Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

National Championships

By Al Myers


Another year and another outstanding USAWA National Championships!

Meet promoter Denny Habecker put on a great Championships for the USAWA. It was held in a large facility at Acernus Crossfit.   This year’s Championships was a one day meet with six lifts, so it made for a long day of lifting.

It was great to see two lifters make their first appearance at Nationals.  Chris and Eric Lestan of Frank’s Barbell Club made their National debut and both lifted exceptionally.  Chris is a young strong lifter who put up the top total of the meet, and had the top lift in several of the competition lifts.  Eric is a Junior lifter and won best lifter in the Junior Division.  He had stiff competition from Aidan Habecker, and in the end less than 1 adjusted point separated them!!!   I love to see competition battles like that!

It was great seeing Frank Ciavattone on the platform. Frank has just went through a serious surgery so he was not at 100%, but still he got a mark in in every lift.  His courage and passion for the USAWA really impresses me. Frank is a pioneer in the USAWA and has influenced many lifters through the years.

Denny Habecker and Dennis Mitchell have been regulars at Nationals.  Both of these guys hit a milestone that probably can only be topped by themselves.  This year’s Nationals marked 30 YEARS of competing in the USAWA National Championships for the both of them.  I plan to do a more thorough followup story on this accomplishment at a later time.

Michigan native Randy Smith lifted great AGAIN at Nationals.  We normally only see Randy once a year in the USAWA – but he does it right and shows up for the organizations biggest event.  Randy started in the USAWA at the same time I did, so we have lifted together now for 20 years!!!

The over 70 group had the most lifters of the meet.  LaVerne Myers, Dean Ross, Barry Pensyl, and Denny Habecker showed everyone that being a senior citizen doesn’t mean you can’t lift heavy weights!!!  I was very impressed with their performances.

The Club title at Nationals was a close race, with the Dino Gym, Habeckers Gym, and Frank’s Barbell Club all putting together great teams.  The overall club title went to the Dino Gym.

I want to really thank Judy Habecker for her help at the scoring table.  Judy does so much behind the scenes to make sure events run smoothly.  I also got to mention my new announcer assistant Aidan.  Aidan wanted to help, and he did outstanding while I had to step away from the mic to lift.  I can’t say enough about the veteran loading team of Terry and John. These two have loaded at Nationals for Denny more times than I can count – and deserve as much recognition as the lifters.


2019 USAWA National Championships
Acernus Crossfit
Lebanon, PA
June 22nd, 2019

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Meet Announcer: Al Myers with assistant Aidan Habecker

Meet Scorekeeper: Judy Habecker

Loaders: Terry Barlet and John Horn

Officials (3-official system used): Denny Habecker, LaVerne Myers, Frank Ciavattone, Dennis Mitchell, Randy Smith

Lifts: Curl – Cheat Reverse Grip, Deadlift – No Thumbs Overhand Grip, Clean and Jerk – One Arm, Snatch – From Hang, Pullover and Push, Continental to Belt


Al Myers 52 229 75 170 50R 57.5 130 175 658 616.7
Randy Smith 64 195 70 140 42.5R 37.5 92.5 132.5 515 583.3
Chris Lestan 23 275 90 192.5 47.5R 90 145 182.5 748 565.6
Denny Habecker 76 184 47.5 110 25R 35 85 105 408 522.4
Barry Pensyl 71 151 45 85 12.5R 32.5 55 90 320 448.2
LaVerne Myers 75 228 55 130 20L 35 55 100 395 446.8
Eric Lestan 14 150 40 97.5 25R 35 60 60 318 405.8
Aidan Habecker 15 203 50 110 37.5R 45 65 90 398 405.1
Dean Ross 76 232 40 110 17.5L 30 65 80 343 387.2
Dennis Mitchell 87 142 20 71 0  0 27.5 45 164 267.5
Frank Ciavattone 64 306 30 90 15R 15 40 70 260 233.7


Aidan Habecker  Curl-Cheat, Reverse Grip 55
Denny Habecker Curl-Cheat, Reverse Grip 50
Barry Pensyl Clean and Jerk – One Arm 15R
Denny Habecker Clean and Jerk – One Arm 28.5R
Aidan Habecker Pullover and Push 70
Barry Pensyl Pullover and Push 57.5
Dean Ross Pullover and Push 70
Barry Pensyl Continental to Belt 92.5

NOTES:  All lifts recorded in kilograms.  BWT is bodyweight in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total kilograms lifted.  PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.


