Procedure for bidding on Championship meets
In addition to the National Championships, which are awarded according to the policy in the rulebook, the USAWA has several other championship meets like the Heavy Lift, the Grip Champs, and the OTSM Champs. (Sanjiv Gupta has compiled a list of all our championship meets, and the history behind them, here.)
Usually these meets are bidded and awarded by an informal process, but starting this year we will have an official policy that is transparent to all interested meet directors. The promoter of each championship will be decided at the previous year’s championship, whenever possible. Sanctions are still granted by the Executive Board, via the Secretary, as usual. But the EB will give priority in awarding championship sanctions to (1) the winner of the previous year’s championship, followed by (2) the winner of a vote taken at that championship.
How championship bids will work, in 2025 and beyond:
- Bids for championship meets shall be submitted to the Secretary by the date of the current year’s championship, and should also be shared with the attendees of the championship. The bid should include the location, promoter, lifts to be contested, and as many other relevant details as possible.
- If the winner of the championship wishes to host the next year’s championship, the EB will consider this the primary bid for the championship, and will accept it so long as paperwork is in order, sanction fee is paid, and the bid is acceptable to the EB. The sanction will be issued within 7 days of the championship when possible.
- If the winner declines to host, or in case of a tie, a vote shall be taken among the members in attendance at the championship meet. Minutes should be kept, indicating the names of members who were in attendance for the vote, and the tally of votes. All bids from interested parties shall be presented and voted on. If remote entries are accepted, remote votes from those lifters must also be accepted. All efforts must be made to ensure the vote is fair and all athletes in attendance have an opportunity to vote. If an Executive Board member is in attendance, they shall oversee the vote.
- The EB will award the bid to the winner of the vote, again assuming that paperwork is in order, sanction fee is paid, and the bid is acceptable to the EB, and will do so within 7 days when possible.
- If no bids are made, or if a championship is not held, the Secretary will post a call for bids no later than December, so that a decision can be announced by January of the year of the next championship.
This new policy applies to the Grip Championships, Heavy Lift Championships, and OTSM Championships. If the Team or Club Championships were to return, they would abide by this policy as well.
The National Championships, Postal Championships, and Presidential Cup do not use this procedure, since they each have their own procedures already in effect. (Nationals are decided at the National Meeting, Postals are done virtually by scoring postal entries, and the Presidential Cup is held by the President.) All championships get priority on the meet schedule, with no other meets allowed to be held on the same date, so getting them scheduled early helps everyone.
The bottom line: if you want to host next year’s [Grip/OTSM/Heavy Lift/etc] championship meet…
…you can obtain priority for your bid by ANY of the following:
- Winning this year’s championship (then you have first dibs)
- Attending this year’s championship, and making the case to attendees why you’d be a great host (so you can win the vote)
- Discussing the matter with the other potential hosts, and deciding amongst yourselves who will submit a bid (similar to the friendly way rotating championships like the Heavy Lift have traditionally been done – there will still be a vote under this new rule, but it will be an easy choice).
The EB understands that this new policy favors existing championship hosts, but it also incentivizes potential hosts to attend and compete in the championship they wish to host. It also allows and encourages friendly discussion among potential hosts to coordinate bids, if desired. We hope that the transparency here helps everyone.