Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

Jobe’s Steel Jungle RD

by Jesse Jobe

Troy Goetsch and Bryan Benzel set the top ALL TIME USAWA record in the Team Deadlift at the Jobe's Steel Jungle Record Day with a lift of 1097 pounds.

Last  Sunday, The Jobe’s Steel Jungle held a record breaking records day.  We had 13 lifters from age 7 to 45 and a total of 188 records were set or broken. To say I was impressed by the lifting that was done this day is a massive understatement. I was very proud of everyone that lifted, but the biggest highlight for me was getting my wife Alison Jobe to compete and she did outstanding. I was also fortunate enough to have my daughter Gabby Jobe lifting and she also did amazing.  I will try to give every great performance its own little paragraph but it might have to be saved for another write up.

First, I want to thank everyone who was able to compete and those who came to watch and cheer us on.  Also I have to give a big thanks to Darren Barnhart and Scott Tully.   They came up to compete, helped me judge some lifts, and give me clarification on a few things I wasn’t 100% sure about. We had a couple newbies lifting but they didn’t disappoint by putting up some big lifts. I had told the guys a couple weeks before that I wanted to make this a special meet and that I wanted to see some lifts that would be remembered.  None of them disappointed me.

I think the biggest news of the meet was some lifts that were set as the all-time highest lifts.  Bryan Benzel stole the show setting four individual all-time lifts and two team lifts with Troy Goetsch. Troy Goetsch set a huge 2” Vbar lift and then two team lifts with Bryan Benzel. Troy’s Grip strength is simply amazing as he doesn’t have huge hands, just a very strong grip. Tim Songster set an all time lift in the Piper Squat, I think eventually he can push this up to 300lbs. Darren Barnhart and Scott Tully actually had the Fulton bar Ciavattone grip team record for about 5 minutes with 650lbs, until Bryan and Troy took it back with 670lbs. I have no doubts that either one of these teams will eventually get 700lbs. My wife set some all time lifts in the 2” Vbar, 1” Vbar, and some finger lifts.

I set the most records of the day with 40. I had a decent game plan and feel I executed it pretty well. I think on some lifts I left a little in the tank, but overall I was happy with the way a lot of them turned out. I have a goal of eventually having 100 records. I am still learning a lot of these lifts and once I figure out some of them, I hope to put up some all time records in some.

Gabby Jobe, at 9 years old, set a number of USAWA records including this 54# 1 inch 1 bar VB deadlift.

My daughter and wife both had tremendous days. My wife, Alison, is a very competitive person in anything she does.  But it took a lot of convincing to get her to do this. She only started lifting last year and has started to make tremendous gains. She has a naturally strong grip and I know that eventually she is going to set some very high marks in the grip events. Gabby has really started to be as serious as a nine year old can be about her training.   I cannot say enough how proud I am of how she did this day.

I was quite pleased with how the day came out. My biggest goal for running this meet was to be able to have people get together and have a good time.  My family was able to come and see my daughter lift and also see my wife compete for the first time.  I look forward to my next USAWA event that I hold.  Competing and hosting USAWA has become one of the most fun and entertaining things I have done in my lifting career. Again, I want to thank everyone for their help.  And a huge thank you to my wife, she cooked the lunch, judged, lifted, and was a great host.

Meet Results

Jobe’s Steel Jungle Record Day
Jobe’s Steel Jungle, Council Bluffs, Iowa
May 20th, 2012

Meet Director:  Jesse Jobe

Officials:  Jesse Jobe, Alison Jobe, Bryan Benzel, Scott Tully, Darren Barnhart

Tim Songster Jr. 7 years old, 66# BWT

Deadlift – 12″ Base:  75#
Deadlift – Heels Together:  67#

Scott Tully 36 years old, 359# BWT

Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat: 200#

Darren Barnhart 44 years old, 296# BWT

Bench Press – Hands Together: 315#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand: 145#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand: 145#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 365#

Josh Haggin 38 years old, 198# BWT

Bent Press – Dumbbell, Right Hand: 60#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 230#
Deadlift – 2 Bars:  430#

