Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Lifter of the Month – Denny Habecker

by Al Myers

Denny Habecker performed one of his favorite lifts, the Pullover and Push, for a new IAWA World Record at the most recent Gold Cup in England.

A big CONGRATS goes to our USAWA President, Denny Habecker, for being selected as the USAWA Lifter of the Month for October.  The “big meet” in October was the IAWA Gold Cup in England, and Denny was there to represent the USA.  Denny has been a loyal lifter at Gold Cups, and can always be counted on to be there on behalf off our organization.   Denny has been a superb leader of the USAWA since taking office as President.  Denny makes a huge commitment to the USAWA and travels the country to various meets as well as being at the Worlds and Gold Cups every year.

Dino Gym RD

by Al Myers


Meet Director: Al Myers and the Dino Gym

Meet Date: Sunday, February 15th, 2014 10:00 AM-4:00PM

Location: Dino Gym, Abilene, Kansas

Sanction: USAWA

Entry Form: None – just show up

Entry Fee: None

Lifts: Record Day – Pick any lifts you can set a USAWA record in!

Contact me at if you have any questions

Grip Championships

by Al Myers


The 2015 USAWA Grip Championships will again be held the second Saturday of February, on February 14th.  I know this is Valentine’s Day, and the Grip Champs has been held on this day before as well.  Instead of using this as an excuse not to attend, I recommend that you tell your sweetie that you have planned a special weekend getaway for her, and then bring her to the Dino Gym for the meet.

As usual I picked a very challenging group of grip lifts from our list of official USAWA lifts.   All Championship events must contest official lifts of the organization, and not exhibition lifts.  One of the exciting lifts in this meet that has not been contested before in a Grip Champs is the Bearhug.  There are minimal records in it, so there will be several new USAWA records established.

The following day there will be a record day at the Dino Gym.  If anyone wants to go after a record of two after the meet that will be ok.  However, usually once the meet is over everyone is ready to go to town and  eat a celebration meal, as is the tradition following meets at the Dino Gym.  So unless you want to get several glares from holding up the food consumption from several hungry lifters, make your record lifts quickly.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the Grip Championships!!!


Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Date: Saturday, February 14th, 2015    10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Location: Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410

Sanction: United States All-Round Weightlifting Association. Individual USAWA membership is required of each participant.

Weigh-ins: 9:00-10:00 AM the day of the meet. Lifting will start at 10:00 AM

Divisions: Juniors, Women, Masters, and Open

Awards: Championship Certificates

Entry Fee: None – but please notify me ahead of time if you plan to enter


Finger Lift – Index, Right
Finger Lift – Index, Left
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, One Arm
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2 Bars, 2″

Rules: USAWA General Rules and Scoring Apply.

This will be a DRUG TESTED event.

Registration: No Entry Form, but please contact me ahead of the meet if you plan to attend at

The Race

By Eric Todd

I remember the race very clearly. I was in the 8th grade and had been lifting weights for a spell, when a couple of my school chums became interested in the iron as well. Both were rather athletic. One was the biggest guy in our grade, the star tackle on our junior high football team. The other was smaller than I, but very little body fat, and very strong for his size. Anyhow, the bigger of the two went with his grandparents to Sam’s Club where they had a membership and purchased a weight bench and a 300 pound iron weight set. As they both lived in town, they were able to spend time working out together on this new toy.

At this time, it was known that I was the strongest kid in class. I could do more pull-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups than anyone else in gym class. I was our starting fullback and linebacker, and was winning most of my wrestling matches this year. And it was this particular year that we got a new head football coach, also our PE teacher, who was invested in weight training. So I was able to demonstrate my physical superiority in gym class every couple weeks when he had us train on the universal in the boy’s locker room. It was about half way through the school year when “the race” began. Our coach decided it was time to bring in a real bench and show us proper technique during PE. After a couple times of practice, he had everyone get a one rep max. It was a fine day for me. Out of all the 8th graders in Cameron, I had the top mark of 200 pounds. However, our star tackle was close behind at 185. And when we figured the best pound for pound, the other guy was right behind me as well.

Well, the race was on. They kept training on their super slick Wal-Mart Iron, and I kept lifting on my second hand plastic clad sand weights on the milking floor. Every time one of us hit a new benchmark, the other’s phone would ring. I maintained my lead for a while. But one day the phone rang. I couldn’t believe my ears. The bigger guy hit a 215, and the smaller fellow surpassed me on pound per pound percentage. I tried to be a good sport, congratulating them on a job well done, but when I hung up the phone, I felt a rage in my heart. I had to get back to the top. I did the only thing I could think of. I went out to the milk barn. I upped my training intensity. My focus was rock solid. After I won the small fry state championship in wrestling that year, I was able to spend more time in the milk barn. Later that spring, after track practice, we were at the field house and I decided to see what I had (I could always do more on an iron set than I could with sand for whatever reason). I hit a solid 225#, putting me back ahead either way you looked at it. And there I stayed.

One day after school, I went over to the house where they trained with both fellows. They wanted to show me a neat trick. It was one they had used to take me down earlier that year. They were putting a full roll of paper towels on their chest to bounce the weight off of when they were bench pressing. While this method was a fine training tool (known as towel bench) in the old “Bigger, Faster, Stronger” program, it was a partial movement that they had beaten me with!

However, any way you look at it, it was by being brought down that motivated me to dig in, and fight to be the best. If I had not received that call, I might have been content just resting at the top of the hill. Funny thing about that weight set, too. They gave up training weights after a couple years, and sold the set to another friend of mine. He gave it up after another year or two. I think it was about my freshman year in college, that I inherited that old Sam’s Club iron weight set. It was the first real iron I owned, and it is still part of my collection.

Colorado Record Breaker

by Al Myers


Jarrod Fobes has sanctioned a record breaker day at his gym on December 27th.  The location of the meet is:

6441 E. Evans
Denver, CO

The meet will start at 10:30 AM.  If you plan to attend please contact Jarrod for further information on this meet.  He can be reached by cell phone or text at 720-202-7857.

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