Best Junior Lifter – Eric Lestan
Best Senior Lifter – Chris Lestan
Best Master 50-54 Lifter – Al Myers
Best Master 60-64 Lifter – Randy Smith
Best Master 70-74 Lifter – Barry Pensyl
Best Master 75-79 Lifter – Denny Habecker
Best Master 85-89 Lifter – Dennis Mitchell
Best Overall Total – Chris Lestan
Best Overall Lifter – Al Myers
Best Club – 1st Dino Gym 1450.7 points (Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, Dean Ross), 2nd Habeckers Gym 1375.7 points (Aidan Habecker, Barry Pensyl, Denny Habecker), 3rd Franks Barbell Club 1205.1 points (Eric Lestan, Chris Lestan, Frank Ciavattone)

Heavy Lift Championship

By Mark Raymond





The meet was a great success. We had 6 lifters from Massachusetts and New York.  It was held at Frank’s Barbell Club in East Walpole, Massachusetts.

The Lestan brothers, Chris and Eric, were outstanding on the platform! It’s always good to see them in action.

Michael Rabich from Queens, New York, showed lots of enthusiasm as he performed his lifts. We always enjoy spending time with Michael when he comes to visit.

Congratulations to Joe Ciavattone Sr who was overall champion of the meet.

Thanks to Frank and Joe Sr. who officiated the meet.

A special thank you to Peter Vuono for cheering us on throughout the event.

And a special thank you Frank for welcoming us all into his home and treating us to pizza after the event.

Results are as follows:

USAWA Heavy Lift Championship

Frank’s Barbell Club, East Walpole, Massachusetts

May 11th2019

Meet Director: Mark Raymond

Host: Frank Ciavattone

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Frank Ciavattone

Officials – Frank Ciavattone, Joe Ciavattone Sr.

All lifts recorded in pounds


Lifters using the one official system:
Frank Ciavattone 64 292 M 125 Kg/60+ Masters
Joe Ciavattone 50 236 M 110 Kg/50+ Masters
Lifters using the three official system:
Chris Lestan 23 271 M 125 Kg/Open
Eric Lestan 14 148 M 70 Kg/14-15 Juniors
Michael Rabich 38 195 M 90 Kg/Open
Mark Raymond 56 252 M 115 Kg/55+ Masters



Lift 1 Neck Lift
Lift 2 Hand and Thigh Lift
Lift 3 Hip Lift
Lifter Age Weight Lift 1 Lift 2 Lift 3 Total # Total Points
Chris Lestan 23 271 700 1000 1800 3500 2668
Eric Lestan 14 148 110 550 800 1460 1885
Frank Ciavattone 64 292 110 300 600 1000 920
Joe Ciavattone Sr. 50 236 600 1000 1500 3100 2813
Mark Raymond 56 252 110 800 1200 2110 1951
Michael Rabich 38 195 400 1000 1200 2600 2357
Record Day Lifts
Lifter Lift #
Michael Rabich Squat – Lunge 240


Dino Gym Spring RD

By Al Myers


Group picture from the 2019 Dino Gym Spring Record Day

Group picture from the 2019 Dino Gym Spring Record Day

What an exciting weekend at the Dino Gym!!!  We celebrated LaVerne’s 75th birthday with a record day and a big fish fry afterwards.  The weather was perfect for a fun day.

Seven lifters made their way to the gym for the event. Each lifter set their “usawa max” of 5 records each. I want to really thank these guys for making it, as a few of them came quite a long way.  Our President, Denny, made the longest drive from Pennsylvania.  Dean never misses an event at the gym and made his normal drive from Oklahoma.  Lance and Scottish Johnny came from Kansas City, and John Douglas made his several hour drive from western Kansas.

LaVerne putting his new cane to use!!!

LaVerne putting his new cane to use!!!

Many great record day lifts were made.  As I inputted the results a few really stood out to me.  Regrettably, I was tied up with work and made it to the gym late so I missed out on most of lifts.  Scottish Johnny put up a 425# front squat which is a huge lift for a lifter over 40. The birthday boy LaVerne put up some great finger lifts. Big John put up over 400 pounds in the Neck Lift, and Lance combined many different types of lifting to put up the most well rounded set of records.  Dean exerted himself fully by back lifting and harness lifting over 1000 pounds. Denny put up big records in the one arm dumbbell deadlift with both arms.  My highlight was doing the Lurich Lift for the first time and realizing I like it much better than the Hack Lift!

The evening festivities were held on my deck.  We had a few other gym members join us that night – including Brandon, Casey, Hunter, Molly, K dog, Katie, and Cale.   Each of us took our time giving a roast and gag gift to LaVerne for his birthday. Even though we didn’t get the 75 new records I was hoping for, we did give LaVerne a birthday he won’t forget!