Bryan Benzel 25 years old, 288# BWT

James Lift: 202#
Clean and Seated Press: 247#
Clean and Press – On Knees:  227#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand: 215#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 602#
Clean and Press – Middle Fingers:  87#
Deadlift – One Leg, Right:  205#
Deadlift – One Leg, Left:  205#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm:  235#

Mac Capello 34 years old, 242# BWT

Reflex Clean and Jerk: 255#
Snatch – Fulton Bar:  170#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  195#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Mid/Ring Fingers:  230#
Pinch Grip: 170#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  160#
Jerk – From Rack, Behind Neck:  275#
Continental to Chest – Fulton Bar:  305#
Deadlift – No Thumbs:  367#
Pull Up:  45#

Gabby Jobe FEMALE,  9 years old, 91# BWT

Squat – 12” Base:  80#
Squat – Front:  72#
James Lift:  15#
Arthur Lift:  15#
Deadlift – 2 Dumbbells:  60#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  50#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  50#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip:  75#
Deadlift – Heels Together:  115#
Curl – Strict:  20#
Bent Over Row:  45#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  35#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  37#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  37#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  54#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  54#

Zach Jelinek 23 years old, 199# BWT

Squat – Piper:  225#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  135#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Mid/Ring Fingers:  230#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  230#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  230#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  175#
Deadlift – 2 Bars:  450#
Deadlift – No Thumbs:  367#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  160#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#
Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Index, Left Hand:  96.5#
Finger Lift – Index, Right Hand:  91.5#
Finger Lift – Ring, Left Hand:  84#
Finger Lift – Middle, Left Hand:  105.5#
Finger Lift – Middle, Right Hand:  91.5#

Alison Jobe  – FEMALE, 36 years old, 231#BWT

Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Index, Left Hand:  79#
Finger Lift – Index, Right Hand:  79#
Finger Lift – Ring, Left Hand:  64#
Finger Lift – Ring, Right Hand:  64#
Finger Lift – Middle, Left Hand:  79#
Finger Lift – Middle, Right Hand:  115#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Left Hand:  29#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Right Hand:  29#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  110#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  135#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  129#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  129#
Deadlift – Fingers, Index:  115#
Deadlift – Fingers, Middle:  115#
Deadlift – Fingers, Ring:  115#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  165#
Deadlift – Reeves:  135#
Curl – Strict:  55#
Bench Press – Alternate Grip:  85#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip:  85#

Troy Goetsch 25 years old, 193# BWT

Bench Press – Left Arm:  70#
Bench Press – Right Arm:  115#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  70#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  90#
Clean and Press – Fulton Bar:  180#
Pinch Grip:  170#
Pinch Grip – Left Hand:  75#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  310#
Snatch – Fulton Bar:  145#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  235#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  255#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  180#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  180#
Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells:  140#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm:  170#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm:  205# 
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Heels Together:  360#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  135#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#

Corey Kenkel 29 years old, 186# BWT

Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  70#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  70#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  100#
Apollons Lift:  190#
Clean and Jerk – Fulton Bar:  190#
Reflex Clean and Push Press:  140#
Reflex Clean and Jerk: 140#
Pinch Grip: 110#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar:  360#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  285#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  112.5#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  135#
Snatch – On Knees:  67#
James Lift:  87#
Squat – Overhead:  87#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand:  155#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand:  155#
Miller Clean and Jerk:  87#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip:  185#

Tim Songster 45 years old, 209# BWT

Squat – Piper:  245#
Bench Press – Hands Together:  195#
Clean and Press:  165#
Clean and Press – Behind Neck:  155#
Squat – Lunge:  225#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  135#
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  80#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  80#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  112.5#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  112.5#
Snatch – On Knees:  87#
Squat – Overhead:  87#
Lateral Raise – Lying:  80#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  140#
Pull Up:  25#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip:  175#
Reflex Clean and Push Press:  155#
Clean and Press – 12” Base:  135#
Good Morning:  135#
Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Right Hand:  54#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  135#
French Press:  75#
Snatch – Left Arm:  75#
Snatch – Right Arm:  75#

