Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

2022 Memorial Record Day

By Denny Habecker


The 2022 Memorial Record day had 10 lifters lift this year, 6 at Habecker’s Gym and 4 at Clark’s Gym. This meet was originally started to replace Art’s Birthday Bash. Then it evolved to remember some of the other greats of our sport like John Vernacchio, Howard Prechtal, Dale Friesz, Jim Malloy, and Rex Monahan to name just a few. This year my youngest grandson Brady, lifted and lifted well, after only training for about 6 weeks. After the lifting we all were treated to a delicious lunch made by Judy Habecker.

President Denny in action

President Denny in action

The Results:

Brady Habecker – 14 – 116 Lbs. [52.6 Kg.} 55 Kg. Class [14-15]

Ciavattone Deadlift                   – 70  Kg..  -154.32 Lbs.

Cheat Curl – Reverse Grip         – 27.5 Kg.  – 60.62 Lbs.

Press from Rack                        – 27.5 Kg.  – 60.62 Lbs.

Clean & Press – 2 Dumbbells         – 27.2 Kg.     – 60 Lbs.

Clean & Seated Press – 2 Dumbbells – 27.2 Kg. – 60 Lbs.

Aidan Habecker – 19 – 184 Lbs. [ 83.4 Kg.} – 85 Kg. Class  [18-19]

Bench Press – Reverse Grip –        77.5 Kg.  – 170.85 Lbs.

Clean & Seated Press – 2 Dumbbells – 41.25 Kg. – 91 Lbs.

Curl – Strict                        –             40 Kg.  – 88.18 Lbs.

Trap Bar Deadlift                           – 180 Kg.  – 396.82 Lbs.

Vertical Bar Deadlift- 2″ -Right Hand – 95 Kg. -209.43 Lbs.

Beth Skwarecki – 42 – 142 Lbs.  [ 64.4 Kg. ] – 65 Kg. Class [40-44]

Bench Press – Hands Together         – 45 Kg. – 99.2 Lbs.

Deadlift – 12 ” Base                       120 Kg.  – 264.55 Lbs.

Deadlift- Dumbbell – Left Hand       85 Kg.    -187.39 Lbs.

James Lift                                   37.5 Kg.  – 82.67 Lbs.

Zercher                                      101 Kg.   -222.66 Lbs.

Lou Tortorelli  – 57 – 235 Lbs.  – 106.5 Kg. – 110 Kg.  Class  [ 55-59]

Curl Strict                                     45 Kg.  – 99.2 Lbs.

Deadlift- Trap Bar                      167.5 Kg. – 369.3 Lbs

Barry Byran   64 – 185 Lbs.  [ 83.9 Kg. ]  – 85 Kg. Class [ 60- 64]

Bench Press- Hands Together      – 90 Kg.  – 198.41 Lbs.

Bench Press – Reverse Grip     – 102.5 Kg.  – 225.97 Lbs.

Clean & Seated Press              – 41.25 Kg.  – 91 Lbs.

Deadlift – Dumbbell – Right Hand – 85 Kg.  – 187.39 Lbs.

Zercher                                – 100 Kg.    – 220.46 Lbs.

Denny Habecker – 80 – 181 Lbs. [82.1 Kg.]  85 Kg. Class [ 80- 84]

Continental to Belt                 – 87.5 Kg.   – 192.9 Lbs.

Curl  Cheat                          – 37.5 Kg.    –  82.67 Lbs.

Deadlift – Ciavattone           – 105 Kg.       – 231.48 Lbs.

Deadlift – Heels Together     – 90 Kg.        – 198.41 Lbs.

Deadlift – Dumbbell – Right Hand – 80 Kg.  – 176.36 Lbs.

OFFICIALS: Denny Habecker, Barry Bryan, & Beth Skwarecki



Abe Smith – Age 41 Btw- 180 Lbs.

Fulton Bar – Bench Press – 270 Lbs.

