a seated press with 300lbs for 8 sets of 3 reps.  I also remember him hang cleaning 300 for 8 sets of 3 reps.  It was inspirational.

My grandfather would also come out a couple days a week and work out.  I marveled at his dedication even though he was in his late 60s.  At my age at the time that was amazing.  He did a lot of old school strongman lifts.  He would do lifts like the shoulder drop and Zercher squat.  I learned a lot from him.

We would open the big sliding doors to the barn to let as much air in as possible.  I can recall opening those doors and it being like walking into an oven.  I would often walk outside between sets hoping to catch a breeze.

It was at this time I fell in love with weightlifting.  It became my sport.  While I’ve had some success in competition the greatest rewards have been in mind, body, and spirit.

Do you remember when you fell in love with lifting weights?

USAWA NATIONALS Meeting and Banquet

By Denny Habecker

For anyone coming to the Nationals this year, which I hope will be many of you, the annual meeting will be held at 7 PM, Friday June 21 at my house. The  awards banquet after the meet will be held at Hoss’s Steak and Seafood,1235 East Main Street, Annville, Pa. 17003 at 7:30 PM. It will be an order from the menu and pay your own, banquet.


Dino Gym Spring RD

By Al Myers



We are going to host a record day at the Dino Gym on May 4th to celebrate a big day for one of the Dino Gym’s most distinguished members. LaVerne is turning 75 years old and we are going to have a combination record day/birthday party for him. This will be his first opportunity to set USAWA records in a new age division.

The record day will start in the morning.  Afterwards I do plan to host a supper/party for him so everyone is welcome to stay for the after-meet festivities.  However, this record day is a “come and go” affair so if you if you need to come early and leave early that is ok.  Plus if you just want to arrive in the afternoon and do your lifts  then that is fine as well.  It always works better if everyone is not trying to do their record day lifts at the same time.

My goal for this event is to have at least 75 records set (which means at least 15 lifters need to show and set their max 5 records) to recognize LaVerne’s 75th birthday.  Hope to see everyone there!


Meet Director: Al Myers and the Dino Gym

Meet Date: Saturday, May 4th, 2019, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Location: Dino Gym, Abilene, Kansas

Sanction: USAWA

Entry Form: None – just show up – but if possible please let me know ahead of time so I can prepare

Entry Fee: None, but gag birthday presents for LaVerne are encouraged.  There will be a roast to him before the evening meal so please come prepared with your roast speech

Lifts: Record Day – Pick any lifts you can set a USAWA record in (up to the 5 lift max)

Contact me at if you have any questions

Australian Update

By Al Myers

There has been alot of new activity from the All Rounds in Australia.  For those USAWA lifters who are not familiar with the Australian branch of IAWA weightlifters, today I want to give a little update on the latest activity from Australia. Australia has been one of the affiliated organizations of the International All Round Weightlifting Association since the beginning.

But recently there have been some BIG CHANGES! First of all, the Western Australians in Perth have relocated to a new facility.  They had been centered out of the Belmont Sports and Recreation Club for many years, and have hosted many International events there.  They have now moved to the Lambda Academy in Mundaring, ran by Kat Becker. I am looking forward to seeing this new facility.

Also – now this is really big news – the All Rounds in Australia is growing with the addition of a new club in Ballina, NSW.  This expansion of All Round lifting from just one club will be leading to a new name for the Australian All Rounds – the ARWFA (All Round Weightlifting Federation of Australia). This will be implemented soon.

2019 will be a big year for the Australians as they will be hosting the 2019 IAWA Gold Cup. It will be held on Sunday November 3rd, promoted by Peter Phillips.  The day before will be the Australian Championships which will make a very big and exciting weekend! If you have not been to an IAWA event in Australia please think about attending and representing the USAWA.  I promise you that you will not be disappointed.  The entry form and announcement will be available soon.

