Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Postal Championships

By Al Myers

The results of the final USAWA postal competition, the Postal Championships,  is wrapped up.  Our postal meet director Denny Habecker has done a great job this year promoting our postal series.  The Championships had very good participation – with 14 men lifters and 3 women lifters.  The Overall Champion in the Men’s Division was Dan Wagman, and the Overall Champion in the Women’s Division was RJ Jackson.

Meet Results:

2016 USAWA Postal Championships
December 31st, 2016

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Lifts: Abdominal Raise, Pinch Grip, Continental to Belt

Lifters that used a certified official:
Dan Wagman – Official Jarrod Fobes
Al Myers – Official LaVerne Myers
Chad Ullom – Officials Al Myers, LaVerne Myers
LaVerne Myers – Official Al Myers
Barry Bryan – Official Denny Habecker, Art Montini
Barry Pensyl – Officials Denny Habecker, Barry Bryan, Art Montini
Mark Raymond – Officials Frank Ciavattone, Rocky Morrison
Calvin Heit – Official Chad Ullom
Rocky Morrison – Officials Frank Ciavattone, Jeff Ciavattone
Dean Ross – Officials Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, Chad Ullom
Crystal Diggs – Official RJ Jackson
Eric Todd – Official Lance Foster
Lance Foster – Official Eric Todd

Lifters using a non-certified Judge:
Denny Habecker – Judge Aidan Habecker
David Fisher – Judge Lynda Burns
RJ Jackson – Judge Dan Wagman
Lynda Burns – Judge David Fisher


RJ Jackson 55 105 33 131 155 319 518.2
Crystal Diggs 30 164 15 60 95 170 171.0
Lynda Burns 42 205 25 45 115 185 167.9


Dan Wagman 39 185 55 226 375 656 612.6
Al Myers 50 225 50 215 375 640 595.5
Chad Ullom 45 246 55 160 440 655 555.7
LaVerne Myers 72 239 15 190 220 425 460.1
Barry Bryan 58 196 33 165 220 418 449.6
Denny Habecker 74 195 17 105 242 364 445.9
Barry Pensyl 68 149 37 83 176 296 408.8
Mark Raymond 53 238 17 156 231 404 374.9
Eric Todd 41 260 15 125 349 469 372.3
Calvin Heit 14 125 25 67 155 247 359.9
Rocky Morrison 54 270 5 156 242 403 354.0
Dean Ross 74 250 15 110 198 323 346.2
Lance Foster 51 340 0 115 243 358 274.1
David Fisher 42 229 25 45 165 235 201.1

Notes: Age is recorded in years. BWT is bodyweight in pounds. All lifts recorded in pounds. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are overall points adjusted for age and bodyweight corrections.

Stevie Shanks and the Dinnie Stones

By Al Myers

Stevie Shanks making a successful lift of the Dinnie Stones unassisted on October 3rd, 2015.

Stevie Shanks making a successful lift of the Dinnie Stones unassisted on October 3rd, 2015.

It’s about time I revisit a passion of mine – the Dinnie Stones!

Recently Stevie Shanks of Belfast, Northern Ireland, has launched a new website honoring the great Donald Dinnie and the Dinnie Stones.  Stevie is a fellow IAWA and all round lifter as well.  He lifted the Dinnie Stones unassisted in October 2015, to join his father Jack as the only father/son duo to lift the Dinnie Stones unassisted since Donald Dinnie and his dad did so 150 years prior!  Stevie’s work on this new website is to follow in the footsteps of the work the late Gordon Dinnie had done with the prior Dinnie Website.  All of the information from the previous Dinnie website is contained in the new website.

The address for the NEW Dinnie Stone website is –

This new website has a full listing of all the lifters that have lifted the Dinnie Stones unassisted and assisted, as well as those that have successfully carried the Stones unassisted and assisted. It also contains history related to Donald Dinnie and the Dinnie Stones. There’s a “news section” that gives any updates on any recent news regarding the Dinnie Stones.  The website has been developed brilliantly, and contains all the information anyone would want in regards to the Dinnie Stones.  I applaud Stevie Shanks for all the hard work he put into this project and  keeping the legacy of the Dinnie Stones alive!

Lebanon Valley RD

By Denny Habecker

The Lebanon Valley Record Day was a big success, with 6 lifters  setting 18 new records. The meet was run on the 3 referee system with Barry Bryan, Art Montini, and Denny Habecker as judges. We had Barry Pensyl,  Bill Clark, and  Aidan Habecker to round out the crew. Aidan started us off with a great lift of 50 Kg. [110 LBS.] in the Right Hand 2″ Vertical Bar lift breaking the old record by almost 40 lbs., and Bill finished of the day with a great One Hand Deadlift- Left Hand of 165 KG. [364 Lbs.] Barry Bryan and Barry Pensyl even had enough energy left to do the Postal lifts after all the record breaking was done.

Meet Results:

Lebanon Valley Record Day
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA
December 28th, 2016

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Officials (3-official system used): Denny Habecker, Barry Bryan, Art Montini


Aidan Habecker- age 13 – 131 lbs.- 60 Kg. Class

Right Hand  2″ Vertical Bar Lift      50 Kg. [ 110 Lbs.]
Right Hand Fulton Bar Deadlift      25 KG. [ 55 Lbs.]

Bill Clark – age 48 [45-49]- 196 Lbs. – 90 Kg. Class

Hackenschmidt Floor Press   –       120 Kg. [265 Lbs.]
Deadlift – One Arm, Left       –       165 Kg. [ 364 Lbs.]

