Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

Heavy Lift Championships

by Al Myers


The group picture from the 2013 USAWA Heavy Lift Championships in Walpole, Massachusetts.

What an exciting Heavy Lift Championships last weekend!  I knew I could expect a great meet atmosphere with the meet being held at Franks Barbell Club, hosted by meet promoter extraordinaire Frank Ciavattone, but this time Frank even exceeded my expectations!   Frank is a very seasoned USAWA meet promoter, having promoted numerous past National Championships and World Championships. Frank is a meet promoter who knows how to put the “lifter’s first”.  He always has the basics well-covered, then he throws in unexpected special things which makes his promotions “one of a kind”.  I regard Frank as one of the BEST meet promoters within the USAWA EVER, and I am VERY GLAD to see him “back in action” putting on meets.  Frank will be the host of the 2014 IAWA World Championships, which will be a special affair.  Everyone BETTER get that meet “penciled in” on your future meet itinerary.  It will be one you WILL NOT want to miss.

Dennis Mitchell performing a 630 pound Hip Lift.

Since the weather was very nice (low 60’s), Frank had set up a platform outside for the meet to be conducted on.  It provided the perfect atmosphere for a Heavy Lift Championships.  Most everyone was in shorts and t-shirts (with the exception of Flossy!) as the day progressed.  Ten lifters competed in this Championships.  I view the Heavy Lift Championships as the SECOND most important Championship event within the USAWA (the National Championships being the NUMBER ONE).  I say this because the Heavy Lift Championships has a longer history than all the others, and because the Heavy Lifts are very uniquely all-round lifts.  No other lifting organization features these lifts. 

Colleen Lane competed in her first Heavy Lift Championships and came away with an overall women’s title. I was most impressed with her 450# Hand and Thigh lift. Denny Habecker was as “solid as ever” with his lifting.  Denny finished off the day with a record 1000# Hip Lift.  Dennis Mitchell had many records, with his 455# Hand & Thigh impressing me the most.  This day marked a BIG DAY for Dennis as it marked his 70th year of active competition in lifting.  That’s right – 70 years!!!!  And in that run Dennis has never missed a year without hitting the platform at least once.  Truly an amazing record that very, very few will ever achieve.  Art Montini again showed that he is not ready to slow down yet.  Art had a great day and finished with a 700# Hip Lift.  I would like to see another 85 year old man do that! NOT LIKELY!  Joe Ciavattone Sr. had a day to be proud of.  He finished third overall in a field of wily veterans in the Heavy Lifts, and in the process he set a PERSONAL RECORD in the Neck Lift with an outstanding lift of 805 pounds!  Joe was the first USAWA lifter to break 800 pounds in the Neck Lift years ago with his historic 804.5#, and I know he had to question since if he was every going to do more.  Well, after what I saw of him last weekend, I would say he has lots more in him!  It was a very solid lift with plenty of clearance.  I could tell that this lift  alone made him tremendously satisfied with his day’s lifting.  Congrats  Joe – you earned it! 

Joe Ciavattone Sr. performing a big Neck Lift enroute to his new personal record of 805 pounds!

However, the real “story of the day” should go to Joe Ciavattone Jr.  It’s been a couple of years since I have seen Joe Jr, and since that time Junior has grown into a MAN!  His neck is now thicker than ole dad’s, and his strength is just starting to mature.   His future is very promising as a future USAWA superstar.  I also want to mention that Joe Jr. is very coachable, and wants to learn how to be a better lifter.  I tried to give him as much advice as I could, and he then would take it IMMEDIATELY to the platform for a bigger lift!   That trait will take him to the next level.  He took an extra attempt in the Neck Lift and he easily got 700 lbs, with much more in the tank.  He also took a fourth on the Hand and Thigh and destroyed 1400 pounds.  Those are the best lifts of ALL TIME in the USAWA for a teenager.   I really liked watching Joe Jr. compete in this meet.  He has a fierce competitive mindset.  Mark my words on this – Joe Ciavattone Jr. will be a future Overall National Champ! 