Meet Results:

Dino Gym Spring RD
Dino Gym
Holland, KS
May 4th, 2019

Meet Director: Al Myers

Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Lifts: Record Day Lifts

John Strangeway – BWT 207#, Age 40 years
3 Official System – LaVerne, Denny, Lance
Front Squat: 425#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 474#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip: 418#
Finger Lift – Left Index: 135#
Finger Lift – Right Index: 135#

LaVerne Myers – BWT 235#, Age 75 years
1 Official System – Denny
Finger Lift – Left Little: 65#
Finger Lift – Left Thumb: 71#
Finger Lift – Right Thumb: 71#
Finger Lift – Left Index: 90#
Finger Lift – Right Index: 111#

John Douglas – BWT 314#, Age 55 years
3 Official System – Denny, Lance, LaVerne
Front Squat: 350#
Bench Press – Feet in Air: 275#
Bent Over Row: 303#
Deadlift – Trap Bar: 501#
Neck Lift: 410#

Al Myers – BWT 233#, Age 52 Years
3 Official System – Denny, LaVerne, Lance
Back Extension: 150#
Lurich Lift: 579#
Deadlift – 2 Inch Dumbbells: 241#
Habecker Lift: 320#
Wrist Curl: 230#

Lance Foster – BWT 348#, Age 53 Years
3 Official System – LaVerne, Denny
Anderson Press: 135#
Clean & Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 50#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 275#
Harness Lift: 1240#
Bench Press – Fulton Bar: 144#

Dean Ross – BWT 235#, Age 76 Years
1 Official System – LaVerne
Back Lift: 1050#
Harness Lift: 1010#
Bench Press – Feet in Air: 135#
Bench Press – Hands Together: 135#
Back Extension: 75#

Denny Habecker – BWT 193#, Age 76 Years
3 Official System – LaVerne, Lance
Press – From Racks: 100#
Push Press – From Racks: 100#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 243#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 147#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 187#

1st Quarter Postal

By Denny Habecker



15 lifters took part in the first postal meet this year, with John Strangeway leading the men and R.J Jackson at the top in the women’s Division.

2019 1st Quarter Postal
January 1st thru March 31st

Lifts- Jerk from Racks, Hack Lift-One Arm, Deadlift- Fulton DB One Arm

Lifters with a certified official:

John Strangeway – Eric Todd & Lance Foster
Aidan Habecker   – Barry Bryan & Denny Habecker
Chris Todd          – Eric Todd & John Strangeway
Lance Foster       – Eric Todd & John Strangeway
Al Myers             – LaVerne Myers
Barry Bryan        – Denny Habecker
LaVerne Myers    – Denny Habecker
Branden Rein      – Al Myers
Denny Habecker  – Barry Bryan
Dean Ross           – Denny Habecker

Lifters with no Certified Official:

John Douglas
Chad Ullom
R.J. Jackson
Sylvia Stockall
Lynda Burns

Women’s Division

Name               Age    Bdwt.      Jerk       Hack                Fulton D.B.      Total         Points

R.J. Jackson      57     106Lbs.   80 Lbs.   135Lbs.- R        57 Lbs. – L      272 Lbs.    446.1

Sylvia Stockall  61     135 Lbs.  105 Lbs.  100 Lbs.-L        80 Lbs. – R      285 Lbs.    398.4

Lynda Burns     44     179 Lbs.   87 Lbs.    87 Lbs.-R        75 Lbs. – L       249 Lbs     248.9

Men’s Division

John Strangeway   40   205 Lbs.    245lbs.    251.5 lbs.-L    168 lbs-R      664.5lbs  591.8

Al Myers               52    235 Lbs.    150 lbs.    280 lbs.-R     165 lbs -L      595 lbs    551

Barry Bryan          61    186.5 lbs.  165 lbs.    187lbs- R      124 lbs. -L     476 lbs.   540.4

John Douglas        55    300 lbs.     205 lbs.    200lbs -R      185 lbs.-L      590 lbs.    497

Chad Ullom          47    241 lbs.      95 lbs.      275lbs.-L      155 lbs.-R    525 lbs.    458.5

LaVerne Myers      74    231 lbs.      95 lbs.      154 lbs-L       155lbs.-R     404 lbs     451

Brandan Rein        23    154 lbs.     130 lbs.     160 lbs.-R     110lbs. -L      400lbs.    419.2

Denny Habecker    76    192 lbs.      99 lbs.     132 lbs.-R      96 lbs.-L       327lbs.     410

Aidan Habecker     15    195 lbs.     110 lbs.     187 lbs.-R     91 lbs. -L      388 lbs.    405

Chris Todd            39    272 lbs.     205 lbs.     214lbs.-R      113 lbs-R       532 lbs.    384

Lance Foster         53    345 lbs.     120 lbs.     151 lbs.-L      108 lbs.-R      379 lbs.   294

Dean Ross            76    243 lbs.      45 lbs.      75 lbs. -L       75 lbs.- R       195lbs     215


Grip Championships

By Al Myers


Group picture from the 2019 USAWA Grip Championships

Group picture from the 2019 USAWA Grip Championships

What a great day at the Grip Champs!

