Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Heavy lift Photo gallery

By Eric Todd

How many All-round meets can say that they have had their own photographer.  But this Saturday past, the Heavy lift unexpectedly had just that!  Dave Hahn brought his entourage, including his son in law David DiBella who served in that capacity for us all day, then promptly sent the file for me to use.  For all his efforts, I felt I would be remiss in not sharing it with the USAWA membership.  Below are a selection of photos taken throughout the day:

Dean Ross Perfoming the neck lift

Dean Ross Perfoming the neck lift

Dave Hahn performs the neck lift

Dave Hahn performs the neck lift

His majesty, the honorable president, Denny Habecker executes a neck lift

His majesty, the honorable president, Denny Habecker executes a neck lift

I believe this is the best neck lift I was actually successful with

I believe this is the best neck lift I was actually successful with

Greg Cook performs the neck lift in his first Heavy Lift Championship

Greg Cook performs the neck lift in his first Heavy Lift Championship

Lance Foster also completing a neck lift.

Lance Foster also completing a neck lift.

"Scottish Johnny" Strangeway executes perfect form in his neck lift attempt.

“Scottish Johnny” Strangeway executes perfect form in his neck lift attempt.

Dave Hahn with a 550 Hand and Thigh

Dave Hahn with a 550 Hand and Thigh

President Denny with a 650 Hand and Thigh

President Denny with a 650 Hand and Thigh

Dean Ross pulling a Hand and Thigh

Dean Ross pulling a Hand and Thigh

Greg Cook hit some record numbers in the Hand and Thigh

Greg Cook hit some record numbers in the Hand and Thigh

My best Hand and Thigh

My best Hand and Thigh

John Douglas gets some great clearance on the Hand and Thigh

John Douglas gets some great clearance on the Hand and Thigh

John Strangeway again showing the form of a veteran in his first Heavy Lift Championship

John Strangeway again showing the form of a veteran in his first Heavy Lift Championship

Lance Foster preparing to strain against a big Hand and Thigh

Lance Foster preparing to strain against a big Hand and Thigh

Dean Ross showing perfect form in the hip lift

Dean Ross showing perfect form in the hip lift

Denny Habecker Hip Lifting

Denny Habecker Hip Lifting

Dave Hahn preparing to move big weight

Dave Hahn preparing to move big weight

Me preparing for the top lift of the meet

Me preparing for the top lift of the meet

Greg Cook hip lifting

Greg Cook hip lifting

John Douglas Hip Lifting

John Douglas Hip Lifting

Lance Foster Hip Lifting

Lance Foster Hip Lifting

John Strangeway with a big hip lift

John Strangeway with a big hip lift

Group Photo from the Heavy Lift

Group Photo from the Heavy Lift

Lance Foster recieving his 8th place Championship medal from Chris Todd (AKA Leroy)

Lance Foster receiving his 8th place Championship medal from Chris Todd (AKA Leroy)

Dean Ross in seventh

Dean Ross in seventh

John Douglas in sixth

John Douglas in sixth

Denny in 5th

Denny in 5th

Greg in 4th

Greg in 4th

The top 3 received a championship medal and award platter.  Here is Scottish Johnny in third.

The top 3 received a championship medal and award platter. Here is Scottish Johnny in third.

Dave Hahn with runner-up honors at 81 years old.

Dave Hahn with runner-up honors at 81 years old.

Me winning my 4th heavy lift championship.

Me winning my 4th heavy lift championship.

Again, a huge thank you to David Dibella for spending his day with us and sharing his gift.


By Eric Todd



Well, another Heavy Lift is in the books, and a fine championship it was.  The weather could not have been nicer, nor the lifting more impressive.  We had eight lifters, which is a pretty good turnout for this meet, a loader/scorekeeper, and even some dedicated spectators.  We had a diverse array of competitors.  We had greenhorn heavylifters  as well as veterans (Dave Hahn said he had been doing all-round lifting since the 60s).  Bodyweights ranged from 150 to over double that.  Ages from 39 to 81.  And every single lifter left their soul on that platform.

2018 Heavy Lift Championship

We started with the neck lift.  You can imagine my surprise when my neck harness, which is made for my gargantuan gulliver, was a tad tight for a couple of the lifters (I shall not name names).  At any rate, the lifting wents on, and at the end of, half the field had set records.  Dean Ross, Denny Habecker, Dave Hahn, and Greg Cook all had set records in their respective age/weight category in this discipline.

John Strangeway executing the neck lift in pristine fashion

Next, the lifters competed in the hand and thigh.  In this discipline, six out of the eight lifters bested the previous record in their age/weight category.  Each of the lifters who broke a neck lift record also did the same in the hand and thigh.  They were joined this time around by John Douglas and myself.