Joe Ciavattone Jr. performing a new ALL TIME teenage USAWA record in the Hand and Thigh with this 1400 pound lift!

Jim Fuller made his trip from Maine for his second appearance in the Heavy Lift Championships.  I first met James at York a few years ago at the Heavy Lift Championships. He has made great progress with his heavy lifting since then.  He put up a 1100# hand and thigh and a 1400# Hip Lift in this meet.  He has his own harness equipment, and it’s obvious that he has been training these very difficult lifts.  I was most impressed with him missing 1350# on his second attempt hip, only to come back at 1400# and NAIL IT!  That’s gutsy!  Afterwards at Franks backyard picnic, James cleaned and pressed Franks Old 45 Deep Dish York by hub pinching it with one hand for me.  I was even more impressed seeing it first hand than from the pictures he had sent me from Franks last record day.  I have a Deep Dish York 45, and I could tell immediately that Franks was different.  The hub on Franks 45 was very wide (we measured it at 4-3/4″).  My York 45 is much less in diameter.  Frank said his York 45 was made in the 1930’s (while mine was made in the 50’s).  Apparently very few are still around as the design of the thick hub caused the plate to be thinner and most have broken apart at the junction of the base of the hub and the plate.  Bottom line – this Deep Dish York 45 is MUCH harder to hub lift than the newer ones!!!   James hub lifted it several times with ease. 

James Fuller "playing around" hub pinching Franks very difficult old York Deep Dish 45.

Franks son Jeff lifted and did very well, placing fourth overall.   Jeff did well in every lift – 650# Neck, 1200# Hand and Thigh, and a 1400# Hip.  Jeff has loads of natural lifting ability (a Ciavattone trait!!!).  He looked to be good for more in each event to me.  It was a great pleasure to have Frank  join us on the lifting platform.  I know Frank had lots on his mind hosting the meet at his place, serving as head official most of the day, and organizing the awards banquet and meal afterwards.  Frank has great heavy lifting technique, and it’s obvious he has spent a lot of time “polishing his trade” with the heavy lifts.  

The great display of after-meet food prepared by Frank and his family!

After the meet, we were treated to a HUGE ITALIAN feast at Franks place.  You name it he had it – pasta, salad, meatballs, chicken, sausage, etc.  A totally top notch affair.  Many thanks are in order for Franks family in preparing this feast.  I also want to thank the outstanding loaders who worked hard all day – Dave, Peter, and Charlie.  You guys made this event move along with your outstanding loading all day. 

Meet Results:

2013 Heavy Lift Championships
Franks Barbell Club
Walpole, Massachusetts
May 4th, 2013

Meet Director:  Frank Ciavattone

Announcer and Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Officials (3 official system used):  Frank Ciavattone (head official), Denny Habecker, Dennis Mitchell, Joe Ciavattone Sr., Art Montini, Al Myers

Loaders: Dave Hartnett, Peter Vouno, Charlie Payne

Lifts:  Neck Lift, Hand and Thigh Lift, Hip Lift


Colleen Lane 57 206 175 450 500 1125 1166.5


Al Myers 46 235 780 1300 1800 3880 3400.6
Joe Ciavattone Jr. 19 224 600 1200 1750 3550 3040.2
Joe Ciavattone Sr. 44 217 725 1100 1500 3325 2981.5
Jeff Ciavattone 33 235 650 1200 1400 3250 2662.1
Jim Fuller 41 226 400 1100 1400 2900 2472.0
Denny Habecker 70 191 270 775 950 1995 2396.3
Dennis Mitchell 81 152 245 425 630 1300 1949.4
Art Montini 85 177 200 450 700 1350 1890.4
Frank Ciavattone 58 285 300 800 1000 2100 1858.8

NOTES: All weights recorded in pounds. BWT is bodyweight in pounds. TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are adjusted points for bodyweight and age correction. 


