Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

Goerner Deadlift Dozen Plus One

By Bill Clark

What this optimist thought would be the turning point in the future of the IAWA/USAWA turned out to be a major disappointment.

We had exactly eight entries in a contest that was designed to handle at least 100 – in which any registered IAWA/USAWA lifter could lift – with or without certified officials. Only three of the eight came from somewhere outside Clark’s Gym.

Injuries took their toll on some – including Abe Smith, John Carter and Allison Lupo. Tony Lupo lifted while recovering from a hard bout with flu and he was so depleted that he lost a close battle with Ol’ Clark for last place.

Our compliments to the winners – 79-year-old LaVern Myers and 61-year-old RJ Jackson – and to 84-year-old Tony Cook, an IAWA member. Tony finished second behind Myers.

It is a compliment to the aged crowd – seven of the eight were at least 48 years old – and to the eighth person – a 16-year-old newcomer to Clark’s Gym who shows the potential and the interest to work his way to the top of the list – Spencer Wenzel.

NameAgeBwtDLHTDL 2  bar
S. Wenzel1157511575
LIFTERDL- NoDL – NODL – 1 armDL – 1 arm
Thumb  LThumb – RLeftright
J. Wenzel185205205225
S, Wenzel1157511575
J. Wenzel235315345
S. Wenzel145205225
LIFTERTotal lbs.Adjuated
J. Wenzel31602889.92
S. Wenzel19702599.33
Pinch grip-two-hand135
Rectangular Fix65
Deadlift3-in. bar300
Bench Alt. grip255
Bench Fulton280
Benchalt. grp125
Bench     hands  together120
Rectangular fix45
Those with officials:
Myers – by Al Myers
Lifters in Clark’s Gym – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo, Dave 

3rd Quarter Postal

                 By Denny Habecker      



I think this may be the most lifters that have ever competed in one of our  postals. We had 24 men and 11 women lift this quarter.  The top man this quarter is Abe Smith and the top woman is Sylvia Stockall.




Name                            AGE     BDWT           Holdout     Deadlift        Push Press    Total        Points

Abe Smith                     41       183 Lbs.           90*           445*               265*            800          762.37

Dan Wagman               ?         180.8 Lbs.        80 *          461 *               156             697          660.19

Barry Bryan                65         188.6 Lbs.       61 *          331 *                160*           552          642.87

Dave Hahn                 86         140 Lbs.          22              230                    65               317         594.44

Wyatt Sawyer           26         206 Lbs.           45             385                   245              675         593.46

Randy Smith             68         198 Lbs.           45             315                    135             495         587.21

Dave DeForest         63         191 Lbs.           51 *          325                    140             516         587.05

Steve Jury                 58         230 Lbs.          61*            353 *                 171             585         576.76

John J. Carter          64         202 Lbs.           45 *           375 *                 100             520         574.40

Travis  Luther         30         177 Lbs.           65 *            365                    165             595         571.08

Denny Habecker    80        183 Lbs.           39 *            254 *                  94 *           387          567.74

Tony Hose              54         223 Lbs.          67 *             325                    175             567          549.15

Tony Lupo              57         238 Lbs.          60 *             335                    165             560          537.89

Jeff Wenzel           48         227 Lbs.           65                340                    165             570          518.41

Eric  Todd              48        281 Lbs.           85 *             320                     221             626          511.14

Sanjiv Gupta         52        193 Lbs.           45 *             305                     145             495           510.13

Barry Pensyl         75        136 Lbs.           19                200                       70             289            481.18

Chris Todd           44         275 Lbs.           65 *            320                     181              566           450.88

Brady Habecker  14        126 Lbs.           33 *            187 *                   88 *            308            445.74

Spencer Wenzel   16      131 Lbs.           45 *            205                       85               335            431.47

Lance Foster         57       239.4 Lbs.       35 *            250                       85              370             354.34

