Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Dumbbell Swing vs. Kettlebell Swing

by Roger LaPointe

Denny Habecker performing a Dumbbell Swing at the 2012 USAWA Club Challenge in Ambridge Barbell Club with an "old-style" 75 pound Jackson Globe Dumbbell.

Everyone knows that kettlebells are extremely popular right now. With that popularity has come a re-introduction of some old exercises and lifts, especially the kettlebell swing. While the one hand and two hand versions of the kettlebell swing are great exercises, they are not competitive lifts.

What is the competitive lifter to do?

Keep training with those kettlebells, as they are great tools. However, now it is time to haul out your Plate Loading Olympic Dumbbell for the Dumbbell Swing. The Dumbbell Swing has rules and records in the USAWA. What makes it a lift great lift is the relative ease of judging a good lift. Basically, it is one of those lifts that is clearly locked out overhead.

To give you an idea of how much a really good lifter can do with a One Hand Swing, we turn to two time Olympian (1932 and 1936) Stanley Kratkowski. As a middle weight (165 pound) lifter, in 1934 Kratkowski held the Right Hand Swing US Record of 178 1/2 pounds… Not too shabby. In the modern All-Round Association, the current World Record is 78.3 Kg (172.6 lbs.) in the 75 kg (165 lbs.) weight class, by R. Meldon of Great Britain. Looking at the other weight classes, I believe there is considerable opportunity for improvement in this lift.

I have found the two hand kettlebell swing to be a really fantastic training exercise for the one hand swing. As a shorter athlete, I find that my grip is the first thing to go. With the two handed kettelbell swing I can concentrate on that triple extension, really working my hips back and neck. The two handed nature of the lift also lends a balance to the body, decreasing spinal torsion issues associated with one handed lifts. As it is an exercise that does not exactly replicate the competitive lift, this is something that I would do for higher reps, particularly working some portion of the lift where I have identified a common problem. Achieving full extension of the hips seems to be a problem for many lifters.

Live Strong, Roger LaPointe

Jobe’s Steel Jungle RD

by Jesse Jobe

Troy Goetsch and Bryan Benzel set the top ALL TIME USAWA record in the Team Deadlift at the Jobe's Steel Jungle Record Day with a lift of 1097 pounds.

Last  Sunday, The Jobe’s Steel Jungle held a record breaking records day.  We had 13 lifters from age 7 to 45 and a total of 188 records were set or broken. To say I was impressed by the lifting that was done this day is a massive understatement. I was very proud of everyone that lifted, but the biggest highlight for me was getting my wife Alison Jobe to compete and she did outstanding. I was also fortunate enough to have my daughter Gabby Jobe lifting and she also did amazing.  I will try to give every great performance its own little paragraph but it might have to be saved for another write up.

First, I want to thank everyone who was able to compete and those who came to watch and cheer us on.  Also I have to give a big thanks to Darren Barnhart and Scott Tully.   They came up to compete, helped me judge some lifts, and give me clarification on a few things I wasn’t 100% sure about. We had a couple newbies lifting but they didn’t disappoint by putting up some big lifts. I had told the guys a couple weeks before that I wanted to make this a special meet and that I wanted to see some lifts that would be remembered.  None of them disappointed me.

I think the biggest news of the meet was some lifts that were set as the all-time highest lifts.  Bryan Benzel stole the show setting four individual all-time lifts and two team lifts with Troy Goetsch. Troy Goetsch set a huge 2” Vbar lift and then two team lifts with Bryan Benzel. Troy’s Grip strength is simply amazing as he doesn’t have huge hands, just a very strong grip. Tim Songster set an all time lift in the Piper Squat, I think eventually he can push this up to 300lbs. Darren Barnhart and Scott Tully actually had the Fulton bar Ciavattone grip team record for about 5 minutes with 650lbs, until Bryan and Troy took it back with 670lbs. I have no doubts that either one of these teams will eventually get 700lbs. My wife set some all time lifts in the 2” Vbar, 1” Vbar, and some finger lifts.

I set the most records of the day with 40. I had a decent game plan and feel I executed it pretty well. I think on some lifts I left a little in the tank, but overall I was happy with the way a lot of them turned out. I have a goal of eventually having 100 records. I am still learning a lot of these lifts and once I figure out some of them, I hope to put up some all time records in some.

Gabby Jobe, at 9 years old, set a number of USAWA records including this 54# 1 inch 1 bar VB deadlift.

My daughter and wife both had tremendous days. My wife, Alison, is a very competitive person in anything she does.  But it took a lot of convincing to get her to do this. She only started lifting last year and has started to make tremendous gains. She has a naturally strong grip and I know that eventually she is going to set some very high marks in the grip events. Gabby has really started to be as serious as a nine year old can be about her training.   I cannot say enough how proud I am of how she did this day.

I was quite pleased with how the day came out. My biggest goal for running this meet was to be able to have people get together and have a good time.  My family was able to come and see my daughter lift and also see my wife compete for the first time.  I look forward to my next USAWA event that I hold.  Competing and hosting USAWA has become one of the most fun and entertaining things I have done in my lifting career. Again, I want to thank everyone for their help.  And a huge thank you to my wife, she cooked the lunch, judged, lifted, and was a great host.

Meet Results

Jobe’s Steel Jungle Record Day
Jobe’s Steel Jungle, Council Bluffs, Iowa
May 20th, 2012

Meet Director:  Jesse Jobe

Officials:  Jesse Jobe, Alison Jobe, Bryan Benzel, Scott Tully, Darren Barnhart

Tim Songster Jr. 7 years old, 66# BWT

Deadlift – 12″ Base:  75#
Deadlift – Heels Together:  67#

Scott Tully 36 years old, 359# BWT

Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat: 200#

Darren Barnhart 44 years old, 296# BWT

Bench Press – Hands Together: 315#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand: 145#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand: 145#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 365#

Josh Haggin 38 years old, 198# BWT

Bent Press – Dumbbell, Right Hand: 60#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 230#
Deadlift – 2 Bars:  430#

Bryan Benzel 25 years old, 288# BWT

James Lift: 202#
Clean and Seated Press: 247#
Clean and Press – On Knees:  227#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand: 215#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 602#
Clean and Press – Middle Fingers:  87#
Deadlift – One Leg, Right:  205#
Deadlift – One Leg, Left:  205#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm:  235#

Mac Capello 34 years old, 242# BWT

Reflex Clean and Jerk: 255#
Snatch – Fulton Bar:  170#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  195#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Mid/Ring Fingers:  230#
Pinch Grip: 170#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  160#
Jerk – From Rack, Behind Neck:  275#
Continental to Chest – Fulton Bar:  305#
Deadlift – No Thumbs:  367#
Pull Up:  45#

Gabby Jobe FEMALE,  9 years old, 91# BWT

Squat – 12” Base:  80#
Squat – Front:  72#
James Lift:  15#
Arthur Lift:  15#
Deadlift – 2 Dumbbells:  60#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  50#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  50#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip:  75#
Deadlift – Heels Together:  115#
Curl – Strict:  20#
Bent Over Row:  45#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  35#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  37#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  37#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  54#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  54#

Zach Jelinek 23 years old, 199# BWT

Squat – Piper:  225#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  135#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Mid/Ring Fingers:  230#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  230#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  230#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  175#
Deadlift – 2 Bars:  450#
Deadlift – No Thumbs:  367#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  160#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#
Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Index, Left Hand:  96.5#
Finger Lift – Index, Right Hand:  91.5#
Finger Lift – Ring, Left Hand:  84#
Finger Lift – Middle, Left Hand:  105.5#
Finger Lift – Middle, Right Hand:  91.5#

Alison Jobe  – FEMALE, 36 years old, 231#BWT

Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Index, Left Hand:  79#
Finger Lift – Index, Right Hand:  79#
Finger Lift – Ring, Left Hand:  64#
Finger Lift – Ring, Right Hand:  64#
Finger Lift – Middle, Left Hand:  79#
Finger Lift – Middle, Right Hand:  115#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Left Hand:  29#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Right Hand:  29#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  110#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  135#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  129#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  129#
Deadlift – Fingers, Index:  115#
Deadlift – Fingers, Middle:  115#
Deadlift – Fingers, Ring:  115#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  165#
Deadlift – Reeves:  135#
Curl – Strict:  55#
Bench Press – Alternate Grip:  85#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip:  85#

Troy Goetsch 25 years old, 193# BWT

Bench Press – Left Arm:  70#
Bench Press – Right Arm:  115#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  70#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  90#
Clean and Press – Fulton Bar:  180#
Pinch Grip:  170#
Pinch Grip – Left Hand:  75#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  310#
Snatch – Fulton Bar:  145#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  235#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  255#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  180#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  180#
Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells:  140#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm:  170#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm:  205# 
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Heels Together:  360#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  135#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#