Jesse Jobe 35 years old, 228# BWT

Clean and Jerk – Behind Neck:  200#
Clean and Press – Middle Fingers:  90#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  100#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  100#
Pinch Grip:  170#
Clean and Press:  170#
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip:  170#
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip:  175#
Clean and Press – 12” Base:  190#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm:  100#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Left Arm:  100#
Deadlift – One Leg, Left:  185#
Snatch – On Knees:  107#
Lateral Raise – Lying:  80#
Lateral Raise – Standing:  40#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat:  160#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Right Hand:  215#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  90#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  90#
Pull Up:  20#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, Left Hand:  170#
Deadlift – No Thumbs:  505#
Reflex Clean and Push Press:  205#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Mid/Ring Fingers:  185#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm:  282#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm:  282#
Finger Lift – Little, Left Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Little, Right Hand:  54#
Finger Lift – Index, Left Hand:  103#
Finger Lift – Index, Right Hand:  103#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Left Hand:  29#
Finger Lift – Thumb, Right Hand:  54#
Piper Squat: 135#
Clean and Jerk – 2 Dumbbells:  140#
Curl – Reverse Grip:  175#
Hack Lift – Fulton Bar:  310#

Bryan Benzel and Troy Goetsch

Team Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip:  670#
Team Deadlift:  1097#

Josh Haggin and Troy Goetsch

Team Deadlift:  850#

Heavy Lift Championships

by Al Myers

Group picture from the 2012 USAWA Heavy Lift Championships: (front left to right) Roger LaPointe, Al Myers, Denny Habecker, Eric Todd, Scott Schmidt (Back) Dave Polzin

This past Saturday Roger LaPointe, of Atomic Athletic, hosted the 2012 USAWA Heavy Lift Championships.  It was held in conjunction with his annual promotion, the Atomic Athletic Great Black Swamp Olde Time Strongman Picnic.  After last year’s Heavies in York, I didn’t know if that meet could be topped, but after attending Roger’s event I think it was!   The combination of the championships and the picnic were a perfect fit – it led to a festive environment along with many spectators.  Roger did an EXCELLENT JOB of bringing everything together to celebrate a day of strength. Along with the Championships, there were several strength shows by other strongmen going on.  All of this was topped off with a big meal for everyone in attendance.  I won’t say anymore about the picnic activities as I will leave that story for Roger to tell later.

Myself (left) and Roger LaPointe (right). Roger did an outstanding job of promoting the USAWA Heavy Lift Championships!

The meet itself was well attended for a Heavy Lift Championships. All together 7 lifters entered – a mixture of heavy lift veterans and a couple of new lifters to the “chain lifts”.  This meet doesn’t appeal to all lifters, and generally the Heavy Lift Champs doesn’t get more entries than this, so I was very pleased with the turnout.  It ended up “being a battle” between Eric Todd and myself for the overall champion.  It came down to the last event, the Hip Lift, to decide the day’s champion.  I was in order before ET, so I pushed myself and got a 2000# Hip Lift to put a little pressure on him.  He responded well, and put up with a personal record Hip Lift of 2075# to edge me out by only 3 adjusted points. I will have to do some research on this, but I’m guessing this is the closest finish for the overall lifter EVER in a Heavy Lift Championships.  Eric was the one who “stole the show” of the day on the whole – he started off the meet with an overall ALL TIME USAWA & WORLD RECORD in the Neck Lift with an unbelievable lift of 905 pounds!!!  His new record topped Chad Ullom’s 900 from last years Heavy Champs, which has now become the norm for being one of the best in the Neck Lift.   It was a really impressive lift, and I expect will inspire Chad to lift even more.  I fully expect one of these two lifters to be the first to break the “magic barrier” of 1000 pounds in the Neck Lift.  It will happen.  I was glad to see ET enter this big meet and win this championships. Most don’t know this, but ET has been competing in the USAWA longer than I have (by 6 months).  He has never really traveled far to meets in the USAWA as he has been focused on his pro strongman career.  He is a gifted all rounder and I kidded him he is still a youngster (at 37) in the USAWA and his best years are still ahead of him.

Dennis Mitchell giving an interview to the local TV station.

