Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Diamond Jubilee


DATE – Weekend of April 27-28. 2024

USAWA MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED. Memberships will be available at Clark’s Gym. Membership fee is $25.00.

ENTRY FEE:  None.  AWARDS – Certificates.

ENTRY DEADLINE – April 3. 2024. To enter – contact or use USPS to him at 3906 Grace Ellen Drive,. Columbia, Mo. 65202

WEIGH-INS (EACH DAY) – From 8-9:30 a.m.

ELIGIBILITY – Only lifters who have reached age 75 on April 6 are eligible.

COMPETITION FORMAT:  Lifting will be done on-site (Clark’s Gym) or remote. Either way – the  entry deadline is April 3. If done remote, with officials, records can be established and/or broken. If  no officials are available, the lifts will become a part of the contest and eligible for the awards, but not records.

REPORTNG – From remote sites – the results must reach Clark’s Gym  not later than 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 9.  Lifts reported from countries using the metric system are free to use kilograms. U. S. results are to be reported in  pounds.  Remote results are to be sent to


Two-inch bar straddle lift.

Two-inch bar thumbless grip deadlift

One-inch bar heels together deadlift.

Bench press – reverse grip.

Bench press – hands together.

Two-hand seated press from rack.


Defending champion – LaVern Myers.  Runner-up – Tony Cook, England.

Strength Musings #2

By Clint Poore

What a magnificent quote by Socrates, it almost seems like something Arnold Schwarzenegger would have said in Pumping Iron! Pushing the human body to its limits is a feeling unlike any other. The satisfaction that comes with reaching a goal only achieved through hard work over the course of many years. Recently, I saw one of my training partners rise to the occasion and achieve a massive goal. He eclipsed 315 lbs on the Bench Press for the first time in his life. It was a glorious moment, that I was honored to be there for. The same feeling can be true for all of us in our own training, when we see a lofty goal and set our minds to achieve it. This is one of the magnificent things the USAWA offers people who lift with us. The resplendent opportunity to focus on a National Record and make it your own! Whether it is the Dinnie Deadlift, the Allen Lift, the Barbell Bent Press or any of the other over 200 lifts that are available to set records in the USAWA! Now go the gym and train with vivacious vigor & break some records in the USAWA!

Remember the feeling and ………….

Embrace the Iron, Feel the Cold, Hard Steel & Know the Glory that comes from BEING STRONG!

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