102.5 lb Plates?!?!

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    • #23344

        102.5 lb Plates?!?!

      • #23348
        Al Myers

          I have never heard of plates made specifically to weigh 102.5 pounds (but I have weighed 100# plates that were that much over). But I gotta a question – what about the weight of collars, wouldn’t that put the loaded bar over 250 pounds with these plates???? Al

        • #23347

            Good point. Just can’t imagine anyone going through the trouble to make them. Maybe it was somehow an accident. Like you said, you’ve had some that over weighed by that much. Maybe they figured out that the plates were weighing out more than they anticipated. Instead investing in a new cast they pawned them off as these?

          • #23346
            Al Myers

              I can hear the sales pitch – “buy 100 pounds and get 2 1/2 pounds free!!!”

            • #23345
              Thom Van Vleck

                I’m like Al, never heard of this, but I weighed every plate in my gym and it’s amazing how “off” some are. I have a set of Iron Man 50lb plates that weight 57.5lbs. Now, I do know these were “unmilled” which if you don’t know, back in the day they used to sell plates “milled” and “unmilled” meaning you could get them a lot cheaper unmilled. We had two sets of Ironman unmilled plates in the old JWC….one set was 57.5 each or 115lbs total and the other was 47.5lbs or 95lbs total…..made a BIG difference which set you used and you did NOT want to get them mixed up. My Uncle Wayne finally got rid of one set because he was tired of getting them mixed up!!!!

                Thom Van Vleck
                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

              • #29590

                  Finally found out who made these plates!!
                  Looks to be the same blue as the old IRONMAN plates.....
                  Strong Barbell Co. of Sacramento, CA. owned by Chester O. Teegarden

                  Ad is from Lifting News affiliated with IRONMAN magazine…..

                  • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by 61pwcc.
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