I had forgot you had done that. Some might recall I did a postal contest a few years back called the “Straight Weight”. The team of three that posted the biggest total won. The Dino Gym stacked the deck and took it to the JWC. I was kind of proud of the fact Al had to recruit John Connor to beat us! HAHAHA But I would agree with ET.
Thom Van Vleck
Jackson Weightlifting Club
Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder
Dave, you are 100% right at least as far as I’m concerned. I would never win either trophy.
I won my first “A class Am” when Al Myers, Chad Ullom, and Scott Campbell didn’t show up! HAHAHA That’s the way I would win an overall. Too fat, to weak….but I sure love lifting and getting stronger personally and hanging out with like-minded lifters.
Thom Van Vleck
Jackson Weightlifting Club
Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder