Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Hot Stove Workout

by Thom Van Vleck

A Hot Stove is where work gets done, and managing what's important means putting it up front or in back....managing your workout is the idea of this article.

I just wanted to share a workout plan I have for this winter.  As most of you know, I do a lot of throwing in the Scottish Highland Games.   Winter time for me is “off season”.  It is a time where I am trying to build strength again.  I also want to increase my conditioning and flexibility.  In season, I do a lot of throwing, and in the process I get pretty burned out on it by the end of the year and it’s good to get back in the gym for some old school training.

The first thing I need to tell you is that there is NOTHING I enjoy more than the adrenaline rush that comes with heavy lifting.  I get a high that will last for days.  Any hardcore lifter will know what I mean, that moment when the weight starts piling on and the goosebumps pop up on your arms and a chill runs down your spin and it’s “GO TIME”!  I love it.  But, as I get older I have to deal with a couple of factors:  Recuperation and Injuries.

Because of the increased recuperation time that comes with age and the injuries my body has endured, I can’t hit the max attempts like I did 20 or 30 years ago. I have to be smart!  Part of the problem is that I want to work my entire body at once and be cycling into heavy lifts that involve  my entire body.  So this year I came up with my “Hot Stove Workout”.

The “Hot Stove Workout” has my hitting the big numbers on a particular lift during my “Big Saturday” workout.  This is when I’m hitting that adrenaline rush and feeling good about moving some heavy iron (heavy for me!).  This is what I call my “Front Burner” exercise.   I am also using that time to work on my Erector Spinae and hamstrings using the Reverse Hyper, swiss ball (leg curls), and leg curling on the Reverse Hyper (a little exercise I stole from Al Myers).

Then Sunday is my conditioning day.  Right now I’m doing football agility drills with my son, who’s playing football in school, medicine ball drills, and tossing the pigskin around along with hitting the volleyball back and forth with my wife who’s on a volleyball league.

Monday is a day when I work on Grip, Neck, and Abdominal exercises, really going crazy on them.  Then my “Big Tuesday Workout” I hit two exercised that are my “Back Burner” exercises.  They are on their way to being “Front Burner” exercises and when one gets moved up, then another takes it’s place…destined to eventually make it to the “Front Burner”.  I always have three exercises and I make sure I have one that’s a leg movement, one a pressing movement, and another that’s a pulling or back movement.  It is also this day that I do any assistance work.

I then finish off with a set of 100 on the leg press.  These are very explosive, I drive up on the toes, and I usually have to crawl out of the gym after that.  By then I’ve worked out for 4 days and then I have three days to rest and get ready for the next Saturday.  I enjoy this workout very much and for now, that’s all I need to keep me lifting.  It doesn’t matter how great the workout is, if you don’t enjoy it or it doesn’t motivate you, then it’s the same as worthless.

By keeping a couple exercised on the back burner, using less weight, I’m able to be ready to switch them to the front burner.  That way I’m always hitting something heavy on Saturday and not having to build up over time for a big lift.  By lifting only once a week with over 90% poundages, I am able to recuperate and stay fresh.  I hope my workout has given you some ideas for your own training.  Everything I know about training I learned from someone else!!!!

Wayne Smith Update

by Thom Van Vleck

Wayne Smith, long time USAWA lifter and even longer time member of the Jackson Weightlifting Club was recently featured by me in two part website article.  Wayne also attended the USAWA Nationals hosted by the JWC in Kirksville this year.  Wayne has many friends in the lifting world and I thought maybe some of you would like to hear the latest.

A couple of weeks ago Wayne was rushed the hospital.  He was having some problems and they were very concerning.  I went several times to check up on him and left with more questions than answers.  The doctors just didn’t know what was going on with him.

Well, I have good news.  I visited with Wayne yesterday and he is doing much better and appears to be on his way to recovery and has moved from the hospital to a rehabilitation unit.  He was his old self again and was enjoying visits from three JWC members in one day.  Wayne Jackson had made a visit, and then Wayne Gardner, then myself.