Denny Habecker:  Hip Lift 1000#
Dennis Mitchell: Hand and Thigh Lift 455#
Joe Ciavattone Sr.: Neck Lift 805#
Joe Ciavattone Jr.: Neck Lift 700#
Joe Ciavattone Jr.: Hand and Thigh Lift  1400#


Women Master 55-59 100KG Class – Colleen Lane
Mens Teenage 18-19 105 KG Class – Joe Ciavattone Jr.
Mens Senior 110 KG Class – Jeff Ciavattone
Mens Master 40-44 100 KG Class – Joe Ciavattone Sr.
Mens Master 40-44 105 KG Class – Jim Fuller
Mens Master 45-49 110 KG Class – Al Myers
Mens Master 55-59 125+ KG Class – Frank Ciavattone
Mens Master 70-74 90 KG Class – Denny Habecker
Mens Master 80-84 70 KG Class – Dennis Mitchell
Mens Master 85-89 85 KG Class – Art Montini
Overall Mens Best Lifter – Al Myers

Eastern Open Postal

by Al Myers



Eastern Open Postal Meet
March 1-31st, 2013

Meet Director:  John Wilmot

Lifts:  Snatch – One Arm, Clean and Press, Jefferson Lift

Lifters using a USAWA Certified Official:

Gabby Jobe – Official Jesse Jobe, Alison Jobe
Barry Bryan – Official Denny Habecker
Denny Habecker – Official Barry Bryan
Tim Songster Sr. – Official Dan Bunch
Al Myers – Official Scott Tully
Chad Ullom – Official Al Myers
Eric Todd – Official Lance Foster
Scott Tully – Official Al Myers
Dan Bunch – Officials Bryan Benzel, Jesse Jobe
Lance Foster – Official Eric Todd

Lifters using a non-certified judge:

Ruth Jackson – Judge Dan Wagman
Dan Wagman – Judge Ruth Jackson
Les Cramer – Judge Monica Cook
Samuel Rogers – Judge Orie Barnett, Aaron Hougland
John Wilmot – Judge Kay Wilmot
Aaron Hougland – Judge Orie Barnett, Samuel Rogers
Orie Barnett – Judge Samuel Rogers, Aaron Hougland


Ruth Jackson 51 107 55 R 85 235 375 577.4
Gabby Jobe 10 109 20 R 46 150 216 388.7


Dan Wagman 50 180 130 L 190 505 825 867.4
Al Myers 46 237 150 R 177 540 867 756.5
Barry Bryan 55 194 99.2 R 187.4 402.8 689.4 727.0
Chad Ullom 41 253 154 R 198 518 870 699.8
Samuel Rogers 50 206 96 R 191 401.3 688.3 670.4
Orie Barnett 52 231 111 R 182 416.3 709.3 662.0
Les Cramer 71 187 67.5 R 145 325 537.5 658.0
Denny Habecker 70 192 66.1 R 143.3 308.6 518 620.5
Eric Todd 38 255 95 R 225 455 775 608.8
Tim Songster Sr. 46 204 85 R 175 350 610 576.6
Aaron Hougland 35 318 96 R 221 476 793 563.7
Scott Tully 37 316 105 R 187 440 732 520.4
John Wilmot 66 222 60 R 120 305 485 519.9
Dan Bunch 48 366 105 ? 190 275 570 441.7
Lance Foster 47 326 65 R 135 355 555 426.1

NOTES:  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  R & L designate right or left arm used.  TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are adjusted points for bodyweight and age correction.

Frank’s Barbell RB

by Frank Ciavattone Jr.

Due to our area receiving 100 plus inches of snow in the past couple of months, most of our competitors were unable to attend due to plowing snow. This was the first Saturday that we had any number of attendees making it possible to hold this competition.

Our furthest entrant came from upstate Maine and the other two entrants were from Walpole, MA. I was the only qualified referee so my lifts did not count toward official records but the other two competitor’s lifts are valid. We had one loader, helper and spectator which was famous author on strength, Peter Vuono from Brockton, MA. Everyone gave 100% and made this competition a worthwhile event. After the competition we enjoyed a meal and award ceremony and then right back to snow plowing.


Frank’s Barbell Club Meet Record Breaker
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Location: Frank’s Barbell Club in East Walpole, MA

Meet Promoter:  Frank Ciavattone Jr.

