Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

2023 1st Quarter Postal

We have had great participation in this year’s 1st Postal, with 26 men and 8 women taking part. Dan Wagman is at the top of the men’s list and Beth Skwarecki topped the women this quarter. There was some great lifting done again this quarter with many records set or broken. Thank you to all that participated.

Dan Wagman shared with us that he got all fired up watching RJ pull a huge 131-pound deadlift-no thumbs-one arm and then gave 246 pounds a successful ride for a new all-time record in the 80 kg weight class. Pictured Dan’s second attempt with 236 pounds.

Dan Wagman shared with us that he got all fired up watching RJ pull a huge 131-pound deadlift-no thumbs-one arm and then gave 246 pounds a successful ride for a new all-time record in the 80 kg weight class. Pictured Dan’s second attempt with 236 pounds.

January 1 thru March 31, 2023

The lifts- Swing- Dumbell- 1 Hand, Deadlift- No Thumb- 1-hand, Deadlift- 2 Bars

All lifts are listed in Pounds. Records are marked with an *

Men’s Division:

Dan Wagman          – ?  – 174.4 Lbs. – 110-L*   – 246 -L* – 522*  – 878  – 849.72
Nicholas Frieders – 22  -153.5 Lbs.  –   85-L*  – 175-L      – 460   – 720   – 758.16
John J. Carter       – 64 –     218 Lbs  –  80-R*   – 215 -R* – 410* – 705   – 751.44
Abe Smith            – 41   –  176 Lbs. – 115-R*   – 225-R*  – 420*  -760   – 746.28
Dave DeForest     – 63    –  195 Lbs.  – 75- R*   – 135- L   – 400* – 610   – 685.82
Randy Smith        -68  – 194.5 Lbs. –   84-R    – 155-R     – 320   – 559   – 669.92
Dave Hahn          – 85      143 Lbs.   –  25-L    – 115-R     – 220   – 360    -657.71
Wyatt Sawyers    – 26  -195  Lbs.    –  85 -R   -185-R       -450    -720    – 652.82
Travis Luther       – 30 – 170 Lbs.    -105 -R   – 135-R      – 420   – 660    – 648.78
Barry Pensyl       – 75  -137.5 Lbs.  – 50-R*  – 106-R*    –  231*  – 387    -639.20
Denny Habecker – 80  -184.5 Lbs.  – 40-R*  – 132-R*     – 253*   -425    -620.83
Anthony Hose    – 54  -226 Lbs.     – 80-L*   – 225-L*     – 320    – 625   – 600.94
Barry Bryan       -65  -191.5 Lbs.   – 70-R    -149-R*      – 297   – 516    -595.68
Jeff Wenzel       – 48  – 227 Lbs.    – 75-R    – 175-R*     – 350    – 600   – 545.69
Anthony Lupo   – 57  – 236 Lbs.    – 50-R*  – 165-R*     – 340    – 555   – 535.38
Sanjiv Gupta    – 51  – 195.8 Lbs. – 75-R    – 160-L       – 290    – 525  –  531.78
Eric Todd         – 48  – 277 Lbs.    – 110-R* – 161-R      – 352*  – 623   –  512.22
Brady Habecker -14  -117 Lbs.    – 40-R*   – 77-R*      – 187*  – 304   – 466.36
Chris Todd      – 43   – 277 Lbs.    – 85-L*   – 171-R       –  302  – 558   – 437.74
Bill Clark   –     90    – 203 Lbs.    – 20-R*   – 100-R*     – 150*  – 270   – 421.31
Lance Foster – 57   – 255 Lbs.     – 30-L*    -131-R*     – 282    – 443    -410.82
Leroy Todd   – 11   – 95 Lbs.      – 27.5-R   – 55- R*     – 104     -186.5 – 381.96
Harry Smith  -14   -194 Lbs.     – 40-L*    – 85-L*       – 190    – 315    – 343.64
Everett Todd – 10  – 90 Lbs.     – 25-R      – 50-R*        –  80    – 155   – 334.72
Jarod Fobes  -45   -209 Lbs.    – 80-R      – 180-R      –  0       –  260   – 240.32
Aidan Habecker -19 -184 Lbs. – 70-R*    – 154-R       –  0       – 224   – 214.25


Beth Skwarecki  – 42 – 150.5 Lbs. – 55- R  – 138-R   – 308     – 502    – 549.82
R.J.Jackson      – 61   -103.8 Lbs.  -51-R    – 131-R  – 182      – 364    -515.53
Kim Van Wagner -55  – 126.2 Lbs. -35-R     – 95- R    -170     – 300  –  419.13
Stacy Todd        – 40  – 180 Lbs.   – 57.5-L*- 115-R*   -230*  -402.5  – 386.16
Phoebe Todd     – 12  – 118.6 Lbs. – 30-R    – 70-R*    -120    -220     -370.14
Janet Thompson -65  -165 Lbs.    – 30-L*   – 85-L*    – 150*  -265    – 344.47
Liana Weaver    -20   -146 Lbs.    –  45-L    – 95-L*    – 170   – 310    – 336.23
Lilly Todd          – 13  – 140 Lbs.   – 35-R*   – 75-R*   – 110*  – 220   – 306.95