On the other end of the spectrum is Dennis Mitchell.  Dennis is now 80 years old and was the oldest lifter in this meet.  For his age, Dennis is remarkable.  Most guys his age would never take on lifts like the Heavy Lifts.  Dennis is a “master” at these lifts, and constantly surprises me with his lifting.  He told me last weekend that this month marks 69 years since he began lifting weights (that’s right, 69 years!!!!).   Also, he has competed throughout this whole time. That is one long lifting career!!!  I was glad to see Dennis get recognized by being interviewed by the local TV station.

Another lifting milestone was achieved this past weekend as well.  Our USAWA President Denny Habecker told me that Saturday marked 50 years since his first lifting competition – to the day!!!   I made sure to celebrate this occasion with Denny after the meet.  Denny multi-tasked all day as a lifter and as the head official, as well as bringing the heavy bar and accessories for the meet.  Many things happen in the USAWA only because of Denny!! He finished with a record lift in the Hip Lift at 944 pounds.

I was glad to see competing the two newcomers, wily veteran Olympic Lifter Dave Polzin, and the big talented young kid Thomas Casillas.  Both have tremendous abilities, and with a little practice on the Heavy Lifts will be very good Heavy Lifters. Dave really impressed me after the meet when he did a 198# Clean and Press at the age of 62 for an age group record!!!  Andrew Durniat made an appearance as well in one of the strongman shows.  I hadn’t seen Andrew in a year, but immediately I could tell that he has added some muscular size since then.  He did a 166# one arm snatch for a new record.  This is one of the best one arm snatches of the year in the organization.  Andrew’s strength in a lift like this shows that he is “way more” than just a grip lifter.  I’m hoping that we will continue to see Andrew compete in the USAWA, as he is a great person as well as a superb lifter.

Athletic Atomic club member Dave Polzin performed a 198# Clean and Press at the age of 62!!!!

Another all -round lifter who was in attendance but did not compete was the Cleveland lifter John Kurtz.  John trained under the legendary Howard Prechtel and obviously has a wealth of information.  I enjoyed visiting with him throughout the day and getting to know him.  His name is “littered” throughout our USAWA record list with impressive records, and it was nice to be able to “put a name with a face”.   He has had some health issues of late, but he still looked like he was in lifting shape to me!!!  I hope to see him get “back into action” in USAWA competition.  The only person I have not mentioned yet is Scott Schmidt.   I saved Scott for last because I want to make sure everyone knows how much he contributes to our organization.  Scott is part of the 5-person executive board that governs the USAWA, and is very influential “behind the scenes”.  He is always very helpful at meets, and one of the better officials in the organization.  He put up a great lift of 1005# in the Hand and Thigh as well and placing third overall in this meet.


Heavy Lift Championships
Bowling Green, Ohio
May 12, 2012

Meet Director:  Roger LaPointe

Lifts:  Neck Lift, Hand and Thigh Lift, Harness Lift

Officials:  Denny Habecker, Dennis Mitchell, Scott Schmidt, Eric Todd, Al Myers

Announcer: Roger LaPointe

Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Loader: Jeff Rybek

Eric Todd 37 252 860 1200 2075 4135 3266.6
Al Myers 45 240 700 1100 2000 3800 3263.1
Scott Schmidt 59 249 287 1005 1400 2692 2567.8
Dave Polzin 62 215 330 750 900 1980 2090.3
Denny Habecker 69 196 0 600 900 1500 1761.4
Dennis Michell 80 154 240 400 550 1190 1756.8
Thomas Casillas 15 305 0 600 0 600 496.9

NOTES:  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are adjusted points for bodyweight correction and age allowance.


Eric Todd  Neck Lift:  905#
Denny Habecker Hand & Thigh Lift: 705#
Denny Habecker Hip Lift: 944#
Dennis Mitchell Hand & Thigh Lift: 450#
Dennis Mitchell  Hip Lift: 625#
Thomas Casillas Hand and Thigh: 700#
Dave Polzin Clean and Press: 198#
Andrew Durniat Snatch – Left Arm: 166#
(33 years old, 230 lbs. BWT)

World Postal LEG 1

by Steve Gardner


(Leg 2 to be completed by End of July – Steinborn, OH C+Jerk, and Zercher)

For the World postal League, teams have been permitted to lift with only one referee if it has not been possible for those teams to have 2 or 3 referees. Where only one referee was used, those results have not been submitted for records ratification. Two guests (non IAWA members) have also been permitted to lift to assist in the making of teams, and once again their results were not eligible to be forwarded for records ratification.