Officials (1 official system used):  Frank Ciavattone Jr.

Jeff Ciavattone – 33 years old, 235 lbs.

One hand Fulton dumbbell (Ciavattone grip) – right 190 lbs. & left 190 lbs.
Index finger dead-lift – 231 lbs.
Ring finger dead-lift – 159 lbs.

Jim Fuller – 41 years old, 228 lbs.

Kelley snatch –  108 lbs.
Kneeling snatch – 108 lbs.
Middle finger dead-lift  –  266 lbs.

Frank Ciavattone Jr. -58 years old, 289 lbs.

Reeves deadlift  – 345 lbs.
One hand Fulton dumbbell (Ciavattone grip) – right 190 lbs.
Little finger deadlift w/ring – left 110 lbs. & right 125 lbs.

WEBMASTER NOTE:   James Fuller recorded the meet, and placed the video on YouTube which he shared in the USAWA Discussion Forum.  I am placing a link to it here, as it’s very inspirational!

Dino Gym Record Day

by Al Myers


Group picture from the 2013 Dino Gym Record Day: (front left to right) Dan Wagman, Ruth Jackson, Denny Habecker (back left to right) LaVerne Myers, Al Myers, Dean Ross, Mike Pringle

The Dino Gym had a very good Record Day the day following the Grip Championships.  6 lifters took part – Ruth Jackson, Dan Wagman, Dean Ross, Denny Habecker, LaVerne Myers,  and myself.  Ken Glasgow performed a record lift the day before which I added to these results.  I was surprised by the efforts that were displayed, especially considering that most all of these lifters had competed the day before. The current IAWA Womens OVERALL BEST LIFTER Ruth Jackson stole the show with her setting USAWA records in 30 different  lifts!  Just watching RJ max out in one lift after the other made me tired!  Dan Wagman had the lift that impressed me the most – doing a Pull Up with 120 pounds attached to his waist. The rules of the Pull Up call for the chin to be ABOVE the bar at completion, and the lifter must hold for a down command.  This makes doing a USAWA Pull Up MUCH harder than commonly performed pull ups by lifters in training sessions.  To properly judge this lift, it requires the official to stand on a chair to have a level view of the bar and the chin.  I made sure Dan reached the proper height.  I made a point to tell Dan that his big handlebar mustache was providing him an advantage, as it was obstructing (and distracting!)  my view of his chin! LOL.  The second most impressive lift I seen was my Dad, LaVerne, performing a PULL UP!!  I had no idea that he could do that!  However, I made him do another one with 5# so he could get a record.  Doing a lift with no weight doesn’t get you in the record list.  I bet there are VERY FEW  men over the age of 65 that weigh 250 pounds who can do a legal USAWA Pull Up. 

Dean Ross performed the Carter Lift with 433# pounds for USAWA Record.

Dean Ross picked a couple of odd lifts to do for records.  He performed a 1200# Back Lift, which is a lift that is not available to be done in most gyms. He also performed a Carter Lift, of 433#.  This lift is one of the strange, unique lifts of the USAWA.  It requires the performance of a Hip Lift and a Squat in the SAME LIFT!  Only one other lifter has a USAWA record in the Carter Lift, and that is Bob Maxey.  Dean told me the reason he wanted to do this lift was in Bob’s memory.  I remember the day that Bob did his Carter Lift and I also remember how nervous I was spotting him.  Dean had me worried as well when he started as he fell down a couple of times and I didn’t want this meet to be added to Dean’s list of head injuries that he has suffered in his life.  But eventually he got the balance right, and did a perfect executed Carter Lift.

Denny Habecker performed 10 lifts for record which will expand his lead over Art in the Records Race.  Last year at this record day Denny “took it easy” on the record book and only did a few records.  But this year he really went after it, and I don’t blame him as Art seems to be getting stronger with age.  Denny, Dean and LaVerne had a little “mini competition” in the 3″ bar deadlift.  Denny held with these two who are much bigger than him, and finished with a great lift of 280 pounds.