It is nice to know that we take care of our own and the friendships made on the lifting platform are often life time ones.  We hope that Wayne will be back home soon and if you have a message for him, just let me know at and I will make sure he gets it!  He tells me he is not going to let this keep him from making his comeback in lifting!   You have to admire the dedication.

Goerner Deadlift

by Joe Garcia



Bill Clark, at 79 years young, pulling a 2-Bar Deadlift of 270 pounds at the 2011 Goerner Deadlift.

It is amazing the lengths that some people will go to in order to miss this event.  Al ran off to some little contest in Australia, dragging Chad with him,  Eric was chowing down on turkey, and from the looks of the website, Thom was writing more ‘fluff’ pieces. Everyone not here missed out on a fun day at Clark’s gym.  When I drove up in the morning, Dean Ross and Mike Murdock were already there as was Bill Clark.  Evidently, Dean and Mike had arrived in town around 3:30 AM, not wanting miss out on one of the coveted parking spots in front.  We all weighed in, including Bill, who was on the platform for the first time in over a year.  Even though his right shoulder would give him painful problems all day, he managed at least one successful in each of the thirteen lifts and sometimes a second and a third attempt.  There were no fourth attempts taken during the day.

The day started out with the Thumbless Deadlifts.  That is definitely a lift that you can go from greatness to humility in 5 lbs.  One thing we elected to do during the day was to allow the lifter to do any of the lifts that he wanted in the order he wanted with the exception that the finger lifts were contested last.  This way, the loading was kept to a minimum by the lifters-loaders-officials.  That’s right, more multi-tasking at Clark’s gym.  Next up was standard One-Hand Deadlifts, if any lift in the USAWA could be called standard.  After finishing up with the one hand stuff, attention was turned to the two hand lifts.  Dean pulled the biggest Reeves lift with a 275, could have done a bit more but took a little too big of a jump and was unsuccessful in his next attempt.  I was happy with my 225 as I don’t remember the last time I did a Reeves deadlift.  Not only did Dean do a great job of lifting, he also kept us entertained with his stories and jokes.  Problem is that I think he believes most of them.  After the Reeves, the 2 Barbell, Hack, Heels Together and Jefferson lifts followed.  Finally, the dreaded finger lifts commenced.  Everyone began with the Little Fingers Deadlift, then the Ring, Index, and Middle Finger, except for Mike, who had to go back and finish with an Index Fingers Lift.  Everyone was grateful that Mary wasn’t around to show us up.

Dean Ross had the top Reeves Deadlift of the day, with this 275 pound lift.

The organization had elected to present Bill with both a letter of appreciation and a Lifetime Achievement Award.  I was honored to read the letter to Bill and to present him with his well deserved plaque for everything he has done for the USAWA over the years.  Bill also wanted everyone to know how much he appreciated the honor.

Results of the meet are listed below.  Amazingly, I won the Goerner, a deadlift contest.  I suppose that means I will have to defend it next year.


2011 Goerner Deadlift Dozen plus One
November 26, 2011
Clarks Gym
Columbia, Missouri

Meet Director:  Bill Clark

Lifts: Deadlift – No Thumb, One Arm (left and right), Deadlift – One Arm (left and right), Deadlift – Reeves, Deadlift -2 Bars, Hack Lift, Deadlift -Heels Together, Jefferson Lift, Deadlift – Fingers, Little, Deadlift – Fingers,Index, Deadlift – Fingers, Ring, Deadlift – Fingers, Middle

Officials: Joseph Garcia, Bill Clark, Mike Murdock


Lifter Age Bwt DL Heels 2 Bar Hack Jefferson
Mike Murdock 71 234 225 270 135 185
Dean Ross 69 266 315 300 185 315
Bill Clark 79 235 225 270 185 185
Joe Garcia 58 203 315 300 275 275
      1 Arm R 1 Arm L 1 Arm NT R 1 Arm NT L
Mike Murdock     135 135 115 115
Dean Ross     185 185 160 160
Bill Clark     160 160 115 115
Joe Garcia     275 275 205 205
      Index Middle Ring Little
Mike Murdock     75 135 65 55
Dean Ross     120 170 120 95
Bill Clark     135 135 105 65
Joe Garcia     185 205 135 120
      Reeves   Total Points
Mike Murdock     205   1850 2004.1
Dean Ross     275   2585 2584.9
Bill Clark     135   1990 2282.0
Joe Garcia     225   2995 3158.1

NOTES:  Bodyweights listed in pounds.  All lifting poundages listed in pounds. Total is total pounds lifted.  Points are adjusted points for bodyweight correction and age amendment.

