Category Archives: USAWA Daily News


By Eric Todd


Competitors at the 2019 OTSM Championship

Competitors at the 2019 OTSM Championship

2 Junior Lifters, Leroy and Phoebe with their Dads

2 Junior Lifters, Leroy and Phoebe with their Dads

This Saturday past, club KCSTRONGMAN played host to the 2019 edition of the Old Time Strongman Championship.This meet is usually well attended and hotly contested.  When a few of our regulars were unable to attend, though, I was a bit concerned we may not have a good turnout.  I should not have been alarmed.  We had a great turnout and perhaps as many spectators as we have ever had.  It was the largest field of female competitors ever for this championship.  We had many veterans competing, but this meet had some relative newbies as well.  Lynda burns came all the way from Las Vegas to compete.  While she has lifted in a number of postals in the last few years, I do believe this is the first all-round meet she has traveled to.  This was 9 year old Phoebe Todd’s first meet outside the postals, and 8 year old Leroy Todd’s first competition period.

Mike Lucht in the Apollon's Lift

Mike Lucht in the Apollon’s Lift

The day started off with the Apollon’s lift.  Of course each lift saw Leroy and Phoebe leading us off.  It was certainly refreshing to get young blood into the organization, and to see the effort which they exhibited in each of the lifts.  In this discipline I was most impressed with the grueling, long effort of Lance Foster in his 130 pound effort.  There was no quit in this one.  The other thing that struck me was the ease by which Mike Lucht hit 280.  I was thinking he could have hit 300 on this day.  The 280, however, was the biggest lift on the apollon’s lift this day.

We then switched platforms to contest the People’s Deadlift.  Lynda hit an impressive 245 for the top mark in the women’s class.  Young Leroy hit the century mark at 100 pounds.  Greg Cook and Mike Lucht both pulled 625, but they were all overshadowed by Scottish Johnny Strangeway hitting 800 pounds and tying the all-time mark set by a powerful Chuck Cookson back in 2013.

John Strangeway in the People's Deadlift

John Strangeway in the People’s Deadlift

The third discipline contested in the OTSM championship was the Hackenschmidt Floor Press.  The most impressive to me was my brother Chris Todd missing 300 on his second attempt, but coming back to smoke it on his third.  I had the highest mark of the meet with a 350, but Mike Lucht came back for a 4th attempt for a record and hit 370.

Little Leroy in the Hackenschmidt Floor Press

Little Leroy in the Hackenschmidt Floor Press

The meet concluded with the Dinnie Lift.  Phoebe smashed her personal best by 45 pounds by nailing a 120 pound effort.  There were lots of great lift on this event with myself and Scottish Johnny being in the 700 and above range, but this time we were overshadoed by Chad Ullum hitting 800 pound and flirting with an all-time record of 830.

Lance Foster with a Dinnie Lift

Lance Foster with a Dinnie Lift

Chad Ullum dominates the Dinnie Lift

Chad Ullum dominates the Dinnie Lift


Unbeknownst to me, the women’s division was hotly contested all day.  While Lynda more than doubled Phoebe’s total, Phoebe eked out the overall win due to the benefit of the formula.  The men’s division saw 3 former champions, including the defending champion, Chad Ullom, do battle along with a number of other seasoned, strong competitors.  When the dust settled, a new victor emerged.  John Strangeway was consistently strong all day, which resulted in his eclipsing the field by more than 200 points.  Full meet results are as follows:

Women's  division for the 2019 OTSM Championshiop: Lynda Burns and Phoebe Todd

Women’s division for the 2019 OTSM Championshiop: Lynda Burns and Phoebe Todd


Old Time Strongman Championship
ET’s House of Iron and Stone
Turney, MO
September 7, 2019

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Meet Announcer: Eric Todd

Score Keeper: Chris Todd

The hostess with the mostest and sandwich maker/deliverer: Jenny “From the Block” Todd

Photographer: Stacy Todd

The One Official system was used for all lifts

Officials: Eric Todd, Chad Ullum, Lance Foster, John Strangeway

Loaders: All lifters

All lifts are recorded in pounds, as is the total.

Lifts: Apollon’s Lift, People’s Deadlift, Hackenschmidt Floor Press, Dinnie Lift

Name Age weight division Apollon’s People’s Hackenschmidt Dinnie Total Points place
Lynda Burns 44 174 80 95 245 95 225 660 670.56 2
Phoebe Todd 9 84 40 30 95 55 120 300 695.1 1
John Strangeway 41 207 95 250 800 300 710 2060 1839.58 1
Lance Foster 53 350 125+ 130 405 135 485 1155 889.35 8
Greg Cook 62 259 120 180 625 250 500 1555 1489.69 3
Chad Ullum 47 230 105 120 515 275 800 1710 1528.74 2
Eric Todd 44 253 115 260 375 350 700 1675 1393.5 5
Chris Todd 40 270 125 190 425 300 550 1465 1129.52 6
Leroy Todd 8 67 35 25 100 65 110 300 914.4 7
Mike Lucht 37 110 240 280 625 340 570 1815 1468.34 4
Lifts for Record
People’s DL
Lynda Burns 250
Leroy Todd 110
Hackenschmidt Floor Press
Mike Lucht 370
Dinnie Lift
John Strangeway 740


NE Powerlift Meet

By Christopher Lestan



Two new lifters in the USAWA! Zach on the left and Ryan on the right .

