Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

Grip Championships

By Al Myers



Group picture from the 2023 USAWA Grip Championships

Group picture from the 2023 USAWA Grip Championships

It was a great weekend for the USAWA Grip Championships!!

Kevin Fulton back in action lifting the 1" vertical bar

Kevin Fulton back in action lifting the 1″ vertical bar

Four brave grip lifters made an appearance.  The legendary gripster Kevin Fulton made his return to USAWA competition in this event.   It was definitely the highlight of the meet.  Many years ago Kevin would promote the “super grip” competition at his gym which inspired me to start promoting the USAWA Grip Championships, so having him in attendance was a special treat.   Kevin still has that strong grip and he didn’t miss a single lift because his grip failed.

Our president Denny Habecker made the trip again this year to attend the meet.  Denny has competed in several of the USAWA Grip Championships.

Lance Foster had just been to the Dino Gym for the Dino Challenge and he had so much fun he came back for the Grip Champs!

LaVerne Myers was the overall champion of the day.  This makes it his SIXTH time winning the overall – the most ever in Grip Championship history


Meet Results:

2023 Grip Championships
Saturday, February 11th
Dino Gym, Abilene, Kansas

Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Official (1 official system used):  Al Myers

Lifts: Strict Pinch Grip, Vertical Bar Deadlift 1 bar 1″ one hand, Deadlift Fingers Index, Deadlift Fulton Bar Ciavattone Grip, Rim Lift


LaVerne Myers 78 220 107 145R 160 231 275 918 1182.0
Denny Habecker 80 183 78 105R 100 198 195 676 988.9
Kevin Fulton 63 313 127 205R 160 220 245 957 843.6
Lance Foster 57 256 112 170R 170 176 215 843 779.1

Lance Foster  Strict Pinch Grip 117#
Kevin Fulton Strict Pinch Grip 137#
Denny Habecker VB DL 1 bar 1″  115#
Denny Habecker Index Fingers DL  110#
Kevin Fulton DL FB, CG  242#

All lifts recorded in pounds.  BWT is bodyweight in pounds. R and L designate right and left hands. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.

RECORD DAY LIFTS – 2 officials were used on each lift (Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, Denny Habecker)

Al Myers – 56 years old, 229# BWT
Rim Lift  325#
Bench Press Hands Together 190#
Foot Press 1050#
Bearhug 235#
Holdout Raised 50#

LaVerne Myers – 78 years old, 220# BWT
Curl Cheat Reverse Grip 80#
Curl Cheat  101#
Continental to Belt 155#
BearHug 185#
Hack Lift Left Arm  125#

Denny Habecker – 80 years old, 186# BWT
Curl Cheat Reverse Grip 80#
Bench Press Feet in Air  140#
Dumbbell Press Right Arm 45#
Hack Lift Right Arm 135#
Jefferson Lift 220#


Zercher Strength Classic

By Bill Clark & Abe Smith

Results are below.  Kim VanWagner entered via video, so she is not eligible for records at this time.  Lifts marked with an asterisk(*) denote record lifts.

The 3 official system was used.  Officials were The officials were Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Tony Lupo and Dave DeForest.  Weight is listed in pounds and in kilos.  Lifts are listed in pounds.

Age division weight BW IN KG weight class Zercher Lift Steinborn Lift Clean and Press Heels Together
Dave DeForest 62 60-64 196 88.9 90 250 200* 125
Tony Lupo 56 55-59 232.5 105.46 110 150 135 140
Abe Smith 41 40-44 180 81.65 85 370* 300* 205*
Philip Marlin 27 Open 269 122.02 125 350 300* 205
Wyatt Sawyers 26 Open 189 85.73 90 350 225 160
Kim VanWagner 55 55-59 123 55.79 60 95 65 65
Not eligible for records
Clean and Jerk Vertical Leg Press Hand and Thigh Bench Press Feet in Air Deadlift-Heels Together Hack Lift
Dave DeForest 140 500 705 180 350 320*
Tony Lupo 120 525 500 270* 360 165
Abe Smith 265 825 1105* 290* 435 360*
Philip Marlin 225 600 900 305 455 515
Wyatt Sawyers 250 750 800 285 450 350
Kim VanWagner 75 135 236 105 165 165
Not eligible for records
Harness Lift Hip Lift Deadlift-1 arm total adjusted rank
Dave DeForest 1400 1235* 225-L 5630 6255.26 2
Tony Lupo 1400 1105 200-R 5070 4884.92 5
Abe Smith 1705 1510 320-R 7690 7445.33 1
Philip Marlin 1750 1500 315-R 7420 5674.82 4
Wyatt Sawyers 1505 1015 275-R 6415 5917.2 3
Kim VanWagner 236 236 90-R 1668 2378.16 1
Not eligible for records

4th attempt for record:

Philip Martin

Hack lift 555

Abe Smith

Hand and thigh 1355

Record day attempts:

BILL CLARK  Age 90. Bwt – 197 lb.