Clean & Seated Press – 2 Dumbbells – 160 Lbs.

Clean & Press – Heels Together – 2 Dumbbells – 180 Lbs.

Clean & Jerk- Dumbbell – Right – 135 Lbs.

Clean & Jerk – Dumbbell – Left  – 135 Lbs.

Tony Lupo – Age 56 – 236.5 Lbs.

Fulton Bar Bench Press – 270 Lbs.

Dumbbell Deadlift – left – 120 Lbs.

Bench Press -Feet in Air – 270 Lbs.

Kennedy Lift – 365 Lbs.

Deadlift – Trap Bar – 365 Lbs.

John Carter – Age 64 – 216 Lbs

Hack lift – Right Hand – 200 Lbs.

Zercher  – Right Arm   – 250 Lbs.

Deadlift-Dumbbell – Left – 220 Lbs.

Lurick Lift    – 405 Lbs.

Kennedy Lift – 455 Lbs.

Dave DeForest – Age 62  – 190 Lbs.

Deadlift – two hands – no thumbs – 370 Lbs.

Deadlift – Trap Bar – 355 Lbs.

Clean  & Press 12″ Base- 120 Lbs.

Clean & Press – Alternate grip – 110 Lbs.

Clean & Press – Reverse grip   – 110 Lbs.

Officials – Bill Clark, Dave DeForest, Abe Smith, Tony Lupo










Lift for Leroy Record Day

By Eric Todd

Jeff Rigby executing a bent press

Jeff Rigby executing a bent press

This Saturday past saw the House of Iron and Stone play host to this year’s installment of “Lift for Leroy.”  We hold this annually around the holidays as my brother, Leroy, is often down in the dumps around this time.  Truth be told, it is not uncommon for moaning and wailing to be heard coming from his room at this time of year.  All proceeds from this event go to raise his spirits.  No money was raised this year.  We had a good turnout of family and friends attend this year’s event.  Jeff Rigby came all the way from Salt Lake City, Utah to help Leroy from being bummed out.  Apparently, he had heard about Leroy “accidentally” falling asleep behind his wife’s car before she left for work last Christmas, and he wanted to help out. Lance Foster came in as a fraction of himself and incognito to assault the record book and bolster Leroy’s Christmas cheer.

Bodyweight is recorded in pounds.  All lifts are recorded in pounds.  The three official system was used.  Officials were Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster, and Jeff Rigby (probationary official getting in a practical training session).  All lifts listed broke or set national records.  Results are as follows:

Everett Todd

Age 9, Division ≤13

BW 86.4, weight class 40 kilo

Crucifix: 20

Press, Dumbbell, Right: 18

Vertical Bar Deadlift-1 bar, 1″ 1 hand Right: 60

Deadlift, 12″ base: 90

Kennedy Lift: 185


Leroy Todd

Age 11, Division ≤13

BW 92.4, weight class 45 kilo

Vertical Bar Deadlift-1 bar, 2″ 1 hand Right: 46

Curl-Dumbbell, Cheat-one arm-right: 20

Curl-Dumbbell, Cheat-one arm-left: 20

Jackson Press: 25


Phoebe Todd

Age 12, Division ≤13

BW 118.8, weight class 55 kilo

Vertical Bar Deadlift-1 bar, 1″ 1 hand Right: 90

Curl-Cheat: 55

Jackson Press: 40

Clean and Press-12″ base: 45

Kennedy Lift: 250


Lilly Todd

Age 13, Division ≤13

BW 137.8, weight class 65 kilo

Curl-Dumbbell, Cheat-one arm-right:35

Curl-Dumbbell, Cheat-one arm-left: 35

Press-Dumbbell-Right: 20

Press-Dumbbell-Left Arm: 20

Deadlift-Dumbbell-Left: 95


Stacy Todd

Age 39, Division Open

BW 180, weight class 85 kilo

snatch-dumbbell-Right: 45

Deadlift-Dumbbell-Left: 150

Press-Dumbbell-Right: 37.5

Curl-Dumbbell, Cheat-one arm-left: 50


Chris Todd

Age 43, Division 40+

BW 270.8, weight class 125 kilo

Reflex Clean and Push Press: 161

Rim Lift: 320

Bench Press- 1 arm Left: 100

Snatch from Knees: 85

Pullover-bent arm: 125


John Strangeway

Age 44, Division 40+

BW 215, weight class 100 kilo

Squat-Front: 475

Deadlift-Inch Dumbbell-Left: 145

Deadlift-Inch Dumbbell-Right: 136

Rim Lift: 340


Jeff Rigby

Age 45, Division 45+

BW 290. weight class 125+

Squat-12″ base: 545

Piper Squat: 275

Bent Press-Dumbbell-Left: 124


Eric Todd

Age 47, Division 45+

BW 263, weight class 120 kilo

Press-Dumbbell-Left: 90

Curl-cheat-Dumbbell-Left: 100

Vertical Bar Deadlift-1 bar, 1″ 1 hand Left: 115

Deadlift-Fulton Dumbbell-Left: 100

Rim Lift: 300


Lance Foster

Age 57, Division 55+

BW 263, weight class 120 kilo

Deadlift-Fulton Bar: 250

Press-Dumbbell-Right: 45

Finger Lift-Right-Middle: 101

Finger Lift-Right-Ring; 95

Rim Lift: 220






By Bill Clark

For a variety of reasons, this year’s Backbreaker, named for Steve Schmidt, the original organizer of this event, which, for years, was named the USAWA National Heavy Lift Championship, had only two serious competitors and one has-been who called it a day after one event.

John Carter, who has won the event many times, added another title in his Hall of Fame career. Tony Lupo was Carter’s sidekick. It was Tony’s second year in the event, and he set personal records in all but the back lift.

The has-been was your newsletter editor who has battled the tag end of an earlier mild bout of the corona virus – which has been slow to move on, leaving the Old Guy with shortness of breath and fatigue, both of which are slowly improving but have kept him from doing his proposed 90 different lifts at age 90.

Ol’ Clark did a 565-lb. hip lift at a bodyweight of 202 pounds – and called it a day. His 565 was only the second hip lift recorded by a 90-year-old. The other was 450 done by Art Montini in the 85-kilo class not long before he died. Your editor hopes that is not a hidden message to the latest 90-year-old effort.

The results:

Lifter Age Division weight class Backlift Harness Lift Hip Lift Hand and Thigh Neck Lift Total Adjusted
John Carter 64 60 215 100 1505* 2000 1605 800 245 6155 6607.39
Tony Lupo 56 55 236 110 925 1400 1055 510 275 4165 3,973.98
Bill Clark 90 90 202 95 565* 565

Bodyweight is listed in pounds.  All weights are listed in pounds.  The one official system was used.  Officials in this meet were Bill Clark and Tony Lupo. All national records are denoted with an asterisk (*).