Corey Kenkel 29 years old, 186# BWT

Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  70#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  70#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  100#
Apollons Lift:  190#
Clean and Jerk – Fulton Bar:  190#
Reflex Clean and Push Press:  140#
Reflex Clean and Jerk: 140#
Pinch Grip: 110#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar:  360#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  285#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  112.5#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  135#
Snatch – On Knees:  67#
James Lift:  87#
Squat – Overhead:  87#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  155#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  155#
Miller Clean and Jerk:  87#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip:  185#

Tim Songster 45 years old, 209# BWT

Squat – Piper:  245#
Bench Press – Hands Together:  195#
Clean and Press:  165#
Clean and Press – Behind Neck:  155#
Squat – Lunge:  225#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  80#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  80#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  112.5#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  112.5#
Snatch – On Knees:  87#
Squat – Overhead:  87#
Lateral Raise – Lying:  80#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  140#
Pull Up:  25#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip:  175#
Reflex Clean and Push Press:  155#
Clean and Press – 12” Base:  135#
Good Morning:  135#
Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Right Hand:  54#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  135#
French Press:  75#
Snatch – Left Arm:  75#
Snatch – Right Arm:  75#

Jesse Jobe 35 years old, 228# BWT

Clean and Jerk – Behind Neck:  200#
Clean and Press – Middle Fingers:  90#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  100#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  100#
Pinch Grip:  170#
Clean and Press:  170#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  170#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  175#
Clean and Press – 12” Base:  190#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm:  100#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Left Arm:  100#
Deadlift – One Leg, Left:  185#
Snatch – On Knees:  107#
Lateral Raise – Lying:  80#
Lateral Raise – Standing:  40#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  160#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  215#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  90#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  90#
Pull Up:  20#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  170#
Deadlift – No Thumbs:  505#
Reflex Clean and Push Press:  205#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Mid/Ring Fingers:  185#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  282#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  282#
Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Index, Left Hand:  103#
Finger Lift – Index, Right Hand:  103#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Left Hand:  29#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Right Hand:  54#
Piper Squat: 135#
Clean and Jerk – 2 Dumbbells:  140#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  175#
Hack Lift – Fulton Bar:  310#

Bryan Benzel and Troy Goetsch

Team Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  670#
Team Deadlift:  1097#

Josh Haggin and Troy Goetsch

Team Deadlift:  850#

USAWA History – 1998 Nationals

by Al Myers

(The following was written by Bill Clark in the Strength Journal.)


“High praise for the guys who loaded…best job I’ve ever had.  Four great guys – Mike Enright, Chris Sullivan, Nick Lacivita, and Jim Paluso had not one complaint.  The platform was built by Walt Lacivita and his crew… the banquet was a real Italian, all-you-can-eat feast.”


Each year, the Ciavattone Family presents the Ciavattone Award to a person in the USAWA who shows the strength and courage exhibited by Frank in his battle against many physical problems without ever losing his youthful enthusiam for life.

The 1998 award was presented to Denny Habecker of Lebanon, PA., a lifter who always has time for the sport, his family, and for his community.  The award was presented by Cara (Ciavattone) Collins, Frank Sr’s daughter.


1998 USAWA National Championships
July 25-26, 1998
Mansfield, Massachusetts

Meet Director: Frank Ciavattone
Loaders: Mike Enright, Chris Sullivan, Nick Lacivita, Jim Paluso

Lifts: One-Hand Clean and Jerk, Pullover and Press, Deadlift with Ciavattone Grip, Cheat Curl, Clean and Press on Knees, Continental Snatch, Bench Press Feet in Air, Neck Lift

Men: Top Ten Placings
1. Joe Ciavattone, Massachusetts
2. John Monk, Pennsylvania
3. Frank Ciavattone, Massachusetts
4. Bill Spayd, Pennsylvania
5. Joe Garcia, Missouri
6. Jeff Ciavattone, Massachusetts
7. John McKean, Pennsylvania
8. Denny Habecker, Pennsylvania
9. Tim Kennedy, Massachusetts
10. Ralph Cirafesi, Pennsylvania

Women: Top Three Placings
1. Noi Phumchaona, Ohio
2. Cara Collins, Massachusetts
3. Domenique Ciavattone, Massachusetts

Best Lifters Awards:
Men Open – Joe Ciavattone
Men Master – Frank Ciavattone
Women Junior – Domenique Ciavattone
Women Open – Noi Phumchaona
Women Master – Noi Phumchaona
Men Junior – Jeff Ciavattone
Frank Ciavattone Sr. Award – Denny Habecker

USAWA History – 1997 Nationals

by Al Myers

(The following meet report was written by Bill Clark in the Strength Journal, Vol. VIII No. 3)


Columbia, MO – – Noi Phumchaona won the women’s title handily at the 10th Annual USAWA Championships here on June 14-15, but it was not an easy victory for Jim Malloy in winning the “Best Lifter” among the men.

