Category Archives: USAWA Events

IAWA Gold Cup

by Al Myers


This was the platform background with the flags at the 2012 IAWA Gold Cup in Glasgow, Scotland.

The USAWA President Denny Habecker will be hosting this year’s IAWA Gold Cup in Lebanon, PA.  The Gold Cup is one of “the three” major IAWA events, and is rotated annually between the membership Nations in IAWA.  Last year the Gold Cup was in Glasgow, Scotland and the year before that in Burton, England.   So it’s a BIG DEAL when the Gold Cup is hosted in the United States!  It gives the opportunity for USAWA lifters to compete in it without having to travel overseas.  

This is the THIRD TIME Denny has hosted the Gold Cup (2006 & 2008 were the other times). The late John Vernacchio hosted the Gold Cup three times as well (1992, 1996, & 2003) and the LEGEND Howard Prechtel, who was the one to originate the concept of the Gold Cup, hosted it four times (1991, 1994, 1998, & 2001).  This means Denny is achieving the status of Gold Cup fame as a meet director of the  IAWA Gold Cup.

Let’s really show the Gold Cup some big support this year from the USAWA!  Mark November 2nd on your calendar right now. 



Presidential Cup

by Al Myers


The BIG AWARD given out in 2012 for the winner of the Presidential Cup!

For the second year in a row, the now “Annual” USAWA Presidential Cup is being hosted again by our USAWA President Denny Habecker.  This is one of the CHAMPIONSHIP events hosted in the USAWA, and is the Championships of Record Days.  It follows along “the lines” of the IAWA Gold Cup – a lifter picks their best lift and contests it for a USAWA record in this prestigious record day.  After all lifters have performed their record lifts, Denny will pick the effort that impresses him the most and award that lifter the PRESIDENTIAL CUP.  Only one lifter will receive this very important award.   If time allows, lifters will have the opportunity to perform other record day lifts.  So it is a good idea to come with the BIG LIFT in mind, but also be prepared to do other lifts for record if the time allows.  

Last year the late Dale Friesz won the Presidential Cup with his 154 pound Ring Fingers Deadlift.  It was a very impressive lift considering the physical issues Dale was dealing with at the time.   When Denny chose Dale as the winner of the Presidential Cup, I was very glad to see it.  Now looking back, it was a “fitting end” to Dale’s long and distinguished USAWA career.  He will forever be THE ONE who won the first ever Presidential Cup.

Now a little “rehash” on the Presidential Cup.  This is a reprint of the guidelines laid out last year:

The Presidential Cup will follow along some of the same guidelines as the Gold Cup, which is the IAWA meet which recognizes outstanding performances by lifters in the lift/lifts of their choosing.  The Gold Cup started in 1991 under the direction of then-IAWA President Howard Prechtel.  However there will be some differences in the guidelines of the USAWA Presidential Cup:

  • The Presidential Cup is hosted annually by the USAWA President only.
  • Must be a USAWA member to participate.
  • A lifter may choose any official USAWA  lift/lifts (number set by the President) to set a USAWA record/records  in.
  • The lifter must open at a USAWA Record Poundage on first attempt.
  • The top performance record lift of the entire record day,  which will be chosen by the President, will be awarded the PRESIDENTIAL CUP.


USAWA Presidential Cup

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

Meet Director:  Denny Habecker

Location: Habecker’s Gym, Lebanon, PA

Lifts:  Bring your best lift for record!

Start time:  10 AM,  with weigh-ins before this

Entry Form:  None, but advance notice is required. 

Denny may be reached by email –

IAWA World Postal

by Al Myers


The late Andy Goddard performing a very difficult IAWA lift - the Middle Fingers Hack Lift.

Steve Gardner has just announced the details of the 2013 IAWA World Postal Meet.  Steve has been promoting the IAWA World Postal Championships for the past few years in memory of his good friend and training partner Andy Goddard.  I was very fortunate to have known Andy, and competed with him several times before his “too soon” departure.  He was an ALL ROUND GREAT GUY as well as a very good All Round Weightlifter.  I’m glad that this postal championship is dedicated to him, and I applaud Steve for keeping Andy’s memory alive by promoting this important IAWA event in his memory.

The three big promotions of IAWA are the IAWA World Championships, the IAWA Gold Cup, and this World Postal Championships.  Worlds and the Gold Cup requires traveling, but this Postal Champs can be done right in your own gym!  I think this meet is a very important one as it allows everyone the opportunity to compete in a big IAWA event no matter what your circumstances are.  It is also free to enter, so there are very few reasons as to not enter it!