Lifts in Leg 1: Snatch – One Arm, Pullover and Push, Jefferson Lift

1. Dino Gym – USA

 Al Myers  111.5  115  45  72.5R  170  260  502.5  426.3
 Chad Ullom  112.9  115  40  67.5R  160  240  467.5  375.5

Team Total: 970 KGS   Amended Points: 801.8

2.  Powerhouse 1 – ENG

 Mark Price  94.4  95  47  55R  160  195  410  387.0
 James Gardner  92.1  95  28  55R  130  220  405  358.8

Team Total: 815 KGS  Amended Points: 745.8

3. Powerhouse 2 – ENG

Graham Saxton 121.7 125 50 37.5R 130 250 417.5 355.1
Luke Davis 80.0 80 27 45R 110 192.5 347.5 334.0

Team Total: 765 KGS   Amended Points: 689.1

4. W Australia 1 – AUS

John Mahon 108.1 110 28 50R 140 202.5 392.5 319.2
Peter Phillips 104.9 105 58 52.5R 95 180 327.5 321.9

Team Total: 720 KGS  Amended Points:  641.1

5.  Tiverton 1 – ENG

Gary Ell 86.7 90 41 42.9L 107.9 192.9 343.7 321.4
Mark Rattenberry 63.9 65 49 27.9L 75.4 160.4 263.7 306.3

Team Total: 607.4 KGS   Amended Points: 627.7

6.  Hoghton Barbell – ENG  (Calvin is a guest lifter from Burton – not an IAWA member) 

Mark Haydock 115.0 115 37 70R 130 284 484 381.3
Calvin Smith 74.5 75 19 35R 62.5 130 227.5 233.0

Team Total: 711.9 KGS  Amended Points: 614.3

7.  Granby Grippers – ENG   (Only 1 ref for Steve but 2 for Daniel) 

Daniel Andrews 65.7 70 15 30.5R 50.5 100 181 226.9
Steve Andrews 70.4 75 52 47.5R 115 160 322.5 376.0

Team Total: 503.5 KGS  Amended Points: 602.9

8.  Powerhouse 3 – ENG

John Gardner 137.2 125+ 29 55R 140 220 415 300.0
Paula Delemata 49.6 50 38 20.5R 42.5 100 163 292.8

Team Total: 578 KGS  Amended Points: 592.8

9.  Castlemilk Expendables 1 – SCO

Andy Tomlin 91.2 95 44 47.5L 100 165 312.5 292.3
Matt Finkle 67.3 70 45 35R 75 145 255 289.9

Team Total: 567.5 KGS  Amended Points: 582.2

10.  Tiverton 2 – ENG

Tom Perry 87.2 90 21 37.9R 117.9 177.9 333.7 304.9
Patrick Burt 71.9 75 23 27.9L 80.4 160.4 268.7 275.9

Team Total: 602.4 KGS  Amended Points: 580.8

11.  W Australia 2 – AUS

Sam Trew 116.5 120 29 52.5L 110 215 377.5 295.5
Paul McManus 112.5 115 38 50R 100 180 330 262.9

Team Total: 707.5 KGS  Amended Points: 558.4

12.  Habeckers Gym – USA

Denny Habecker 87.0 90 69 30R 100 135 265 324.9
Rudy Bletscher 97.5 100 76 25R 54.4 100 179.4 228.0

Team Total: 444.4 KGS   Amended Points:  552.9

13. Castlemilk Expendables 2 – SCO   (George Dick had 2 Refs But Jim Madden is a guest – not IAWA Member)

Jim Madden 89.9 90 43 37.5R 125 130 292.5 273.2
George Dick 128.7 125+ 63 37.5R 75 160 272.5 251.8