Barry Bryan – age 58 [55-59] – 196 Lbs. – 90 Kg. Class

Hackenschmidt Floor Press  –       105 Kg. [ 231 Lbs.]
Abdominal Raise                 –         15 Kg. [ 33 Lbs.]
Pinch Grip                          –        75 Kg.  [ 165 Lbs.]

Barry Pensyl -age 68 [ 65-69 ]  149 Lbs. – 70 Kg. Class

Bench Press- Feet in Air      – 67.5 Kg. – [ 149 Lbs.]
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right    – 23.1 Kg. – [ 51 Lbs]
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left      – 22.2 Kg.  -[ 49 Lbs.]

Denny Habecker – age 74 [70-74] – 195 Lbs. – 90 Kg. Class

Finger Lift, Left Index         – 27.5 Kg. – [61 Lbs.]
Finger Lift, Left Little          – 17.5 Kg.  -[ 39 Lbs.]
Finger Lift, Left Middle        – 27.5 Kg.  -[61 Lbs.]
Finger Lift, Left Ring           – 25 Kg.    – [55 Lbs.]

Art Montini -age 89 [ 85-89] – 168 Lbs. – 80 Kg. Class

Steinborn                       30 Kg. [ 66 Lbs.]

I did not list the postal lifts that weren’t records in these results. They will be on the Postal results. After the meet Judy fattened us up with pork barbecue, cold cuts and donuts.

Lateral Raise Lying

By Eric Todd

Eric Todd performed an All Time World Record of 60 kilograms at the 2016 IAWA Gold Cup.(photo and caption courtesy of webmaster)

Eric Todd performed an All Time World Record of 60 kilograms at the 2016 IAWA Gold Cup.(photo and caption courtesy of webmaster)

This October past, I competed in the IAWA Gold Cup for the first time.  This is kind of like the world championships of record breakers.  When I decided to sign up for this meet, I wanted to choose a lift that I could go after not only just an age/weight class record, but an all-time record as well.  I chose the lateral raise lying. The all-time record in this event was 55KG which equaled 121 in American pounds or 60.5 per hand dumbbells.  It was held by Nick McKinless, who was an all-round world champ in 1996, Britain’s strongest man (under 105k) in 2006, as well as a Hollywood stunt man and an action director.  I had heard of him plenty over the years, and figured beating a record of his would be something to sing about.  Anyhow, I spent some time training for this lift.  It took some playing about with it, but ultimately I hit 70 pounds per hand in training, and 66 per hand for 132 pounds or 60 kilo in the Gold Cup meet for the record.

The rules of this lift are as such:
Two evenly loaded dumbbells are used for this lift. The lifter lies on the platform, face up. The dumbbells are placed on the platform on both sides of the lifter, who grips the dumbbells with the palms of the hands facing up at arms’ length, with the arms at a 90 degree angle to the body. Legs are to be straight and flat to the platform, and must remain that way throughout the lift. Width of legs spacing is optional, but must remain in that position throughout the lift. Maximum diameter of the dumbbell plates is 11 inches. The arms must remain straight and elbows locked during the lift. The arms must maintain a 90 degree angle to the body during the lift. Once the lifter is in the correct starting position on the platform, an official will give a command to start the lift. The lifter then raises the dumbbells to a position over the lifter’s body until the dumbbells touch. The dumbbells must be lifted simultaneously. Once the dumbbells are motionless, an official will give a command to end the lift.

Anyhow, I thought I would give some pointers here on things I found technique wise to help out on this lift.  The first thing I did was spread my feet apart to give myself a wide base for stability.  As long as they stayed there, it was within the confines for the rules.  Then I pulled my lats in tight, pulling my shoulder blades together.  This shortened the length of my levers giving me much better leverage. I tightened my core, and squeezed my glutes.  I then lifted my head and began the lift.  On the way up, I really focused on keeping my elbows straight.  Did not matter if I completed the lift, if my elbows bent it would have been a no lift.  I also focused on just keeping the weight moving.  It did not matter how slow the lift, if it ended up together at the end. If I had it to do over again, I would train strictly with standard dumbbells.  I used standard dumbbells up to 50s in training, but then loaded up Olympic dumbbells. After that with 25s. They fell within the 11” diameter, but the 10 kilo plates at the meet were a bit bigger, so we had to go with 5s, which were smaller than what I was used to.  If I had accustomed myself to the longer pull, that would not have been an issue.

I know it is not the most contested lift in the USAWA/IAWA, but it was a fun lift to train.  Maybe you can use some of these pointers to put up your own records in this lift.

Andy Goddard

By Al Myers

Below is a tribute to Andy Goddard by Steve Gardner.  Steve just recently shared this on Facebook.  I knew and competed with Andy through the years and he was a true gentleman on the platform.  We have kept Andy’s memory alive with the annual IAWA World Postal Championships, which is also know as the “Andy Goddard Memorial Meet”.

Andy Goddard

Andy Goddard lifted overhead by Steve!

Here I am with my old friend and all round lifter Andy Goddard. Andy was one of the nicest guys I ever knew, he was a loyal team mate and friend. In his earlier years he had been an Army Boxing Champion but Cancer stopped his career. Some years later I met Andy and he started lifting, he was a real strong fella with a great sense of humour who would take anything on. Sadly the cancer came back and finished him.  Andy lifted in the Worlds in the October and set World Records, but he passed only a few months later. We keep his name alive with the World Postal event. In this photo Andy and I were in Perth Australia for the Worlds, and the local press reporter asked us to do something for the photo, there were no weights at hand so I lifted Andy above my head which they all loved. For some reason Andy didnt want to try and lift me lol! … – Steve Gardner

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