Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results


The third quarter postal had good participation again with 23 men and 7 women competing. Abe Smith topped the men again and R.J. Jackson led the women this quarter.

3rd Quarter Postal- July 1 Thru September 30

Records are marked with an *

Lifters marked with a # sign are Canadian, thus not eligible for USAWA records

The Lifts- Curl-Cheat, Press from Racks, Deadlift- Ciavattone-One Hand


Abe Smith         – 40 – 184 Lbs.  – 205 Lbs.* – 220 Lbs.* – 240 Lbs.*-L – 665 Lbs. – 629.40
Randy Smith      – 67- 197.5 Lbs – 150 Lbs. –  115 Lbs. –   205 Lbs.* -L- 470 Lbs.  -549.77
Anthony Hose    – 53 –  225 Lbs.  – 175 Lbs. – 165 Lbs.* –  230 Lbs R   -570 Lbs. – 544.72
John Carter      – 63  – 216 Lbs.  – 150 Lbs.* – 120 Lbs.* – 230 Lbs R  – 500 Lbs. – 530.96
John Strangeway – 42 – 214 Lbs.  – 170 Lbs. – 175 Lbs.* – 240 Lbs* L- 585 Lbs. – 518.91
Matt MacNeil #     – 37  -269 Lbs.  – 205 Lbs. – 225 Lbs. –  225 Lbs R   – 655 Lbs. – 501.14
Denny Habecker  – 80 – 182 Lbs.   – 88 Lbs.   – 99 Lbs     – 148 Lbs R   – 335 Lbs. – 490.93
Lucas Hardie #   – 38  – 191.8 Lbs. -175 Lbs. – 135 Lbs.  – 205 Lbs L  – 515 Lbs.  – 471.22
Eric Todd        – 47  – 270 Lbs. – 210 Lbs.* – 200 Lbs.* -160 Lbs R – 570 Lbs.  – 470.26
Dave DeForest    – 62 – 196 Lbs.  -130 Lbs.   – 120 Lbs.  – 172 Lbs R  -422 Lbs.  – 469.12
Barry Pensyl       – 74 – 142 Lbs.   – 88 Lbs.   – 78 Lbs.    – 128 Lbs R – 294 Lbs.  – 467.93
Nick Frieders     – 21 – 153.5 Lbs. – 130 Lbs.  – 120 Lbs.  – 190 Lbs R – 440 Lbs.  – 461.56
Dave Hahn       – 85  – 141 Lbs.   – 75 Lbs.    – 45 Lbs.    – 125 Lbs L  – 245 Lbs.  – 451.47
Anthony Lupo   – 56 – 230.5 Lbs. – 120 Lbs. – 165 Lbs.* – 180 Lbs L  –  465 Lbs.  – 450.25
Dan Wagman   – ?    – 174.5 Lbs. – 216 Lbs.*   –  0        – 241 Lbs*-L – 457 Lbs.  – 442.28
Sanjiv Gupta   – 51  – 187.6 Lbs.  – 101 Lbs.  – 130 Lbs. – 185 Lbs L   – 416 Lbs.  – 431.81
John Gordon # – 28 – 179.6 Lbs.  – 132.3 Lbs. – 125 Lbs. – 185 Lbs L – 442.3 Lbs. – 420.45
Jarrod Fobes   -45  – 209 Lbs.     – 135 Lbs.    – 135 Lbs.  – 175 Lbs.-R -445 Lbs. -388.04
Chris Todd      – 43  – 276 Lbs.     – 165 Lbs.   – 135 Lbs.  – 180 Lbs* L – 480 Lbs. –  377.30
Everett Todd   – 9   –  80 Lbs.     – 32.5 Lbs.  – 30 Lbs.*   – 50 Lbs*-R- 112.5 Lbs. – 366.52
Bill Clark     –   90   – 202 Lbs.   – 38 LBS.*   – 28 Lbs.*   – 125 Lbs*R  – 191 Lbs.  – 298.75
Leroy Todd  – 11   –  84 Lbs.     –  35 Lbs.    –  30 Lbs.*   –  55 Lbs*-R-  120 Lbs.   -278.88
Joseph Caron – 77 – 184 Lbs.   –   0            –   0          – 175 Lbs.*- R  – 175 Lbs. –  248.64


R.J. Jackson       – 60 – 103 Lbs.  –  86 Lbs.   – 80 Lbs.    – 111 Lbs R    – 277 Lbs. – 394.59
Beth Skwarecki –  41 – 146.8 Lbs. – 117 Lbs. – 88 Lbs.   – 128 Lbs R     – 333 Lbs.  -367.53
Kim Van Wagner -55  – 129 Lbs.   – 70 Lbs.   – 70 Lbs.   – 95 Lbs. L      – 235 Lbs.  -322.81
Phoebe Todd     – 12  – 121 Lbs.   – 55 Lbs.*  – 45 Lbs.* –  85 Lbs-R      – 185 Lbs.  -306.28
Stacy Todd       – 39  – 180 Lbs.   – 110 Lbs.* – 65 Lbs.*  – 141 Lbs*R  – 316 Lbs.  – 300.17
Lillian Todd      – 13   – 130 Lbs.  – 60 Lbs.    – 50 Lbs.*    – 75 Lbs*R  – 185 Lbs.   – 272.46
Janet Thompson – 65 – 160 Lbs.  – 55 Lbs.*  – 28 Lbs.*   – 100 Lbs*L  – 183 Lbs.   -235.56


Randy Smith        – Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
Abe Smith           – Bill Clark, Dave DeForest
John Strangeway – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Everett Todd       – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Leroy Todd         – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Joe Caron          – Bill Clark, Abe Smith
Phoebe Todd     – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Stacy Todd      – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Lillian Todd       – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Anthony Hose  – Bill Clark
John Carter      – Bill Clark
Eric Todd         – Chris Todd
Dave DeForest – Bill Clark
Nick Frieders    – Bill Clark
Anthony Lupo  – Bill Clark
Dan Wagman – R.J. Jackson
Chris Todd      – Eric Todd
Bill Clark        – Dave DeForest
Janet Thompson – Bill Clark

Matt MacNeil, Lucas Hardie, Barry Pensyl, Denny Habecker, Dave Hahn, Sanjiv Gupta,  John Gordon, R.J. Jackson, Beth Skwarecki,   Kim Van Wagner. Jarrod Fobes





World Championships

By Al Myers


The group picture from the 2022 IAWA World Championships

The group picture from the 2022 IAWA World Championships

Once again Denny and Judy Habecker hosted a great World Championships in their hometown of Lebanon, PA. I believe this marks the SIXTH time the Habeckers have promoted Worlds – making them the ALL TIME leaders putting on the IAWA World Championships.

Like last year, the number of competitors were down in numbers.  I’m hoping this is still due to post COVID reasons, but it’s a little concerning.  However,  the lifting was superb and the meet was an overall success.  We dedicated this World Championships to Karen Gardner as she’s fighting health issues right now and could not attend.  Steve and Karen have always been a perennial presence at this meet, and I have to admit it seemed a little “off” not sharing the announcing table with Steve.

Beth Skwarecki from Pittsburgh was the lone women’s competitor but she represented well!! Her performance was worthy of being a champion.  She impressed me with several of her lifts and her technique is flawless.

Beth had a record breaking performance in the One Hand Deadlift  with this 101 KG successful lift!

Beth had a record breaking performance in the One Hand Deadlift with this 101 KG successful lift!

Three lifters from England made the trip to the states to compete.  Steve Sherwood won the OVERALL BEST LIFTER title and AGAIN showed us that he is still the best in our sport.  I always enjoy watching Steve lift.  He’s a perfectionist with his lifting and a true gentleman off the platform.

