Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

World Championships

by Steve Gardner

Lifters competing in the 2015 IAWA World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland.

Lifters competing in the 2015 IAWA World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland.

The 28th Annual IAWA World All Round Weightlifting Championships

With 34 lifters representing: England, Scotland, USA, Ireland, Wales and Finland, completing 7 disciplines over the two days, it certainly made for a very busy weekend. The lifting ran through very smooth, and it was great to see that all of the lifters were engaged in loading and spotting and refereeing when they weren’t lifting, many hands make light work and the enthusiasm produced in the room was just electric. We were treated to excellent lifting across the board, with bags full of records (and some great records too) being broken. It was great to see eight female competitors taking part, and a great mix of Open Division, Juniors and Masters as well. Once again several new lifters were on the platform, and all showed great promise for the future. Well done to David McFadzean and his support team at Castlemilk for promoting a great event. It was really nice that the youngest Competitor: Liam Keddy celebrated his 14th Birthday on the first day of competition, and the oldest: Art Montini celebrated his 88th Birthday on the second day too, thanks to Janet Dick, Judy Habecker and Karen Gardner for arranging the cake, it was a great surprise for Art. Well done to all lifters but especially to the Overall Champion: Mark Haydock who received the new IAWA Championship Belt that had been supplied by members of David’s family to be used as a perpetual Award at the World Championships. Fitting that Mark finished the day with a huge 300 kilos Straddle Deadlift! This was without a doubt another fantastic event in IAWA World Championships History….

Meet Results (PDF) – RESULTS Worlds FBOOK

World Council Meeting

by Steve Gardner

Information from the IAWA World Council Meeting
(held on Friday 9th October at 7pm on the eve of the Championships:

The Chairman: Al Myers opened the Meeting and went through the order of business…with reports on:
1 The minutes from the 2014 Council Meeting – all agreed by those who had been present that they were an accurate account.
2 The World Postal Championships Steve Gardner was asked to run the event in August again, using three lifts from the 2016 World Championships, this year’s event had 67 lifters and 23 teams from 6 different Countries
3 All International Vice Presidents remaining in position
4 A report on international Development – It was reported that it is looking like a group will become active in Northern Ireland thanks to the work being undertaken currently by Steve Gardner and Stevie Shanks
5 The promoter for the 2016 Gold Cup: Al Myers spoke about his arrangements for the event which will take place in Kansas USA and
6 The 2016 World Championships: A letter had been received from New Zealand to say that they were very sorry but for a number of reasons they would no longer be able to run the 2016 World Championships. A promoter had been sourced however after discussion Denny Habecker had offered to run the event in Lebanon PA USA in October 2016. – All agreed that this be the venue for the 2016 Championships, and a list of 6 lifts were accepted as the official lifts for the event:
Day One: Continental Clean, Pullover and Push, 2 Hands Vertical Bars (both 2”)
Day Two: Alternate Grip Clean and Press, One Hand Clean and Jerk on Barbell, Two Hands Ciavattone Deadlift
7 There was nothing to report by the Technical Secretary Dennis Mitchell
8 There being no further business Al Myers Closed the Meeting….

Actual dates of the 2016 Worlds and Gold Cup will be published very soon!

Worlds this weekend!

by Al Myers

A year sure goes by fast!  The IAWA World Championships are this weekend in Glasgow, Scotland.  This is the HIGHLIGHT event in the IAWA every year. Here are some updates that everyone should be aware of:

The 2015 IAWA World Championships – Glasgow, Scotland
by Steve Gardner

This great event is almost upon us and the athletes officials organisers will all be making final preparations….

Some Reminders:
The World Council Meeting is at 7pm on Friday 9th October at the Castlemilk Centre.

The lifting Venue is: Castlemilk Community Centre – 121 Castlemilk Drive, Glasgow, Scotland G45 9UG Tel: 0141 634 2233.

The Weigh in Both Days is at 9am – Lifting both days starts at 10am..

The Banquet is on Sunday 11th October following the lifting: 7.30pm Sit Down at: St Andrew’s in the Square, 1 St Andrews Square, Calton, Glasgow, G1 5PP.