Everett Todd        10         97 Lbs.           30 *            110                       40 *           170             340.48

Bill Clark               91       203 Lbs.           11 *            170 *                    22 *            203             320.36

Leroy Todd         12      105 Lbs.            20 *              65 *                    40 *                125              232.80


Sylvia  Stockall        65   160 Lbs.             35                265                    105                    405              521.32

Beth Skwarecki      42    154.5 Lbs.         35                287                    110                    432              464.58

Kasey Cicero          22    165 Lbs.             44*              303 *                  99 *                  446              446.76

R.J. Jackson            61    104.6 Lbs.         33                 191                     85                     310              435.70

Kim Van Wagner   56    127.6 Lbs.         25                 165                     65                     255              356.49

Lilly Todd               14     146 Lbs.            30 *              151 *                 85 *                   266              342.72

Stacy Todd            40     181 Lbs.            35 *              216*                  90 *                   341               322.76

Phoebe Todd       13      127 Lbs.           22.5 *            131                    60                      213.5            319.72

Allison Lupo         57     196 Lbs.            30 *               180 *                 45 *                    255              271.95

Janet  Thompson  66   165 LBS.            22 *              155 *                  33 *                    210             269.25

Crystal Diggs        36     155 Lbs.           30 *                150                    50                       230             239.71


Abe Smith          – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo, Dave DeForest 

Dave DeForest  – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo, Abe Smith

Travis Luther    – Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest

Tony Lupo         – Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest

Allison Lupo     – Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest

Joohn J, Carter – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo

Tony Hose        – Bill Clark, Tony Lupo

Chris Todd       – Eric Todd, Lance Foster

Everett Todd  – Eric Todd, Lance Foster

Leroy Todd     – Eric Todd, Lance Foster

Lilly Todd      – Eric Todd,  Lance Foster

Stacy Todd –  Eric Todd,  Lance Foster

Phoebe Todd  – Eric Todd, Lance Foster

Dan Wagman  – R.J. Jackson

Sanjiv Gupta   – R.J. Jackson

Crystal Diggs  – R.J. Jackson

Barry Bryan  – Denny Habecker

Steve Jury    – Denny Habecker

Brady Habecker  – Denny Habecker

Kasey Cicero      – Denny Habecker

Denny Habecker – Barry Bryan

Jeff Wenzel – Bill Clark

Spencer Wenzel – Bill Clark

Janet M. Thompson – Bill Clark

Bill Clark    – Tony Lupo

Eric Todd – Lance Foster

Lance Foster  – Eric Todd


Dave Hahn, Wyatt Sawyer, Randy Smith, Barry Pensyl, Sylvia Stockall, Beth Skwarecki,, R.J. Jackson & Kim Van Wagner

2023 World championships

By John Mahon

The 2023 World Championships has been run and was a great day for all involved. We had a small group of local lifters who performed extremely well, breaking multiple world records. This year’s Worlds was run differently to previous Worlds. Due to the low number of competitors who were available to lift the decision was made to reduce the event to a single day meet with 5 lifts being contested. There were many outstanding performances to mention. This was Charlie Carabott’s 2nd time on the platform and he performed very well, breaking the 2” vertical lift record in his division twice. Edmund Patterson (son of John Patterson) was the only Open lifter on the day and wow he is strong. He finished in 2nd place overall which is a very tough thing to achieve for an Opens division lifter at the worlds. Tom Davies has still got it. He finished the day with 3 world records. Big Sam Trew is still as strong as ever. Sam finished with the 2nd heaviest total of the day. Peter Phillips just keeps on amazing everyone with his ability to grind through a deadlift no matter how much pain he is in. The stand out performance of the meet came from David Reeve. David broke the work record in every single lift and took out the overall champion title by a substantial margin. With all said and done this was another fantastic world championship. Everyone involved ensured the day ran smoothly and all the lifters put in a top quality performance.


Official results



By Clint Poore

Chip Hultquist-GRAND CHAMPION!

