Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

New Official – Rocky Morrison

by Al Myers

I always like it when we get a new certified official in the USAWA. Rocky Morrison of Frank’s Barbell Club just passed the certification process and is now an active Level 1 official. Rocky completed this entire process in under 1 month!  We have been criticized by some saying our officials certification is too difficult  and thus discouraging new officials. But Rocky has proved this NOT TO BE THE CASE as he completed the entire thing in under 30 days.

Now for a brief review on the officials certification process.  First you take an open book test covering the rules in the Rule Book. All questions have answers that can be found in the Rule Book.  You must score over 90% to pass.  The USAWA Official’s Director Joe Garcia grades the test and the test must be sent to him. This is step one. You can retake it as many times as needed.  Once you pass Joe lets me know and I list you as an USAWA Official in Training.

Step two involves successfully completing 3 training sessions at a sanctioned USAWA event. You must have a Level 2 official “sign off” that you were competent completing the session. A form is available on the website that must be completed fully and signed. You may have a different Level 2 Official for each session if you want – or have the same one for all 3 sessions. When completed send this form to Joe for verification and when it’s approved  he lets me know and I list you on the website as a Level 1 official!  That’s it!

Again – big congrats to Rocky for becoming a Certified Official in the USAWA!!!!

Susan makes the Century Club!

by Al Myers

Susan Sees competing in the 2012 USAWA National Championships in Las Vegas.

Susan Sees competing in the 2012 USAWA National Championships in Las Vegas.

I have just updated the USAWA Record List from this summers competitions and there’s BIG NEWS – Susan Sees has just joined the Century Club! The Century Club recognizes lifters who hold over 100 USAWA records. In the Women’s Century Club there are only FOUR lifters who have this honor – 1. Noi Phumchona (260), 2. Ruth Jackson (258), 3. Mary McConnaughey (146), and now Susan at 105 USAWA Records. Our USAWA Record goes way back to the first competition held under USAWA sanction close to 30 years ago.  There have been alot of great women lifters in the USAWA, but this group is the elite record setters.

Congrats Susan!  I know you have worked hard to achieve this and the entire organization is proud of you.

World Postal Championships

by Al Myers

2016 IAWA World Postal Championships
The Andy Goddard Memorial

The results of the 2016 IAWA World Postal Championships are in! The World Postal is one of 3 IAWA competitions each year, with the Gold Cup and the World Championships being the others.  This World Postal gives lifters an opportunity to compete in an IAWA event without the expense of traveling.  There’s really no reason not to enter.  I want to especially thank promoter Steve Gardner for making this happen. Steve gives so much of his time ensuring the future success of the IAWA. All of us need to thank him for this!

These are a few words Steve had in relaying the results of the World Postal,  “24 Teams and 63 lifters…an outstanding result! A big well done and thank you to all who supported The Andy Goddard Memorial event, and congratulations all on your World Rankings!!”

I was so glad to see so many countries represented in this World Postal Championships. It gives great credence to the IAWA being a World organization. I want to thank all lifters who participated from England, the United States, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Your support is what keeps these events occurring.

Top 10 Teams Rankings:

1.    Burton Powerhouse, England 1 1137.1
2.    Granby Grippers, England 1080.7
3.    Burton Powerhouse 2, England 1039.7
4.    Team Northern Ireland, Ireland 977.8
5.    Burton Powerhouse 3, England 963.2
6.    Twyford Celts, Wales 891.0
7.    Dino Gym, USA 885.1
8.    Shut up and Lift, Scotland 881.3
9.    Burton Powerhouse 4, England 880.7
10.  Kansas City, USA 861.6

Top 10 Individuals Rankings:

1.  Steve Sherwood 427.7
2.  Pete Tryner 402.5
3.  Ruth Jackson 374.8
4.  James Gardner 373.7
5.  Steve Andrews 373.5
6.  Phil Crisp 373.5
7.  Stevie Shanks 371.6
8.  Al Myers 364.4
9.  Max Ell 363.9
10.  Roy McLean 363.4

FULL MEET RESULTS (PDF) –  2016-world-postal

OTSM Championships

By Eric Todd


2016 Old Time Strongman Championships

Another chapter of USAWA’s Old Time Strongman Championship is in the books. This is one of the newer championships in the USAWA.  It was started by Thom VanVleck several years ago, and has been hosted by me for the past 3 years.  This year’s event proved to be our best turnout since it has been contested in the big tin-can with ten competitors.  The weather could not have been more cooperative.  It was a great day to be an all-rounder.

The day started off with a bang. My 3 month old black lab/redbone hound mix Archibald was on hand to support us all day.  Before the meet he was causing a commotion over behind some equipment by the wall.  When we looked to see what was going on, it appeared he was doing battle with a critter, which turned out to be a woodchuck.  Before long, it became obvious that Archie would be the victor, and he proudly made a victory lap around the barn with the critter hanging from his mouth.

