Decline of Western (lifting) Civilization: Part II
by Thom Van Vleck
Okay, so….I have to admit….I HATE Smith Machines. I hate them so much that I was even offered a free one years ago and I turned it down. I didn’t even want to sell or trade it because I felt like I would be taking advantage of some poor sap who would think he’d get strong on a Smith Machine! To be honest, it needed some work and I just passed on it as I’m too cheap to pass up much free stuff….just ask Al Myers! haha.
At any rate, I saw this thing. It looks like somebody tried to take a Smith Machine and make it where you could not just go up and down but back and forth as well. If you look closely at the bottom you’ll see the horizontal “rail” while the bar is attached to the usual “Smith Machine” rail.
Now I know what some of you are thinking…..”but Thom, that actually solves some of the problems with a Smith machine….this is better than a Smith Machine…”. I actually would agree…but I would also agree that two kettlebells are better than one. But what are you gonna do with a kettlebell! Again, remember these are tongue in cheek….so don’t get bent out of shape. Okay, maybe I really do mean part of it.
I saw this and got all excited. I thought it was a power rack! I bet it cost a fortune and I bet you that hardly anyone will use it! That’s my issue with it. Kind of like how you buy a kid a fancy toy and he plays with the box and the bubble wrap more than the toy. That’s why this is more to add to the decline of western (lifting) civilization. Complicated means most people won’t use it. Simple is best.
Plus…..I don’t like the bar telling me where to push it! I can’t have a weight tellin’ me what to do!