Chip Hultquist-GRAND CHAMPION!

 The inaugural BUFFVILLE PUSH/PULL by far exceeded all my wildest expectations,!
A full meet report is forthcoming, but we must begin with the sublime performances of Chip Hultquist, Francis Hegel, Holland Millsaps & Brian Gardner. These four men pushed each other mightily in a competition that came down to who could make their final attempt. The heavens opened this glorious day and gave us a competition of resplendent glory. Let us now begin our amazing journey about the legends of strength we were blessed to witness on September 23, 2023!
      Brian Gardner is a massive man and former Tennessee Strongest man. He had the highest Hackenschmidt Floor Press of the day with a mighty 365 lb lift. It came down to his final People’s Deadlift attempt where he missed a 550 lb pull. If Brian had pulled his final deadlift he would have been the Grand Champion. Regardless, he finished in 4th place with a total of 776.55 points. He was so close to winning the title and I expect even greater lifts from him at the OLD TIME STRONGMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP on December 9, 2023.
      Holland Millsaps is strapping fellow who competes in Highland games and is an excellent Blacksmith. Holland brought his vigorous deadlift with him to Buffville in Albany, Ky. His second deadlift was a whopping 650lbs! On his third attempt Holland went for an enormous 700 lb attempt, but the Deadlift said NO!  The 700 lbs was more than bar would allow this day. If Holland had succesfully conquered the 700 lb deadlift he would have easily won the title this day! At any rate, this meant Holland finished in 3rd place overall with 788.67 points. He too is returning to Buffville in December and look for even more glorious deadlifting from the enigmatic Holland Millsaps!
      Francis Hegel was a man on a mission, He flew from Arizona to Kentucky just to set the Barbell Bent Press record, which he succeeded in doing so with his left hand! He had no intentions of lifting in the Push/Pull competition but the plan of the Divine cannot be denied! He performed admirably and was very consistent going 6 for 6 on the day, not missing a lift in competition. His final People’s Deadlift was a sight to behold as he set a new USAWA National Record in the All divison, 80 kilo weight class with a gargantuan deadlift of 536 lbs! What an amazing lift to witness! All this led to Francis’ mammoth third deadlift vaulting him from 6th place into 2nd place with 789.15 points! I hope I get the honor to see Francis lift again in the near future!
      Our Grand Champion is 73 years young, Chip Hultquist! Chip is the Tennessee Special Olympics Powerlifting State chair & meet director, Cancer Survivor & an IPF Category 2 International Referee. I have met no more deserving of a man to win the over title than Chip Hultquist! To be honest, I was completely in awe as we were tallying the results, then lo and behold…. Chip Hultquist beat everyone with 793.56 points! His lifting was phenomenal, and he put on a clinic of how to win a meet. He taught all of us younger guys the definition of meet strategy and consistency. Chip went 6 for 6 for the day with impeccable form and technique. At 73 years young, he Hackenschmidt Floor Pressed 225 lbs and People’s Deadlifted 365 lbs. I personally think he had more pounds in the tank. It was superb performance by one of the greatest human beings I have ever known……….CHIP HULTQUIST!

Francis Hegel preforms a bent press during the record day portion

Francis Hegel preforms a bent press during the record day portion

Official results are as follow:

Buffville Push/Pull
Buffville Gym
Albany, KY
September 23, 2023

Meet Director: Clint Poore

The One Official system was used for all lifts

Official: Clint Poore

Loaders: all lifters

All lifts are recorded in pounds, as is the total. Bodyweight in kilos.  Adj is the adjusted score after Lynch and Age adjustment.  Clint’s lifts are not considered for records since he was lifting without a certified official.  All records are denoted with an asterisk *

