Category Archives: USAWA Events

Goddard Postal LEG 2

by Al Myers



Our IAWA President Steve Gardner has just announced this years IAWA World Postal Meet.  Steve is always “changing things up” to make these postal meets interesting, and this year is no exception.  It will be contested in two LEGS, with the results of both added together to make the final standings.  This Postal Meet is in rememberance of English lifter Andy Goddard, who passed away a few years ago.  I had the great fortune of being able to meet and compete with Andy, and he was a person of utmost character.  He had a great passion for all-round weightlifting, and I’m sure he would have  been pleased to see this postal meet being contested under his name.  I commend Steve for keeping Andy’s spirit alive with naming this meet after him.

Now for the “twists” of this postal meet.  The first thing is that it is a TEAM COMPETITION with two lifters making up a team. So get one of your training partners to join you.  Any combination of lifters is allowed – between open, masters, junior or women.  The deadline for the first leg is the end of April, and the deadline for the second leg is the end of July.  Result must be submitted to Steve shortly after these deadlines.  He did not set a deadline for submissions, but please be respectful and get them in as soon as possible.  Results are to be emailed to him directly.  Results can be turned in recorded in pounds or kilograms, but make sure to indicate which on the scoresheet.  If for some reason a team can not “stay together” for both legs, it is acceptable to change teammates for the second leg.  But if this is done, you will be scored ONLY for the leg you did together.  You can not “make up” the prior leg, or get a stronger lifter for the next lifts in question.  All the lifts for the leg MUST BE DONE ON THE SAME DAY.  You cannot do just one lift per day!  Also, since this is an IAWA event, 3 Certified Offiicals must be used to judge the lifts  instead of the customary minimum of one as required by the USAWA.  The officials names must be recorded on the scoresheet.  The best way to do this is to have them sign the result sheet, and then scan the document to send to Steve so their signatures will be recorded as well.

The World Postal Meet gives everyone the opportunity to compete against lifters in other countries without having to travel.  The lifts can be done in your own gym, so there is not really any reason not to support this Postal Meet.  Now for the lifts for LEG TWO:

Steinborn (Steinborn Lift)

One Hand Clean & Jerk (Clean and Jerk – One Arm)

Zercher (Zercher Lift)

Result sheet for Leg 2 – AndyG 2  (word)   AndyG 2 (pdf)

Goddard Postal LEG 1

by Al Myers



Our IAWA President Steve Gardner has just announced this years IAWA World Postal Meet.  Steve is always “changing things up” to make these postal meets interesting, and this year is no exception.  It will be contested in two LEGS, with the results of both added together to make the final standings.  This Postal Meet is in rememberance of English lifter Andy Goddard, who passed away a few years ago.  I had the great fortune of being able to meet and compete with Andy, and he was a person of utmost character.  He had a great passion for all-round weightlifting, and I’m sure he would have  been pleased to see this postal meet being contested under his name.  I commend Steve for keeping Andy’s spirit alive with naming this meet after him.

Now for the “twists” of this postal meet.  The first thing is that it is a TEAM COMPETITION with two lifters making up a team. So get one of your training partners to join you.  Any combination of lifters is allowed – between open, masters, junior or women.  The deadline for the first leg is the end of April, and the deadline for the second leg is the end of July.  Result must be submitted to Steve shortly after these deadlines.  He did not set a deadline for submissions, but please be respectful and get them in as soon as possible.  Results are to be emailed to him directly.  Results can be turned in recorded in pounds or kilograms, but make sure to indicate which on the scoresheet.  If for some reason a team can not “stay together” for both legs, it is acceptable to change teammates for the second leg.  But if this is done, you will be scored ONLY for the leg you did together.  You can not “make up” the prior leg, or get a stronger lifter for the next lifts in question.  All the lifts for the leg MUST BE DONE ON THE SAME DAY.  You cannot do just one lift per day!  Also, since this is an IAWA event, 3 Certified Officials must be used to judge the lifts  instead of the customary minimum of one as required by the USAWA.  The officials names must be recorded on the scoresheet.  The best way to do this is to have them sign the result sheet, and then scan the document to send to Steve so their signatures will be recorded as well.

The World Postal Meet gives everyone the opportunity to compete against lifters in other countries without having to travel.  The lifts can be done in your own gym, so there is not really any reason not to support this Postal Meet.  Now for the lifts for LEG ONE:

One Hand Barbell Snatch (Snatch – One Arm)

Pullover and Push

Straddle Deadlift (Jefferson Lift)

Result sheet for LEG ONE – AndyG 1  (word doc)  AndyG 1 (pdf)

Grip Championships

by Al Myers


Mark Mitchell, of the Dino Gym, put up the best Pinch Grip of the 2011 USAWA Grip Championships with a fine lift of 174 pounds.