Afterwards, we all went out to eat together at a local Mexican restaurant in Abilene.   That has become a tradition of meets held at the Dino Gym.  I always enjoy getting to spend time with “fellow lifters” over some good food in a relaxed environment after a day of hard lifting, because that’s when I hear the BEST STORIES!


Dino Gym Record Day
Dino Gym
Abilene, Kansas
February 10th, 2013

Meet Director:  Al Myers

Officials (1-official system used):  Al Myers, Denny Habecker, LaVerne Myers

Loader: Mike Pringle and lifters

Lifts: Record Day

Ruth Jackson – Age 51, BWT 108#, Female

French Press: 25#
Pullover – Bent Arm: 63#
Bench Press – Fulton Bar: 130#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip: 95#
Gardner – Full: 15#
Gardner – Half: 45#
Abdominal Raise: 25#
Allen Lift: 15#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Hand: 68#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Hand: 68#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 153#
Continental to Chest – Fulton Bar: 63#
Deadlift – Trap Bar: 207#
Clean and Press – Middle Fingers: 25#
Snatch – On Knees: 45#
Clean and Press – On Knees: 55#
Clean and Press – Fulton Bar: 63#
Maxey Press: 73#
Clean and Push Press – Fulton Bar: 73#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat: 70#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm: 40#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Left Arm: 40#
Pullover – Straight Arm: 35#
Weaver Stick: 1#
Pullup: 25#
Chin Up: 25#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 45#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 45#
Saxon Snatch: 25#
Snatch – 2 Dumbbells: 50#

Al Myers – Age 46, BWT 241#

Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm: 231#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm: 198#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Arm: 170#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm: 85#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Left Arm: 85#

Dan Wagman – Age 50, BWT 183#

Snatch – Left Arm: 125#
Pull Up: 120#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 110#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 110#

LaVerne Myers – Age 68, BWT 247#

Bench Press – Left Arm: 50#
Bench Press – Right Arm: 50#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 255#
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 45#
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 45#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm: 170#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm: 170#
Deadlift – Reeves: 185#
Pull Up: 5#

Denny Habecker – Age 70, BWT 196#

Anderson Press: 175#
Clean and Jerk – Behind Neck: 143.3#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 280#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55#
Clean and Jerk – Fulton Bar: 113#
Clean and Press: 137.8#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 125#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 125#
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 75#

Dean Ross – Age 70, BWT 269#

Deadlift – Trap Bar: 321#
Back Lift: 1200#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 280#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm: 148#
Deadlift – Reeves: 235#
Carter Lift: 433#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 125#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 125#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 55#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55#

Ken Glasgow – Age 76, BWT 217#

Deadlift – Trap Bar: 302#

NOTES: All lifts and bodyweights recorded in pounds.

Grip Championships

by Al Myers


Troy Goetsch lifting 260 pounds on the One Hand 2" Vertical Bar Deadlift. Troy won BEST MENS OVERALL LIFTER at the 2013 USAWA Grip Championships.

Since the first OFFICIAL USAWA Grip Championships in 2011, this meet has seen more lifters entered each year.  2011 had 8 lifters, 2012 had 11 lifters, and this year we had 16 lifters! If the Grip Championships continually experiences this type of growth it will not be long and this will be the most attended yearly meet in the USAWA. 

I was amazed at the quality of lifting that took place.  The Mens Division was STACKED.  Troy Goetsch, of Jobes Steel Jungle, came out as the BEST OVERALL MENS LIFTER in the end.   Ruth Jackson added another title to her USAWA resume with taking the BEST OVERALL WOMENS LIFTER.  Dan Wagman finished second overall, and LaVerne Myers surprised everyone with his third place overall finish.  I predicted there would be some ALL TIME RECORDS broken – and Troy made sure that happened!  His 255# Pinch Grip and his 260# 1 hand VB DL are now new USAWA All Time Records. He made these lifts look easy and performed them in impeccable form.  My next predication is that he will up both of these records within the next year.

Ken Glasgow (right) receiving his USAWA Grip Championship Award from meet director Al Myers (left).