Highlights of IAWA Meeting

by Steve Gardner

IAWA World Council Meeting – Friday 18th November – Perth, Australia

Confirmation of the 2012 IAWA International Events:
World A/R Champs – Sat/Sun 6th/7th Oct – Salina, Kansas, USA – Promoters: Al Myers and Chad Ullom
Gold Cup World Record Breakers – Sat 3rd Nov – Castlemilk, Scotland – Promoter: Andy Tomlin

Confirmation of the 2013 IAWA International Events:
IAWA World Championships – Accrington, England – Promoter: Mark Haydock
IAWA Gold Cup – Lebanon, PA, USA – Promoter: Denny Habecker

Acceptance of a new lift: A new lift in the Rule Book is E37 Power Row

Ammendment to an IAWA Lift: The following sentance was added to B 35 Bench Press Feet in the Air:
No extra support bench or similar equipment can be used for extra leg support.

If you wish to have the updated IAWA(UK) Rule Book as of November 2011 including these changes,
please contact Steve Gardner:

Information on the 2012 World Championships Lifts from Al Myers and Chad Ullom:
Lifts Day One: Reverse Curl / 1H C+Jerk BBell / Pullover and Press / Steinborn
Lifts Day Two: 2 H Snatch 2″ Bar / 1 H Hacklift / Straddle Deadlift

World Championships

by Steve Gardner, IAWA President

Group picture from the 2011 IAWA Worlds Championships.

A great two days of action at the Belmont Sports Centre in Perth. The lifters had to perform 4 disciplines on Day One: 2 vertical 2″ bars lift, 1/H Dumbell Swing, Continental C+Jerk, Fulton Deadlift and Day Two: Cheat Curl, Push Press from the Racks and Zercher.

The Overall Best Ladies Open and Masters winner was Jackie Giglia of Australia, The Overall Best Open Winner was Mark Haydock of Preston, England with Kris McIntyre of Australia in runner up position, The Overall Best Masters Winner was Steve Sherwood from Hull, England with Al Myers of the USA in Runners Up Position.

The battle for the Overall Champion of Champions, the Overall Best Lifter of the whole competition was Steve Sherwood from England, with Al Myers of the USA in second and Mark Haydock of England in third.


2011 IAWA World Championships
Belmont Sports Club
Perth, Australia
November 19th & 20th, 2011

Meet Promoter:  Peter Phillips

Recorder and Announcer:  Steve Gardner

Officials: John Patterson, Mark Haydock, Paul McManus, Chad Ullom, Steve Sherwood, Denny Habecker, Dennis Mitchell, Frank Allen, Julia Phillips, Al Myers

Lifts: 2 Vert 2″ Bars (Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2 Bars, 2″), 1 H Swing (Swing – Dumbbell, One Arm), Continental Clean and Jerk (Continental to Chest and Jerk), Fulton DL (Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip), Cheat Curl (Curl – Cheat), Push Press Racks (Push Press – From Racks), Zercher (Zercher Lift)

Lifters and Lifts:

Lifter VB DL Swing C&J FB DL Curl PP Zerch
Jackie Giglia 60 22-R 47.5 75 45 40 77.5
Lainie Connell 60 22-R 45 70 48 47.5 80
Anne Whitehead 50 20-R 42.5 65 40 42.5 60
Dennis Mitchell 65 15-L 25 70 37.5 25 85
Hercules Perryman 45 12-L 20 60 30 12.5 45
Steve Sherwood 145 52.5-R 85 150 80 77.5 150
Denny Habecker 100 35-R 60 100 50 72.5 95
Art Montini —– 15-R 37.5 77.5 32.5 35 80
Frank Allen 80 35-R 60 115 62.5 60 112.5
Robin Lukosius 120 40-R 70 110 60 65 140
Peter Phillips 140 64-R 100 140 85 90 170
Stefan Polglaze 95 40-R 90 95 65 82.5 90
Glen Phillips 100 37.5-R 70 90 60 70 90
Kris McIntyre 130 58-R 115 120 80 105 160
Esad Selman 100 37.5-R 90 115 75 85 125
Steven Salis 100 50-R 110 120 95 100 130
Tom Edwards 160 52-R 95 160 92.5 95 150
John Mahon 140 52.5-R 120 125 90 110 150
Chad Ullom 145 60-R 137.5 145 100 125 190
Al Myers 170 60-R 135 160 92.5 125 205
Samuel Trew 110 47.5-L 105 120 80 70 172.5
Mark Haydock 182.5 66-R 140 170 100 130 220

NOTES: Glen Phillips was the only lifter to change classes for record purposes on day two, weighing 81.2 KG on day 2.  All lifts recorded in kilograms.


2 Vert 2″Bars – Anne Whitehead 55 kg
2 Vert 2″ Bars – Art Montini 50 kg
2 Vert 2″ Bars – Stefan Polglaze 102.5 kg
2 Vert 2″ Bars – Al Myers 185 kg
Dumbbell Swing – Steve Sherwood 57.5 kg
Cheat Curl – Steve Sherwood 83.5 kg
Push Press from Racks – Anne Whitehead 45 kg
Push Press from Racks – Steve Sherwood 78.5 kg
Zercher – Jackie Giglia 80 kg
Zercher – Lainie Connell 82.5 kg


Womens Division

Lifter BWT Age Class&Division Total Points
Jackie Giglia – AUS 58.3 50 60 KG M50+ 367 644.0
Lainie Connell – AUS 67.0 41 70 KG M40+ 372.5 542.4
Anne Whitehead – AUS 72.8 49 75 KG M45+ 320 477.2

Mens Division

Lifter BWT Age Class&Division Total Points
 Steve Sherwood – ENG  78.1  60  80 KG M60+  740  872.4
 Al Myers – USA  114.1  45  115 KG M45+  947.5  793.2
 Mark Haydock – ENG  117.5  36  120 KG Open  1008.5  786.1
 Peter Phillips – AUS  109.9  57  110 KG M55+  789  750.7
 Kris McIntyre – AUS  77.4  35  80 KG Open  768  750.3
 Chad Ullom – USA  113.4  39  115 KG Open  902.5  715.7
 Tom Edwards – AUS  103.7  40  105 KG M40+  804.5  673.7
 Denny Habecker – USA  82.0  69  85 KG M65+  512.5  647.7
 John Mahon – AUS  106.4  28  110 KG Open  787.5  645.7
 Frank Allen – ENG  88.0  69  90 KG M65+  525  638.8
 Steven Salis – AUS  92.0  41  95 KG M40+  705  638.4
 Stefan Polglaze – AUS  62.5  25  65 KG Open  557.5  626.9
 Robin Lukosius – AUS  96.9  58  100 KG M55+  605  615.6
 Esad Selman – AUS  84.4  27  85 KG Open  627.5  584.3
 Samuel Trew – AUS  116.6  29  120 KG Open  705  551.7
 Dennis Mitchell – USA  69.0  79  70 KG M75+  322.5  525.1
 Glen Phillips – AUS  79.9  41  80 KG M40+  517.5  505.7
 Art Montini – USA  85.1  84  90 KG M80+  277.5  421.2
 Hercules Perryman – AUS  73.4  82  75 KG M80+  224.5  362.2

NOTES:  Total is total weight lifted in kilograms.  Points are adjusted points for bodyweight and age.



1 319 320 321 322 323 462