Category Archives: USAWA Events

World Championships

by Al Myers


Chad Ullom (left) and Al Myers (right) will be the co-promoters of the 2012 IAWA World Championships. As you can tell by this photo, these two "jokers" know how to have a fun time so put this meet in your plans as it's FOR SURE going to be a GREAT TIME!

It seems just  like the “other day” when Chad and I put in a bid for these World Championships at the 2010 Worlds in Pennsylvania, and now the meet is being OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED. I am very excited about this opportunity to bring the IAWA World Championships to my hometown.  Initially, Chad and I thought we might have this big meet in Kansas City, but after more thought, we decided it would be more fun to have this meet in the place where we do our training – the DINO GYM & TRAINING CENTER.  It’s no fancy Hilton ballroom, but I know it is a place where most all-round lifters would “feel right at home” lifting weights.  After the great show the Australians put on in Perth this past year, we have a “tough act to follow”!  I promise to everyone that we will do our best to make this an enjoyable Championships, and make your trip to Kansas worthwhile.  We don’t have the  pristine beaches to show off like Peter and Robin showed us in Perth, or any castles to show off like the English and Scots have, so please don’t get your expectations too high for any exotic vacation in Kansas!  At least this meet is in October so we will avoid the hot, dry 100 Degree F days of the summer.

Chad and I tried to pick a broad selection of all-round lifts for this meet. I know it is hard to pick lifts that please everyone, and after hearing all the “moans and groans” when I read this list of lifts at this past years meeting, I hope at least SOMEONE likes them.  The meet will be a 2-day meet.  The lifts are:

Day 1: Saturday, October 6th

Reverse Curl (Curl -Reverse Grip)
One Hand Clean and Jerk (Clean and Jerk – One Arm)
Pullover and Press on Floor (Pullover and Press)
Steinborn (Steinborn Lift)

Day 2: Sunday, October 7th

Two Hands Snatch – 2 Inch Bar (Snatch – Fulton Bar)
One Hand Hacklift (Hack Lift – One Arm)
Straddle Deadlift (Jefferson Lift)

I included both the IAWA official name (the first one) and the USAWA official name (the name in parenthesis) of the lifts to minimize confusion.  I plan for this meet to be a 2-platform, 2 session meet each day. I also want to mention that this World Championships will be a BIG ONE because it is the anniversary of the 25th IAWA World Championships. Several “special awards” will be given to recognize lifters that have made significant contributions to the  IAWA throughout our history. So for that reason alone, this is a meet you DO NOT want to miss.  More details will follow, but for now I just want to get the meet announced so everyone can make plans to join us at the Dino Gym the FIRST WEEKEND OF OCTOBER.

2012 IAWA Worlds Entry Form (pdf) –  2012 World Championship Entry Form

Minnesota All Round Meet


by David Dellanave

The Movement is proud to host the first USAWA lifting meet in Minnesota, hosted by the first weightlifting club in Minnesota!

The USAWA was formed to continue the tradition of the old-time strongmen.  There are over 150 recognized lifts in the rule book, so anyone can find a lift they find fun and exciting to train.  Some records have been on the books for many decades, and others fall every year.  The USAWA has a drug testing policy to encourage drug free lifters and considers that a point of pride.  There has never been a weightlifting club in Minnesota, and we are very excited to continue this tradition and grow the weightlifting club.

 The meet will be held at The Movement Minneapolis – Plymouth on March 3rd.  Weigh-in at 9:30am, lifting begins at 10am.

Lifts to be contested:

Jefferson Deadlift – “This lift is also known as the Straddle Deadlift. The rules of the Deadlift apply except that the bar will be lifted between the legs, with a leg on each side of the bar. The lifter may face any direction and feet placement is optional. One hand will grip the bar in front of the lifter while the other hand will grip the bar behind the lifter. The bar may touch the insides of either leg during the lift. The heels are allowed to rise as the bar is lifted, but the feet must not change position. The bar is allowed to change directions or rotate during the lift.”