Twelve lifters made their way to the platform for the annual USAWA Grip Championships this year.   This has always been a well attended event in the USAWA, and this year was one of the best ever.

Kaela Janzen was the overall Best Womens Lifter.  Presenting his award was meet director LaVerne Myers.

Kaela Janzen was the overall Best Womens Lifter. Presenting his award was meet director LaVerne Myers.

There were so many excellent lifts that there’s no way to cover all of them in the meet report.  The overall Womens Best Lifter was newcomer Kaela Janzen.   The overall Mens Best Lifter was the meet director and grip aficionado LaVerne Myers.

I was very impressed with both Junior lifters Cole and Jarod. These two have excellent coaches and mentors with their Dad’s John and Jason.  Also, excellent lifting was had by Scottish Johnny – who was the only one to break a Dino Gym record during the competition (his 185 1arm FB DL topped the gym record of 182 pounds).

Our President Denny Habecker made the longest trip to the event, coming from Lebanon Pennsylvania.  Denny set several new records over the weekend to extend his century club record number and stretch his lead  in the top spot.

It was great to see Ben Edwards back in action. Ben had the top mark in the dumbbell walk with 112 pounds.  LaVerne mentioned this is his opening remarks but I would like to repeat it here.  The Grip Championships only came about because Ben convinced me many years ago to have a grip challenge as he thought it would be well received by the membership.  The first grip meet in the Dino Gym was promoted by Ben and that was the start of the tradition of the Grip Championships.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who showed up to compete or support this meet.


2019 USAWA Grip Championships
Dino Gym
Holland, KS
Saturday, February 9th, 2019

Meet Director: LaVerne Myers

Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Announcer: Al Myers

Official (1 official system used): Al Myers

Lifts: Dumbbell Walk, Deadlift – Fulton Bar One Arm, Deadlift – Inch Dumbbells, Deadlift – One Arm No Thumb, Deadlift – Index Fingers


Kaela Janzen 24 186 47R 80R 160 85R 0 372 346.2


LaVerne Myers 74 229 97 170R 240 185R 135 827 926.8
John Strangeway 40 196 92 180R 240 190L 230 932 850.3
Chad Ullom 47 239 97 165L 240 200R 225 927 812.5
Ben Edwards 43 219 112 160R 220 195R 225 912 806.1
Cole Janzen 17 181 77 155R 190 160R 120 702 692.2
Denny Habecker 76 193 37 115R 140 120R 100 512 639.3
Brandon Rein 23 154 77 100R 160 130R 115 582 609.4
Jarod Payne 17 288 102 130R 200 145R 120 697 541.6
John Janzen 53 291 67 130R 180 145R 110 632 530.6
Dean Ross 76 243 57 90L 120 110L 90 467 514.9
Lance Foster 53 345 67 110R 140 145R 155 617 478.7


John Strangeway: Dumbbell Walk 102
Cole Janzen: Dumbbell Walk 102
John Strangeway: Deadlift Fulton Bar Right 185
Jerod Payne: Deadlift Inch Dumbbells 220
John Strangeway: Deadlift No Thumb Left 195
Denny Habecker: Deadlift No Thumb Right 125
Dean Ross: Deadlift No Thumb Left 120
Dean Ross: Deadlift Index Fingers 100


BEST MENS MASTER 40+ – John Strangeway
BEST MENS MASTER 45+ – Chad Ullom
BEST MENS MASTER 50+ – John Janzen
BEST MENS MASTER 70+ – LaVerne Myers
BEST MENS MASTER 75+ – Denny Habecker

NOTES:  All lifts recorded in pounds.  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are overall corrected points adjusted for age and bodyweight.


John Strangeway – Age 40 years, bodyweight 196 pounds
Finger Lift – Index, Right  125
Finger Lift – Middle, Right 160
Finger Lift – Ring, Right 150
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left 160

LaVerne Myers – Age 74 years, bodyweight 229 pounds
Finger Lift – Index, Right 95
Finger Lift – Index, Left 95
Finger Lift – Middle, Right 105
Finger Lift – Middle, Left 105
Habecker Lift 185

Denny Habecker – Age 76, bodyweight 195 pounds
Anderson Press 145
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left 100
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip 210
Habecker Lift  200
Deadlift – No Thumb, Left 100

Dean Ross – Age 76 years, bodyweight 237 pounds
Bearhug 152
Lurich Lift 220
Habecker Lift 185
Deadlift – No Thumbs, Overhand Grip 215
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip 160

1 23 24 25 26 27 74