There is some sad news to report from Western Australia which I just seen recently on Facebook.  Frank Lamp has passed away.   Frank was a pioneer in getting the All Rounds established in Australia.  John Mahon summed up it pretty well when he said:

We have received the sad news that Frank Lamp has passed away. Frank has had a significant role in strength sports in WA with most noting his contributions to powerlifting and Weightlifting. For ARWLWA we would not even exist if it was not for Frank Lamp. His contribution to ARWLWA has been unmatched and we will be forever grateful for what he has done for this sport. We pass on our deepest condolences to Franks family and may All-Round Weightlifting in Australia live on in Frank’s memory.

Recently the Australians published a newsletter which highlighted all of the activity from their organization – The All-Round Strenght Athlete Issue 1 (1)

The second annual IAWA OTSM World Championships Postal will be held again this year in July.  Australian John Mahon and I are working on getting the details set for it at this moment, so expect it to be announced soon.

Me and Bill Pearl

by Thom Van Vleck

One of my favorite Bill Pearl photos.  He was in his 40's in this photo and as a teenager that was OLD!  It inspired me to be fit but also fit for life.

One of my favorite Bill Pearl photos. He was in his 40’s in this photo and as a teenager that was OLD! It inspired me to be fit but also fit for life.

If you don’t know who Bill Pearl is then you don’t know weightlifting history and you should drop everything and look him up and learn about the greatest bodybuilder of all time.

There have been countless stories written about Pearl by guys that know much more than me.  This is a story about my relationship with Pearl.

When I first got interested in weightlifting when I was around 14 years old my Uncle Phil took me under his wing and taught me about lifting, lifters, and all the history, types of strength, and just about everything you’d want to know about weightlifting.  My Uncle Phil would tell me, “I’ve forgotten more than you’ll every know”.  He was my guru whereas my Uncle Wayne, his brother, was my training partner.  Wayne didn’t talk much about lifting.  He just did it and with great success.  Phil became a student of the sport, opened a gym, and became a great trainer.

The guy my Uncle Phil first told me about was Bill Pearl.  Pearl was the epitome of size and strength according to Phil. Pearl was a 1 time amateur Mr. Universe and 4 time Pro Mr. Universe.  He first won in 1953 and his last win was in 1971.  This would have been 1977 when I first learned about Pearl so not too long after his last win.  The amazing thing is Pearl never lost.  Theoretically he could have won every year in between but chose to come “down from the mountain” every so often to reclaim the title.

My Uncle Phil had a 3 ring binder that included just about ever photo of Bill Pearl out there.  He “loaned” it to me (40 years later I still have it).  There wasn’t much on lifting out there and I would peruse that binder for inspiration while lifting.

My Uncle Phil met Bill Pearl in the 60’s.  Right after he won the 1967 Mr. Universe.  My Uncle was stationed in Alabama in the Air Force and found out about Pearl appearing at a nearby gym.  Phil went and listened to his seminar.  He said Pearl was wearing street clothes but stripped off his shirt and loaded a barbell to 300lbs.  With no warm up he powercleaned the barbell and pressed it overhead then pressed it behind the neck twice.

Pearl also did feats of strength that inspired me.  He would rip decks of cards in half, tear license plates in half, and blow up hot water bottles.  I learned how to do all of these things because of Pearl.

Then about 15 years ago I got to thinking.  Pearl was still very much alive.  My Uncle Phil was struggling with some health issues and needed some inspiration.  Maybe I could call Pearl and arrange for them to talk on the phone.

After a couple of phone calls I reached Bill!  It seemed weird talking to someone you’d grown up reading about.  The amazing part is he claimed he knew me!  I had been writing articles for Milo, a strength journal, and Bill was a fan.  He love Milo and recognized my name and even quoted a couple of articles he remembered.  Well, that made my day.

I arranged for my Uncle Phil to talk with Pearl.  Phil said they talked for 3 hours!  It had been nearly 40 years in the interim.  Pearl was as friendly as they come.

Over the years I’ve kept in touch with Pearl.  I once had plans to go to Oregon where he lives but he was called away last minute.  I really need to go.  He promised me a workout!

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