Clark’s Gym vs. Frank’s Gym Postal Challenge

By Eric Todd

In the way of the old timers, Franks’ Barbell Club and Clark’s Championship Gym have challenged each other to a postal to determine supremacy between two of the most powerful, accomplished clubs in our organization.  This postal will be limited to members of these two clubs.

Date: Weekend of July 30-31

Lifts: Neck lift-Single center strap only (I will assume the lifters in Frank’s gym and Clark’s gym will know what that means, as I have never lifted in a neck harness that did not start with two straps)

Hip Lift

Deadlift, Ciavattone- 1 arm

Swing, dumbbell with the opposite hand of the deadlift

Vertical bar, 2 bars, 1″

The meet will conclude with a record day of up to 5 records for those lifters who are being judged by a certified official.  Good luck to all the lifters in this throwback meet to when the best challenged the best for dominance in the strength scene.