Paul Barette and Danny Kingsland from the Metamorfit Gym in Eastbourne both had great meets.  This was the first time that Danny has traveled to the states to lift.  I want to REALLY thank Steve, Paul, and Danny for attending.

Young Aidan Habecker was the youngest lifter at 19, and his “gramps” Denny the oldest at 80.  However, Aidan is not the kid lifter he used to be as he’s a young man now, and he posted the highest total of the meet at 630 kilograms.  He was the last lifter on the platform when the meet was over as he nailed a 170 kg VB deadlift for record, which was a fitting way to end the meet.

I want to mention Frank Ciavattone.  Frank has dealt with ALOT lately but still competed and posted a mark in all the lifts.  Even though his One Hand Deadlift was a token lift for him at this meet, it still impressed me just getting to watch the legend in action with his signature lift.

Randy Smith made the road trip from Michigan to compete.  Randy was last year’s overall best lifter at Worlds but ended up second overall to Steve this year.  Outside of a few more grey hairs Randy still looks and lifts like he did 20 years ago.

Again, I want to thank Denny and Judy for all they did to make this another great championships for IAWA.

Meet Results:

2022 World IAWA World Championships
October 1st & 2nd, 2022
Lebanon, PA

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Meet Officials (3-official system used): Denny Habecker, Barry Pensyl, Beth Skwarecki, Steve Sherwood, Paul Barette, Frank Ciavattone, Randy Smith

Meet Loaders:   All Lifters

Meet Lifts: DAY 1 Clean and Press, Continental Snatch, Cheat Curl, One Hand Deadlift  DAY 2 Continental Clean and Jerk, Pullover and Push, 2 2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift


Lifter Age BWT C&P Sna Curl 1HDL C&J P&P VB TOT PTS
Beth Skwarecki 41 67.5 40 55 52.5 95R 70 85 96 492.5 537.8


Beth S  Cheat Curl 56K
One Hand DL Right  101K


Lifter Age BWT C&P Sna Curl 1HDL C&J P&P VB TOT PTS
Steve Sherwood 71 80.5 45 55.5 68 150L 55 75 140 588.5 777.7
Randy Smith 68 87.0 55 50 67.5 122.5R 67.5 92.5 140 595.0 718.6
Denny Habecker 80 83.1 42.5 35 42.5 92.5R 45 72.5 87.5 417.5 612.0
Aidan Habecker 19 83.0 50 60 67.5 125R 70 92.5 165 630.0 604.3
Paul Barette 46 74.8 50 52.5 65 120L 62.5 82.5 95 527.5 565.4
Danny Kingsland 32 64.8 65 45 60  0 60 97.5 105 432.5 476.0
Frank Ciavattone 67 130.0 20 20 40 90R 20 50 105 345.0 332.7
Al Myers 56 104.8  —  —  —  —  —  — 105 105.0 101.5

Notes: Steve Sherwood weighed in on Day 2 at 79.9 (80KG Class).  All other lifters weighed in at the same class as Day 1.


Aidan Habecker Cheat Curl 68.5K
Aidan Habecker 2×2″ VB 170K

Notes: All lifts recorded in kilograms.  BWT is bodyweight recorded in kilograms.  R and L designate right and left. TOT is total kilograms lifted.  PTS are overall points adjusted for bodyweight and age corrections.


Womens Master 40-44: Beth Skwarecki
Womens Overall: Beth Skwarecki
Mens Junior: Aidan Habecker
Mens Senior:  Danny Kingsland
Mens Master 45-49: Paul Barette
Mens Master 55-59: Al Myers
Mens Master 65-69: Randy Smith
Mens Master 70-74: Steve Sherwood
Mens Master 80-84: Denny Habecker
Mens Overall: Steve Sherwood