Two new lifters in the USAWA! Zach on the left and Ryan on the right .

What a fun and fantastic meet! We had 10 lifters competing, and 15-20 spectators ranging from family to close friends. Kim Lydon was nice enough to use her own gym which provided enough space for the lifting. The first lift was the 12″ Base Squat. Frank Ciavattone’s nieces Olivia and Natalie performed amazingly for their first comp each coming away with 71-pound squats. Zach Marharo executed a perfect 365-pound squat.

Chris Lestan Preparing to Squat 507 Pounds!

Chris Lestan Preparing to Squat 507 Pounds!

The second lift was the Bench Feet in the Air. Everyone did wonderfully with amazing feats of strength including Ryan’s 285 Bench! The highlight of the bench was Sarah Gibbons, for she failed her first attempt, and the second attempt, but got the last attempt with a personal best of 85 pounds! Lastly, the 12″ Base Deadlift was the grande finale! Everyone either made a personal best or National Record. Kim Lydon made her final attempt deadlift with a 257-pound pull which is a national record for her weight class! Newcomer Heather made a personal best of 235-pound deadlift on her last attempt! Sarah as well put up 205 deadlift which was a personal best as well! Mike pushed through and performed a 300-pound deadlift with flawless technique!

Then the big boys came in with Zach deadlifting 455 for a personal best followed by Ryan Bingham pulling 465! After we had a great cookout and award ceremony! During the awards, I gave my Overall Best Mens Lifter Award that I won to Zach. 7 weeks ago Zach had surgery to remove his appendix with three scars on his stomach where the doctors operated. He was told he couldn’t lift for 4 weeks! But he pushed through and within 3 weeks he was able to break some personal best! Also, he came in second in the Mens Division! To me that says a lot about his character and who he is as a person so naturally, I felt he won the award.  It was a great meet that included great lifts, great food, and great friends!

The starting crowd at the Meet. about 5 more people showed up to support the lifters!

The starting crowd at the Meet. about 5 more people showed up to support the lifters!


NE Powerlift Meet
August 31st, 2019
Canton, Massachusetts

Meet Director: Christopher Lestan

Host: Kim Lydon

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Frank Ciavattone

Officials(1 official system used): Frank Ciavattone

Lifts: Squat 12″ Base, Deadlift 12″ Base, Bench Press Feet in Air

All lifts are recorded in pounds

Female Division:

Name Age Weight Class Division
Kim Lydon 28 143 65 kilo Open
Heather Bartholomew 41 262 120 kilo Masters 40-44
Sarah Gibbons 21 160 75 kilo Open
Natalie Collins 12 107 50 kilo Junior (10-13)
Olivia Collins 10 113 55 kilo Junior (10-13)

Mens Division:

Name Age Weight Class Division
Christopher Lestan 23 279 125+kg Open
Zachariah Marhamo 21 228 105kg Open
Ryan Bingham 18 325 125+kg Junior(18-19)
Mike McLaughlin 51 206 95kg Masters(50-54)
Eric Lestan 14 161 75kg Junior (14-15)

Female Final Standings

Name Squat 12″Base Bench FIA Deadlift 12″Base Lynch Points
Kim Lydon 170 105 257 583.78
Natalie Collins 71 55 140 473.10
Sarah Gibbons 155 85 205 454.21
Olivia Collins 71 45 140 447.05
Heather Bartholomew 185 125 235 430.93

Mens Final Standings

Name Squat 12″Base Bench FIA Deadlift 12″ Base Lynch Points
Christopher Lestan 507 365 600 1068.49
Zach Marhamo 365 275 455 911.25
Ryan Bingham 315 285 465 767.20
Eric Lestan 195 135 275 738.48
Mike McLaughlin 225 195 315 723.75

Overall Best Mens lifter: Christopher Lestan
Overall Best Female Lifter: Kim Lydon
Overall Best Male Junior: Ryan Bingham
Overall Best Female Junior: Natalie Collins
Overall Best Mens Masters: Mike Mclaughlin
Overall Best Females Masters: Heather Bartholomew

National Records:
Sarah Gibbons: Deadlift 205 for the 75kg class
Kim Lydon: Deadlift 257 65kg class
Christopher Lestan: 507 Squat for 125+kg class
Natalie and Olivia Collins: Deadlift 140 for 50kg and 55kg class

World Postal Championships

2019 IAWA World Postal Championships

“The Andy Goddard Memorial” August 31st, 2019

Lifts: Reverse Curl, 2H Snatch from Hang, 1H Clean & Jerk, 2H Thumbless Deadlift


Another great year for the IAWA World Postal Championships!!