Gold Cup

By Steve Gardner
Group picture of 2022 IAWA Gold Cup

Group picture of 2022 IAWA Gold Cup

What a super day at the Gold Cup 2022 in Belfast. Well done to venue promoter Stevie Shanks on a great job and I am proud to have been co promoter with my pal Stevie. Thanks to all the lifters who travelled to help make it a great day and big thanks to Simon for his great assistance too a real diamond.
The lifting was superb with great performances and lots of records were set and broken with lifters representing USA, Northern Ireland, England and Finland. We had the youngest lifter Phoebe Ames aged 12 of England to the most Senior being Denny Habecker from the USA aged 80.
A few firsts occurred yesterday….. Paul Hallam and I performed the first official two man one hand deadlift ( with right hand) since it completed the authorization process, and being certified as an IAWA competitive lift at the World Council meeting in October. Paul and I did this lift to honour Chad and Al from Kansas who famously first put this great lift into the all round lifting arena some years ago. I can see some lifters hitting big numbers with this one in the future…..
This Gold Cup saw the best overall lift won by a Shanks Lift for the first time, after the great performance by Chad Ullom.  The proud winner of the Howard Prechtel Award for the best overall performance at the Gold Cup….. Chad Ullom from Kansas, USA who won with his terrific Shanks Lift of 332.5 kilos!
It was very close with Chad taking it with a score of 121.5 finishing just ahead of Timo whose magnificent Middle Fingers Deadlift with crazy weight scored 121.1. Phew it was close ( and Stevie Shanks was in third with an awesome Dumbells Deadlift scoring 110 points) well done guys…. and to all of the lifters!
Another great first was Mother and Daughter team: Hannah and Phoebe, whe performed the two person deadlift, the first Mother Daughter combo on the record books…. Well done both …!
Another great event for IAWA!

Goerner Deadlift Dozen plus one

By Bill Clark

Nick Frieders rolled to a defense of his Deadlift Dozen Plus One title, slipping past John Carter, Dave DeForest and Lucas Hardie in a tight battle that involved only Clark’s Gym Team members.

Colorado’s Kim Van Wagner, also a gym team member, was the only female entrant and she continued to show both interest and ability, though she cannot set records at the current time because she is isolated in the Denver area.

Nick, a senior majoring in theater at the University of Missouri, continues to improve as a deadlifter in every aspect of the pulling part of the sport. He needed all he could muster to stay ahead of 63-year-old John Carter who continues to challenge in the non-chain events – and remains a tough customer in the chain lifts – which are coming up in a month when Clark’s Gym sponsors the Steve Schmidt Backbreaker Pentathlon.

All lifts are listed in pounds.  Weights are listed in pounds.  The three official system was used.  Officials were Tony Lupo, Dave DeForest, and Bill Clark.  

** Denotes lifters who are not eligible for records.

*Denotes lifts that set or broke US records.

Results are as follows:

Lifter age division weight class DL-heels hack DL – 2 DL – 1 arm Dl -1 arm DL – no DL – No
WOMEN together lift bars right left thumb-R thumb -L
**Kim Van Wagner 54 50 125 60 165 155 180 95 95 95 95
Nick Frieders 22 Open 153 70 400 405 410 305 305 170* 170
John Carter 63 60 216 100 370* 460* 350 312* 265* 210* 180*
Dave DeForest 62 60 187 85 325 315* 350 240 270* 150 150*
**Lucas Hardie 38 Open 195 90 500 475 450 275 275 160 185
Tony Lupo 56 55 234 110 350 150 300 200 200 155* 170*
WOMEN Jefferson Reeves DL-fgrs   DL-fgrs Dl-fgrs DL-fgrs
Lift Deadlift Index middle ring Little
**Kim VanWagner 165 75 75 105 65 0
Nick Frieders 400 285* 135 185 135 130*
John Carfter 355* 275* 150* 210* 150* 105*
Dave DeForest 325 165 136* 156 150* 105*
**Lucas Hardie 500 220 130 185 95 70
Tony Lupo 300 200* 160* 155* 130* 100*
5 Total BWT Age Place
pounds corr. Cvorr.
**Kim Van Wagner 1,365 1659,43 1918.34 1st 1st
Nick Frieders 3,435 3623.93 3623.93 1st
John Carter 3,202 2742.19 3399.08 2nd
Dave DeForest 2,837 2631.03 3216.37 3rd
**Lucas Hardie 3,520 3189.82 3,189.82 4th
Tony Lupo 2,570 2,106.12 2464.16 5th




Cleand jerk – dumbells


left hand


Clean and press – 12-inch base


Clean and press – alternate grip


Clean and press – reverse grip


Clean and seated press –




Clean and seated press –


Deadlift – stiff-legged


Clean and seated press – behind neck


Clea and press – alternate grip



1 10 11 12 13 14 74