World Postal Championships

By Al Myers, IAWA President

2022 IAWA World Postal Championships “The Andy Goddard Memorial” August 31st, 2022 Lifts: Clean and Press, Continental Snatch, Cheat Curl, 1H Deadlift MEET REPORT, BY PROMOTER AL MYERS Another great year for the IAWA World Postal Championships!! This year we had 44 lifters compete (up 2 from last year) from the United States, Australia, England, and Canada. This World Postal Championships is one of three (with the World Championships and the Gold Cup being the other two) promoted by IAWA. I want to REALLY thank all those that participated. Your participation is what makes this a great event! As per the tradition the past few years, the lifts of the first day Worlds were contested. I’ve included all class winners and best lifters, individual overall rankings for men and women, 3 person team rankings, and club rankings. I want to give special mention to the overall winners in each category. The Overall Best Men’s Lifter was ABE SMITH, and the Overall Best Women’s Lifter was BEATA BANAS. The Overall Best 3-person Team went to CLARK’S GYM (Abe Smith, Randy Smith, and Dave DeForest). The Overall Best Club went to METAMORFIT. The Overall Best Association went to the USAWA, with the IAWAUK in second, and the ARWF in third. The youngest lifter that entered Everett Todd at 9 years of age. The oldest lifter in the completion was Bill Clark at 90 years of age! The Clubs with the most lifters entered were KC Strongman and Metamorfit at 8 lifters each. I want to mention 5 lifters who competed as Exhibition Lifters (because of lack of an official to judge their lifts) just to show support to IAWA and the memory of Andy Goddard. These lifters were Gary Ell, Jason Farrugia, Chad Ullom and two lifters from Canada – Syvia Stockall and Sarah Douglas. If anyone notices any errors in these results please let me know as soon as possible so I can get things corrected. Sometimes I have difficulties reading the handwriting on the official scoresheets. Again, I want to thank everyone for entering this meet and making it an outstanding annual event in IAWA

MEET RESULTS (PDF): 2022 World Postal Results


Old Time Strongman Championship

By Eric Todd

Fantastic group of lifters at this year's Old Time Strongman Championship

Fantastic group of lifters at this year’s Old Time Strongman Championship

Today, the USAWA saw the 11th installment of the Old Time Strongman Championship hosted by KCSTRONGMAN in the megalopolis of Turney, Missouri.  It was the perfect day for such a championship, and the lifting was top shelf.  We had a few competitors drop out for various reasons the week prior to the meet, but luckily, we had a good number of entries, so we had decent numbers even after they withdrew.  We also saw the largest group of lady lifters that this championship has seen.

This championship event started off with the Thor’s hammer.  This one can certainly be a fickle mistress.  You really have to hit the sweet spot to get it to stick at the top.  I cannot tell you how many times I was about to give the down command when the lifter lost control at the top.  Some were able to come back and hit it and some were not.  Dave Deforest had an attempt where he missed it what seemed to be around 400 times at the top, only to hit a good lift with about 3 seconds left.  The cream of the crop was Greg Cook, 2017s OTMS men’s champion, who nailed a lift of 52.5 pounds, which is a mere stone’s throw away from the best lift ever. Chris Todd came in at 40 pounds for a successful 4th attempt for a record.

We then moved on to the Lurich Lift.  This lift is named for Old Time Strongman George Lurich and has not been contested within the OTSM Championship before.  It was run as an exhibition lift in 2017 before being officially accepted as a USAWA lift at the 2018 national meeting.  This one can offer the same challenges for some lifters as the hack lift, which is the bar can get bound up on the hamstrings.  Our two younger ladies, Phoebe and Lilly Todd both went 200 and more on this discipline, while Stacy Todd hit the high mark of 360 for the women’s division.  In the men’s class it was all Chad Ullom, who broke his own all-time record mark with a 610 pound effort. Dave DeForest had what appeared to be his very top end pull at 430 before passing away briefly on the platform.  Everett Todd hit a personal best 190 at only nine years old.  Leroy Todd hit a successful 175 on a fourth attempt.

Chad Ullom breaks the all time Lurich Lift record with a pull of 610

Chad Ullom breaks the all-time Lurich Lift record with a pull of 610

We then broke for lunch where we dined on barbeque pork sandwiches, which were prepared by Stacy Todd, and potato chips.