This year we had 44 lifters compete from the United States, Australia, England, Scotland and Canada. This World Postal Championships is one of three (with the World Championships and the Gold Cup being the other two) promoted by IAWA.   I want to REALLY thank all those that participated. Your participation is what makes this a great event!  As per the tradition the past few years, the lifts of the first day Worlds were contested.  I’ve included all class winners and best lifters, individual overall rankings for men and women, 3 person team rankings, and club rankings.

I want to give special mention to the overall winners in each category.  The Overall Best Men’s Lifter was GARY ELL, and the Overall Best Women’s Lifter was MADDY ELL.  The Overall Best 3-person Team went to the DINO GYM VARSITY (Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, and John Douglas).  The Overall Best Club went to BURTON POWERHOUSE (Karen Gardner, Paul Hallam, Dominic Gardner, Mollie Redfern-Smith, Graham Saxton, Gary Redfern-Smith, Steve Gardner, Selina Dorn, Nicola Thornhill). I scored a new category this year – the best overall association.  The Overall Best Association went to the IAWAUK, with the USAWA in second, and the newly formed Australian Association the ARWFA was in third.

It was exciting to see 3 clubs participating from Australia this year (Ballina, The Shed, and the Lambda Lifters). For the lifters of the Ballina Club this was their first time participating in the World Postal.  There were several Junior Lifters competing this year with the youngest, Phoebe Todd, at nine years of age. The oldest lifters in the meet where Dean Ross and Denny Habecker at 76 years of age. The best club name goes to the MacBaldie Brothers consisting of Gary Ell and Andy Tomlin. I also want to mention Sylvia Stockall of Canada.  She competed as an exhibition lifter since her club does not have a certified IAWA official yet, but turned in great lifts and becomes the first lifter from Canada to compete in the IAWA World Postal Championships.

Again, I want to thank everyone for entering this meet and making it an outstanding annual event in IAWA.

MEET RESULTS: 2019 World Postal Results (word) 2019 World Postal Results (pdf)

Memorial Record Day

by Al Myers


Last year Denny sanctioned this meet as the Vernacchio Record Day, honoring past USAWA great John Vernacchio.  This year it’s simply the Memorial Record Day – which recognizes all late USAWA members.  I think that is a great idea as over the past few years we have lost many friends within the organization.   This meet day will give us the time to reflect on those that have influenced the USAWA by their participation and contributions.


Meet Promoter: Denny Habecker

Meet Date: December 7th, 2019

Location: Habecker’s Gym, Lebanon, PA

Contact Denny if you plan to attend.

World Postal Reminder

By Al Myers

The time is coming for the closing of the IAWA World Postal Championships.

I would like to see a great turnout for this Championships.   The lifts for it are the same as the opening day World Championship lifts so everyone should be training them already, so entering this postal could just be another training day.  Below is the information sheet for this competition.



  1. The due date for entry is AUGUST 31st. Make sure your lifts are completed and sent to me by that time. My email is:
  2. The lifts chosen for this event are Reverse Curl (Curl – Strict, Reverse Grip), 2H Snatch from the Hang (Snatch – From Hang), One Hand Clean and Jerk (Clean and Jerk – One Arm), and the 2H Thumbless Deadlift (Deadlift – No Thumbs, Overhand Grip).   The rules for these lifts are outlined in the USAWA and IAWA(UK) Rulebooks, which are available on the website. Make sure to list the hand used in the one handed lifts on the entry form. The chosen lifts represent the lifts performed on the first day of the 2019 IAWA World Championships!
  3. If you live in a country that has an organized All Round Weightlifting organization that is affiliated with the IAWA you must be a current member of that organization to enter. Make sure to join before you lift in this World Postal Championships.
  4. All lifts by a lifter must be performed on the same day. Record this date on the ENTRY FORM.
  5. Please enter your results in kilograms on the scoresheet. List only your best legal lift performed. Do not record misses. Also list your age in years and your BWT (bodyweight) in kilograms. Your bodyweight must be weighed on the day your lifts are performed.
  6. Make sure you PRINT the names of the one to three officials used for each lifter as well as having the officials sign the scoresheet. Officials must be current certified officials in their All Round Weightlifting organization. Three officials are required for IAWA records. At least one official is required for entering.
  7. As per any meet and as OUTLINED in the rulebooks, you get three attempts. These must be declared and adhered to. If a 4th attempt for record is done this must be made clear on the ENTRY FORM.
  8. The Scoresheet accommodates up to 6 lifters, but if more than that participate from a club simply add another scoresheet. You do not need to be part of a club to enter the World Postal Championships but Club recognition will be given to the top scoring clubs. Scoring rankings will be done for both individuals and for clubs.
  9. Please write CLEARLY on the scoresheet, and fill out the scoresheet completely!
  10. Remember this postal championship is ran on the HONOR SYSTEM. Be truthful in your efforts, and feel good about giving your best performance in an honorable manner. If everyone does that – the future of this meet is strong! Thank you for your participation and support of the IAWA!!
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