Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results


By Eric Todd


The turnout was small, but it was an outstanding day of lifting and telling stories with some old friends. Results are as follows:

Date: June 3, 2017

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Location: ET’s house of Iron and Stone

Certified officials: Eric Todd and Lance Foster (The one official system was used on all lifts)

Loaders: Lance Foster, Dean Ross, Chris Todd, Eric Todd

All lifts are recorded in pounds

Lifter: Dean Ross, Male
Bodyweight: 231
Weight Class: 105
Age: 74
Age Division: 70

Lateral Raise-Lying 52
Lateral Raise-Standing 42
Finger Lift Thumb-left 40
Finger Lift Thumb-Right 40
Deadlift, Fulton Dumbbell Left Hand 82


Lifter: Lance Foster-male
Bodyweight: 335
Weight Class: 125+
Age: 51
Age Division: 50

Deadlift Dumbbell Right 201
Deadlift, Reeves 230
Snatch, Dumbbell right 60


Lifter: Eric Todd-Male
Bodyweight: 251
Weight class: 115
Age: 42
Age Division: 40

Bench Press Fulton Bar 340
Crucifix 148
Holdout Raised 85
Holdout Lowered 95
Lateral Raise Standing 100

2017 USAWA Heavylift Championships

By Rocky Morrison


Group picture from the 2017 Heavy Lift Championships.

Group picture from the 2017 Heavy Lift Championships.

Frank’s Barbell Club hosted the 2017 Heavylift Championships on May 13, 2017. It may not have been the largest turnout for a Heavylift Championships, but it was great time. We had a lot of laughs (like Joe Jr popping a rivet on the neck lift head gear) and saw some great lifting. It was very impressive to see all lifters exceed the 1 Ton mark.


2017 USAWA Heavy Lift Championships
Frank’s Barbell Club
Walpole, MA
May 13th, 2017

Meet Director: Mark Raymond

Official: Frank Ciavattone

Lifts: Neck Lift, Hand and Thigh Lift, Hip Lift


Lifter Age Group Weight Class
Mark Raymond 54 50+ 241 110kg
Rocky Morrison 55 55+ 261 120kg
Joe Ciavattone, Jr. 23 Open 211 100kg
Joe Ciavattone, Sr. 48 45+ 234 110kg

Lifts (All weights in pounds):

Lifter Neck Lift Hand & Thigh Lift Hip Lift Total Weight Overall Place
Mark Raymond 125 702 1202 2029 4th
Rocky Morrison 402* 802 1202 2406 3rd
Joe Ciavattone, Jr. 552** 1402 1522 3476 1st
Joe Ciavattone, Sr. 552 802 1202 2556 2nd
* - USAWA Record
** - While attempting 752 lbs Joe Jr popped a rivot on the head gear, 
     thus ending the Neck Lift competition. From what we hear, this is the 
     second time he has done that.

After the lifts were complete Frank and Colleen hosted the lifters for a BBQ (and the weather cooperated). I was master chef at the grill for the day (Gordon Ramsey would have been proud).

A huge thanks to Mark Raymond and Frank’s Barbell club for putting on this great event.

Lebanon Valley RD

By Denny Habecker


Lebanon Valley Spring Record Day

The Lebanon Valley Spring Record Day was a big success! Five lifters set 23 new USAWA Records. 89 Year old Art Montini   started things off with some great Finger Lifts, and things just kept getting better from then on. We had 69 year old Barry Pensyl  from Easton, 36 year old Michael Rabich from Queens, New York , 22 year old Kohl Hess back in action, and last but not least,  13 year old Aidan Habecker doing some great Vertical Bar Lifts. Newcomer Michael Rabich did some great deadlifts and a difficult lift I personally had never seen done before, a Pullover and Press with  Wrestler’s Bridge. He did 60 Kg. [132 Lbs] on that lift.  After the lifting Judy treated us to some good food, as she always does.

Meet Results:

Lebanon Valley Spring Record Day
May 6th, 2017
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Official (1-official system used): Denny Habecker

Lifts: Record Day


Art Montini  – 89 Yrs  [ 85-89]  170 Lbs.  80 Kg. Class
Finger – Right Index- 69 Lbs.
Finger – Middle Left  – 102 Lbs
Finger – Middle Right – 102 Lbs
Finger – Ring – Left    – 102 Lbs.
Finger – Ring – Right  – 102 Lbs.

Barry Pensyl – 69 Yrs. [65-69] 150 Lbs. 70 Kg. Class
Curl – Reverse Grip    – 53 Lbs.
Hackenschmidt Floor Press – 187 Lbs.
Pinch Grip        – 116 Lbs.
Snatch – D.B. – Left      – 51 Lbs.
Snatch – D.B. – Right   – 54 Lbs.

Michael Rabich  – 36 Yrs.  203 Lbs. – 95 Kg. Class
Deadlift – 2 Dumbbells  – 424 Lbs.
Deadlift – Fulton Bar –    463 Lbs.
Deadlift- No Thumbs – Overhand Grip – 335 Lbs.
Deadlift – Trap Bar –    507 Lbs.
Pullover and Press – Wrestler’s Bridge – 132 Lbs.

