Category Archives: USAWA Events

Battle in the Barn

by Eric Todd

November 1, 2014, ET’s House of Iron and Stone will play host to the third annual “Battle in the Barn, an Old Time Strongman event. This year, three Old Time Strongman events will be contested, along with one traditional all-round lift. The lifts are as follows:

Saxon Snatch
Apollon’s lift
Hand and Thigh
Dinnie Lift

As we did last year, we will score this meet in 2 different ways. The first is by formula; the second is by straight weight lifted. I am not sure what they will look like yet, but there will be awards at this event.

Anyone who has been to my gym before know it is a “no-frills” facility. Climate control looks like an open window and a fan in the summer and a wood fire in the winter. The “restroom” is located outside, back behind the giant tin can that we lift in. But there is lots of iron. It is a great place to lift big weights and get strong.

After the meet, I am hoping to have a short record breaking session. I plan on having a couple records to shoot for and hope you do as well. Please contact me at or on the forum with any questions or if you have a particular record you would like to attempt after the meet. Hope some of you can make it out for a great day of lifting. Entry is attached.

ENTRY FORM (PDF):  Battle in the Barn Entry

Gold Cup

by Al Myers

This is a great picture from the Gold Cup in England in 2011. It was a trip I'll always remember!

It’s hard for me to believe that 3 years have went this fast!  That’s the last time Steve Gardner promoted the IAWA Gold Cup in Burton, England.  I remember it like yesterday –  as my daughter Emily attended it with me and we did some 2-person lifting, including a 800 pound Male/Female deadlift. Steve is one of the best IAWA meet promoters in the organization.  I’ve been to several of his comps and things are always well planned and well organized.

Plus this year it will be held at his new gym – The Burton Powerhouse All Round Weightlifting Academy.  I’m very excited to see this new facility.  I’ve seen pictures of it – but nothing compares to seeing it firsthand! Afterwards, there will be a banquet and awards presentation at the Branston Golf and Country Club. It will be a top notch affair. You have my word on that.

To qualify for the Gold Cup, you must be a current IAWA World Record Holder and be a current member of IAWA (being a current member of USAWA entitles you IAWA membership).  You must also attempt an IAWA World Record on your opening attempt in your selected lift.   You will be allowed one chosen lift for sure, and a second lift if time permits.

The other important detail is the entry deadline is October 11th.  USAWA lifters must send their entry form to Steve by then, but he will allow overseas lifters to pay him when we get there.

The Gold Cup is one of the TWO prestigious IAWA events every year.  It is a must-attend event for all serious IAWA lifters.  Lets really represent the USAWA in England this October!  If anyone has any questions on the Gold Cup and might be interested in attending, please contact me and I will help in answering any questions you may have.


2014 GOLD CUP INFO (pdf)

2014 GOLD CUP INFO (word document)



2014 IAWA GOLD CUP ENTRY (word document)

Team Championships

by Al Myers



The date for the USAWA Team Championships has been set!  The day will be Sunday, August 24th, and it will be held in the Dino Gym. The month of August is a busy month for USAWA meets and other local activities, and I didn’t want to cause any conflicts.

I chose this weekend because on Saturday, August 23rd, is the day for the Lucus Highland Games hosted by USAWA members Doug and Jera Kressly. By having our Team Championships on Sunday a thrower/lifter can make a “double header” of fun over Saturday and Sunday.


Date:  Sunday, August 24th

Location: Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, Kansas, 67410

Meet Director: Al Myers –

Meet Weigh in Time: 9:00 AM

Meet Start Time: 10:00 AM


Clean and Jerk – One Arm

Clean and Jerk – Fulton Bar

Curl – Cheat

Jefferson Lift

ENTRY FORM – TeamChampionships2014

World Postal Meet

by Al Myers

Steve Gardner, the meet director for the IAWA World Postal Meet, has announced the plans for this competition coming later in summer.  This gives everyone the great opportunity to see how you “stack up” against international competition without ever even leaving your own gym!

Steve has picked an outstanding set of lifts that everyone should be able to perform easily.  There’s really no reason there should not be record entries for the World Postal this year!

The rules for this event are as follows (as outlined on the entry form):

This competition is open to all IAWA lifters, for teams of three, and individuals as well. Teams may be a mix of open/masters/juniors/ladies, as well as all age and bodyweight allowances will figure in for the results. No limit to the number of lifters, if a team or group enter more than three: the top three will form the team score. A sheet caters or 5 lifters. If you have two teams, then just copy, and use two sheets, etc. All lifts must be officiated by  at least one IAWA Referee (they should sign the score sheet). To be eligible for IAWA World Records there must be 3 officials used.   YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN A TEAM. Individuals may also take part in the competition as all rankings will be listed for age/weight classes. Have fun lifting in the Annual “Andy Goddard” Memorial Competition. Good luck.

Now for some added important information:

1. The date for entry is the END OF AUGUST. Make sure your lifts are completed and sent to Steve by that time.

2. The lifts chosen for this event are the Cheat Curl, Pullover and Press, and the One Arm Deadlift.  The rules for these lifts are outlined in the USAWA Rulebook, which is available on the website. Make sure to list the arm used in the One Arm Deadlift.

3. If you live in the United States, you MUST be an USAWA member to participate. Make sure to join before you lift in this postal championships or you will find that your lifts will not be recorded in the official scoresheet.

4. All lifts must be performed in the same day. This is not specified in the event rules, but is a assumed rule of all postal meets.

5. Please enter your results in kilograms in the scoresheet. Steve would make the conversions for you – but the meet is scored in kilograms so enter them that way.

6. Make sure you PRINT the names of the one or three officials used as well as having the officials sign the scoresheet. For USAWA lifters, these officials must be active current certified USAWA officials. Make sure to check their “status” on the website before assuming they are current.

7. As per any meet and as OUTLINED in the rulebook, you get three attempts. These must be declared and adhered to. You don’t just keep adding weight till you miss and take unlimited attempts. That’s not the way a meet runs. The fourth block in the entry form is for an extra fourth attempt for record.

8. Make sure to list all attempts on the entry form. Circle the ones you make and cross thru the ones that are missed.

9. Please write CLEARLY on the scoresheet, and fill out the scoresheet completely!

10. Remember this postal championship is ran on the HONOR SYSTEM. Be truthful in your efforts, and feel good about giving your best performance in an honorable manner. If everyone does that – the future of this meet is strong!

ENTRY FORM – 2014 IAWA Postal Worlds Entry Form

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