Deadlift – trap bar – 155.

Harness Lift – 755

Kennedy Lift – 255.

Lurich lift – 205.

Hip lift – 535.

TONY LUPO  Age 56.  Bwt – 234.5

Press – seated behind neck – 125.

Press – Behind neck – 140.

Phumchaona Lift – 605.

Deadlift – three inch bar – 345.

Weaver stick – right – 2 ½ lb.

DAVE DeFOREST.    Age 62.  Bwt – 196.

Deadlift – three-inch bar – 300.

Front squat – 200.

Clean and jerk – two dumbbells –  2×50 – 100 lbs.

Deadlift, Fulton Dumbbell, Left  – 113.

Deadlift –  Fulton Dumbbell right – 113.

ABE SMITH     Age – 41.  Bwt – 180.

Hack lift – Fulton bar – 310.

Cyr press – 135

Anderson press – 215.

Bent press – right – 105.

Bent press – left – 105.

PHILIP MARLIN      AGE – 27.  Bwt – 269.

Hack lift – Fulton bar – 320.

Jefferson lift – Fulton bar – 440.

Bench press – Fulton Bar – 305.

Cyr press – 145.

Lurich lift – 405.

WYATT SAWYERS     AGE – 26.  Bwt – 189.

Clean and jerk – dumbbell – right – 105.

Clean and jerk – dumbbell – left – 100.

Chinup – 55 lbs.

Pullup – 55 lbs.

Dino Gym Challenge

By Al Myers


2023 Dino Gym Challenge

“Tribute to John McKean”

Group picture from the 2023 Dino Gym Challenge

Group picture from the 2023 Dino Gym Challenge

The Dino Gym Challenge is often the first meet of the year for the USAWA, so I always hope that I can promote a competition that starts things off well for the organization.   Despite the snow that blowed in on Saturday that kept a few lifters away, it was a GREAT hard day of lifting for the 5 lifters that took to the platform. This meet was in tribute to the late John McKean.  John was a good friend  and a “big player” in the history of the USAWA, as well as an USAWA Hall of Famer.  I made sure to tell many stories about John throughout the day as well as all lifters receiving a retro Tshirt that John had designed for the 2012 Nationals that I organized in Las Vegas for our 25 year anniversary of the USAWA.

Much to everyone’s surprise was Chad Ullom making an appearance!  Chad just had total shoulder replacement a little over a week ago and seemed in great spirits.  LaVerne was going to sit this one out and officiate, but with Chad there I subbed him into the head chair so ole dad could enjoy himself lifting.  I was worried that Chad might be “slow on the calls” because of pain meds, but he did an outstanding job as usual.  He even stepped up and did a couple of lifts with his good arm in the one handed lifts.  I refused to watch as I thought he was crazy to do that and I didn’t want to be witness to a potential horror show, but he’s an iron warrior and lifted unscathed.

I hadn’t seen Lance in a while and hardly recognized him as he’s lost so much weight.  He looked fit and lifted better than he did when he was heavier.   I was very impressed with him, as dieting and losing weight is a difficult task.

Scottish Johnny sure put on a good lifting show and pushed me much harder than I had planned.  He always makes his lifts look effortless (unlike myself who looks like I’m gonna pop a vessel).  After the Kennedy Lift he did a great record day lift of 711 pounds in the Peoples DL which probably was the highlight lift of the day.

After the meet I put on a big fish fry for all that stayed.  John loved to fish as much as lifting and I know he would have been impressed by this (sorry you had to miss out on this Denny as I know how much you love your fish and chips!).

As great as the day was, there was a sense of sadness in the air with the absence of longtime Dino Gym member Dean Ross.  Dean’s fighting some health issues and couldn’t make it.  I can’t remember the last time Dean missed a Dino Gym event.