Athlete Age Age Division Weight-in kilos Weight Class Hackenschmidt Floor Press People’s Deadlift Total Points Place
Chip Hultquist 73 70 82 80 225* 365* 590 793.56 1
Francis Hegel 35 Open 80 80 285* 536* 821 789.15 2
Hollands Millsap 42 40 121.8 125 350* 650 1000 788.67 3
Brian Gardner 57 55 123.4 125 365* 500* 865 776.55 4
Patrick Hadley 52 50 97.6 100 315* 450* 765 741.96 5
Ashley Stearns 43 40 82.6 85 295* 450* 745 730.71 6
Brian Guffey 36 Open 57.2 60 200* 320* 520 626.29 7
Randy Ritchey 61 60 104.2 105 200* 405* 605 611.81 8
David Tompkins 61 60 84.6 85 180* 300 480 544.55 9
Will Haydon 25 Open 89.6 90 140 225 365 328 10
Sam Lasure 15 16 71.4 75 85* 130* 215 255.09 11
Clint Poore* 50 315 405 720
Sarah Waites 19 Open 64.8 65 140* 300* 440 451.49 1
Wendy Gardner 51 50 57.4 60 125* 200* 325 437.24 2
4th attempt for record
David Tomkins
Hackenschmidt Floor Press 185
Sarah Waites
People’s Deadlift 320
Sam Lasure
People’s Deadlift 135
Record Day lifts
Chip Hultquist
Dinnie Lift 237
Francis Hegel
Bent Press-Barbell-Left 180
Clean & Jerk-Dumbbell-Left 144
Clean & Jerk-Dumbbell-Right 144
Pinch Grip-Strict-Right 47
Holland Millsaps
Holdout Raised 75
Patrick Hadley
Pinch Grip-Strict-Right 56
Reeves Deadlift 276
Cyr Press 84
Bench Press-Alternate Grip 245
Pinch Grip-Strict-left 56
Ashley Stearns
Pinch Grip-Strict-Right 42
Pinch Grip-Strict-left 42
Reeves Deadlift 315
Pinch Grip-Strict 126
Randy Richey
Anderson Squat 450
Dinnie Lift 406
Stephen Santagelo
Pinch Grip Deadlift-Left 195
Pinch Grip Deadlift-Right 195
Vertical Bar-1 bar- 2″ Left 155
Vertical Bar-1 bar- 2″ Right 160
Finger Lift-Index Finger-Left 105

World Postal

By Al Myers, IAWA President



Another great year for the IAWA World Postal Championships!!

This year we had 51 lifters compete from the United States, Australia, England, and Canada. This World Postal Championships is one of three (with the World Championships and the Gold Cup being the other two) promoted by IAWA.   I want to REALLY thank all those that participated. Your participation is what makes this a great event!  As per the tradition the past few years, the lifts of the first day Worlds were contested.  I’ve included all class winners and best lifters, individual overall rankings for men and women, 3 person team rankings, and club rankings.

I want to give special mention to the overall winners in each category.  The Overall Best Men’s Lifter was ABE SMITH, and the Overall Best Women’s Lifter was MAX ELL.  The Overall Best 3-person Team went to CLARK’S GYM (Abe Smith, Travis Luther, Tony Hose).  The Overall Best Club went to CLARK’S GYM, which had 11 members participate.   The Overall Best Association went to the USAWA, with the IAWAUK in second, and the ARWF in third.

The youngest lifter that entered was KYRAN VOCE at 5years of age. The oldest lifter in the completion was BILL CLARK at 91 years of age! I want to mention 2 lifters who competed as Exhibition Lifters (because of lack of an official to judge their lifts) just to show support to IAWA and the memory of Andy Goddard.  These lifters were Chad Ullom and Sylvia Stockall of Canada.

If anyone notices any errors in these results please let me know as soon as possible so I can get things corrected.  Sometimes I have difficulties reading the handwriting on the official scoresheets.

Again, I want to thank everyone for entering this meet and making it an outstanding annual event in IAWA.

MEET RESULTS (PDF) – 2023 World Postal Results

1 11 12 13 14 15 80