Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Don’t Foul It Up!

By Eric Todd

Lance Foster bending skillets!

Lance Foster bending skillets!

Last month, myself and a few of my strongman confederates  (USAWA member Lance Foster among them) were blessed with being able to perform once again for the kids of Camp Quality. Camp Quality is a Camp for children who have cancer.  We have done this show several times before, and it is always a humbling experience.  This year was no exception.

We lifted axles with truck tires, bent nails, tore phone books and decks of cards, bent steel bars, and broke padlocks and concrete blocks.  I even did a teeth lift with a 180ish# atlas stone using my Al Myers constructed teeth bit.  The show went off without a hitch.

Upon completion of the show, one of the directors got on the mic to give us accolades for all we had done for the camp throughout the years from these shows, to raising money for them with “The Gus Lohman Memorial Strongman Challenge”, to my being a companion for a camper there 20 years ago.

It was my experience as a companion that committed me to helping out the cause there at Camp Quality.  I went into the experience not really knowing what to expect.  My camper was a little guy about 14 years old.  He was just out of chemo, so he was bald and weak, and had to report to the nurse’s station intermittently throughout the day.  However, because of his condition we were given a golf cart to navigate the campgrounds on for the week.

The week came and went.  There were many activities offered for the campers.  It had the capacity to be a tremendous experience.  However, my camper was unable to do some, and did not have the strength or energy for others.  When I said goodbye to him at the end of the week as he boarded the big yellow schoolbus, I felt as if he had not really gotten much out of his week with me at camp. I wished I could  have done more.

That following spring the phone rang.  It was a representative of Camp Quality with the sad news that my camper had succumb to his cancer.  His visitation/funeral was that week.  They wondered if I   would attend one, or if they should send another representative from Camp Quality.  I felt it was my job, so I went.  When I got to the visitation, the line was immense, winding out of the church, down a sidewalk, and out into the parking lot.  This gave me a long time to ponder what I would say to his parents.  I had never met them.  I had only spent a week with their son in what seemed to be an experience that could not have been that enjoyable for him.

Finally I got to the front of the line.  I had to tell the parents who I was.  When I said I had been their son’s companion at Camp that year, the mother’s eyes lit up.  She said, “Wait here!”  So I waited.  When she returned, she handed me the handbill for his funeral.  As I turned it over, I saw the picture of him and I that was taken at Camp Quality.  She told me, “When he got back from camp, all he could talk about was the big, strong guy who was his companion this year.”  I walked away from this day very humbled.  I guess the moral of this story is that you maybe never really know when you are making a difference, whether it be for the good or the bad.  You never know who is looking to you to see how you handle yourself or to you as a role model.  So, don’t foul it up!

Eric Todd Lifetime Certification

by Al Myers

Eric Todd becomes a Level 2 USAWA Official at York Barbell.

Eric Todd becomes a Level 2 USAWA Official at York Barbell.

Eric Todd has just earned his Lifetime Certification as an USAWA Official by completing his 25th officiating duty at the 2015 USAWA National Championships.  This now makes Eric a Level 2 Official (highest officiating rank) in the USAWA.  Eric now joins 13 other Level 2 officials in our organization!  Congrats to Eric for this great accomplishment in the USAWA!

Yearly Awards

by Al Myers

Every year since 2009, the USAWA gives out “Yearly Awards” to selected members of the USAWA for outstanding recognition.  These awards are part of the USAWA Awards Program, funded by the organization.  These awards are nominated and voted on by the membership. As with our tradition, these special awards are awarded during our National Championships, right after the meet.  This year it was extra special as they were given out at York Barbell.

The past year’s winners:


Winner – Steve Santangelo

Runner Up – Jeff Ciavattone


Winner – Art Montini

Runner Up – Dick Durante


Winner – Frank Ciavattone

Runner Up – Dave Glasgow


Winner – Al Myers

Runner Up – Denny Habecker


Winner – Chad Ullom

Runner Up – Eric Todd


Winner – Frank’s Barbell Club

Runner Up – Ledaig Athletic Club

Minutes from 2015 National Meeting

by Al Myers, USAWA Secretary


The meeting of the 2015 Annual National Meeting was called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker at 6:15 PM at York Barbell in York, PA. Roll call was taken and these USAWA members were in attendance: Denny Habecker, Dennis Mitchell, Al Myers, Barry Bryan, Bob Geib, Susan Sees, John McKean, Art Montini, Randy Smith, Eric Todd, Frank Ciavattone, and James Fuller. Minutes were read from the 2014 Meeting by USAWA Secretary Al Myers and the Financial Report was given by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers.  The Financial Report showed a positive revenue for the USAWA for the past year.  Bob Geib moved to accept these reports, a second made by Eric Todd, and they passed unanimously.  The Directors reports were given next.  Al Myers, the website director, reported on the website progress and the update to the new website.  Al Myers, the awards director, reported on how the budget money for the awards program is spent, with most of it going to the annual USAWA awards. Records Director Al Myers reported on how the Records List is now available online on the website with the intentions of having an updated list on the website every 1-2 months. The Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom was not in attendance but had given his report to Al Myers to give on his behalf.  20 Drug tests were administered over the previous year at numerous meets with no positive tests.  The Official Director Joe Garcia was not in attendance and no official report was given.  The Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker reported on the USAWA postal program and encouraged more participation.  The IAWA Technical Committee Dennis Mitchell gave a report on the IAWA Technical Committee.  No activity was reported during the previous year.  There was no New Business to discuss.  Bids for the 2016 USAWA Nationals was next on the agenda. Frank Ciavattone made a bid to host the event at his place, and it passed unanimously.  Bob Geib expressed interest in hosting the 2017 USAWA Nationals at his place in Vermillion, Ohio.  Membership discussion supported this.   Election of officers was next: President – Denny Habecker, Vice President Chad Ullom, Secretary/Treasurer Al Myers, At Large Executive Board Member Dennis Mitchell, and At Large Executive Board Member Frank Ciavattone were elected. Eric Todd moved to adjourn the meeting, with a second by Art Montini.  The motion passed unanimously.  The meeting lasted 25 minutes.

Club Champs Date Change

by Al Myers

Due to some scheduling conflicts, the date for the USAWA Club Championships has been changed to Saturday, August 29th. This will allow lifters to attend the “KANSAS DOUBLEHEADER” – the Club Champs on Saturday and the Team Champs on Sunday.  Dave Glasgow, of the Ledaig HA, is still hosting the Club Champs at his gym in Rainbow Bend while I’ll be hosting the Team Champs Sunday at the Dino Gym.  This should help attendance at both meets as lifters can make a full weekend out of it.  Dave and I only live a couple of hours apart so it will make an easy commute.  Let’s make this a great weekend of lifting for the USAWA!

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