Dumbbell Snatch – “The rules of the Bar Snatch – One Arm apply except one evenly loaded dumbbell is used. The dumbbell may start at any position on the platform. The dumbbell is allowed to rotate during the lift and may finish in any degree of rotation.”

Axle Clean & Push Press – “The rules of the Clean and Press apply with these exceptions. The heels and toes may rise during the press.  However, the feet must not move. The legs may bend during the press to initiate upward movement, but the legs must straighten simultaneously with the completion of the press. The rules of the Clean and Push Press apply except a Fulton (2″/Axle) Bar is used”

Bent Over Row – “The lift will start at the lifter’s discretion with the bar placed on the platform in front of the lifter. The lifter will grip the bar with an overhand grip with the palms of the hands facing the lifter. The width of grip spacing and feet placement is of the lifter’s choosing, but the feet must be in line with the bar. The body must be in a bent over position at the waist. The upper body must not straighten past 45 degrees parallel to the platform at any time during the lift or it is a disqualification. The legs may be bent during the lift and upon the completion of the lift. The bar is lifted to touch the abdomen or torso by bending the arms. The bar must touch the abdomen higher than the belt, or the navel if a belt is not worn”

Dinnie Lift – “Two weight loadable Vertical Bars with ring handles attached are used in this lift. The maximum height from the floor to the top of the lifting rings is 21 inches. One Vertical Bar’s weight MUST not exceed 75% of the other. Any style of lifting may be used. The lift ends when the lifter is upright and motionless. The lifter may have the Vertical Bars at the side, or may straddle them. A time limit of 1 minute is given to accomplish a legal lift. The weights may be dropped within this time limit, and the lifter may reset and try again. An official will give a command to end the lift. Lifting straps of any kind are NOT allowed!”

At the conclusion of the meet events, we will open the competition up to break any USAWA or IAWA (International) record you think you can break.  There are very few events that we do not have the equipment for, so we will accomodate virtually any lift that you want to do.

The meet entry is completely FREE but you must be a USAWA member.  The $25 membership fee can be paid the day of competition.

Lifting uniform: Shorts and shirt or one-piece lifting singlet.  A belt may be worn and must not exceed 12 centimeters or 4-3/4 inches in width.

Exact rules and weight classes are in the rule book if you are curious, otherwise all rules will be explained the at the competition.

Goddard Postal LEG 2

by Al Myers



Our IAWA President Steve Gardner has just announced this years IAWA World Postal Meet.  Steve is always “changing things up” to make these postal meets interesting, and this year is no exception.  It will be contested in two LEGS, with the results of both added together to make the final standings.  This Postal Meet is in rememberance of English lifter Andy Goddard, who passed away a few years ago.  I had the great fortune of being able to meet and compete with Andy, and he was a person of utmost character.  He had a great passion for all-round weightlifting, and I’m sure he would have  been pleased to see this postal meet being contested under his name.  I commend Steve for keeping Andy’s spirit alive with naming this meet after him.

Now for the “twists” of this postal meet.  The first thing is that it is a TEAM COMPETITION with two lifters making up a team. So get one of your training partners to join you.  Any combination of lifters is allowed – between open, masters, junior or women.  The deadline for the first leg is the end of April, and the deadline for the second leg is the end of July.  Result must be submitted to Steve shortly after these deadlines.  He did not set a deadline for submissions, but please be respectful and get them in as soon as possible.  Results are to be emailed to him directly.  Results can be turned in recorded in pounds or kilograms, but make sure to indicate which on the scoresheet.  If for some reason a team can not “stay together” for both legs, it is acceptable to change teammates for the second leg.  But if this is done, you will be scored ONLY for the leg you did together.  You can not “make up” the prior leg, or get a stronger lifter for the next lifts in question.  All the lifts for the leg MUST BE DONE ON THE SAME DAY.  You cannot do just one lift per day!  Also, since this is an IAWA event, 3 Certified Offiicals must be used to judge the lifts  instead of the customary minimum of one as required by the USAWA.  The officials names must be recorded on the scoresheet.  The best way to do this is to have them sign the result sheet, and then scan the document to send to Steve so their signatures will be recorded as well.