The USAWA Grip Championships will be hosted again this year for the second time by the Dino Gym on the second weekend of February.  As per requirement of the USAWA, all events in this USAWA Grip Championships will be official lifts of the USAWA.  A complete “different set” of lifts have been selected this year which should provide a challenge to all entrants.  This Championship is the premier grip competition within the USAWA during the year.  I want to remind everyone that traditional USAWA scoring is used in this competition, which may be different than other organizations scoring.  The “total pounds” of all the lifts are tallied together, and then amended using the Lynch Formula for bodyweight and age corrected for the lifter’s age.



Dumbbell Walk
Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell, One Arm
Deadlift – Fingers, Index
Deadlift – No Thumb, One Arm
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2 Bars, 2″


For entry form – 2012 Grip Championships Entry Form

Dino Gym Record Day

by Al Myers


Meet Director: Al Myers and the Dino Gym

Meet Date: Sunday, February 12th, 2011 10:00 AM-4:00PM

Location: Dino Gym, Abilene, Kansas

Sanction: USAWA

Entry Form: None – just show up

Entry Fee: None

Lifts: Record Day – Pick any lifts you can set a USAWA record in!

Contact me at if you have any questions

Battle in the Barn

by Eric Todd


Sunday, March, 25 2012 will be the inaugural “Battle in the Barn” which will be the third USAWA Old Time Strongman event. 

Eric Todd will be the meet director for the "Battle in the Barn", the third Old Time Strongman Competition promoted by the USAWA.

Where:  ET’s House of Iron and Stone-The KCSTRONGMAN headquarters near Cameron, MO

When: March 25 at 10:00 AM

Weigh ins: 9:00 AM

Entry Cost: $20

Entry Deadline : Entries must be in hand by Sat, March 17, 2012

Divisions:  Lightweight (under 200#), Middleweight (200-250#), Heavyweight (Over 250#), Masters (over 40)

Awards:  Awards for top 3 per division.  Best lifter award.               

Events:  Appollons Lift, Crucifix, Partial Deadlift, and Goerner Stroll

Rules of the Lifts

Apollon’s LiftA 2 inch diameter axle (or Fulton Bar)  will be used as the bar for this lift.  The maximum starting bar height is 12 inches measured from the platform to the bottom of the bar.  Any method may be used to take the bar to the shoulders or overhead.  The bar or plates are allowed to retouch the platform during the lift.  If the bar is placed down or dropped, the lifter may try again as many times as he/she wants within the time limit.  A time limit of 1 minute is allowed.  Once the weight is overhead, with arms’ locked, legs straight,  and the feet in line with the torso,  an official will give the command to end the lift.

Crucifix (standard USAWA Rules) –  Two evenly loaded dumbbells or kettlebells are used for this lift. The lift begins at the lifter’s discretion. The dumbbells are taken to arms’ length overhead with the palms of the hands facing each other and dumbbells touching. The lifter must bring the feet together so the heels are together and touching. The body must be upright at the start of the lift. Once in this position, an official will give the command to start the lift. The lifter will then lower the dumbbells to the side with arms’ straight and palms up. Elbows must be fully locked. The lifter may lean back to any extent when lowering the dumbbells. The wrists do not need to be held straight. The legs must remain straight and knees locked throughout the lift. The heels must remain together and the heels and toes must not rise during the lift. Once the arms are parallel to the platform, and the dumbbells motionless, an official will give a command to end the lift.

Partial Deadlift  – This is a partial deadlift, where the bar height must not be over 18″ from the platform.  The plates or bar may be supported on stands or blocks to obtain this height.  The lifter must have the bar in front of the legs, as in a normal deadlift. Lifting straps or any other gripping aid is not allowed.  It is NOT an infraction to drag the bar up the legs, bounce the bar up the legs, or support the bar on the legs during the lift (hitching).  A one minute time limit is allowed for the lifter to make a legal lift, during which time a lifter may make multiple tries.  Once the lifter is totally upright and the bar motionless, an official will give the command to end the lift.

Goerner StrollTwo barbells will be used.  The lifter must pick up both barbells at the same time, one in each hand, and walk (or run) a distance of 1 rod (or 16.5 feet).  The starting and finish lines must be marked.  The plates on the bars must be behind the starting line at the start, and finish entirely beyond the finish line at the end.  The weight selected on the bars must not be changed during the attempt.  Both bars must be loaded to the same weight.  A one minute time limit is allowed for the attempt.  If the bars are set down or dropped between the  starting and finish lines during this 1 minute time limit, the lifter may start over, but MUST restart at the starting line.  Strapping the bars to the hands is NOT ALLOWED.

All other general rules of the USAWA will apply.  Scoring will be done according to the USAWA guidelines. Each competitor will get three attempts of their choosing with the best one counting towards their total.

Entry Form – Battle_in_the_Barn_entry

Any Questions, please ask on the forum, or email me at

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