Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

2022 National Postal Championship

By Denny Habecker

Dan Wagman executes a Bench Press-Reverse Grip in the National Postal Championship.

Dan Wagman executes a Bench Press-Reverse Grip in the National Postal Championship.

We had great participation in the 2022 4th Quarter Postal again, with 24 men and 7 women taking part. There  were some great lifts done in this meet, with many records set or broken. Jeff Ciavattone set a tough standard in the men’s division and Beth Skwarecki placed at the top of the women’s division.

4th Quarter Postal – October 1 thru December 31, 2022

The Lifts : Bench Press- Reverse Grip, Deadlift – Dumbbell – One Hand, Zercher

Records are marked with an * All weights are in Pounds


Jeff Ciavattone    – 43    – 240        – 315 *      – 425 -R*       – 450 *       – 1190    – 1003
Abe Smith          – 41    – 180       – 270 *      – 300 -R*        -370 *        –  940     -910.76
Randy Smith      – 68     – 197       – 155         – 228.5 -R      – 295           – 678.5  – 807.4
Anthony Hose    – 53    –  228       – 285 *       – 280 – R*     – 275           – 840     – 796.91
Nick Frieder       – 22     -153        – 165         – 248  -R       – 340            – 753     – 791.4
Dave Hahn        – 85    – 142        – 100         – 125 – L        – 190            – 415    – 761.44
Barry Bryan       – 64   – 185        – 226 *      – 187 – R       – 220            – 633     – 739.42
John J. Carter    – 64  –  215        – 115         – 260 – R*     – 300*           – 675     – 724.61
Dave DeForest   – 62   – 190         – 170        – 238 -L*       – 200            – 608     – 688.38
Frank Ciavattone- 67  – 276       – 155         – 310 – R*      – 225            – 690    –   672.47
Jarrod Fobes      – 45 – 209      – 240          – 235  -R        – 215             – 690      – 637.78
Dan Wagman         – 175.8       – 331 *      – 331 -L*        –   0              – 662       – 637.77
Barry Pensyl    – 74 –    140       –  44        –  154 – R       – 176             – 374       – 601.14
Denny Habecker -80 -181        – 88 *        – 176 -R*      – 143             – 407        – 600.95
Chris Todd        – 43 – 270       -225 *       – 280 – R*      – 225 *          -730         – 579.04
Wade Marchand -53 – 162     – 155 *       – 211 -L*       – 112              -478         – 552.38
Eric Todd         – 47  – 263      – 225         – 300 – L*       -135             – 660         – 551.63
Tony Lupo       – 56  – 236.5    – 250*       – 165-R*          – 155        –   570       –   544.65
Leroy Todd      – 11   -92.4       – 45*        – 90-R*            – 80          –   215       –   451.82
Sanjiv Gupta   – 51  -194.9       – 0          – 170-R         – 175             –  345        –  381.63
Mark Raymond -59   -226        -125*       – 170-L *       – 55               –  350        – 352.42
Everett Todd   – 9    – 86         – 40*         – 70-R*         –  45               – 155         -351.11
Lance Foster  – 57  – 263        – 0            – 210-R*      – 135               – 345         – 315.05
Bill Clark       – 90  – 197.5     -55*          -108-R*        –  0                 -163      –     258.30


Beth Skwarecki   – 42 – 145      – 121*      – 187-L*       -222*            – 531       – 596.64
R.J. Jackson       – 61  – 103.4   – 100       – 171-R        – 67                – 338       – 479.62
Stacy Todd      –   39  – 180.4   – 120*      – 205-R*      – 170*            – 495        – 469.50
Kim Van Wagner -55    -124      – 95          -95-R          -130               – 320       – 453.12
Lily Todd           – 13   – 137.8   – 80*        – 115-R*     – 110*             – 305      –  416.51
Phoebe Todd     – 12   – 118      – 50*        -120-R*      – 70*              – 240        –  405
Janet Thompson -65   -165      – 40*        – 75- R*       -45*              – 160        201.94


Abe Smith- Bill Clark, Tony Lupo, Dave DeForest
Nick Frieders- Bill Clark, Tony Lupo, Dave DeForest
Anthony Hose- Tony Lupo, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
John Carter- Tony Lupo, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
Tony Lupo- Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
Dave DeForest- Bill Clark, Tony Lupo
Bill Clark     – Dave DeForest, Tony Lupo
Janet Thompson – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo
Chris Todd – Eric Todd, Lance Foster, Jeff Rigby[Probational}
Leroy Todd- Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Stacy Todd – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Lilly Todd – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Phoebe Todd – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Eric Todd – Chris Todd, Lance Foster, Jeff Rigby
Lance Foster – Chris Todd, Jeff Rigby
Jeff Ciavattone – Frank Ciavattone, Mark Raymond
Frank Ciavattone- Jeff Ciavattone, Mark Raymond
Wade Marchand – Jeff Ciavattone, Mark Raymond
Mark Raymond- Frank Ciavattone, Jeff Ciavattone
Barry Bryan- Denny Habecker, Bethh Skwarecki
Denny Habecker- Barry Bryan, Beth Skwarecki
Beth Skwarecki – Barry Bryan, Denny Habecker
Dan Wagman – R.J. Jackson

Lifters with no Certified Official:

Randy Smith, Jarrod Fobes, Barry Pensyl, Sanjiv Guota,

R.J. Jackson, Kim Van Wagner






Recording Records-Converting Kilos to Pounds

A few years ago the call was made to allow partial pounds in our record book. This was mostly due to converting kilograms meets to pounds to not shortchange the US crowd. This carried over to using half pounds throughout. It has been requested by a member we adhere to the organization’s rules and no longer use partial lbs. All current partial records will be rounded down as per the rules of the USAWA. Please remember for future record attempts to no longer use partial pounds.

Second Quarter Postal

By Eric Todd

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets.. These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker. This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.


Cheat Curl
Snatch – One Hand
Continental to Belt

The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
All lifts must be done on the same day
USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
Record results on scoresheet in pounds
At least 1 certified official required for records
May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
Scoresheet must be fully filled out
No entry fee



First Quarter Postal

By Eric Todd

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets. These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker. This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.


Dumbell Swing – One Hand
Deadlift- No Thumb – One Hand
Deadlift – 2 Bars

The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
All lifts must be done on the same day
USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
Record results on scoresheet in pounds
At least 1 certified official required for records
May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
Scoresheet must be fully filled out
No entry fee

Grip Championships

By Al Myers


The new year is now upon us and with that comes the announcement for the annual Grip Championships! The Grip Championships have always been the first Championship event in the USAWA every year.

This competition has been a popular one in the USAWA throughout the years.  At times it has been one of the largest events attended for the year in the USAWA.  I always try to “mix things up” with the chosen lifts, but have always kept them to official lifts of the USAWA.


Meet Director:            Al Myers  email:

Meet Date:                 Saturday, February 11th, 2023  1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location:                    Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410

Sanction:                    USAWA  – Membership required

Weigh-ins:                  12:00-1:00 PM the day of the meet

Divisions:                   Juniors, Women, Masters, and Open

Awards:                     None

Entry:                        None – But please give advance notification if attending


Pinch Grip – Strict

Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, One Hand

Deadlift – Fingers, Index 

Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip

Rim Lift

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