Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Hand and Thigh

(Reposted from February 16, 2018)

By Eric Todd

Big Frank Ciavattone doing a big hand and thigh.  Frank has not only promoted the Heavy Lift Championships in the past, he is a four time Heavy Lift Champion!

With the Heavy lift Championship just a few short months away, I am going to continue on with my series on the Heavy Lifts.  The last article on the series focussed on the first lift we will be contesting at the event, the neck lift.  This one will focus on the second lift in the order of the meet, the Hand and Thigh Lift.  The hand and thigh lift is a quite old lift.  It was a favorite of many old timers, and was done by many of them including Louis Cyr and Warren Lincoln Travis.

Quite a bit more should be lifted in the hand and thigh than in the neck lift.  The heaviest neck lift is around 1000 pounds, while the heaviest hand and thigh is over 1900, by Joe Garcia.  However, that is quite an outlier, as most of the rest of the best hand and thighers in the USAWA are in the 1500-1600s. The rules of the Hand and Thigh in the rulebook are as follows:

A Heavy Lift Bar is used in this lift. A hand bar is also used, which must not exceed 28 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter. The hand bar will have an adjustable chain and hook attached to it in the center so it may be attached to the Heavy Lift Bar. No knurling is allowed on the hand bar. The lifter assumes a position with the Heavy Lift Bar in front of the lifter, or the lifter may straddle it. The feet must be parallel and in line with the torso. Width of feet placement is optional. The feet must not move during the lift, but the heels and toes may rise. The lifter may adjust the chain length to his/her preference prior to the lift. The hand bar must be in the lifter’s grasp and will lie across the thighs. The hands must remain on the hand bar and must not change position during the lift. The lift begins at the lifter’s discretion. The lifter is allowed one test lift to check the balance of the weight and to make adjustments to the chain length. The lifter will stand or lean back to lift the weights from the platform. The shoulders and torso do not have to be upright upon the finish of the lift. The legs must straighten, but the knees do not need to be locked. Once the weight is motionless, and the plates on both ends of the bar are off the platform at the same time, an official will give a command to end the lift.

So, I have seen the hand and thigh done with both feet in front of the bar and also straddling the bar.  That being said, from what I have seen,  far better poundages are done with both feet in front of the bar.  I like a flat sole, such as wrestling shoes for the hand and thigh (as well as all the heavy lifts for that matter) though I am not sure if that offers any advantages or not.  Some people, me included, like to stand on a platform of sorts to complete the lift.  It seems to give you better leverage to complete the lift.  My platform comes by way of a few sawed off 4×4 timbers. Stance is optional, but I prefer a rather narrow one.  I like my shins just a few inches behind the bar so my knees can float over the bar when I bend them to dig my knuckles into the top of my thighs.  Grip is optional, but I would suggest double overhand with the thumbs in line with the fingers.  You do not need your thumb to lock in the bar, as your thighs serve in that capacity, so I have been more successful with keeping them over the top of the bar. Once you have the bar locked into your thighs, lean way back, looking up, and drive back on your heels.  The first few times I did this, I had someone spotting me from behind, because I felt I may fall over.  I never have, though.  As soon as both sides are off the platform simultaneously, you will get the down command.  As you can see in the rules, if your chain length is wrong or you are off center and only one side comes up, you do have the opportunity to make one adjustment.

Not unlike the neck lift there is no absolute substitute for actually doing the hand and thigh to train for the hand and thigh.  The technique takes some getting used to in order to become proficient at it to maximize your poundages. However, there are some movements that doing help strengthen your connective tissue.  Strong connective tissue (such as tendons and ligaments) is crucial to heavy lifting.  You could halfway simulate an hand and thigh with heavy partial barbell pulls in a rack.  You could also play with heavy squat lockouts or heavy partials on the leg press to help build strength in your connective tissue.

Check out this video of Jim Malloy performing a 1200# Hand and Thigh at the 1991 National Championships, and keep training for the Heavy Lift Championship!

Heavy Lift

By Eric Todd


Today was our cutoff for the Heavy Lift Championship.  Any entries received after this point will not be accepted. Our field is rather small, but mighty.  I have some cool awards on order, and HMB/Peak ATP is again sponsoring our meet in the way of T-shirts and such.  I look forward to seeing everyone a week from tomorrow,

2022 Award Nominations

by Al Myers

It’s that time of the year again to nominate deserving lifters for the yearly awards!  The USAWA award program was started in 2009 to honor those individuals that displays outstanding achievements throughout the year in different categories.  I have been the USAWA Awards Director that entire time and was the one who started the USAWA Awards Program.  Part of the USAWA budget goes to these awards, which means that part of your membership dues support this program. These awards are awarded at the Annual General Meeting of the USAWA, which occurs at the same time as the National Championships.  Usually the USAWA Awards are “yearly” – meaning they are for the previous year’s accomplishments. I would consider “yearly” as being the time since (and including) last years National Championships.    Now for a little “overview” of the rules for nominations:

  • You  must be a USAWA member to make a nomination or cast a vote
  • Nominated individuals must be a USAWA members to be eligible
  • Only one individual may be nominated per person per award
  • Two nominations for each award may be submitted, one for your choice of the Winner and one for your choice of the runner-up.
  • The awards are for the accomplishments since last June
  • An individual may be nominated for more than one award

These are the different awards for which you should chose your nominations for:

 Athlete of the Year – This award is for the individual who has accomplished the most athletically within the last year in the USAWA. Top placings at the Nationals and World Championships should figure in high. Also, participation in other Championship  Competitions such as the Heavy Lift Championships, the Grip Championships, the Club Championships, the OTSM Championships, the Team Championships, or the National Postal Championships could factor in.  Participation in elite IAWA events such as the Gold Cup should make an influence on earning this award as well.

Leadership Award – This is for an individual that has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the USAWA during the past year. Things that should be looked at are: going above the level expected of an Officer position, promoting sanctioned events with emphasis being on promoting National or World Competitions, promoting the USAWA by developing a strong club, writing articles for publications about the USAWA, or through other means.

Sportsmanship Award – This goes to an individual who possesses and shows great sportsmanship within the USAWA. The act of sportsmanship may be by conduct at all events, or by an specific example of exceptional sportsmanship.

Courage Award – This goes to an individual who shows the courage to overcome an obstacle in order to return to competition. This may be a comeback from an injury, or just having to deal with difficult personal issues but still shows the courage to compete in the USAWA.

Newcomer Award– This award goes to an individual who in new to the USAWA or has become involved again. It doesn’t have to go to someone in their first year of being involved in the USAWA.

As stated earlier in the rules, I would like you to submit your choice for the WINNER and your choice for the RUNNER UP for each award.  I will score it this way:  for each nomination per award I will give 2 points for the nominated winner and 1 point for the nominated runner up.  I will then add up all the points from all nominations with the person receiving the most points declared the winner and the one with the second most points the runner up.  So you can see that the Award Winners are chosen by YOU THE MEMBERSHIP!   That’s the way it should be done.

Please email me at with your nominations.  The deadline for nominations is May 10th.  That’s giving everyone a couple of weeks to make their decisions.  My experience with this is that if a person does not make their nominations shortly after reading this announcement, it never gets done.  So make it easy on yourself  (and me!) and turn your nominations in today!!!!

Neck lift (cont)

By Eric Todd

This was posted February 25, 2020.  The neck lifts listed are those from the record books.  I do not have access to all the heavier lifts done that no longer qualify for records.


With the Heavy Lift Championship only a few months away (it occurs on May 9 this year), I thought I would try to drum up some interest by writing a series of articles.  Last time I hosted this meet, I ran a series of articles that related to the performance of the lift.  The one for the neck lift can be found here: Neck Lift

From my understanding, the neck lift is only contested in All-round organizations such as IAWA. Otherwise, it seems like different variations of the neck lift have been used by old time strongman-esque performers.  Here is a video from a performance at Coney Island. It includes footage of a fellow named Steve Weiner performing a neck lift and hold with a fire hydrant: Coney Island

I have read a number of accounts, in particular one by Bill Pearl who is seemingly rather an expert in physical culture.  This particular account is of a strongman named John B. Gagnon.  Gagnon, at one point won the title of World’s Strongest man from Warren Lincoln Travis.  The title was unofficial, as the event was unsanctioned; however, he did, according to this account, best the champion in this particular competition.  All the lifts were done using a platform that could be lifted from above or below.  A number of lifts were contested in this challenge, including several of our heavy lifts.  This meet did include a neck lift, where the claim was that this strongman, Gagnon, hoisted a lift of 1317 pounds. (Pearl).

john b gagnon

Pearl, Bill. John B. Gagnon. 1 Oct. 2018.

I found an image of a strongman from the Bronx named Joe Ragusa who moved to Hollywood to perform in the pictures.  This image shows him doing something similar to our neck lifts with a weight of 655 pounds, though it does not appear that using this method would put nearly as much torque on the neck muscles as what Our USAWA/IAWA method does.


Wood, John. Joe Ragusa. 30 May 2017.

Then, there was a gentleman only known as “Kong” who claimed to have the world’s strongest neck.  HE has a claim of 502 pounds lifted with his neck.  As you can see from the photo, this method would put a great deal of torque on the neck; however, you can see that he has a hand holding the chain, so I am not completely sure what to think of this claim.


Wood, John. Kong. 8 Nov. 2017.

