JWC Record Day puts the “Record” in Record Day
by Thom Van Vleck

JWC Record Day Group Picture. Left to Right: Tedd Van Vleck, Josh Hettinger, Al Myers, Thom Van Vleck, and Chad Ullom
On November 21, 2009 we had a fun day of lifting at the Jackson Weightlifting Club training hall. This was the first USAWA contest at the newest USAWA member club. JWC members Josh Hettinger and myself, Thom Van Vleck, took on Dino Gym Members Al Myers and Chad Ullom.
My two oldest children, Morgan and Dalton also got in the action. Morgan is a USA Weightlifting member who just entered her first Olympic lifting contest just weeks prior and is now ranked in the top ten in her age and weight group in the US Weightlifting rankings for 2009. JWC members Tedd Van Vleck and Wayne Jackson were also on hand to cheer and coach.

Thom Van Vleck performing a 300# Reeves Deadlift
There were 90 total records broken with some amazing lifts along the way. Chad only had a short time to lift and was primed for a big day so we let him loose on the weights. He did not disappoint. I’m not sure if I was more impressed with his 475lbs Continental to the belt or his One hand Deadlift with the right hand with 410lbs! He did 375lbs with the left hand along with a Hack lift of 510lbs and a Steinborn of 410lbs beating the record of the legendary Bob Burtzloff. He also hit a Hack lift – Right Arm of 285lbs and even threw in a PIPER SQUAT with 125lbs for good measure.
Al broke 21 total records with 10 open records and 11 master records. Josh Hettinger got in the action and was game to try 16 different lifts eventually, setting Open records in 9 of them. Josh also hoisted the “Circus Dumbbell” loaded to 170lbs to top the best Dino Gym record of 165lbs in that event continuing the friendly rivalry between the JWC and the Dino Gym. This is a special Dumbbell that is loaded on the inside and has a 3” handle. You can two hand clean it, but then must press it, any way you wish, to arms length overhead.

Chad Ullom performing a 510# Hack Lift
Dalton and Morgan Van Vleck had a friendly sibling rivalry in the Deadlift with a 12” base. Morgan showed she can still lift more than her little brother with a 140lbs effort to Dalton’s 130lbs. Dalton sure gave that 140lbs a try!
I started out the day only competing in my second USAWA meet ever. I had lifted in an “odd-lift meet” back in 1979 held by Bill Clark and while I had attended a few over the years had failed to join the fun. I recently took the judges test and while I passed it nothing beats experience in learning the fundamentals of a proper lift. So, I wanted to use this opportunity to try as many lifts as possible. My enthusiasm got the best of me and I ended up with 46 records by the end of the day! It was just so much fun, I couldn’t stop. Al finally convinced me to stop as his stomach was well past empty and he wanted to enjoy the big steaks I had promised him. About an hour later, when the adrenaline of the meet wore off, I FELT like I’d broken 46 bones, not records!
Many jokes were told, stories told and retold, and I ended the day convinced I had to host another meet again. My first love is still the Scottish Highland Games, but I could see really enjoying the cross training advantages of the All-Round lifting. Thanks to all who came and get-well wishes to my training partner and friend, Brian Kerby who was supposed to be at the meet but was in the hospital ill. He is now at home recuperating and should be 100% again soon.

Grandpa Jackson's Anvil - The Centerpiece of the Jackson Weightlifting Club
JWC 1st Annual All-Round Challenge
November 21st, 2009
JWC Training Hall, Kirksville, Missouri
Meet Director: Thom Van Vleck
USAWA Officials: Chad Ullom, Al Myers, Thom Van Vleck
(Chad Ullom used the 3 Official System and all others used the 1 Official System)
Loader: Tedd Van Vleck
Al Myers Age 43 40-44 Age Group
120kg Weight Class (Actual weight 260.5lbs)
Bench Press – Left Arm = 95lbs
Bench Press – Right Arm = 115lbs
Abdominal Raise = 45lbs
Pullover – Bent Arm = 145lbs
Clean & Jerk – Dumbell, Right Arm = 130lbs
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 130lbs
Side Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm = 80lbs
Side Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 80lbs
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 100lbs
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 120lbs
Press – From Rack = 205lbs
Chad Ullom Age 37 Open Age Class
110kg Class (Actual weight 237.0lbs)
Deadlift – Left Arm = 375lbs
Deadlift – Right Arm = 410lbs
Continental to Belt = 475lbs
Hack Lift = 510lbs
Steinborn Lift = 410lbs
Hack Lift – Right Arm = 285lbs
Snatch – Left Arm = 125lbs
Piper Squat = 125lbs
Morgan Van Vleck Age 12 Female
45kg Class (Actual weight 94.0lbs)
Snatch – From Hang = 41.5lbs
Continental Snatch = 41.5lbs
Deadlift – 12” Base = 140lbs
Dalton Van Vleck Age 10
35kg Class (Actual Weight 75.5lbs)
Deadlift – 12” Base = 130lb
Josh Hettinger Age 29 Open Age Class
125+ Class (Actual Weight 336lbs)
Shoulder Drop = 100lbs
Lano Lift = 45lbs
Curl – Reverse Grip = 185lbs
Pullover -Bent Arm = 165lbs
Clean & Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 130lbs
Clean & Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm = 130lbs
Side Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 110lbs
Side Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm = 110 lbs
Finger Lift – Right, Middle = 125lbs
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm = 225lbs
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm = 225lbs
Snatch – Right Arm = 135lbs
Snatch – Left Arm = 125lbs
Bench Press – Right Arm = 95lbs
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 100lbs
Circus DB (3” handle, two hand clean, one hand press) = 170lbs
Thom Van Vleck Age 45 45-49 Age Group
125+ Class (Actual Weight 288lbs)
Finger Lift – Left Thumb = 30lbs
Finger Lift – Right Thumb = 30lbs
Finger Lift – Left Middle = 111lbs
Snatch – On Knees = 100lbs
French Press = 65lbs
Curl – Reverse Grip = 135lbs
Curl – Cheat = 185lbs
Continental Snatch = 185lbs
Continental to Chest = 245lbs
Continental to Belt = 360lbs
Deadlift – Stiff legged = 225lbs
Pull Over – Bent Arm = 95lbs
Deadlift – Reeves = 300lbs
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm = 135lbs
Deadlift – Left Arm = 135lbs
Deadlift – One Leg, Left = 135lbs
Deadlift – One Leg, Right = 135lbs
Side Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 80lbs
Side Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm = 80lbs
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 80lbs
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm = 80lbs
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm = 100lbs
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 100lbs
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Left Arm = 80lbs
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm = 80lbs
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm = 80lbs
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm = 80lbs
Clean & Press – On Knees = 135lbs
Press – From Rack, Behind Neck = 135lbs
Jerk – From Rack, Behind Neck = 225lbs
Push Press – From Rack = 225lbs
Miller Clean & Jerk = 95lbs