Category Archives: USAWA Events

Art’s Birthday Bash

by Al Myers

2015 is barely underway and in the mail today I received a sanction request from Art Montini announcing his 2015 Annual Birthday Bash! Art’s Birthday Bash is the longest running sanctioned event in the USAWA (besides our Nationals). Last year Art celebrated his 87th birthday and he’s already in training for year number 88. He likes to celebrate his birthday every year by hosting a record day in conjunction with it! So come prepared to break a few records and share a little birthday cake with Art (or donuts, as we all know Art likes his donuts!).

I should mention that this meet is still over 10 months away!! That’s giving some advance notice. There are those in the organization who should “take note” of Art’s punctuality in getting his sanction request in this early, and realize that if someone ”pushing 90″ doesn’t have a problem meeting the ”6 week notice” you  sure don’t have an excuse.

There is no entry form, but please let Art know ahead of time if you plan to attend his Birthday Bash.  Art can be reached by phone 724-375-2052.


Art’s Birthday Bash
Ambridge VFW BBC
1098 Duss Avenue
Ambridge, PA 15003

DATE: Sunday, October 18th, 2015

LIFTS: Record Day (max 5 lifts)

Heavy Lift Championships

by Eric Todd


Make plans now! The 2015 USAWA Heavy Lift Championship will be held on May 2 at ET’s House of Iron and Stone. This location is about an hour north of Kansas City right in the center of God’s Country. We will be contesting the three traditional lifts in this meet: Neck Lift, Hand and Thigh, and Hip lift. Come ready to lift big and see big weights moved. I know we are still a few hundred pound plates shy of the Dino Gym, but with 24 of them and plenty of change, we should be able to accommodate any lifter in these lifts. I know I mention this with every meet announcement, but I don’t want anyone coming here with delusions of lifting at Caesar’s Palace or anything. The only frills in my gym are lots of weights. It is typically beautiful weather around May 2 in Missouri. However, if it is cold out we will get cold, and if it is hot out, we will get hot. I have plenty of places to drop a whiz in the green grass. OR, if you are bashful, there is an outhouse out back. Last meet, I even swept out all the wasps nests and spider webs. TP is in the ammo box. So, if those conditions don’t suit you, see you at the next meet at someone else’s gym. With that being said, I would like to see all the big hitters in the heavy lifts make this meet. This meet has been dominated by a handful of people. See if you can add your name to the list. I have seen a number of guys posting heavy lift videos. Hope you can all make it to the meet and make your mark. We will have a short record breaking session after the meet for anybody who has not done enough by that time. See you there! ENTRY FORM (PDF) – Heavy Lift Entry

Florida Record Day

by Derek Prior


The Iron Cave

Cast Iron Training is pleased to announce the first ever Florida USAWA record day on Saturday 24th January 2015 at 11 A.M. The event is open to all USAWA members.


The Iron Cave
13680 101st Street

Contact: (Derek Prior) 772 766 2119


Dino Gym RD

by Al Myers


Meet Director: Al Myers and the Dino Gym

Meet Date: Sunday, February 15th, 2014 10:00 AM-4:00PM

Location: Dino Gym, Abilene, Kansas

Sanction: USAWA

Entry Form: None – just show up

Entry Fee: None

Lifts: Record Day – Pick any lifts you can set a USAWA record in!

Contact me at if you have any questions

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