Anyhow, after the excitement, it was time for the lifting to begin. We had a wide array of competitors with different lifting experience.  Abe Smith made his way back into the USAWA.  Abe saw lots of success competing for Clarks gym a number of years ago.  At a lighter bodyweight with huge poundages lifted, Abe has always been tough to beat in all-round.  President Denny Habecker came from Pennsylvania.  Denny is a seasoned all-rounder and Olympic weightlifter.  His travel partner was one of the senior members of the USAWA, Art Montini.  Dean Ross from Oklahoma was there.  Dean has been a highland games thrower for many years, and now is a stalwart in the USAWA.  My good friend and training partner Lance Foster was there.  Lance has competed in strongman, powerlifting, Highland Games, and all-round.  Scott Tully and Heather Gardner came from Salina, KS to compete.  Scott, who was a huge presence in Strongman for many years, also competed in powerlifting and highland games.  Heather trains at Scott’s gym, Driven Fitness, and has primarily competed in powerlifting.  Greg Cook made his return to all-round.  Greg is an old school powerlifter who I competed with in strongman for a number of years.  Ben Edwards also came to us from Kansas.  Ben has competed in all-round and highland games, but is probably best known for being one of the most successful grip competitors in our area.

We started off with the Dinnie lift. There were some great lifts here, with four lifters going over 600 pounds.  Abe Smith’s 650 without the aid of a hook grip was maybe the most impressive, along with Heather’s 480 record attempt.

The next discipline was the Thor’s hammer. I had heard that in training, Ben had been hitting record poundages, so I knew I would have my work cut out for me to keep pace.  Well, we both hit our stride in this one.  We both hit the all-time record on the Thor’s hammer in competition of 55 pounds.  In a record attempt, I also hit a 60 pound lift, to again beat the all-time record.

In the third lift of the meet, we contested the Saxon Snatch. Though not Art’s favorite lift, he did comment to me that he would be making the implement when he got home.  Scott’s best in the competition was 100 pounds.  But in a record attempt, he nailed 110 for the all-time record in an attempt that looked effortless.

In the last lift of the day, we did the Hackenschmidt Floor Press. Scott opened very conservatively, but ended with a top lift of 355.  Abe wowed everyone again with a 335 lift at 183 pound body weight.  Heather challenged the guys with her 175 lift.

In the end, Abe’s incredible strength per body weight was insurmountable. Particularly impressive as he had not trained for these specific disciplines.   Heather was the women’s champion.  Results are as follows.

Meet Results:

2016 OTSM Championships
September 10, 2016
ET’s House of Stone
Turney, MO

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Officials: Eric Todd, Lance Foster, Denny Habecker

Lifts: Thor’s Hammer, Hackenschmidt Floor Press, Saxon Snatch, Dinnie Lift

Lifter Weight Age Dinnie Thor’s Saxon Hacken Total Ajd Age Adj Place
Eric Todd 259 41 700 55 105 400 1260 983.808 1003.484 2
Dean Ross 253.5 73 400 30 65 215 710 558.912 748.942 5
Denny Habecker 196.5 73 350 25 55 215 645 581.468 779.166 4
Art Montini 176 88 230 12.5 30 100 372.5 358.047 533.49 9
Lance Foster 340 50 480 32.5 60 175 747.5 511.664 567.947 8
Ben Edwards 231 41 500 55 80 245 880 726.528 741.059 7
Greg Cook 254 59 600 40 70 225 935 735.097 882.116 3
Scott Tully 356.5 40 600 40 100 355 1095 733.76 741.2 6
Abe Smith 183 37 650 30 80 335 1095 1028.315 1028.315 1
Heather Gardner 215 35 400 25 65 175 665 570.437 570.431 1
Extra attempts for record Lifter Weight
Hackenschmidt Floor press Dean Ross 225
Dinnie Lift Heather Graham 480
Thor’s Hammer Eric Todd 60
Saxon Snatch Scott Tully 110

All weights recorded in pounds.

Lifter of the Month – Aidan Habecker

by Al Myers

The LIFTER OF THE MONTH for AUGUST goes to Aidan Habecker!

Aidan had a great summer of lifting in the USAWA.  He competed in Boston at our USAWA National Championships, and then wrapped up the summer by winning the PRESIDENTIAL CUP AWARD at the Presidential Cup.  I like to see young lifters in the USAWA as I know that will be our future.  Most young lifters are intimidated by the many lifts of the USAWA and don’t want to get involved because of that.  Not Aidan!  I’ve watched him compete many times and he’s always excited about trying something new. He has the best coach as well with Grandpa Denny.  I see a very bright All Round future for this young man!

Congrats Aidan.

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