Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Record list housekeeping

Over the coming weeks I plan to overhaul the record list data.

This is possible due to the outstanding help of Sanjiv working in the background to keep me afloat. As I once did for Al when he was records director, Sanjiv has offered to assist, and so began taking on the worst part of the process; organizing the website data into a format that makes life easier. 

We have some new gung-ho members promoting meets with guns blazing and Bill’s Gym has had a mammoth resurgence on the meet/ records front no name a couple.

So, a big thank you to Sanjiv and his enthusiasm, he has made a big difference to keep me on top of the updates and this is now affording me time to make long wanted changes.

In the next update you will see a new tab added to the records excel; “NOTES”.

The plan is to note any corrections here. It will contain a copy of the changed record, who requested and who changed it and why.

The initial notes list you will see contains some records which had to be removed because they were given in err. (The person who found the error is listed just for our ease of if future research is necessary, but if you do see a mistake/lift issue in the sheet and do not want your name listed please state in your correction email.)

Unfortunately, there will be more removals due to my early misunderstanding of an “out of meet lift at Nationals” counting as a NAT lift, my apologies.

I am reworking the meet names for some consistency.

Record days will have the pre-fix “Record Day -“

Major USAWA meets will be in CAPS; NATIONALS (yr) – name, POSTAL – 1st QUARTER/POSTAL 2nd QUARTER etc.

Recent example;
89 Nationals – Pl. Meet
1989 Nationals – Plymouth

1999 Nationals – Ambridge
99 USAWA Nationals – Amb

both meets changed to;
NATIONALS (89)- Plymouth (Day 1)
NATIONALS (89)- Plymouth (Day 2)

NATIONALS (99)- Ambridge (Day 1)
NATIONALS (99)- Ambridge (Day 2)

I’ve noticed later two day meets are listed under one name using the final days date for all lifts.
I will begin grouping old meets with two dates to follow that trend. So the changes above will become NATIONALS (89)- Plymouth, NATIONALS (99)- Ambridge. SJ

Tried a new layout to consolidate the lines in the excel workbook which took over 17000 lines to 13500 odd, but while testing with formulas I discovered some typos/date errors and inconsistencies which I am correcting.

This layout test removed the ALL and NAT individual lines while adding two columns after age group, so ALL and NAT could be listed in each next to the lifter who owns them.  Note, no change to the layout is planned, this was a test of an idea to ponder but the process did help to find some hidden issues.


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