by Thom Van Vleck
Al Myers doing a 440 pound Zercher lift in the 2003 USAWA Nationals. The Zercher Lift will be part of the 2011 Nationals to honor the Oldtime Missouri Strongman Ed Zercher.
The 2011 USAWA National Championships will be hosted by the Jackson Weightlifting Club in Kirksville, Missouri! I have a series of articles planned to keep everyone up to date on this meet so check back often. Here is what we have decided to this point.
Date: June 25th, 2011
Location: Kirksville, Missouri (exact venue to be decided)
Cost: Entry $50 (plus up to date USAWA membership)
Banquet: $25 per couple or $15 per person (Catered by Western’s Meat Market….a local legend for great food)
Awards: Plaques for age group and open winners, medals for all participants, and a special award for the best lifter
Shirts: Shirts will be provided to all entrants (details on design to come….but it will be special).
Travel & Lodging: (866 CAPE AIR) has daily flights from St. Louis to Kirksville for $49, so you can get from anywhere in the world right to town! There are several motels such as the Budget Host, Holiday Inn Express, Knights Inn, Comfort Inn, Super 8, and Days Inn in Kirksville and just south of town is the Depot Inn in Laplata, Missouri which is next to the Amtrak Station that connects from Chicago and Kansas City. There is another Amtrak station just an hour north that connects to Denver and Chicago and points beyond.
Format: Morning Session and Afternoon Session. Morning Session will begin at 10:00am. Afternoon session will follow with a one hour break after the Morning Session is completed. Morning and Afternoon Sessions will be determined by opening attempts.
Lifts: (performed in this order)
Snatch – Dumbbell, One Arm
Curl – Cheat
Pullover and Push
Continental to Chest – Fulton Bar
Deadlift – 12″ Base
Zercher Lift
I spent a lot of time thinking about these lifts. I wanted to have at least one Fulton Bar lift and at least one Dumbbell lift. I wanted to have a pure power lift (12″ Deadlift) and a pressing movement (Pullover and Push). I wanted to have the Zercher because Ed Zercher is perhaps the best known Old time strongman from Missouri and me being a good ol’ Missouri boy and the fact that my Grandfather-in-law knew and lifted with Ed….well, that was a must! Oh, and what about the Cheat Curl….well….I just like it!!!!
Start making plans and training now!!!