Team Total:  565 KGS  Amended Points: 525.0

14.  Tiverton 3 – ENG

Thomas Cleverley 75.5 80 21 25.4L 90.4 150.4 266.2 265.1
Axel Amos 83.0 85 23 27.9L 85.4 150.4 263.7 247.9

Team Total:  529.9 KGS  Amended Points: 513.0

15.  Coalville Outcasts – ENG     

Mark Shaw 77.2 80 51 27.5 60 132.5 220 242.2
Jason Reed 84.2 85 31 35 80 160 275 256.6

Team Total: 495 KGS  Amended Points: 498.8

16.  Powerhouse 4 – ENG   (just 4 Andy)

Steve Gardner 140.2 125+ 55 40R 100 150 290 240.7
Karen Gardner 72.7 75 53 17.5R 35 85 137.5 206.1

Team Total: 427.5 KGS  Amended Points: 446.8


1. Dino Gym – USA  801.8
2. Powerhouse 1 – ENG  745.8
3. Powerhouse 2 – ENG   689.1
4. W Australia 1 – AUS  641.0
5. Tiverton 1 – ENG  627.7
6.  Hoghton Barbell – ENG  614.3
7.  Granby Grippers – ENG   602.9
8.  Powerhouse 3 –  ENG  592.8
9.  Castlemilk Expendable 1 –  SCO  582.2
10.  Tiverton 2 –  ENG  580.8
11.  W Australia 2 – AUS  558.4
12.  Habeckers Gym –  USA  552.9
13.  Castlemilk Expendables 2 –  SCO  525.0
14.  Tiverton 3  – ENG  513.0
15.  Coalville Outcasts –  ENG  498.8
16.  Powerhouse 4 (Just 4 U Andy) –  ENG  446.8


Dino Gym – USA   Al Myers and Chad Ullom


Top Two Teams from each Country Count towards the ‘ Nations’  Team Score (1st = 15pts, 15th = 1pt)

1.   ENGLAND   27pts
2.   USA  20pts
3.   AUSTRALIA  18pts
4.   SCOTLAND  12pts

Lifters Rankings – Amended Totals at Leg One stage:

1.  Al Myers 426.3
2.  Mark Price  387.0
3.  Mark Haydock 381.3
4.  Steve Andrews  376.0
5.  Chad Ullom 375.5
6.  James Gardner  358.8
7.  Graham Saxton 355.1
8.  Luke Davis  334.0
9.  Denny Habecker 324.9
10.  Peter Phillips  321.9
11.  Gary Ell  321.4
12.  John Mahon  319.1
13.  Mark Rattenberry  306.3
14.  Tom Perry  304.9
15.  John Gardner  300.0
16.  Sam Trew  295.5
17.  Paula Delemata  292.8
18.  Andy Tomlin 292.3
19.  Matt Finkle  289.9
20.  Patrick Burt  275.9
21.  Jim Madden  273.2
22.  Thomas Cleverley 265.1
23.  Paul McManus  262.9
24.  Jason Reed 256.6
25.  George Dick 251.8
26.  Axel Amos  247.9
27.  Mark Shaw  242.2
28.  Steve Gardner 240.7
29.  Calvin Smith  233.0
30.  Rudy Bletscher  228.0
31.  Daniel Andrews  226.9
32.  Karen Gardner 206.1

Top Ten Lifters – O H Snatch

1.  Al Myers  61.5
2.  Steve Andrews  55.3
3.  Mark Haydock  55.1
4.  Chad Ullom  54.2
5.  Mark Price  51.9
6.  Peter Phillips 51.6
7.  James Gardner 48.7
8.  Andy Tomlin 44.4
9.  Luke Davis 43.2
10.  John Mahon  40.6

Top Ten Lifters – Pullover and Push

1.  Mark Price 151.0
2.  Al Myers 144.2
3.  Steve Andrews 134.1
4.  Chad Ullom 128.5
5.  Denny Habecker 122.6
6.  Jim Madden 116.7
7.  James Gardner 115.1
8.  John Mahon 113.8
9.  Graham Saxton 110.5
10.  Tom Perry 107.7

