Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Al Spings and his Tractor Lift

by Al Myers and Lance Foster

Al Springs performing his Tractor Lift, which weighs over 3000 pounds!

Most everyone in the USAWA knows or has heard of Al Springs from Dearborn, Missouri.  Al is an eccentric ole’ all rounder, who has been involved with the USAWA for many, many years and has a great passion for weightlifting and anything “all round” in nature.  He is reminiscent of the OLD TIME STRONGMEN of the turn of the previous century in his mindset, and takes on strength challenges that others might pass on.  He is still a very active USAWA member at over 70 years of age.  He competes a few times every year in our organization and even competed on the WORLD STAGE of IAWA this past October at the IAWA World Championships in Salina, Kansas. He won his age and weight class, earning him the right to call himself a World Champion. 

I always enjoy my conversations with Al.  We talk on the phone every couple of months, and when he calls I answer “this is Al”, and he responds, “this is Al” as well.  I know immediately who I am talking to. Recently Lance Foster shared this very interesting picture of Al Springs performing, what he calls, his Tractor Lift. Lance was able to get Al to share his story on his Tractor Lift and this is what Al said:

“Normal H Farmall tractors weigh about 6000 lbs which was too much for lifting, but long enough for what I wanted to transfer into a strongman project, actually a vision of my art to lift. After the transfer the tractor weighs about 3000 lbs.  I made the harness belt also.  The chains hooked to the tractor’s frame was 200 lbs.  While the tractor was in the barn, I would do reps with it. I moved it outside for my daughter to take pictures. My wife Deanna judged the lift.  As far as I know, this is the first time anyone has lifted a tractor that big.  I’ve heard that Paul Anderson lifted a car.”

All I can say is this – THAT’S AN IMPRESSIVE HARNESS LIFT!  Harness lifting was a common strength feat done by Old Time Strongmen as large amounts of weight can be lifted this way.  It was also common for Old Time Strongmen to perform their Harness Lifting on an elevated platform, with the weights below.  This gives a specacular view of the effort and the success of the lift.  Guys like Al Springs represent the roots of All Round Weightlifting and the Old Time Strongman connection, and he is the perfect example of someone who supports the mission statement of the USAWA.


The USAWA was formed to continue the long standing tradition of old-time weightlifters like Eugen Sandow, Louis Cyr, Arthur Saxon, Hermann Goerner, Warren Lincoln Travis, and many others. We strive to preserve the history of the original forms of weightlifting, which in the past has been referred to as “odd lifting”. Many of the lifts we perform are based on stage acts or challenge lifts of old-time strongmen.

USAWA Officials Program

by Al Myers

Chad Ullom has just been promoted to a LEVEL 2 USAWA official. Chad has been one of the "top three" most active USAWA officials in IAWA competions over the past 5 years. In this picture, Chad (on left) is officiating at the 2012 Gold Cup in Glasgow, Scotland.

One thing that has happened over the past three years has been the development of an USAWA Officials Program.  The program started in mid-2009 with the initial guidelines. Since then the program has been improved with rule amendments requiring additional criteria.   I finally feel that we now have a TOP NOTCH officials program, and that is something to be proud of.  Before 2009 several programs had TRIED to be initiated, but failed.  Anyone at that time could be an official in an USAWA meet, without any qualifications.  The previous rulebooks had NO guidelines established for becoming an official, other than a couple vague lines such as these, “all officials must be approved by the USAWA”, and “the general secretary shall maintain a list of the national officials”.  That’s it.  There’s no point in having rules/laws if they’re ambiguous, and are not enforced.  Now if you want your lifts to count you MUST be officiated by a certified USAWA official that is listed on the Officials List.  If this does not happen – the lift/meet was not official, and all invalid results will not be reported in the meet results on the website as well as no records being established.  That’s “the bite” for not following the USAWA rules.

I’m VERY EXCITED to report a couple of “firsts” that have just occurred within the Officials Programs.  Ruth Jackson has just successfully passed the USAWA Rules Test and will become the first USAWA member to undergo the Practical Training Session in becoming an USAWA official.  This change was just passed at the past USAWA meeting as further development of the Officials Program.  She will have one year to accomplish this training.  The development of the Officials Program has been a gradual plan to allow for it’s success, with additional requirements being added yearly.  I have felt that the reason the previous official programs have failed were because of a couple factors, 1. requiring “too much” to begin with that NO ONE wanted to abide by, and 2. No penalties/ramifications for not participating in the program (afterall, before you could STILL be an official in all meets with the SAME privileges as someone certified ).  The IAWA(UK) has ALWAYS been WAY AHEAD of us with their officials program, and have required practical training for years before an IAWA(UK) official could be certified.  Now I feel our officials program is as good (if not better!) than theirs. 

The second “first” is that Chad Ullom has become the first member to apply and be granted  Level 2 certification.  Congrats Chad!  This requires an official to be qualified in TWO CATAGORIES , thus the name Level 2.  Level 2 officials are required to have passed the testing requirements, AND  the experience requirements.  Level 2 USAWA officials are considered the TOP TIER of USAWA Officials, and have Lifetime Certification. 

All the details of the USAWA Officials Program are outlined in the USAWA Rulebook and on this website under “Officials List and Rules Test”

The Most Sexy Bald Men in IAWA


Just when you think the USAWA website has stooped to a new “all time low”, I try to take things a little deeper.  Thus today’s story. You know – our organization is loaded with bald lifters.  Several of these All-Round muscle-men got chrome-domes that radiate sexy.  It is a proven fact that baldness is a sign of vitality and virility (I think I read that in Mens Health…).   I have been known to shave my head for a big meet every now and then – just to give myself that extra BOOST of testosterone that comes from having a sweaty shiny crown!!!   I think is about time that these bald guys get a little recognition, so I conducted a survey of the MOST SEXY BALD MEN in IAWA.  Of course, I couldn’t make this decision by myself  so I assimilated a panel of women to make this big decision so it’s totally impartial on my part.  I collected pictures of all the good looking bald guys in IAWA and presented them to the panel to make a ranking.  I’m only going to reveal the TOP FIVE, but there were over 20 pictures entered.  Just in case you wondered – only lifters that have competed in the IAWA Gold Cup or the IAWA Worlds within the past 3 years were entered.  I’m keeping the identities of this panel a secret – as I don’t want them to get any complaints personally for not being picked,  or worse yet, words of passion  from a bald headed romeo.

Let the countdown begin to NUMBER ONE!!!

5.  Graham Saxton, ENGLAND

Graham Saxton

This burly built muscle bound man oozes sexyness from his shiny noggin.  I want to mention that Graham wasn’t always bald (I have pictures of him sporting a full head of hair and a beard!), but that was before he became handsome.  

4.  John Gardner, ENGLAND

John Gardner

I was somewhat surprised with Big John making the top five.   However, as one of the panelist remarked, “he looks like a big teddy bear to me”. Another lady said she would just love to rub his head, as she was sure it would bring her good luck.

3.  Chad Ullom, UNITED STATES

Chad Ullom

Chad was the only American to make the top five.  Comments from the panel ranged from, “he looks like a crazy man”, to “I bet he knows how to have fun”. 

2.  Andy Tomlin, SCOTLAND

Andy Tomlin

I expected Andy to make it to the top of this competition.  Andy has the perfect bald head – it’s perfectly shaped and it looks like he doesn’t even have to shave it!!  It’s always glossy.  I suspect that he waxes it. 

1.  Peter Phillips, AUSTRALIA

Peter Phillips

Peter didn’t just win the voting majority of the panel for top spot, he had TWICE as many votes as anyone else!  That makes Peter the SEXIEST BALD MAN IN IAWA.   I know Peter – and from what he has told me he is also quite the romantic.  When in Perth last year, he took several of us to this peaceful little stream outside of the city.  It was a beautiful quiet spot.  Peter told me, “this is the place I like to bring  a Sheila and enjoy a nice bottle of wine.”  I just know his perfected bald head probably helps out the romance.

CONGRATS to all bald men in IAWA!!! This is your day!!!!

COMING SOON FROM THE DINO MAN – the men in IAWA with the best hair!!

New Zealand All Round WL

by Al Myers

New Zealand All Round Weightlifting Association

I have just heard that ALL ROUND WEIGHTLIFTING may be rejuvenated in New Zealand.  Cliff Harvey has moved back there, and has taken an interest in promoting the sport.  Cliff has been very involved with All Round lifting for many years, and was a big of the 2007 IAWA World Championships held in Christchurch, NZ.   I attended that World Meet, and it was a unbelievable meet.  The meet director was Bruce Savage, but several others were instrumental as well in promoting this Championship.