The rules for this event are as follows (as outlined on the entry form):

This competition is open to all IAWA lifters, for teams of three, and individuals as well.  Teams may be a mix of open/masters/juniors/ladies, as well as all age and bodyweight allowances will figure in for the results.  No limit to the number of lifters, if a team or group enter more than three: the top three will form the team score.  A sheet caters or 5 lifters.  If you have two teams, then just copy, and use two sheets, etc.  All lifts must be officiated by  2 or 3 IAWA Referees (they should sign the score sheet).  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN A TEAM.  Individuals may also take part in the competition as all rankings will be listed for age/weight classes.  Have fun lifting in the Annual “Andy Goddard” Memorial Competition.  Good luck.

Now for some added important information:

1. The date for entry is the END OF JULY.  Make sure your lifts are completed and sent to Steve by that time . 

2. The lifts chosen for this event are the Snatch -One Arm (with bar), the Pullover and Push, the Clean and Jerk, and the Deadlift. The One arm snatch and the P&P are USAWA official lifts and the rules are outlined in the USAWA rulebook.  The Clean and Jerk and the the Deadlift are IAWA lifts (not USAWA lifts).  However, the rules for these two lifts are outlined in the USAWA Rulebook under Section X. Rules of the Basic Movements.

3. If you live in the United States, you MUST be an USAWA member to participate.  Make sure to join before you lift in this postal championships or you will find that your lifts will not be recorded in the official scoresheet.

4. All lifts must be performed in the same day.  This is not specified in the event rules, but is a assumed rule of all postal meets. 

5. Please enter your results in kilograms in the scoresheet.  Steve would make the conversions for you – but the meet is scored in kilograms so enter them that way.

6.  Make sure you PRINT the names of the three officials used as well as having the officials sign the scoresheet.  For USAWA lifters, these officials must be active current certified USAWA officials.  Make sure to check their “status” on the website before assuming  they are current.

7.  As per any meet and as OUTLINED in the rulebook, you get three attempts.  These must be declared and adhered to.  You don’t just keep adding weight till you miss and take unlimited attempts.  That’s not the way a meet runs. The fourth block in the entry form is for an extra fourth attempt for record.

8.  Make sure to list all attempts on the entry form.  Circle the ones you make and cross thru the ones that are missed.

9.  Please write CLEARLY on the scoresheet, and fill out the scoresheet completely!

10.  Remember this postal championship is ran on the HONOR SYSTEM.  Be truthful in your efforts,  and feel good about giving your best performance in an honorable manner. If everyone does that – the future of this meet is strong.

ENTRY FORM – 2013 World Postal Entry

Joe the Turk OTSM

by Tim Piper


“Joe the Turk” Old Time Strongman Meet

“Joe the Turk” was the first “strongman” in Macomb Illinois. He came to town as a part of the Salvation Army, ran the crooked mayor and his henchmen out of town, and some accounts claim he actually took over the ousted mayors duties for a short period of time.  “Joe the Turk” holds a unique and special place in the history of the Macomb Salvation Army, and what better way to honor his memory but to host an OTSM in his memory.  The awards for this event will be unique collectors items bearing his likeness.  The meet with be held at the very same Salvation Army building that the Joe once called home.  Weather permitting the meet will take place outside. 

My daughter and I had a great time last year at the OTSM championships and thought it would be fun to host an OTSM in Macomb.  We will likely get a decent crowd of lifters from our gym but hope that more will make the trek to Macomb for some heavy lifting. 


DATE:      Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Location:  505 N. Randolph Street Macomb, IL 61455

Divisions: Juniors, Women, Masters, and Open

Rules:       USAWA rules and scoring apply to all lifts.  Drug testing rules apply.

Lifts:         Apollon’s Lift

                   Anderson Squat

                   Anderson Press

                   Peoples Deadlift

Weigh-in:    9:00-10:00 a.m. of meet day

Lifting:     10:00 a.m.

Entry Fee:                           $20, all profits benefit the Salvation Army lifting program

AWARDS:  For all weight and age classes

ENTRY FORM –  Joe the Turk OTSM 2013

Deanna Springs Memorial


Deanna Springs Memorial Meet

Meet Director: Bill Clark & Joe Garcia

Date: Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Venue: Clark’s Gym, Columbia, Missouri

Weigh-ins: 8 AM

Entry Fee: None

Entry Form: None

Awards: None

Membership: Must be a current USAWA Member

Lifts: Crucifix, Cheat Curl, Deanna Lift, Hand and Thigh Lift, and Hip Lift

To enter, a confirmation must be sent to Bill Clark by the Tuesday preceding the meet. Bill can be reached by phone: 573-474-4510, Fax: 573-474-1449, or mail: Bill Clark, 3906 Grace Ellen Drive, Columbia, Missouri, 65202.

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