Deanna Springs Meet
by Al Myers
Garcia Wins 2011 Deanna Meet

Group picture from the 2011 Deanna Springs Meet. (left to right): Al Springs, Joe Garcia, Mike Murdock, Al Myers, Rudy Bletscher, Thom Van Vleck, and Dean Ross.
Last weekend at Clark’s Gym at the Deanna Meet a couple of things happened that NEVER HAPPENS. First, Bill was not there to “run the show” as he always is, and second, the meet had a big turnout. I know – 7 lifters in alot of cases doesn’t constitute a big turnout, but for the type of meets that are hosted at Clark’s Gym – it is. It was the second highest turnout for the Deanna Meet in its 16 year history (2004 had the most entrants with 10). It didn’t seem quite right having a meet in Clark’s Gym without Bill there. I have been to MANY meets in Clark’s Gym and this is the first time the “man in charge” was not there. But Bill had a good excuse – he was in Atlanta getting his shoulder replaced. Maybe with this new bionic shoulder Ole Clark will get back in competitive shape and surprise us with his new-found pressing strength? With him – anything is possible. I hope the surgery was a great success and he will be able to get back into the gym and back to his love of weightlifting. He was missed, but Joe Garcia took command and did an applaudable job as the interim meet director. On top of these duties, he defended his Deanna Meet Crown, and won Best Lifter again for the 10th time. YES – that is 10 Deanna Meet victories for Joe, the most of anyone ever. I tried to give him a little challenge but now that’s he’s lost weight (and he has KEPT his same strength) it was an imposing task which I failed at again this year. Joe is a great Heavy Lifter (and I consider the Deanna Meet a Heavy Lift Meet) and a well-deserving Champion of this meet. On top of this Joe turned in his BEST EVER adjusted point total (4018 pts), which is second of all time to Abe Smiths total in 2005 of 4111 adjusted points. I had my best point total in this meet to date (3630 points) which would have gave me the victory in 9 of the previous Deanna’s, but Joe at age 57 just keeps getting better with each year. I also got to mention that Joe kept the competition “moving along”. We started a little before 12:00 and was completely finished by 3. Joe brought something into Clark’s Gym that I NEVER thought I would see there – a laptop computer!! He kept the results and used this modern technology to efficiently tally the scores after the meet in quick fashion.
This meet quickly divided into two competitive groups. In one group – Joe, myself and Thom battled it out, while in the other group Rudy, Mike, Dean and Al Springs lifted together. This was the main reason we finished so quickly – we divided into two groups and as a result finished in half the time. These four veterans, all of which are over the age of 65, had quite a competition! It is a rarity to see 4 lifters of these guys ages together in a meet with the kind of lifting abilities they have. Beforehand, I had no idea who would win between them. Dean Ross is a MOOSE and has more brute strength than anyone I know his age. Rudy is the most gifted athletic lifter over the age of 75 that I know. Mike knows no limits and will push himself harder than anyone I know his age. He doesn’t give up. (He ALSO competed in Thom’s Highland Games the day before AND did the USAWA Postal Meet). Al is a wily veteran of all-round lifting and has the most experience in these lifts. But in the end Rudy came out on top with his 750 pound Hip Lift. Mike, being the gamer that he is, took a shot at 850 for the win, but it was not to be on this day. I sure hope to see plenty more of these matchups between these guys, because I know how competitive and close it will always be between them.
When we were finishing up the meet, several new lifters in Clark’s Gym showed up to workout. There had to be close to 20 people in the gym at one time! This has to be another record of sorts. It was standing room only. Clark’s Gym was the happening place on this Sunday afternoon. I wish Bill could have been there to see it – it would have made him feel good to see the promising future of his gym and the USAWA. Also, I got to thank Dave and James for loading throughout the day. Their help really kept things on schedule. Afterwards, we took part in the Deanna Meet tradition of enjoying all we could eat at the Golden Corral while sharing stories and lies.
Meet Results:
Deanna Springs Memorial Meet March 27th, 2011 Clark’s Gym Columbia, Missouri
Meet Director: Joe Garcia
Officials (3 official system used): Joe Garcia, Al Myers, Thom Van Vleck, Mike Murdock
Loaders: Dave Beversdorf and James Foster
Lifts: Crucifix, Curl – Cheat, Deanna Lift, Hand and Thigh Lift, Hip Lift
Lifter | Age | BWT | Cruc | Curl | Dean | H&T | Hip | Total | Points |
Joe Garcia | 57 | 209 | 60 | 145 | 600 | 1400 | 1700 | 3905 | 4018.08 |
Al Myers | 44 | 253 | 90 | 195 | 800 | 1300 | 2000 | 4385 | 3630.91 |
Thom VanVleck | 46 | 299 | 70 | 165 | 525 | 675 | 1400 | 2835 | 2205.62 |
Rudy Bletscher | 75 | 220 | 60 | 95 | 405 | 515 | 750 | 1825 | 2102.50 |
Mike Murdock | 71 | 236 | 70 | 105 | 405 | 515 | 650 | 1745 | 1882.10 |
Dean Ross | 68 | 275 | 60 | 95 | 405 | 565 | 750 | 1875 | 1830.99 |
Al Springs | 69 | 200 | 40 | 65 | 335 | 375 | 650 | 1465 | 1702.05 |
NOTES: BWT is bodyweight in pounds. Total is total pounds lifted. All lifts recorded in pounds. Points are adjusted points for bodyweight correction and age adjustment.
Dean Ross – 455# Deanna Lift
Dean Ross – 875# Hip Lift