Cliff Harvey performing an One Arm DL in the 2007 IAWA World Championships in New Zealand.

Cliff placed 6th OVERALL at the 2007 IAWA Championships in New Zealand.  That year has been the only year the IAWA Champs have been held in New Zealand.  Let’s hope that Cliff gets the New Zealanders reorganized and they host another big IAWA meet in the future!

IAWA World Postal

by Al Myers


The late Andy Goddard performing a very difficult IAWA lift - the Middle Fingers Hack Lift.

Steve Gardner has just announced the details of the 2013 IAWA World Postal Meet.  Steve has been promoting the IAWA World Postal Championships for the past few years in memory of his good friend and training partner Andy Goddard.  I was very fortunate to have known Andy, and competed with him several times before his “too soon” departure.  He was an ALL ROUND GREAT GUY as well as a very good All Round Weightlifter.  I’m glad that this postal championship is dedicated to him, and I applaud Steve for keeping Andy’s memory alive by promoting this important IAWA event in his memory.

The three big promotions of IAWA are the IAWA World Championships, the IAWA Gold Cup, and this World Postal Championships.  Worlds and the Gold Cup requires traveling, but this Postal Champs can be done right in your own gym!  I think this meet is a very important one as it allows everyone the opportunity to compete in a big IAWA event no matter what your circumstances are.  It is also free to enter, so there are very few reasons as to not enter it!

The rules for this event are as follows (as outlined on the entry form):

This competition is open to all IAWA lifters, for teams of three, and individuals as well.  Teams may be a mix of open/masters/juniors/ladies, as well as all age and bodyweight allowances will figure in for the results.  No limit to the number of lifters, if a team or group enter more than three: the top three will form the team score.  A sheet caters or 5 lifters.  If you have two teams, then just copy, and use two sheets, etc.  All lifts must be officiated by  2 or 3 IAWA Referees (they should sign the score sheet).  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN A TEAM.  Individuals may also take part in the competition as all rankings will be listed for age/weight classes.  Have fun lifting in the Annual “Andy Goddard” Memorial Competition.  Good luck.

Now for some added important information:

1. The date for entry is the END OF JULY.  Make sure your lifts are completed and sent to Steve by that time . 

2. The lifts chosen for this event are the Snatch -One Arm (with bar), the Pullover and Push, the Clean and Jerk, and the Deadlift. The One arm snatch and the P&P are USAWA official lifts and the rules are outlined in the USAWA rulebook.  The Clean and Jerk and the the Deadlift are IAWA lifts (not USAWA lifts).  However, the rules for these two lifts are outlined in the USAWA Rulebook under Section X. Rules of the Basic Movements.

3. If you live in the United States, you MUST be an USAWA member to participate.  Make sure to join before you lift in this postal championships or you will find that your lifts will not be recorded in the official scoresheet.

4. All lifts must be performed in the same day.  This is not specified in the event rules, but is a assumed rule of all postal meets. 

5. Please enter your results in kilograms in the scoresheet.  Steve would make the conversions for you – but the meet is scored in kilograms so enter them that way.

6.  Make sure you PRINT the names of the three officials used as well as having the officials sign the scoresheet.  For USAWA lifters, these officials must be active current certified USAWA officials.  Make sure to check their “status” on the website before assuming  they are current.

7.  As per any meet and as OUTLINED in the rulebook, you get three attempts.  These must be declared and adhered to.  You don’t just keep adding weight till you miss and take unlimited attempts.  That’s not the way a meet runs. The fourth block in the entry form is for an extra fourth attempt for record.

8.  Make sure to list all attempts on the entry form.  Circle the ones you make and cross thru the ones that are missed.

9.  Please write CLEARLY on the scoresheet, and fill out the scoresheet completely!

10.  Remember this postal championship is ran on the HONOR SYSTEM.  Be truthful in your efforts,  and feel good about giving your best performance in an honorable manner. If everyone does that – the future of this meet is strong.

ENTRY FORM – 2013 World Postal Entry

1 248 249 250 251 252 463