After the lunch break, the lifting resumed with the Anderson Press, which is named after Paul Anderson.  In the Women’s division Lilly and Phoebe Todd hit an impressive 85 pounds apiece.  Stacy hit a record 4th attempt of 110.  Chris Todd edged Greg Cook for the top lift in the men’s division with a 220 pound effort before hitting 240 for a record fourth attempt.   Leroy Todd also hit a successful 70 pounds as a fourth attempt.

Our last lift of the day was the Dinnie Lift.  This lift is named after Donald Dinnie and the lifting stones he supposedly carried.  The top lift in the women’s division was 360 by stacy Todd.  She then went on to take a successful 4th attempt at 400.  Lilly Todd also had a successful fourth attempt with 225.  Chad was again the top lifter with a successful pull at 800 pounds, which is well above what the real Dinnie Stones weigh.  Side note-Chad has successfully lifted the Dinnie Stones on more than one occasion. Lance Foster came in lean and mean, having lost over 60 pounds, and hit a successful 475 on a fourth attempt.

The lifting was fantastic, and many records were broken.  The following lifters set records in all four disciplines:

Everett Todd

Leroy Todd

Phoebe Todd

Lilly Todd

Stacy Todd

Chris Todd

Dave DeForest

Greg Cook

Official results are as follow:

Old Time Strongman Championship
ET’s House of Iron and Stone
Turney, MO
September 10, 2022

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Meet Announcer: Eric Todd

Score Keeper: Chris Todd

Maker of barbeque: Stacey Todd

The One Official system was used for all lifts

Official: Eric Todd

Loaders: Eric Todd and all lifters

All lifts are recorded in pounds, as is the total. Adj is the adjusted score after Lynch and Age adjustment.  All records are denoted with an asterisk *

Lifts: Thor’s hammer, Lurich Lift, Anderson Press, and Dinnie Lift

Results are as follows:

Name age age division weight weight class Thor’s hammer Lurich Lift Anderson Press Dinnie Lift Total Adj Place
Women’s Division
Phoebe Todd 12 13 121 55 10* 225* 85* 245* 565 934 1
Stacy Todd 39 Open 179 85 20* 360* 105* 360* 825 786 2
Lillian Todd 13 13 134 65 10* 200* 85* 210* 505 727 3
Men’s Division
Chad Ullum 50 50 221 105 30 610* 95* 800* 1535 1441 1
Greg Cook 65 65 244 115 52.5* 495* 200* 550* 1297.5 1313 2
Dave DeForest 62 60 192 90 27.5* 430* 160* 400* 1017.5 1144 3
Everett Todd 9 13 82 40 7.5* 190* 60* 175* 432.5 1033 4
Leroy Todd 11 13 89 45 7.5* 165* 65* 200* 437.5 955 5
Chris Todd 43 40 273 125 35* 340* 220* 600* 1195 944 6
Lance Foster 56 55 275 125 30* 0 85* 400* 515 456 7

With her third overall win, Phoebe Todd ties Heather Gardner/Tully as the winningest female in these championships.  With his third win, Chad Ullom steps out all by himself as the winningest male in these championships.

Clark’s Birthday Weekend

By Bill Clark

August 20-21, 2022.  Clark’s Gym, Columbia, Mo.

The entries – and their data. (All are from Clark’s Gym but may live elsewhere. All  entries are eligible for records except Lucas Hardie.)

Janet Thompson, 64 – 160 bwt. (75 kilo class)

Nick Frieders, 21 – 155 bwt. (75 kilo class)

Travis Luther, 29 – 172 Bwt. (80 kilo class)

Lucas Hardie, 38 – 196 Bwt. (90 kilo class) – From Nova Scotia via email. Not eligible for records.

Abe Smith, 40 – 184 Bwt. (85 kilo class) Raymore, Mo.