Dave Hahn executing the hand and thigh at 81 years old.

The third and final event of the day was the hip lift.  This is the event in which the most weight would be lifted.  In this one, five out of the eight broke records.  Dean, Dave, and Denny (Commonly referred to as Triple D) went three for three on the day.  John Douglas and myself again were tagging along.

John Douglas Hip Lift

Heavy Lift Championship Results:

Date: May 5, 208

Where: ET’s House of Iron and Stone, Turney, MO

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Officials, Lance Foster, Denny Habecker, Eric Todd (The one official system was used for the lifts)

Loader: Chris Todd

Score Keeper: Chris Todd

Photographer: Dave Dibella

Lifter Weight Class Age Neck lift Hand and Thigh Hip Lift Total Ajd Age Adj Place
Eric Todd 258 120 43 900 1360 2280 4540 3542.108 3683.79 1
Dave Hahn 150 70 81 400 550 900 1850 1966.92 2793.03 2
John Strangeway 214 100 39 560 1000 1450 3010 2587.697 2587.697 3
Greg Cook 259 120 60 500 850 1225 2575 2005.41 2426.55 4
Denny Habecker 195 90 75 210 650 800 1660 1503.296 2044.48 5
John Douglas 323                           125+ 54 0 920 1350 2270 1590.589 1829.18 6
Dean Ross 242 110 75 210 610 670 1490 1200.791 1633.08 7
Lance Foster 329 125+ 52 360 500 900 1760 1222.848 1381.82 8
Extra attempts for record Lifter Weight
Hand and Thigh Greg Cook 1000
Hand and Thigh John Douglas 1000
Teeth Lift Eric Todd 260


Award Nominations

by Al Myers

It’s that time of the year again to nominate deserving lifters for the yearly awards!  The USAWA award program was started in 2009 to honor those individuals that displays outstanding achievements throughout the year in different categories.  I have been the USAWA Award Director that entire time and was the one who started the USAWA Awards Program.  Part of the USAWA budget goes to these awards, which means that part of your membership dues support this program. These awards are awarded at the Annual General Meeting of the USAWA, which occurs at the same time as the National Championships.   It is important to remember when “casting your vote” that these awards are for the calendar year 2017 (which is the calendar the USAWA follows for memberships, etc.).  Now for a little “overview” of the rules for nominations:

  • You  must be a USAWA member to make a nomination or cast a vote
  • Nominated individuals must be a USAWA members to be eligible
  • Only one individual may be nominated per person per award
  • Two nominations for each award may be submitted, one for your choice of the Winner and one for your choice of the runner-up.
  • The awards are for the calendar year 2017
  • An individual may be nominated for more than one award

These are the different awards for which you should chose your nominations for:

 Athlete of the Year – This award is for the individual who has accomplished the most athletically within the last year in the USAWA. Top placings at the Nationals and World Championships should figure in high. Also, participation in other Championship  Competitions such as the Heavy Lift Championships, the Grip Championships, the Club Championships, the OTSM Championships, the Team Championships, or the National Postal Championships could factor in.  Participation in elite IAWA events such as the Gold Cup should make an influence on earning this award as well.

Leadership Award – This is for an individual that has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the USAWA during the past year. Things that should be looked at are: going above the level expected of an Officer position, promoting sanctioned events with emphasis being on promoting National or World Competitions, promoting the USAWA by developing a strong club, writing articles for publications about the USAWA, or through other means.

Sportsmanship Award – This goes to an individual who possesses and shows great sportsmanship within the USAWA. The act of sportsmanship may be by conduct at all events, or by an specific example of exceptional sportsmanship.

Courage Award – This goes to an individual who shows the courage to overcome an obstacle in order to return to competition. This may be a comeback from an injury, or just having to deal with difficult personal issues but still shows the courage to compete in the USAWA.

Newcomer Award– This award goes to an individual who in new to the USAWA or has become involved again. It doesn’t have to go to someone in their first year of being involved in the USAWA.

As stated earlier in the rules, I would like you to submit your choice for the WINNER and your choice for the RUNNER UP for each award.  I will score it this way:  for each nomination per award I will give 2 points for the nominated winner and 1 point for the nominated runner up.  I will then add up all the points from all nominations with the person receiving the most points declared the winner and the one with the second most points the runner up.  So you can see that the Award Winners are chosen by YOU THE MEMBERSHIP!   That’s the way it should be done.