Malloy, a 110 KG champ in the 55-59 age group, had the meet’s highest total of 3515 pounds and finished on top of the eight-lift event with 3285.94 points on the corrected age and bodyweight basis.  He edged fellow Cleveland lifter, Bob Hirsh, who had 3113.35 points.  Joe Garcia, who had the best neck and hand-and-thigh lifts in the meet, was close behind in third with 3018.62 points.  His total of 3485 pounds was second only to Malloy. 

The closest battle for an award ever in the USAWA Nationals came in the 50-54 age group here.  Joe Caron finished with 2790.37 points to edge Denny Habecker by less than a point. Denny had 2789.69 points….a mere .48 of a point difference.

A total of only 22 lifters made it to the platform – the lowest ever in a USAWA title meet, and five of the 22 were from the host club – Clark’s Gym.  Even with the small number, lifters came from Massachusetts (Dave Ellis and Frank Ciavattone) to California (Jack Lano).

A brief record session was held following the competition each day and the star of the day on Sunday was Kerry Clark.  Kerry had not entered the competition because a severe reaction to medication had sent her to the hospital and her bodyweight had dropped almost overnight.  She spent both days in the referee’s chair on one of the platforms and when the neck lift came up, the competitive juices began to flow.  With no training in almost a year, she made 505 pounds in the 70 KG class, a lift which was beaten only by Garcia’s 510.  She tried 600, but without success.

Clark’s Gym came up with a trio of youngsters who have a good chance to make headlines in the USAWA for years to come.  Emily Gordon, a 14-year-old junior high soccer player, was in her third major competition in  a little over a year and, at a bodyweight of 99.6 pounds, did a 350 hand-and- thigh and a 735 harness lift.  She set 10 USAWA records during the weekend.  Jonathan Anderson, Kerry’s 12-year-old nephew, made a 200-pound neck lift and set eight records in his first-ever competition.  Andy Bate, an 18-year-old who loaded on Saturday, decided to lift on Sunday as a record-seeker only, and came away with four records in his initial effort.  All the kids, plus a couple of others, are considering the IAWA International Meet in October in Pennsylvania. 


1997 USAWA National Championships
June 14-15, 1997
Columbia, Missouri

Meet Director: Bill Clark and Joe Garcia
Emcee: Bill Clark
Equipment Hauler: John Carter
Sales: Dolores Clark
Loaders: John Carter, Andy Bate, Charles Wade, Dan Thompson, Tyler Lasley, Judy Habecker
Head Officials: Kerry Clark, Casey Clark

Lifts: Clean and Press Heels Together, Deadlift with Ciavattone Grip, Steinborn, Hand and Thigh, One-Hand Deadlift, Pullover and Push, Clean and Press on Knees, Neck Lift

Men: Top Ten Placings
1. Jim Malloy, Ohio
2. Bob Hirsh, Ohio
3. Joe Garcia, Missouri
4. Chris Waterman, Ohio
5. Joe Caron, Kansas
6. Denny Habecker, Pennsylvania
7. Dale Friesz, Virginia
8. John Vernacchio, Pennsylvania
9. John Carter, Missouri
10. Howard Prechtel, Ohio

Women: Top Three Placings
1. Noi Phumchaona, Ohio
2. Karen Devine, Pennsylvania
3. Emily Gordon, Missouri

Best Lifters Awards:
Men Overall – Jim Malloy
Women Master – Noi Phumchaona
Men Open – Bob Hirsh
Men Master – Jim Malloy
Men 20-39 Age Group – John Carter
Men 40-44 Age Group – Bob Hirsh
Men 50-54 Age Group – Joe Caron
Men 55-59 Age Group – Jim Malloy
Men 60-64 Age Group – John Vernacchio
Men 65-69 Age Group – Dennis Mitchell
Men 70-74 Age Group – Howard Prechtel
Men 75-79 Age Group – Jack Lano
Women Junior – Emily Gordon
Men Junior – Jonathon Anderson

USAWA History – 1996 Nationals

by Al Myers

(The following meet report covering the 1996 USAWA National Championships  was written by Bill Clark in the August 1996 issue of the Strength Journal, Vol. VII No.5)


The crowd was the smallest in the history of the USAWA’s national championships which originated in 1988, but the lifting was excellent, the food great, the fun unmarred by the competition, and the weekend a tribute to the Ciavattone Family in general and the memory of Frank Ciavattone Sr., in particular.

