Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

IAWA(UK) Goerner Club

By Al Myers

Past IAWA President Steve Gardner hoisting up a big Middle Finger Deadlift at the 2000 IAWA Gold Cup!

Past IAWA President Steve Gardner hoisting up a big Middle Finger Deadlift at the 2000 IAWA Gold Cup!

It’s only appropriate that I do a followup on the Goerner Club and the IAWA(UK) as there have been many great Middle Finger Deadlifters in the IAWA(UK) as well as the USAWA.  Finger lifting has always been very popular in England and Scotland.  At every IAWA Gold Cup someone from the IAWA(UK) does some sort of finger lift.  I’ve mentioned that the USAWA has 17 different finger lifts but the IAWA(UK) Rulebook has 22 different lifts done with the fingers! Overall the IAWA(UK) has many less official lifts than the USAWA but not when it comes to the fingers!

So how many IAWA(UK) lifters are there in the Goerner Club?  Does the number exceed the USAWA? Well, I did some checking into this. I recieved help from the finger specialist himself, Steve Gardner, to make this list.  I hope it’s complete, but if anyone is left off the list please let me know and I’ll give you the recognition you deserve.

IAWA(UK) Goerner Club

1. David Horne, England 402.2 Pounds, June 29, 1994
2. Steve Gardner, England 352.5 Pounds, Feb 8, 1992
3. Andy Tomlin, Scotland 352.5 Pounds, Nov 3, 2012
4. John Gardner, England 330.5 Pounds, May 12, 2007
5. M. Street, England 330.5 Pounds, Jan 13, 1994
6. Steve Sherwood, England 330.5 Pounds, Feb. 8th, 1992

That’s SIX LIFTERS. It looks like the USAWA has some catching up to do!!!  But amongst the Goerner Club members who are from the USAWA and the IAWA(UK) the BEST ALL TIME  Middle Fingers Deadlifter is not included.  If anyone knows the answer to this please let it  be known in the Discussion Forum. Anyone who has been involved at all in the last few years should know who it is as it’s pretty obvious.  I plan to do a feature on this lifter in the near future because he is WITHOUT A DOUBT the best finger lifter in IAWA history.

Hack Lift – Fulton Bar

By Al Myers

The best overall IAWA  lift in the Fulton Bar Hack Lift belongs to English lifter Josh Davidson.  He lifted 235.5 KGS on September 3rd, 2016.

The best overall IAWA lift in the Fulton Bar Hack Lift belongs to English lifter Josh Davidson. He lifted 235.5 KGS on September 3rd, 2016.

The last lift of the Grip Championships will be the Fulton Bar Hack Lift. The USAWA classifies the 2″ bar as the Fulton Bar.  The Hack Lift is hard enough, but when you change bars to the Fulton Bar it gets even harder. The bigger bar really wants to hang up on the back of the legs.  This lift has NEVER been contested in a USAWA competition – only in record days in the past. It’s definitely not a favorite lift.  The rules for the Hack Lift – Fulton Bar is as follows from the USAWA Rulebook:

F9. Hack Lift – Fulton Bar

The rules of the Hack Lift apply except a Fulton Bar is used.

The best overall USAWA Records for this lift are:

70 KG Matt Hancock 279
75 KG Roger LaPointe 220
80 KG John McKean 275
85 KG Art Montini 200
90 KG Mike Driscoll 313
100 KG Joe Ciavattone Jr. 357
105 KG Jesse Jobe 310


Deadlift – Middle Fingers

By Al Myers

Our USAWA President Denny Habecker getting getting a good stretch on his middle fingers doing the Middle Fingers Deadlift at the 2011 Grip Championships.

Our USAWA President Denny Habecker getting getting a good stretch on his middle fingers doing the Middle Fingers Deadlift at the 2011 Grip Championships.

The THIRD lift contested at the USAWA Grip Championships is the Deadlift – Middle Fingers.  This is a “love or hate” lift for most lifters. It’s one that has been contested before at the Grip Championships. A USAWA Grip Championship wouldn’t be complete without at least one finger lift in it. A lot of other grip competitions ignore the finger lifts as grip lifts, but not the USAWA!  Out of our over 200 officials lifts, 17 are done with an individual finger/fingers (I’ll give a prize to anyone that knows them all).

The USAWA Rule for the Deadlift – Middle Fingers is:

B7. Deadlift – Fingers, Middle

The rules of the Deadlift apply except only the middle fingers of both hands may be used. The middle fingers of both hands may grip the bar in an alternate manner. The thumb must not be in contact with the lifting fingers.

Pretty simple – just hook your middle fingers around the bar and pull!  The key is to block out the pain and the rest is easy.  I’ve written several past blogs on the Middle Finger Deadlift (you can search and read them on this website if you want to), and in a few of them I’ve mentioned what I like to call the USAWA Goerner Club. The great German Strongman Hermann Goerner claimed to have lifted 308.5 pounds in the MF Deadlift around 1925. I consider this mark the ultimate goal for the Middle Finger Deadlift. Only a few USAWA Lifters have accomplished this. This is the short list for the USAWA Goerner’s Club.