Meet Results:

Dino Gym Challenge
Saturday, January 21st, 2023
Dino Gym, Holland, Kansas

Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Meet Officials (1 official system used): Chad Ullom, Al Myers, LaVerne Myers

Lifts: 1×2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift, Bentover Row, Dumbbell Deadlift One Arm, Deadlift 2 Bars, Kennedy Lift

Lifter Age BWT VB Row DL1 DL2 Kenn TOT PTS
Al Myers 56 230 180R 275 330R 441 711 1937 1875.6
John Strangeway 44 216 180L 275 330L 507 661 1953 1754.3
LaVerne Myers 78 220 135L 155 200L 224 280 994 1279.9
Lance Foster 57 257 145R 175 220R 300 397 1237 1141.2
Chad Ullom 51 220 145L —- 200L 345 327.3

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are overall corrected points for age and bodyweight adjustments.


John Strangeway – 44 years, 216 pounds
1×2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift Left Arm: 191 pounds
Peoples Deadlift: 711 pounds

LaVerne Myers – 78 years, 220 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Left: 40 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Right: 40 pounds
Curl Cheat 2 Dumbbells: 70 pounds
Deadlift 2 Fulton Dumbbells: 250 pounds
Deadlift Fulton Dumbbell Left: 125 pounds

Al Myers – 56 years, 230 pounds
Deadlift Fulton Bar Right: 190 pounds
Deadlift Fulton Bar Left: 170 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Right: 75 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Left: 75 pounds
Deadlift 2 Fulton Dumbbells: 320 pounds

2022 National Postal Championship

By Denny Habecker

Dan Wagman executes a Bench Press-Reverse Grip in the National Postal Championship.

Dan Wagman executes a Bench Press-Reverse Grip in the National Postal Championship.

We had great participation in the 2022 4th Quarter Postal again, with 24 men and 7 women taking part. There  were some great lifts done in this meet, with many records set or broken. Jeff Ciavattone set a tough standard in the men’s division and Beth Skwarecki placed at the top of the women’s division.

4th Quarter Postal – October 1 thru December 31, 2022

The Lifts : Bench Press- Reverse Grip, Deadlift – Dumbbell – One Hand, Zercher

Records are marked with an * All weights are in Pounds


Jeff Ciavattone    – 43    – 240        – 315 *      – 425 -R*       – 450 *       – 1190    – 1003
Abe Smith          – 41    – 180       – 270 *      – 300 -R*        -370 *        –  940     -910.76
Randy Smith      – 68     – 197       – 155         – 228.5 -R      – 295           – 678.5  – 807.4
Anthony Hose    – 53    –  228       – 285 *       – 280 – R*     – 275           – 840     – 796.91
Nick Frieder       – 22     -153        – 165         – 248  -R       – 340            – 753     – 791.4
Dave Hahn        – 85    – 142        – 100         – 125 – L        – 190            – 415    – 761.44
Barry Bryan       – 64   – 185        – 226 *      – 187 – R       – 220            – 633     – 739.42
John J. Carter    – 64  –  215        – 115         – 260 – R*     – 300*           – 675     – 724.61
Dave DeForest   – 62   – 190         – 170        – 238 -L*       – 200            – 608     – 688.38
Frank Ciavattone- 67  – 276       – 155         – 310 – R*      – 225            – 690    –   672.47
Jarrod Fobes      – 45 – 209      – 240          – 235  -R        – 215             – 690      – 637.78
Dan Wagman         – 175.8       – 331 *      – 331 -L*        –   0              – 662       – 637.77
Barry Pensyl    – 74 –    140       –  44        –  154 – R       – 176             – 374       – 601.14
Denny Habecker -80 -181        – 88 *        – 176 -R*      – 143             – 407        – 600.95
Chris Todd        – 43 – 270       -225 *       – 280 – R*      – 225 *          -730         – 579.04
Wade Marchand -53 – 162     – 155 *       – 211 -L*       – 112              -478         – 552.38
Eric Todd         – 47  – 263      – 225         – 300 – L*       -135             – 660         – 551.63
Tony Lupo       – 56  – 236.5    – 250*       – 165-R*          – 155        –   570       –   544.65
Leroy Todd      – 11   -92.4       – 45*        – 90-R*            – 80          –   215       –   451.82
Sanjiv Gupta   – 51  -194.9       – 0          – 170-R         – 175             –  345        –  381.63
Mark Raymond -59   -226        -125*       – 170-L *       – 55               –  350        – 352.42
Everett Todd   – 9    – 86         – 40*         – 70-R*         –  45               – 155         -351.11
Lance Foster  – 57  – 263        – 0            – 210-R*      – 135               – 345         – 315.05
Bill Clark       – 90  – 197.5     -55*          -108-R*        –  0                 -163      –     258.30