A field of 23 lifters were on hand for the Ninth Annual USAWA Championships which were held in the Holiday Inn in Mansfield, Mass., a fine facility which seemed to perfectly fit the needs of the small crowd.

Five members of the Ciavattone Family lifted in the competition and, when the meet was done, three-year-old Joseph Ciavattone did an exhibition Ciavattone lift with 10 kilos which must have set a USAWA record for most lifters in one extended family in a single meet, beating out the many Montinis of Aliquippa, Pa.

Cleveland’s Bob Hirsh was an easy winner of the best lifter award for Americans, but waged a huge battle with England’s Steve Angell for the bragging rights, regardless of nationality.  Bob finished with 1162.5 points on the Lynch Formula.  Steve wound up with 1172.5 points.  Hirsh received one per cent age correction — 11.6 points – which gave him an edge of 1.6 points on teh age-corrected total… a tremendous battle between two great lifters.  Bob is only 41; Steve is 26.

Cara Ciavattone took the women’s overall title.  She shared gals’ honors with Noi Phumchaona the masters’ leader, and Holly Ciavattone, her niece, who won teenage honors.

Joe Ciavattone was the best open lifter (Angell was not eligible for USAWA awards) and his nephew, Jeff, was the best teenager.  Only one Ciavattone failed to win age group honors.  As is normally the case, the meet director has many thing to distract his concentration on lifting and this meet was no exception.  Frank Jr., failed to break a couple of records he had hoped to exceed, but had to be happy with the way the weekend progressed.  He took home the best meet director award…. and well-deserved.

The Ciavattone neck proved to be super strong – this time it belonged to younger brother Joe.  Frank had taken the neck record up to 322.5 kg (711 pounds) at the 1992 Nationals in his hometown of Walpole, Mass., and it still stands as the heavyweight record.  It was also a Ciavattone Family record. No longer!!!!!

Joe, only 27 and lifting in the 105 KG class at a bodyweight of only 223, made a 287.5 KG opener, jumped to 325 for a family record ad the best-ever neck lift.  He missed it the first time, but got a better lean and a more balanced drive to make the 325 – 716 1/2 pounds …. the best of all-time.

The Ciavattone Family neck battle is now under way.


The Sunday evening banquet, which left most everyone full of bar-b-q, was highlighted by the presentation of the Frank D. Ciavattone Sr. Courage Awards for both 1995 and 1996.  Frank Sr. was a long-time supporter of all varieties of lifting, who, in his final years, was a staunch supporter of the USAWA.   He served the USAWA as an official despite being battered by diabetes and cancer and the strength with which he fought his conditions is very much evident in this family.  In memory of her husband, Josephine Ciavattone presented the 1995 Courage Award to Howard Prechtel, the USAWA President who still sets records at 71 despite recurring problems stemming from World War II wounds.  The 1996 Courage Award went to Bill Clark, who has overcame three joint replacements to win two USAWA titles and set nearly 100 age group records at age 64.


1996 USAWA National Championships
June 22-23, 1996
Mansfield, Massachusetts

Meet Director: Frank Ciavattone
Loaders: Mark Bridges, Ramon Lopez, Jim Collins

Lifts: Clean and Press Heels Together, Continental to Chest, Pullover and Press, Zercher Lift, Deadlift with Ciavattone Grip, One-Arm Clean and Jerk, One-Arm Deadlift, Neck Lift

Men: Top Ten Placings
1. Bob Hirsh, Ohio
2. Chris Waterman, Ohio
3. Barry Pensyl, Pennsylvania
4. Art Montini, Pennsylvania
5. Jim Malloy, Ohio
6. Joe Ciavattone, Massachusetts
7. Denny Habecker, Pennsylvania
8. Pete Zaremba, Ohio
9. Howard Prechtel, Ohio
10. Dale Friesz, Virginia

Women: Top Three Placings
1. Cara Ciavattone, Massachusetts
2. Noi Phumchaona, Ohio
3. Holly Ciavattone, Massachusetts

Best Lifter Awards:
Women Junior – Holly Ciavattone
Women Open – Cara Ciavattone
Women Master – Noi Phumchaona
Men Junior – Jeff Ciavattone
Men Open – Bob Hirsh
Men Master – Bob Hirsh
Men 40-44 Age Group – Bob Hirsh
Men 45-49 Age Group – Barry Pensyl
Men 50-54 Age Group – Jim Malloy
Men 55-59 Age Group – Dale Friesz
Men 60-64 Age Group – Dennis Mitchell
Men 65-69 Age Group – Art Montini
Men 70-74 Age Group – Howard Prechtel
Frank Ciavattone Sr. Award – Bill Clark

1 291 292 293 294 295 462