Its going to be a great event, two Platforms running, two flights of lifters….when you weigh in check your flight and group, all lifters (almost to the man and woman) will be helping out in the group they are not lifting in as Referees or Loaders…this is the beauty of the organisation EVERYONE pitches in to help the event flourish… dont forget when you get there check the schedule for your designated duties and lifting groups… Have a good one everyone…ITS GOING TO BE GREAT!!!!

OTSM Championships

by Eric Todd


Group picture from the 2015 USAWA Old Time Strongman Championship (left to right): Denny Habecker, Eric Todd, Art Montini, Lance Foster

Group picture from the 2015 USAWA Old Time Strongman Championship (left to right): Denny Habecker, Eric Todd, Art Montini, Lance Foster

September 26, ET’s House of Iron and Stone played host to the fifth annual USAWA Old Time strongman Championship. Though turnout was rather small (mostly due to poor scheduling by the promoter), the lifting was fantastic and the camaraderie was even better. President Denny Habecker and his trusty sidekick Art Montini made the trip from Pennsylvania to lift. Lance Foster came all the way from from Platte City, MO, and I came all the way across the lawn from inside my house. We started off with Thor’s Hammer, which would have the smallest amount lifted of all the disciplines. Lance and I tied for top honors here, both lifting 35.5 pounds. Denny was not far behind with at record breaking lift of 25.5. In the Saxon snatch, Lance and I tied again with lifts of 80 pounds apiece. In the Apollon’s Axle, it was all Lance. At first, it appeared that he had shot himself in the foot, as he missed his first and second attempts. However, he came back on his third and nailed 165 pounds. Denny struggled with the continental, or he would have given Lance a run for his money. The final lift of the day was the People’s Deadlift. It was a battle. Art set the bar with a lift of 300, a record lift of 320, and he was still grumbling afterwards that we had let him start too light. Denny topped him with a 365, then ground out a record 375. At this point, Lance started lifting and topped out at an impressive 460. This lift ultimately allowed Lance to sneak by Art by one point for second place. Top honors, however, went to his majesty, the President, Denny Habecker. It was a beautiful day to catch up with friends and throw around some iron.


2015 USAWA OTSM Championships
ET’s House of Iron and Stone
Turney, MO
September 26th, 2015

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Scorekeeper: Eric Todd

Officials (3 official system used): Eric Todd, Lance Foster, Denny Habecker, Art Montini

Lifts: Thor’s Hammer, Saxon Snatch, Apollon’s Lift, People’s Deadlift


 LIFTER AGE BWT Thor Sax Apoll People Total Points
Denny Habecker 72 87.3 25.5 50 120 365 560.5 680.8
Lance Foster 49 149.1 35.5 80 165 460 740.5 566.7
Art Montini 87 79.1 10 25 60 300 395 565.8
Eric Todd 40 117.3 35.5 80 110 135 360.5 284.1


Denny Habecker: Saxon Snatch 60#
Denny Habecker: People’s Deadlift 375#
Art Montini: People’s Deadlift 320#

NOTES: Age in years. BWT is bodyweight in kilograms. All lifts recorded in pounds. Total is total pounds lifted. Points are adjusted points for age and bodyweight corrections.

Lifter of the Month – Dean Ross

by Al Myers

Dean Ross performing a One Arm Zercher at the 2015 USAWA Presidential Cup.

Dean Ross performing a One Arm Zercher at the 2015 USAWA Presidential Cup.

The LIFTER OF THE MONTH for the USAWA for the month of August is Dean Ross. Usually this is a difficult decision to select a lifter for this award – but this month it was an EASY, HANDS DOWN decision!  No one has came close to performing like Dean Ross thru the month of August.  Let me “recap” Dean’s highlights from last month.  First, he made the long road trip to Lebanon, PA to compete in the Presidential Cup, hosted by our USAWA President Denny Habecker.   Dean came away with winning the Presidential Cup! This award is for the BEST LIFTER of the meet.   Dean then competed in TWO USAWA Championship events – the Team Championships and the Club Championships.  Dean anchored the Dino Gym for a club victory at the Club Championships, and then teamed with LaVerne Myers for a third place finish in the Team Championships.  On top of all this competing Dean still found time to complete the postal lifts for the USAWA Third Quarter Postal and the IAWA World Postal Meet.  That’s a busy month!

Also, I have to mention that Dean has now entered the TOP TEN in the Century Club for most USAWA records.   I’ll end with a good quote, “We haven’t heard the last of Dean Ross!”



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