Please email me at with your nominations.  The deadline for this is next Saturday (May 12th).  I’m only giving a week because it has been my experience with this is that if a person does not make their nominations shortly after reading this announcement, it never gets done.  So make it easy on yourself  (and me!) and turn your nominations in today!!!!

Presidential Cup

By Al Myers


For the seventh year in a row, the now “Annual” USAWA Presidential Cup is being hosted again by our USAWA President Denny Habecker.  This is one of the CHAMPIONSHIP events hosted in the USAWA, and is the Championships of Record Days.  It follows along “the lines” of the IAWA Gold Cup – a lifter picks their best lift and contests it for a USAWA record in this prestigious record day.  After all lifters have performed their record lifts, Denny will pick the effort that impresses him the most and award that lifter the PRESIDENTIAL CUP.  Only one lifter will receive this very important award.   If time allows, lifters will have the opportunity to perform other record day lifts.  So it is a good idea to come with the BIG LIFT in mind, but also be prepared to do other lifts for record if the time allows.

Now a little “rehash” on the Presidential Cup.  These are the guidelines:

The Presidential Cup will follow along some of the same guidelines as the Gold Cup, which is the IAWA meet which recognizes outstanding performances by lifters in the lift/lifts of their choosing.  The Gold Cup started in 1991 under the direction of then-IAWA President Howard Prechtel.  However there will be some differences in the guidelines of the USAWA Presidential Cup:

  • The Presidential Cup is hosted annually by the USAWA President only.
  • Must be a USAWA member to participate.
  • A lifter may choose any official USAWA  lift/lifts (up to a maximum of 5 lifts) to set a USAWA record/records in.
  • The lifter must open at a USAWA Record Poundage on first attempt.
  • The top performance record lift of the entire record day,  which will be chosen by the President, will be awarded the PRESIDENTIAL CUP.


USAWA Presidential Cup

Saturday, August 4th, 2018

Meet Director:  Denny Habecker

Location: Habecker’s Gym, Lebanon, PA

Lifts:  Bring your best lift for record!

Start time:  10 AM,  with weigh-ins before this

Entry Form:  None, but advance notice is required.

Heavy Lift Championship Update

By Eric Todd

Barry Bryan executing a hip lift

The entry deadline for the Heavy Lift Championship has come and gone.  The work has been put in.  Time to reap what we have sown and enjoy a great day of lifting.  I expect to see some big numbers.  Here are the confirmed lifters:

Dean Ross
Lance Foster
Dave Hahn
Eric Todd
Greg Cook
John Douglas
John Strangeway
Denny Habecker


Nice turnout for this championship.  I know we are over a week out, but at this point it looks like the weather should be nice.  Couple reminders:

  • This is a drug tested event.  Any lifter who competes has the possibility of being tested for elevated testosterone.
  • USAWA dress code will be enforced.  It should be nice, but could start off a little cool.  Please be prepared to lift in shirt and shorts or a singlet.  Official dress code can be found in the USAWA rule book here: RULEBOOK
  • The restroom is either an outhouse or tall weeds.  If that does not suit you, you might hit up the pot at the local filling station before coming out here


  • From the North:  Take I-35 going south.  After you pass by Cameron, take exit 48 which is the Lawson/Cameron exit to HWY 69.  Take a left onto 69.  Take it 3 or 4 miles take a left onto 292, which is a gravel road.  Take it a mile or maybe less to the first right, Deer Creek.  Deer Creek winds around a bit, but take it about a mile to the first left, 286th.  Take it about a mile to the third house on the right.  We will be lifting in the big tin can.
  • From the South: Take I-35 going north.  Take exit 40 to HWY 116.  This is the Lathrop/Polo exit.  Take a right on 116.  Take it about 2 miles until you get to 69 HWY.  Take a left.  Go about 4 miles north on 69 and take a right on 280th.  After about a mile take the first left onto Deer Creek.  Take it about a mile going north and take the first right onto 286th.  Take it about a mile to the third house on the right.  We will be lifting in the big tin can.
  • If you follow these directions and get lost, by all means, call me.  If you try plugging my address into GPS and get lost, you are on your own.

Weigh ins officially start at 9:30, but I will be out there before that if you want to weigh in a few minutes early.  I will probably be out there between 8:30 and 9:00.  If I am not there yet come on into the tin can and make yourself at home.  You will have to wait on me.  We will start the rules meeting  directly at 10:00, and lifting at 10:30.  During the rules, I will be happy to outline some suggestions on heavy lifting for some of you that are new to this. We have very cool award platters for the top 3 by formula, and championship medals for all lifters.  Looking forward to another great championship event at the House of Iron and Stone!


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