Eastern Open Postal

by Al Myers

Eastern Open Postal Meet
March 2009

Meet Director:  John Wilmot

Lifts:  French Press, Cheat Curl, and Jefferson Lift

Lifter Age BWT Wt.Class French Curl Jefferson Total Points
Kari Landis 27 170 80 35 80 185 300 295.14
John Monk, Jr. 43 175 80 100 150 425 675 678.34
Denny Habecker 66 184 85 77 110 275.5 462.5 550.78
Randy Smith 54 193 90 125 185 315 625 655.50
Jonathan Ciavattone 14 195 90 80 135 315 530 576.66
Joe Ciavattone, Jr. 15 205 95 120 175 455 750 760.55
Dennis Vandermark 55 207 95 60 135 250 445 452.76
John Wilmot 62 213 100 80 120 300 500 531.11
Orie Barnett 48 229.5 105 138 155 425 718 649.34
Al Myers 42 252 115 120 198 573 891 725.65
Joe Ciavattone, Sr. 40 245 115 140 200 405 745 603.31
James Malloy 67 248 115 110 140 350 600 612.17

BWT in pounds. Wt. Class in kilograms. Lifts in pounds. Points are age and weight adjusted.

Best Female Lifter:  Kari Landis
Best Male Lifter:  Joe Ciavattone, Jr.