Outside of Old time strongman acts and circus type performers, the neck lift has pretty much only been a movement used in our organization.  It appears that it has pretty much been contested in our organization since it’s inception, with the earliest record still in our record book being a 470 pound effort by  18 year old Randy Breitenfield on January 23 1988 at the Zercher (I can only assume that refers to the Zercher Classic in Columbia, MO). It also was contested in the USAWA National Championship in 1989.There have been a number of superb neck lifters over the years in the USAWA.  The Women have been dominated by a handful, with Kerry Clark being the cream of the crop with a few attempts over 500 pounds.  Here is a list of women lifters who have have met or exceeded 300 pounds in the neck lift:

Kerry Clark 550 1995 Nationals in Columbia, MO
Jacqueline Caron 400 1992 Gold Cup
Cassie Morrison 325 2016 Heavy Lift Championship
Angela McBride 300 1999 Zercher Challenge

Back in 2011, Al posted an article with the top male neck lifters of all time. neck lift list The numbers have jumped some since, and some new names added to the list of men who have gone 600 pounds or more.   The current list is as follows:

Eric Todd 1080 2014 Heavy Lift Championships
Chad Ullum 1020 2015 Heavy Lift Championship
Joe Ciavattone, Sr 805 2013 Heavy Lift Championship
Al Myers 780 2013 Heavy Lift Championship
Frank Ciavattone 750 2002 Heavy Lift Championship
Joe Ciavattone, Jr 700 2013 Heavy Lift Championship
Christopher Lestan 700 2019 Heavy Lift Championship
Jeff Ciavattone 650 2013 Heavy Lift Championship
Mike McBride 630 2005 National Championship
Joe Garcia 623 1998 Nationals, Mansfield
Dale Fries 605 1995 Goerner
Nile Larson 603 2004 Heavy Lift Championship
John Monk 600 2000 Heavy Lift Championship

In the USAWA Steve Scmidt was the first to hit both the 400 and 500 pound benchmarks in the neck lift.  Big Frank was the first to 600, with his brother Joe Sr being the first to hit 700 and 800 pounds.  Chad Ullum was the first to 900, and I was the first to 1000. Will we see a first to hit 1100 at this edition of the Heavy Lift Championship?  Time will tell…

Myers, Al. “CHAD’S 900 POUND NECK LIFT.” USAWA, 27 May 2011,

“New Video: Coney Island Olde Time Strongman Spectacular!” Markets of New York City, 5 June 2012,

Pearl, Bill. “Bill Pearl.” John B. Gagnon, 1 Oct. 2018,

Wood, John. “Neck Lift Archives.”, 8 Nov. 2017,

Neck Lift

By Eric Todd

With the Heavy lift Championship coming up in just over a week, I am going to repost a few older articles about the lifts and their origins:

(from February 6, 2018)

With the Heavy Lift Championship on the Calendar for May 5, I was under the assumption that people were going to be wanting to start training.  So, I thought I would do a series on how to execute each of the heavy lifts.  They are like no other lifts out there, where the lifter is capable of lifting monstrous poundages.

This particular article will focus on the first lift to be contested that day, the neck lift.  When I first heard of the neck lift, I envisioned the lift I did in high school with a neck harness I bought at Champs Sports with a 45# weight looped through the chain.  I was concerned, as I knew there was no way I could lift hundreds of pounds like this, even though that is where the records stood.  As luck would have it, it was not that lift at all, and I was capable of more than I thought.

The rules of the neck lift are as follows:

A Heavy Lift Bar is used in this lift. A neck harness is also used, which fits over the head. Any style of neck harness is acceptable, provided that it is held in place entirely by the head during the lift. The neck harness must not contact the neck or trapezius muscles. A pad, such as a towel, may be placed between the head and the neck harness. An adjustable chain and hook is attached to the neck harness so it may be attached to the Heavy Lift Bar. The lifter assumes a position with the Heavy Lift Bar in front of the lifter or the lifter may straddle it. The feet must parallel and in line with the torso. Width of feet placement is optional. The feet must not move during the lift, but the heels and toes may rise. The lifter may adjust the chain length to his/her preference prior to the lift. The lifter must not touch the chain or straps of the neck harness with the hands during the lift, but the chain or straps may touch the lifter’s body. Hands may touch the body during the lift, but must be free of contact upon completion of the lift. The lift begins at the lifter’s discretion. The lifter is allowed one test lift to check the balance of the weight and to make adjustments to the chain length. The lifter will stand and lift the weights from the platform. The shoulders and torso do not have to be upright upon the finish of the lift. The legs must straighten, but the knees do not need to be locked. Once the weight is motionless, the hands free from the body, and the plates on both ends of the bar are off the platform at the same time, an official will give a command to end the lift.

Some people neck lift with a narrow stance, but I prefer a very wide one.  I point my toes outward right next to the plates.  With the harness on my head, and the hook in the loop on the bar,   I take the straps  and spread them out wide so they are more to the outside of my body rather than hanging down in front.  I also like to lift my arms up while executing this lift..  At this point, look up, lean back, and drive off your heels.  When both sides of the bar come off the ground at the same time, the official will give the down command for a good lift.  In the image below, you can see Chad Ullum and myself using very similar styles:


As far as training for the neck lift, I imagine any kind of neck training could be beneficial, such as the neck harness I referenced above or a neck machine.  However, I am not sure there is any real substitute for actually neck lifting.  The technique takes some getting used to, and it is ideal to condition your neck for the feel of these poundages.  Check out the video of Chad’s record setting 900# attempt which was set at the Heavy Lift Championship that was held at York Barbell:

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