Tony Lupo, 56 – 237 Bwt. (110 kilo class)

Dave DeForest, 62 – 187 Bwt. (85 kilo class)

Randy Smith, 67 – 197.5  Bwt. (90 kilo class) Marquette, Michigan.

Joe Garcia, 69 – 191 Bwt. (90 kilo class) DeWitt, Iowa.

Joe Caron, 76 – 184.5 Bwt. (85 kilo class) Iola, Kansas

Bill Clark, 90 – 205 Bwt. (95 kilo class)


The Event, the lifter, the actual weight lifted (denoted in Bold) and the value of the lift decided by bwt. and age adjustment. Records denoted with an asterisk (*)


1 – Travis Luther – 1,500 (1458.45)

2 – Randy Smith – 1,205* (1396.25)

3 – Dave DeForest – 1,205* (1376.17)

4 – Nick Frieders – 1,305 (1359.02)

5 – Abe Smith – 1,405 (1,282.39)

6 – Bill Clark – 800* (1242.98)

7 – Tony Lupo – 1,305 (1242.48)

W – 1- Janet Thompson – 565* (715.29)


1 – Nick Frieders – 440 (458.35)

2 – Dave DeForest – 370* (422.55)

3 – Randy Smith – 350* (405.77)

4 – Abe Smith – 440* (402.03)

5 – Tony Lupo – 365 (347.44)

6 – Travis Luther – 350 (340.31)


1 – Randy Smith – 335* (388.37)

2 – Nick Frieders – 335 (339.92)

3 – Lucas Hardie – 375 (339.15)

4 – Abe Smith – 355* (324.77)

5 – Dave DeForest – 265* (302.64)

6 – Joe Caron – 155 (212.77)

7 – Tony Lupo – 135 (139.50)


1 – Nick Frieders – 320 (333.34)

2 – Randy Smith – –280 (324.61)

3 – Lucas Hardie – 309 (303.20)

4 – Abe Smith – 355* (292.70)

5 – Joe Caron – 155 (224.97)

6 – Bill  Clark – 135* (205.24)

7 – Dave DeForest – 185 (204.50)

8 – Tony Lupo – 185 (176.11)


1 – Nick Frieders – 320 (333.34)

2 – Lucas Hardie – 331 (324.84)

3 – Randy Smith – 280* (324.61)

4 – Abe Smith – 320 (292.70)

5 – Dave DeForest – 227* (259.25)

6 – Joe Caron – 175 (234.77)

7 – Bill Clark – 135* (205.12)

8 – Tony Lupo – 185  (176.11)


1 – Abe Smith – 1,610* (1472.91)

2 – Travis Luther – 1,500 (1458.45)

3 – Joe Garcia – 1,200* (1422.09)

4 – Nick Frieders – 1,200 (1258.04)

5 – Randy Smith – 1,110* (1206.85)

6 – Tony Lupo – 905 (861.48)


1 =- Randy Smith – 335* (370.35)

2 – Abe Smith – 400* (365.94)

3 – Nick Frieders – 245 (255.22)

4 – Tony Lupo – 245 (233.22)


1 – Randy Smith – 85* (123.37)

2 – Abe Smith – 125* (114.10)

3 – Nick Frieders – 85* (86.25)

4 – Travis Luther – 65 (63.22)

5 – Tony Lupo – 65 (61.87)


1 – Lucas Hardie – 310 (280.56)

2 – Abe Smith – 275* (251.59)

3 – Randy Smith – 215* (249.25)

4 – Dave DeForest – 185 (209.27)

5 – Nick Frieders – 185 (188.22)

6 – Tony Lupo – 185 (175.11)


1 – Abe Smith – 1.005 (919.43)

2 – Dave DeForest – 800* (891.36)

3 – Nick Frieders – 800 (833.36)

4 – Randy Smith – 550 (630.89)

5 – Joe Caron – 365 (493.64)

6 – Tony Lupo – 315 (324.09)


This is not a USAWA lift. The results here do count in the final summary of the Birthday Meet. There are no USAWA records for this competition.