Kohl Hess – 22 Yrs. – 271 Lbs. – 125 Kg. Class
Dumbbell Walk  – 106 Lbs.
Curl – Reverse Grip  – 99 Lbs.
Curl – Strict    -116 Lbs.
Pullover and Press   – 198 Lbs.
Vertical Bar- 2″ Bar – Right Hand – 204 Lbs.

Aidan Habecker  – 13 Yrs. – 135 Lbs. – 65 Kg. Class.
Dumbbell Walk  – 40 Lbs.
Vertical Bar- Right Hand – 2″ Bar – 116 Lbs.
Vertical Bar – 2 Bars, 2″ – 220 Lbs.

1st Quarter Postal

By Al Myers



The tradition of our yearly postal series continues, with the kickoff of the 1st quarter postal meet of 2017.   It was well attended with 14 competitors (12 men and 2 women).   A big congrats goes to first time postal meet Men’s Division overall winner Daryl Jackson and the Women’s Overall Champ RJ Jackson.  I was very impressed with the lifting done in this postal meet which offered a very challenging set of dumbbell lifts.

Meet Results:

1st Quarter Postal Meet
January 1st – March 31st, 2017

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Lifts: Clean and Push Press – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat Curl – 2 Dumbells, Swing – 2 Dumbbells

Lifters that used a Certified Official:
Daryl Jackson – Certified Official RJ Jackson
Eric Todd – Certified Official Lance Foster
Barry Bryan – Certified Official Denny Habecker
Calvin Heit – Certified Official Chad Ullom
Denny Habecker – Certified Official Barry Bryan
Kohl Hess – Certified Official Denny Habecker
Rocky Morrison – Certified Official Frank Ciavattone
Mark Raymond – Certified Official Frank Ciavattone
Aidan Habecker – Certified Official Denny Habecker
Lance Foster – Certified Official Eric Todd
RJ Jackson – Certified Official Denny Habecker
Crystal Diggs – Certified Official RJ Jackson

Lifters that used a non certified judge:
John Douglas
Chad Ullom


RJ Jackson 55 106 70 80 60 210 333.7
Crystal Diggs 30 165 55 60 45 160 160.3


Daryl Jackson 27 154 150 150 130 430 450.2
Eric Todd 42 255 200 190 160 550 445.2
Barry Bryan 59 193 140 160 104 404 441.8
John Douglas 53 305 140 130 150 420 344.9
Calvin Heit 15 142 100 100 70 270 343.2
Denny Habecker 74 193 94 94 80 268 329.3
Kohl Hess 22 270 120 182 120 422 322.2
Rocky Morrison 55 262 100 132 100 332 298.5
Mark Raymond 54 240 80 112 80 272 253.4
Aidan Habecker 13 128 60 60 50 170 244.9
Lance Foster 51 340 110 110 90 310 237.9
Chad Ullom 45 246 40 200 40 280 237.6

Notes:  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  All lifts recorded in pounds.  TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.

Iceberg Open Record Day

By Rocky Morrison

Frank’s Barbell Club in Walpole, MA held the Iceberg Open Record Day on March 4th, 2017. The weather outside was a little chilly, which was very fitting for the Iceberg Open. But inside there was some heat generated by the strong lifts. The event contained some new lifters in addition to some of our veteran lifters.



March 4th, 2017
Frank’s Barbell Club
East Walpole, MA

Meet Director: Frank Ciavattone

Host: Mark Raymond

Meet Officials: (3-official system used) Frank Ciavattone and Rocky Morrison


Name Gender Age Weight (In Pounds)
Dave Brien Male 49 197
Robert Santos Male 49 208
Mark Raymond Male 54 240
Tony Patterson Male 55 176
Dave Gago Male 59 176


Lifter Dave Brien
Age Category 45+
Weight Category 90 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
(RH) Ciavattone Deadlift 202.8 92
(LH) Ciavattone Deadlift 202.8 92
(2H) Thumbless Deadlift 310.8 141
Barbell Curl – Strict 125 56.7
Barbell Curl – Reverse 156.5 71


Lifter Robert Santos
Age Category 45+
Weight Category 95 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Bench Press – feet in air 315 142.9
Bench Press, Fulton Bar 340 154.3
Barbell Curl – Strict 127.5 57.8
Barbell Curl – Reverse 125 56.7


Lifter Mark Raymond
Age Category 54+
Weight Category 110 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Trap Bar Deadlift 357 162
Deadlift, No Thumbs, Overhand Grip 304 138
Bench Press, Fulton Bar 180 81.7
(LH) Fulton Dumbell Deadlift 132 60
(RH) Fulton Dumbell Deadlift 182 82.6


Lifter Tony Patterson
Age Category 55+
Weight Category 80 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
(2H) Thumbless Deadlift 334 151.5
(2H) Ciavattone Deadlift 352 160
Barbell Curl – Reverse 140 63.5
(RH) Fulton Dumbell Deadlift 200 90.7
(RH) Vertical Bar Lift (2″ bar) 210 95.3


Lifter Dave Gago
Age Category 55+
Weight Category 80 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
(2H) Thumbless Deadlift 288 130.7
(RH) Fulton Dumbell Deadlift 162 73.5
(RH) Vertical Bar Lift (2″ bar) 104 47.2

It was an outstanding job by all particpants. We also had great support from the fans in attendance.

1 32 33 34 35 36 74