1. Kevin Fulton 400 pounds – 1999 SuperGrip Challenge
2. Ben Edwards 315 pounds – 2016 USAWA Grip Championships
3. Bill DiCiccio 309 pounds – 1994 IAWA Gold Cup

That’s IT – only three lifters.  Several others have been very close to making it in official USAWA competition (Joe Garcia 305#, Myself 305#, James Fuller 303#, and Chad Ullom 300#). But being close doesn’t get you in the club!  It doesn’t even get you a pat on the back. As much as I hate the Middle Fingers Deadlift, it really intriques me as I admire any lifter who wants to punish themselves for the fun of it.  I’ve looked through most all past USAWA meet results (but still may have missed something), so I’m pretty confident that the USAWA Goerner Club stands at three.

But yesterday I got to thinking about how much the pre-USAWA All Rounders loved the MF deadlift.  They also did the MF DL in official competitions so their results are not just some “gym story” of someone doing a big MF deadlift in training somewhere.  The precusor and inspiration for the All Rounds came from the early Missouri Valley Weightlifting Association, whereas Bill Clark promoted Odd Lift competitions for many years. Lets see how the modern age USAWA lifters match up against these old timers! The following is a list I developed from old record lists and meet results from the early days.  I only listed marks that have exceeded Goerners famous 308.5# lift.

1.  Ken McClain, Missouri 350 pounds – 1984
2.  Bill Broadnax, MSP 350 pounds – 1981
3.  Joe Nanney, USP 345 pounds – 1961
4.  Daryl Johnson, Arkansas 335 pounds – 1980
5.  Wilbur Miller, Kansas 320 pounds – 1983

That’s FIVE LIFTERS that I found! There were probably more.  It looks like the USAWA has some catching up to do.  Let’s make that happen at this weekend’s Grip Championships.

Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell, One Arm

By Al Myers

Scott Tully performing the top Fulton Dumbbell Deadlift in the USAWA Record Books at the 2012 Grip Championships.

Scott Tully performing the top Fulton Dumbbell Deadlift in the USAWA Record Books at the 2012 Grip Championships.

The second lift contested this coming weekend at the USAWA Grip Championships will be the Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell, One Arm. This is a great lift in the USAWA and has been contested before at the Grip Championships. It is one of my favorite grip lifts in the USAWA. Several years ago I wrote a blog over the origin of this lift. The following is an exerpt from that blog that I would like to share with you again.

Back in the early 80’s at a odd lifting meet in Liberal, Kansas, meet director Bob Burtzloff included a thick-handled dumbbell deadlift in the contest.  This dumbbell had a smooth 2 inch diameter handle.  Wilbur Miller, the “Cimarron Kid” and Kansas lifting legend,  was the hands on favorite to win this event.  Wilbur has huge hands with long fingers and was very rarely beaten in any lifting event that involved grip strength.  But this day was one of those rare days – when a young farm boy from Nebraska by the name of Kevin Fulton pulled off the upset! Upon Fulton’s winning – Bill Clark announced that this lift would be forever named the Fulton Lift.  This eventually lead to the naming of the 2″ bar as the Fulton Bar along with the Fulton Dumbbell.  As for Wilbur – upon the finish of the event he went back to the warm-up area and proceeded to pull more on this lift than he did in competition.  He went home knowing that he may not have won the event on this day,  but with the satisfaction of knowing he would next time!

This is the USAWA Rule for the Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell, One Arm:

I7. Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell, One Arm

The rules of the Deadlift – One Arm apply except the dumbbell used must have a handle of 2” in diameter. No knurling is allowed on the handle. The maximum diameter of the plates used is 18 inches.

I have some really nice Fulton Dumbbells that we will use in the Grip Championships.  I expect to see some really great lifts this weekend.  Since this is a One Arm event you must choose which hand you want to lift with on all your attempts. Below is the USAWA ALL TIME OVERALL RECORDS in the Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell, One Arm for the Mens Division.

75 KG Stephen Santangelo 130 Stephen Santangelo 130
80 KG Art Montini 60 Art Montini 60
85 KG None Denny Habecker 125
90 KG Denny Habecker 100 Denny Habecker 100
95 KG None None
100 KG Ben Edwards 175 Ben Edwards 185
105 KG None None
110 KG Jeff Ciavattone 190 Jeff Ciavattone 190
115 KG LaVerne Myers 165 LaVerne Myers 187
120 KG Al Myers 170 Al Myers 170
125 KG None Dean Ross 125
125+ KG Darren Barnhart 185 Scott Tully 192

The Best overall All Time USAWA Record is held by Scott Tully with 192 pounds, set at the 2012 USAWA Grip Championships. But I’m sure you are wondering how much did Kevin Fulton lift on that memorial odd lift day in Liberal, Kansas?  It took me “some digging” but I found that Kevin lifted 195 pounds on that day in 1983!  So let’s see if anyone this coming weekend can beat this record mark set by Kevin in the pre-USAWA days!

New IAWA(UK) Website

By Al Myers

Paul Barette has developed a new IAWA(UK) website.  Paul will be the new webmaster for the IAWA(UK), replacing Steve Gardner who has been the webmaster for many years.  The new IAWA(UK) website is blog-based, very similiar to this website.  I applaud Paul in this new endeavor and knowing Paul, know he will do an excellent job with it. He is in the process of updating the new website right now with old posts, pictures, and archives of the IAWA(UK).

The new IAWA(UK) website is

I will keep a link available to the IAWA(UK) website on this site, under ABOUT US “About the IAWA”.


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