Category Archives: USAWA Events

World Team Postal

by Steve Gardner, IAWA President

Meet Announcement

World Team Postal 2010

I have announced plans for the World Team Postal Event, and following on last years success hopes to increase the numbers taking part this year.  REMEMBER: Although it is a Team Postal, Individual Lifters can still post their totals for inclusion in the World Postal Rankings! Lifts to be completed by End of September.  Entry forms will go out in the July Journal (or Download Entry Form).


Snatch – One Arm

Pinch Grip – Two Hands

Bench Press – Feet in Air

Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip

Following the success of the 2009 Team Postal event (33 lifters and ten teams took part) I am going to try and double this years participation. In 2009 we had teams from Australia, USA, and England, and this year we hope to build on that, this year already Spain have asked to take part!  I will distribute score sheets via the various Newsletters and Journals. The lifts will be: The One Hand Barbell Snatch (indicate which hand used), The Two Hands Pinch Grip Lift, The Bench Press Feet in the Air, The Ciavattone Deadlift. The tournament is being run as a team match where teams will consist of three lifters, they may be Juniors, Open Lifters, Masters or Ladies or any combination of the afore mentioned, as all lifters results will be age and body weight amended etc. The lifts can be performed any time in 2010 BEFORE the end of September. The lifts must be performed before at least two IAWA Officials, who MUST also sign the score sheet. The competition will be run as a usual IAWA event with a rising bar. Teams or Groups can enter any number of lifters into the competition, and the top three amended scores will formulate a first team etc. Any individual members left will still have their totals configured into the results which will also be produced to give individual rankings on all lifts and totals, and all divisions and body weights.Lifters who are not members of a group, team or club can still submit their results so long as they can get their lifts officiated, and all results will form the rankings as described in the above paragraph.The score sheets should be completed using kilos where possible, but the organiser will convert pounds to kilos if needs be, BUT please make sure all sheets are completed accurately and legibly. You will notice there are four boxes per lift to correspond with 4 attempts per lift if required, the best lift of the 4 should be circled.If lifters require certificates, please affix an e mail address in the appropriate box on the score sheet, and these will be submitted by e mail for you to print off. The score sheet can be copied off as many times as you wish to submit as many teams or lifters as you wish. There is no fee attached to this competition. There are five lines on a score sheet to accommodate a team of three plus two others, if there are six lifters, use two score sheets with one team on each etc. When the lifts are completed please submit without delay:

Entry Form – PostalEntryForm

Steve Gardner – 18 Holly Road, Barton, Staffs. England DE13 8LP or by E Mail to:

IAWA Gold Cup

Gold Cup Date is Announced

by Al Myers

2010 Gold Cup Meet Director Frank Ciavattone

The date for the 2010 Gold Cup has been announced.  It will be held on November 6th, 2010 in Walpole, Massachusetts. Longtime USAWA promoter and top All-Time All-Round Heavyweight Frank Ciavattone will be the meet director.  It is great to have Frank promote another prestigious meet.  Frank has promoted two National Championships (1996 and 1998) and knows how to put on a great meet. The USAWA membership needs to really support the Gold Cup when it is in the United States – so put this date on your calendar now!  Frank has given us more than enough notice on this so lets not let him down.



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