The lifter chooses his own weight and then must clean the weight and do repetition presses with the barbell for a period of one minute. The total poundage, not the number of reps, are the deciding factor. The bar must be returned to the chest prior to each rep. No pause is necessary.

1 – Abe Smith – 38 reps with 76 pounds – 2,888 (2618.56)

2 – Randy Smith – 24 reps with 65 pounds – 1,560 (1817.53)

3 – Tony Lupo – 34 reps with 65 pounds – 2,210 (1798.63)

4 – Nick Frieders – 24 reps with 56 pounds – 1,344 (1363.76)


1 – Abe Smith – 8336.10 points (all 11 events)

2 – Randy Smith – 7237.70 points (11 events)

3 – Nick Frieders – 6809.22 points (11 events)

4 – Tony Lupo – 5535.08 points (11 events)

They were the only four to compete in every event.


Abe Smith – 3; Randy Smith -3; Nick Frieders – 3; Travis Luther – 1; Lucas Hardie – 1.



Joe Caron – 76  Bwt. 178

Deadlift – vertical bar – 2 inch – right hand – 107.5.

Deadlift – vertical bar – 2-inch – left hand – 132.5.

Randy Smith – 67  Bwt. 198

Deadlift – vertical bar – 2-inch  – right – 152.5

Deadlift – vertical bar – 2-inch – left – 152.5

Deadlift – 2-inch barbell – right – 125.

Deadlift – 2-inch barbell – left – 125.

Thor’s Hammer – 42.5.

Abe Smith – 40   Bwt. 185

Deadlift – vertical bar – 2-inch – right – 182.5.

Deadlift – vertical bar – 2-inch – left – 182.5

Dumbbells – clean and push press – 2 x 100.

Clean and press – behind neck – 180.

Clean and press – behind neck – seated – 175.

Janet Thompson – 64  Bwt. 160.

Habecker Lift – 125

Lurich Lift – 145

Peoples’ Deadlift – 200.

Kennedy Lift – 200

Deadlift – Dumbbell – left – 85.


Eric Todd, Bill Clark, Joe Garcia, Abe Smith, Randy Smith, Dave DeForest and Tony Lupo (doing his training prior to certification).


Lifter of the Year – Abe Smith.

Courage Award Runner-up – Joe Garcia.

Club of the Year – Clark’s Gym.


# In addition to all the lifting in this part of the weekend, Thompson, DeForest, both Smith’s, Lupo and Frieders lifted in the IAWA postal; three logged their USAWA third quarter postal. It was a busy weekend for sure.

# All the competitors for the weekend plus at least four other local gym members were on hand for the party on Saturday night where they were entertained by a Dixieland Band, and shared a buffet of pulled pork, scalloped potatoes and baked beans and dined with half a dozen retired lifters from around the Midwest. Joe Caron even came dressed in a coat and tie. It was fun meeting with the guys from the past and some still lifting – Dave Hahn, Ken McClain, Wayne Gardner, Ron Sisk and James Foster. Tom Powell was unable to attend, but he helped cover the baked beans. Much appreciated.

The lifters shared the evening with many of Ol’ Clark’s friends from the music and theater world, a number of politicians, birders, etc., even a college president (Stephens College), along with international concert pianists and circuit court judges.

It was a treat for Randy Smith to take the better part of a week off to drive down from Marquette on the shore of Lake Superior on top of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to do head-to-head battle with Abe Smith (no relation) and spend the weekend in the dungy dungeon that is infamous as Clark’s Gym.

Joe Garcia, who suffered a tough three months with covid-19, has made excellent recovery considering the seriousness of his covid attack. He and Cindy came for the birthday dinner from the Garcia home in Iowa, then dropped by the gym the next day and made his first competitive lift in three years – a 1,200-lb, hip lift. He was thrilled. And so were we all. The hand-thigh lift in the competition was dedicated to Joe – who still holds the world mark 1,910 pounds

1 11 12 13 14 15 74