Top Ten Lifters – Straddle Deadlift

1.  Mark Haydock  223.7
2.  Al Myers 220.5
3.  Graham Saxton 212.6
4.  James Gardner 194.9
5.  Chad Ullom 192.7
6.  Steve Andrews  186.5
7.  Mark Rattenberry 186.3
8.  Luke Davis 185.0
9.  Mark Price  184.0
10.  Gary Ell  180.4


Top Junior 1st Calvin Smith  2nd Daniel Andrews
Top Female 1st Paula Delemata 2nd Karen Gardner
Top Open Lifter 1st Mark Haydock  2nd James Gardner
Top Masters 40+ 1st Chad Ullom  2nd Gary Ell
Top Masters 45+  1st Al Myers  2nd Mark Price
Top Masters 50+ 1st  Steve Andrews   2nd Graham Saxton
Top Masters 55+ 1st Peter Phillips
Top Master 60+ 1st George Dick
Top Master 65+ 1st Denny Habecker
Top Master 75+ 1st Rudy Bletscher

Monster Garage Meet

by Larry Traub


2012 Monster Garage Meet
Georgetown, Indiana
April 29th, 2012

Meet Director: Larry Traub

Official: Dave Glasgow

Lifts: Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
(Lifts marked by an asterik indicate they were done according to USAWA rules for these lifts: Bench Press – Feet in Air, Squat – 12″ base, Deadlift – 12″ base)

Larry Traub 58 203.3 500* 265* 600* 1365 1438.7
Ray Ganong 57 224.9 380* 325* 485* 1190 1177.2
Fred Sharp 19 141.6 305 210 385 900 1017.8
Dave Glasgow 58 247.6 340 255 440 1025 972.7
Les Cramer 70 187.4 295* 160 0 0 0

NOTES: BWT is bodyweight in pounds. All lifts recorded in pounds. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are adjusted points for age and bodyweight.

Eastern Open Postal

by Al Myers


Chad Ullom performed this 501# Continental to Belt to help him win the 2012 Eastern Open Postal Meet. Chad is the first and only USAWA lifter to have exceeded 500 pounds in the Continental to Belt.


Eastern Open Postal Meet
March 30th, 2012

Meet Director:  John Wilmot

Lifts: Bench Press – Feet in Air, Front Squat, Continental to Belt

Lifters using a Certified Official:

Gabby Jobe – Official Jesse Jobe
Troy Goetsch – Officials Dan Bunch, Bryan Benzel
Denny Habecker – Officials Scott Schmidt, John McKean, Art Montini
Zach Jelinek – Officials Bryan Benzel, Jesse Jobe
Jesse Jobe – Officials Dan Bunch, Bryan Benzel
Chad Ullom – Official Al Myers
Eric Todd – Official Lance Foster
Bryan Benzel – Officials Dan Bunch, Jesse Jobe
Lance Foster – Official Eric Todd
Dan Bunch – Officials Jesse Jobe, Bryan Benzel

Lifters using a non-certified Judge:

Les Cramer – Judge Monica Cook
Sam Rogers – Judge Orie Barnett
John Wilmot – Judge Kay Wilmot
Orie Barnett – Judge Sam Rogers


Gabby Jobe 9 89 50 55 65 170 370.9



 Chad Ullom  40  246  287  452  501  1240  1001.9
 Eric Todd  37  253  350  405  475  1230  969.9
 Troy Goetsch  25  194  280  355  360  995  904.5
 Bryan Benzel  24  287  365  420  410  1195  885.8
 Sam Rogers  49  210  285  277  320  882  844.0
 Les Cramer  70  183  200  227  252  679  836.4
 Orie Barnett  51  231  246  305  342  893  826.9
 Jesse Jobe  35  225  250  250  450  950  795.9
 Zach Jelinek  23  200  185  230  280  695  621.1
 John Wilmot  65  213  130  175  230  535  581.8
 Dan Bunch  47  317  265  190  300  755  579.6
 Lance Foster  46  320  180  250  330  760  578.1
 Denny Habecker  69  191  195  0  267  462  550.6


Notes:  All bodyweights are recorded in pounds. All lifts are listed in points.  Total is the total pounds lifted. Points are the adjusted points for age and bodyweight.

1 56 57 58 59 60 74