Dino Gym Challenge
by Al Myers

Group picture from the 2012 Dino Gym Challenge. (front row left to right): Chad Ullom, Al Myers (back row left to right): Dave Glasgow, Dean Ross, Rudy Bletscher
I didn’t think the “single arm challenge” would be this demanding, but as I sit writing this meet report today I’m feeling sore all over! First of all, I want to thank everyone who showed up to compete or help yesterday. Five brave lifters showed up to take on this decathlon of single arm lifts: Chad Ullom, Dave Glasgow, Rudy Bletscher, Dean Ross and myself. The unique feature of this meet was that BOTH arms had to be contested in each single arm lift. There was no way to hide any weaknesses! I picked lifts that would test every body part – overhead stuff both quick lifts and pressing, benching, and deadlifting. I was very curious to see the strength differences each lifter would have between arms. I even played this up before the meet by having two certificates made up for BEST LIFTERS AWARDS. One was the Ambidextrous Award, for the lifter that had the highest percentage of weight lifted between his weak arm and his strong arm. The other award was for the opposite of this, or the Ambisinistrous Award, which was for the lifter that had the lowest percentage of weight lifted between his weak arm and his strong arm. I nicknamed this award the “KLUTZ AWARD” just to add more insult to this prize which recognizes poor lifting ability.

Dave Glasgow and his 315# USAWA record in the right arm Deadlift. Dave broke the record held by USAWA Hall of Famer Scott Schmidt in this lift.
It was a hard fought fight to the finish, but my training partner and good friend Chad edged me out in the last event, the one arm deadlift. I had the lead on him up till this last event. It was interesting that we both weighed in the same at 251 pounds, but now something was different as Chad has just turned 40 and is now a masters lifter. Not only did he beat me in the competition in the one arm deadlift, but he took both of my one arm deadlift records in the 40/115K class! Chad finished the meet off with a personal record one arm deadlift of 451 pounds! It was a stellar lift and broke the overall record in the 115K class, previously held by Frank Ciavattone and his 426# effort. There were many USAWA records broke at this meet, but this had to be one of the “highlight records” of the day. Another record I would like to mention was Dave Glasgow’s right arm deadlift of 315 pounds. That is the most I have seen Super Dave lift in the one arm deadlift, and it was quite impressive. My best performance of the day was in the one arm snatch, where I lifted a personal best and ALL-TIME USAWA BEST with a lift of 172 pounds. I have done over 170 pounds a few times in training, but this was the first time I have done it in competition. I can’t say enough about Rudy and Dean and their lifting. They both battled it out all day long, with Rudy edging Dean out in the end. Dean is a real powerhouse, but this meet was more about finesse with all these one arm lifts, and it favored Rudy. Mike Murdock sat this one out in order to help with judging and scorekeeping, but when the three of them compete with each other it makes for a very exciting competition. I’m sure there will be many more square-offs between these seasoned (see – I didn’t say old!) guys in the future.

This is my 172# one arm Snatch. This is the top one arm Snatch that has been done in the history of the USAWA, beating the mark of 171# held by my brother-in-law Bob Burtzloff!
After the results were tallied and the awards handed out, we were treated to heaping bowls of homemade chili that was prepared by my wife Leslie. Often when a meet is over, the lifters are ready to “hit the road” to make the long journey back home. But as Dean reminded me when we were filling our gullets with tasty chili, it was when I mentioned it was HOMEMADE CHILI that EVERYONE decided to stay and eat before heading home. We watched football, drank a few beers, and told several stories about our friends who weren’t it attendance. What a good way to end a great day!
Check back tomorrow to see who won the Best Lifter Awards. That’s a news story in itself!
Dino Gym Challenge
The Single Arm Challenge
Dino Gym, Holland, Kansas
January 14th, 2012
Meet Director: Al Myers and the Dino Gym
Officials (1 official system used): Mike Murdock, Scott Tully, Mark Mitchell, Darren Barnhart
Scorekeeper: Mike Murdock
Loaders: Alan English, Chuck Cookson, Matt Cookson
Lifts: Snatch – Left Arm, Snatch – Right Arm, Clean and Jerk – Left Arm, Clean and Jerk – Right Arm, Side Press – Left Arm, Side Press – Right Arm, Bench Press – Left Arm, Bench Press – Right Arm, Deadlift – Left Arm, Deadlift – Right Arm
Lift | Chad Ullom | Al Myers | Dave Glasgow | Rudy Bletscher | Dean Ross |
BWT | 113.9 | 113.9 | 114.6 | 96.2 | 125.0 |
AGE | 40 | 45 | 58 | 76 | 69 |
Snat-LF | 150 | 120 | 105 | 45 | 55 |
Snat-RT | 155 | 150 | 100 | 50 | 70 |
C&J-LF | 120 | 120 | 90 | 40 | 35 |
C&J-RT | 130 | 150 | 80 | 40 | 40 |
Side-LF | 95 | 80 | 75 | 30 | 35 |
Side-RT | 100 | 110 | 55 | 40 | 40 |
BP-LF | 115 | 100 | 80 | 35 | 40 |
BP-RT | 120 | 130 | 65 | 40 | 60 |
DL-LF | 400 | 320 | 300 | 165 | 180 |
DL-RT | 410 | 380 | 315 | 165 | 170 |
TOTAL | 1795 | 1660 | 1265 | 650 | 725 |
POINTS | 1435.5 | 1393.3 | 1188.2 | 770.4 | 712.6 |
NOTES: BWT is bodyweight in kilograms. All lifts recorded in pounds. Total is total pounds lifted. Points are adjusted points for bodyweight and age.
Al Myers: Snatch – Right Arm 172#
Al Myers: Deadlift – Right Arm 410#
Chad Ullom: Deadlift – Right Arm 451#