Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Memorial Record Day

By Denny Habecker


2019 Memorial Record Day

We had a great turnout for the first Memorial Record Day, with 8 lifters taking part. I was really impressed with the variety and difficulty of the lifts that were done.  Christopher Lestan, Zachariah Marhamo and Ryan Bingham came down from Massachusetts, Lou Tortorelli came in from New Jersey, Elizabeth Skwarecki from Pittsburgh, Barry Pensyl from Easton, and Aidan Habecker and I rounded out the group. The officials were Barry Pensyl, Chris Lestan and Denny Habecker.


2019 Memorial Record Day
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA
December 7th, 2019

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Officials (1 official system used): Barry Pensyl, Denny Habecker

Lifts: Record Day

Elizabeth Skwarecki – 39 yrs. 140 Lbs.  [ FEMALE 65KG. – Open]
Bent Press – Dumbbell – Left  –  66 Lbs.
Bent Press- Dumbbell- Right  – 77 Lbs.
Snatch from Hang                – 88 Lbs.
Dinnie Lift                          – 355 Lbs.
Bench Press – Fulton Bar     – 132 Lbs.

Aidan Habecker – 16 yrs. 208 Lbs  [95 Kg. 16-17]
Judd Clean and Jerk          –  44 Lbs.
Lano  Lift                        –  22 Lbs.
Miller Clean & Jerk          –  44 Lbs.
Snatch – Fulton Bar         – 121 Lbs.
Vertical  Bar – 1″ – Right  – 198 Lbs.

Ryan Bingham  19 Yrs.  – 300 Lbs.   [ 125 Kg. +  – 18-19]
Deadlift – 12″ Base        –    550 Lbs.
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip – 387 Lbs.
Hand & Thigh                  – 700 Lbs.
Hip  Lift                          – 1022 Lbs.
Habecker Lift                  – 154 Lbs.

Zachariah Marhamo  21 Yrs. – 231 Lbs. [ 105 Kg. – Open]
Clean & Press                      – 176 Lbs.
Deadlift, Ciavattone-Right    – 253 Lbs.
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip    – 407 Lbs.
Habecker Lift                      – 242 Lbs.
Hackenschmidt Floor Press  – 342 Lbs.

Christopher Lestan   23 Yrs – 285 Lbs. [ 125 + Kg. – Open]
Dinnie Lift                         – 600 Lbs.
Deadlift, No Thumbs          – 387 Lbs.
Habecker Lift                    – 154 Lbs.
Zercher, One Arm- Left     – 143 Lbs.
Zercher, One Arm- Right   –  66 Lbs.

Lou  Tortorelli  – 53 Yrs.  239 Lbs. [ 110 Kg. – 50-54]
Curl- Strict                       – 110 Lbs.
Deadlift – Trap Bar            – 425 Lbs.

Barry Pensyl  – 71 Yrs.  -150 Lbs.  [70 Kg. – 70-74 ]
Allen Lift                               –  33 Lbs.
Clean & Jerk -One Arm- Right – 51 Lbs.
Good Morning                        – 110 Lbs.
Press, Dumbbell, Right           – 40 Lbs.
Snatch- One Arm – Left          – 55 Lbs.

Denny Habecker – 77Yrs. 185Lbs. [ 85Kg. – 75-79]
Deadlift- Dumbbell- Right                 – 176 Lbs.
Clean & Press Behind Neck               – 110 Lbs.
Clean & Seated Press                       – 88 Lbs.
Clean & Seated Press Behind Neck     – 88Lbs.
Vertical Bar – 1″ – Right                    – 105Lbs.

Time to Renew

by Al Myers

Hard to believe that another year of the USAWA is coming to an end!  This has been a great year for our organization.  Now is the time to renew your USAWA membership so you can take advantage of a full year’s membership.  I want to remind everyone that membership in the USAWA is for “the calendar year”.  Thus the logical time to renew membership is at the beginning of the year – January FIRST!

I have already started recording the 2020 membership on the membership roster.  Also, I include the “date beside the name” to remind everyone when you joined.  I want there to be “special distinction” of those that register early.  Any registration before January 1st, 2020 will receive that date as their date of registering.  I hope this encourages early registration.

Individual Membership Applications are found at the top of the website in the “About Us” under “forms and applications”.    Please fill out the application fully in ledge-able print, and sign it.  Make checks/money orders out to the USAWA and send them to me (address on form).  Once I receive the application (with the $25 fee), I will list your name on the Membership Roster.  It doesn’t get any easier than that!!!

Lift for Leroy-Update

By Eric Todd

Lift for Leroy to help Big Leroy navigate life changes

Lift for Leroy to help Big Leroy navigate life changes

Lift for Leroy is less than 2 weeks away and I just wanted to outline a few things to ensure we run a smooth meet.

  • We will be doing the lifts for the National Postal first.  No record day lifts will be performed until the National Postal portion of the meet has concluded.
  • If you are planning on competing, let me know now, along with the lifts you are planning on completing for records so that I can ensure I have the right equipment and can be best prepared for a smooth meet.
  • There is a potential for a rather large turnout.  As meet director, I reserve the right to limit the number of attempts per lift to 3, depending on the number of lifters.
  • You are responsible for knowing if you re attempting a world record or not.  We will not be using the 3 official system throughout on the off chance lifters are attempting a world record.  We will be using the 1 official system, unless.
  • From my reckoning, we will have 3 qualified officials, along with one official in training in attendance.  Please keep in mind that all officials in attendance have records of their own they are wanting to complete as well.
  • We are lifting in the basement.  Please park up top and walk around to the basement door.
  • Remember, it will probably be a little chilly in the basement.  Wear whatever you wish to between lifts to stay warm; however, USAWA dress code will be enforced on the platform.  Be ready to lift in a t-shirt and shorts or a singlet.

Denny Habecker – Lifter of the Month

By Al Myers

Denny Habecker, at 77 years of age, setting a new IAWA World Record in the Ciavattone Deadlift with a lift of 125 KG.

Denny Habecker, at 77 years of age, setting a new IAWA World Record in the Ciavattone Deadlift with a lift of 125 KG.

The USAWA Lifter of the Month for November is Denny Habecker, our USAWA President.   Denny just recently traveled to Perth, Australia to compete in the IAWA Gold Cup.  This is a long ways to travel to represent the USAWA in an IAWA competition.  I got to be his travel companion for this trip, and it was a grueling trip.  We were in Australia for only three days while the other 5 were all on the plane.  The flight from Chicago to Auckland lasted 17.5 hours!  Denny is an IRONMAN when it comes to travel – plus add it the travel lag once you get there – it’s amazing he was able to even function, let alone set new World Records!!!

Denny is very deserving of being Lifter of the Month for November.  He does so much to represent the USAWA everywhere he goes.   We are extremely blessed to have him as our USAWA President. Next time you see him give him a big CONGRATS!

Elizabeth Skwarecki – Lifter of the Month

By Al Myers

Elizabeth Zkwarecki - Lifter of the Month for October

Elizabeth Zkwarecki – Lifter of the Month for October

The USAWA Lifter of the Month for October is Elizabeth Skwarecki.  Elizabeth lifted in her first IAWA World Championships in Abilene, KS on October 5th & 6th and was crowned the OVERALL BEST WOMEN’S LIFTER.  This is an impressive accomplishment for someone entering their first All Round World competition!  It made her a very easy choice for Lifter of the Month.

Congratulations Elizabeth!  I look forward to seeing your continual involvement in future USAWA events.


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