Phoebe Todd  – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster
Everett Todd  – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster
Eric Todd      – Chris Todd, Lance Foster
Chris Todd    – Eric Todd, Lance Foster
Lance Foster  – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
David DeForest        – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo
Travis Luther           – Bill Clark, Abe Smith
Anthony Lupo         – Bill Clark, Abe Smith
Harry Smith            – Bill Clark, Abe Smith
Bill Clark –             – Dave DeForest, Tony Lupo
John Carter            – Bill Clark
Abe Smith             – Bill Clark
Nicholas Frieders   – Bill Clark
Anthony Lupo       – Bill Ckark
John Wenzel        – Bill Clark
Janet Thompson  – Bill Clark
Liana Weaver      – Bill Clark
Leroy Todd       – Chris Todd
Stacy Todd       – Chris Todd
Lilly Todd        – Chris Todd
Barry Pensyl       – Denny Habecker
Barry Bryan        – Denny Habecker
Brady Habecker  – Denny Habecker
Aidan Habecker  – Denny Habecker
Denny Habecker – Barry Pensyl
Dan Wagman  – R. J. Jackson


Randy Smith, Dave Hahn, Wyatt Sayers,Sanjiv Gupta, Jarod Fobes,
Beth Skwarecki, R.J.Jackson, and Kim Van Wagner.

Lifter of the Month-February

By Eric Todd

The Dino Gym hosted the Grip Championship again this past February.  While Laverne Myers would certainly be a worthy recipient, winning his sixth title here, February’s Lifter of the Month goes to Keving Fulton.  Kevin put up the biggest total at the Grip Championship by way of a 127 pound strict pinch grip (doing a 137# record lift outside the competition) and a 205 pound Vertical Bar Deadlift 1 bar 1″ one hand.  Kevin was a fixture in the USAWA 20 years ago, but has not been in action since.  Kevin was the second American (after our own Frank Ciavattone) to lift the Dinnie Stones unassisted. He was the leader of the old Braveheart Weightlifting club from 2000-2003.  It was great to see Keving return to action, and I hope he continues being active in the USAWA.  Great work, Kevin!

2023 Yearly Award Nominations

by Al Myers

It’s that time of the year again to nominate deserving lifters for the yearly awards!  The USAWA award program was started in 2009 to honor those individuals that displays outstanding achievements throughout the year in different categories.  I have been the USAWA Awards Director that entire time and was the one who started the USAWA Awards Program.  Part of the USAWA budget goes to these awards, which means that part of your membership dues support this program. These awards are awarded at the Annual General Meeting of the USAWA, which occurs at the same time as the National Championships.  Usually the USAWA Awards are “yearly” – meaning they are for the previous year’s accomplishments. I would consider “yearly” as being the time since (and including) last years National Championships.    Now for a little “overview” of the rules for nominations:

  • You  must be a USAWA member to make a nomination or cast a vote
  • Nominated individuals must be a USAWA members to be eligible
  • Only one individual may be nominated per person per award
  • Two nominations for each award may be submitted, one for your choice of the Winner and one for your choice of the runner-up.
  • The awards are for the accomplishments since last June
  • An individual may be nominated for more than one award

These are the different awards for which you should chose your nominations for:

 Athlete of the Year – This award is for the individual who has accomplished the most athletically within the last year in the USAWA. Top placings at the Nationals and World Championships should figure in high. Also, participation in other Championship  Competitions such as the Heavy Lift Championships, the Grip Championships, the Club Championships, the OTSM Championships, the Team Championships, or the National Postal Championships could factor in.  Participation in elite IAWA events such as the Gold Cup should make an influence on earning this award as well.

Leadership Award – This is for an individual that has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the USAWA during the past year. Things that should be looked at are: going above the level expected of an Officer position, promoting sanctioned events with emphasis being on promoting National or World Competitions, promoting the USAWA by developing a strong club, writing articles for publications about the USAWA, or through other means.

Sportsmanship Award – This goes to an individual who possesses and shows great sportsmanship within the USAWA. The act of sportsmanship may be by conduct at all events, or by an specific example of exceptional sportsmanship.

Courage Award – This goes to an individual who shows the courage to overcome an obstacle in order to return to competition. This may be a comeback from an injury, or just having to deal with difficult personal issues but still shows the courage to compete in the USAWA.

Newcomer Award– This award goes to an individual who in new to the USAWA or has become involved again. It doesn’t have to go to someone in their first year of being involved in the USAWA.

As stated earlier in the rules, I would like you to submit your choice for the WINNER and your choice for the RUNNER UP for each award.  I will score it this way:  for each nomination per award I will give 2 points for the nominated winner and 1 point for the nominated runner up.  I will then add up all the points from all nominations with the person receiving the most points declared the winner and the one with the second most points the runner up.  So you can see that the Award Winners are chosen by YOU THE MEMBERSHIP!   That’s the way it should be done.

Please email me at with your nominations.  The deadline for nominations is April 30th.  That’s giving everyone a few weeks to make their decisions.  My experience with this is that if a person does not make their nominations shortly after reading this announcement, it never gets done.  So make it easy on yourself  (and me!) and turn your nominations in today!!!!

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