The World Postal Meet gives everyone the opportunity to compete against lifters in other countries without having to travel.  The lifts can be done in your own gym, so there is not really any reason not to support this Postal Meet.  Now for the lifts for LEG TWO:

Steinborn (Steinborn Lift)

One Hand Clean & Jerk (Clean and Jerk – One Arm)

Zercher (Zercher Lift)

Result sheet for Leg 2 – AndyG 2  (word)   AndyG 2 (pdf)

Goddard Postal LEG 1

by Al Myers



Our IAWA President Steve Gardner has just announced this years IAWA World Postal Meet.  Steve is always “changing things up” to make these postal meets interesting, and this year is no exception.  It will be contested in two LEGS, with the results of both added together to make the final standings.  This Postal Meet is in rememberance of English lifter Andy Goddard, who passed away a few years ago.  I had the great fortune of being able to meet and compete with Andy, and he was a person of utmost character.  He had a great passion for all-round weightlifting, and I’m sure he would have  been pleased to see this postal meet being contested under his name.  I commend Steve for keeping Andy’s spirit alive with naming this meet after him.

Now for the “twists” of this postal meet.  The first thing is that it is a TEAM COMPETITION with two lifters making up a team. So get one of your training partners to join you.  Any combination of lifters is allowed – between open, masters, junior or women.  The deadline for the first leg is the end of April, and the deadline for the second leg is the end of July.  Result must be submitted to Steve shortly after these deadlines.  He did not set a deadline for submissions, but please be respectful and get them in as soon as possible.  Results are to be emailed to him directly.  Results can be turned in recorded in pounds or kilograms, but make sure to indicate which on the scoresheet.  If for some reason a team can not “stay together” for both legs, it is acceptable to change teammates for the second leg.  But if this is done, you will be scored ONLY for the leg you did together.  You can not “make up” the prior leg, or get a stronger lifter for the next lifts in question.  All the lifts for the leg MUST BE DONE ON THE SAME DAY.  You cannot do just one lift per day!  Also, since this is an IAWA event, 3 Certified Officials must be used to judge the lifts  instead of the customary minimum of one as required by the USAWA.  The officials names must be recorded on the scoresheet.  The best way to do this is to have them sign the result sheet, and then scan the document to send to Steve so their signatures will be recorded as well.

The World Postal Meet gives everyone the opportunity to compete against lifters in other countries without having to travel.  The lifts can be done in your own gym, so there is not really any reason not to support this Postal Meet.  Now for the lifts for LEG ONE:

One Hand Barbell Snatch (Snatch – One Arm)

Pullover and Push

Straddle Deadlift (Jefferson Lift)

Result sheet for LEG ONE – AndyG 1  (word doc)  AndyG 1 (pdf)

Grip Championships

by Al Myers


Mark Mitchell, of the Dino Gym, put up the best Pinch Grip of the 2011 USAWA Grip Championships with a fine lift of 174 pounds.

The USAWA Grip Championships will be hosted again this year for the second time by the Dino Gym on the second weekend of February.  As per requirement of the USAWA, all events in this USAWA Grip Championships will be official lifts of the USAWA.  A complete “different set” of lifts have been selected this year which should provide a challenge to all entrants.  This Championship is the premier grip competition within the USAWA during the year.  I want to remind everyone that traditional USAWA scoring is used in this competition, which may be different than other organizations scoring.  The “total pounds” of all the lifts are tallied together, and then amended using the Lynch Formula for bodyweight and age corrected for the lifter’s age.



Dumbbell Walk
Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell, One Arm
Deadlift – Fingers, Index
Deadlift – No Thumb, One Arm
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2 Bars, 2″


For entry form – 2012 Grip Championships Entry Form

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