Darren Barnhart had an excellent meet, and if not for Troy being present, would have had numbers at the very top.  Darren did a Pinch Grip with 250#, and had a very close miss at 275#.  He posted the second highest total (780 pounds) behind Troy’s total (860 pounds).  LaVerne Myers may have ended up in third, but he was NUMBER ONE for best dressed. He showed up sporting a new matching stylish short & shirt, complete with new lifting shoes. This must have given him a surge of confidence, because he ended the meet with a Personal Record in the Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip of 300 pounds!  Ken Glasgow needs mentioned as well.  Ken was the oldest lifter that competed, at age 76. I was very impressed with his lifting.  Mike Pringle made his “USAWA debut” in this meet.  Mike lifted very well, and I hope to see more of him in USAWA competitions in the future. Denny Habecker came the farthest for the meet, from Lebanon, PA.  This makes the second meet in less than a month that Denny has attended at the Dino Gym! 

I have several people I want to personally thank.  First – my wife Leslie who made the lunch and provided numerous other meals to lifters over the weekend.  Next, I couldn’t have done this without the help of Chuck Cookson, who did ALL the loading.  Chuck laid off competing to load instead, which is critical for a meet to  run efficiently. I also want to mention Terry Barlet , who made the road trip with Denny.  I talked him into taking all the meet pictures.  I will have these pictures available on our USAWA Facebook Page later this week.   This Grip Championships had participants from several states – Kansas, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and Oklahoma.  I felt VERY HAPPY about the success of the meet.  Thanks again to all those who attended!  It’s this type of support that keeps these events going in the USAWA.

(Dan Wagman video recorded the meet and has placed the videos on his website –


2013 Grip Championships
Dino Gym
Abilene, Kansas
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Meet Director:   Al Myers

Scorekeeper/Timekeeper/Announcer:  Al Myers

Loader:  Chuck Cookson

Photographer:  Terry Barlet

Caterer:  Leslie Myers

Officials (3-official system used):  Al Myers (head), Denny Habecker, Darren Barnhart, LaVerne Myers, Mike Murdock, Chad Ullom

Lifts: Pinch Grip, Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand, Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip


Ruth Jackson 51 108 107 110R 135 352 539.1


Ruth Jackson: Vertical Bar Deadlift, 2″, Right Hand 120#


Troy Goetsch 26 199 240 260R 360 860 770.5
Dan Wagman 50 183 200 180R 280 660 688.4
LaVerne Myers 68 247 180 180R 300 660 679.6
Darren Barnhart 45 305 250 205R 325 780 595.5
Dave Glasgow 59 252 181 170R 275 626 593.5
Denny Habecker 70 193 125 130R 235 490 585.0
Chad Ullom 41 252 180 200R 326  706 568.9
Bryan Benzel 25 290 240 210R 320 770 567.9
Mark Mitchell 52 313 230 150R 325 705 567.8
Mike Pringle 37 193 150 165L 250 565 514.9
Ken Glasgow 76 217 100 135R 205 440 514.8
Dan Bunch 48 358 195 180L 330 705 514.3
Dean Ross 70 271 150 135R 230 515 514.2
Mike Murdock 72 206 100 110R 180 390 455.8
Doug Kressly 33 278 170 160R 250 580 436.7


Mike Pringle: Pinch Grip 175#
Dan Wagman: Pinch Grip 215#
Chad Ullom:  Pinch Grip 200#
Troy Goetsch: Pinch Grip 255#
LaVerne Myers: Pinch Grip 200#

NOTES:  All lifts recorded in pounds.  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  R and L designate the right and left hands.  TOT is total pounds lifter.  PTS are adjusted points for bodyweight and age corrections.


Womens Master:  Ruth Jackson
Womens Overall:  Ruth Jackson
Mens Senior 20-39: Troy Goetsch
Mens Master 40-44: Chad Ullom
Mens Master 45-49: Darren Barnhart
Mens Master 50-54: Dan Wagman
Mens Master 55-59: Dave Glasgow
Mens Master 65-69: LaVerne Myers
Mens Master 70-74: Denny Habecker
Mens Master 75-79: Ken Glasgow

1 57 58 59 60 61 80