Beth Skwarecki   – 42 – 145      – 121*      – 187-L*       -222*            – 531       – 596.64
R.J. Jackson       – 61  – 103.4   – 100       – 171-R        – 67                – 338       – 479.62
Stacy Todd      –   39  – 180.4   – 120*      – 205-R*      – 170*            – 495        – 469.50
Kim Van Wagner -55    -124      – 95          -95-R          -130               – 320       – 453.12
Lily Todd           – 13   – 137.8   – 80*        – 115-R*     – 110*             – 305      –  416.51
Phoebe Todd     – 12   – 118      – 50*        -120-R*      – 70*              – 240        –  405
Janet Thompson -65   -165      – 40*        – 75- R*       -45*              – 160        201.94


Abe Smith- Bill Clark, Tony Lupo, Dave DeForest
Nick Frieders- Bill Clark, Tony Lupo, Dave DeForest
Anthony Hose- Tony Lupo, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
John Carter- Tony Lupo, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
Tony Lupo- Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
Dave DeForest- Bill Clark, Tony Lupo
Bill Clark     – Dave DeForest, Tony Lupo
Janet Thompson – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo
Chris Todd – Eric Todd, Lance Foster, Jeff Rigby[Probational}
Leroy Todd- Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Stacy Todd – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Lilly Todd – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Phoebe Todd – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, J. Rigby
Eric Todd – Chris Todd, Lance Foster, Jeff Rigby
Lance Foster – Chris Todd, Jeff Rigby
Jeff Ciavattone – Frank Ciavattone, Mark Raymond
Frank Ciavattone- Jeff Ciavattone, Mark Raymond
Wade Marchand – Jeff Ciavattone, Mark Raymond
Mark Raymond- Frank Ciavattone, Jeff Ciavattone
Barry Bryan- Denny Habecker, Bethh Skwarecki
Denny Habecker- Barry Bryan, Beth Skwarecki
Beth Skwarecki – Barry Bryan, Denny Habecker
Dan Wagman – R.J. Jackson

Lifters with no Certified Official:

Randy Smith, Jarrod Fobes, Barry Pensyl, Sanjiv Guota,

R.J. Jackson, Kim Van Wagner






Frank’s Barbell Club 2022 New Year’s Eve Record Breaker

By Mark Raymond

Frank’s Barbell Club

2022 New Year’s Eve Record Breaker

Results are as follows:

2022 New Year’s Eve Record Breaker Frank’s Barbell Club, East Walpole, Massachusetts December 31st 2022

Meet Director: Mark Raymond

Host: Frank Ciavattone

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Frank Ciavattone

Officials (3 official system used): Frank Ciavattone, Jeff Ciavattone, Mark Raymond

All lifts recorded in pounds

Wade Marchand Age: 53 Weight: 162 Lbs. 75K Class 50+ Masters

Mark Raymond Age: 59 Weight: 226 Lbs. 105K Class 55+ Masters

Jeff Ciavattone Age: 43 Weight: 240 Lbs. 110K Class 40+ Masters

Frank Ciavattone Jr. Age: 67 Weight: 276 Lbs. 125K+ Class 60+ Masters

Lifter                         Lift                                          Pounds

Jeff Ciavattone           Vertical Bar-2 Inch-Right           185

Deadlift – Fingers – Index           241

Clean & Press – 12 Inch Base      210

Clean & Press – Middle Fingers    155

Jefferson Lift                             605


Mark Raymond          Bench Press – Hands Together     120

Bench Press – Alternate grip        115

Weaver Stick – Right – Front        5.5

Weaver Stick – Left – Front           5.5

Weaver Stick – Left – Rear            7.5


Wade Marchand       Weaver Stick – Right – Rear          7.5

Weaver Stick – Left – Front            5

Weaver Stick – Left – Rear             7.5

Wrist curl                                    100

Wrist curl – 1 Hand – Left              50


Frank Ciavattone    Weaver Stick – Right – Front           6

Weaver Stick – Right – Rear            9

Weaver Stick – Left – Rear              9

Curl – Reverse Grip                       90

Rectangular Fix                            80

1 9 10 11 12 13 74