28 lifts the women don't do

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    • #26800

        And, of course, the Univ Rec Center I train at did a multi-million dollar upgrade and banned chalk. Every upgrade, it gets prettier and prettier and cleaner and cleaner. The student workers spend all day disinfecting. It doesn’t matter that almost no one knows how to lift and I constantly hear them complain of shoulder, back and knee pain. What matters is when the officials or prospective students walk through they can gasp and say “wow look how spacious and clean!”


        Ab raise – RC
        Situp – RC
        Press – fr rack, bhd neck
        Seated Press – fr rack
        Seated press – bhd neck, fr rack
        C&J – Fulton
        DL – Fulton, Jeff lift
        DL – Inch db, one arm (lh)
        Weaver stick – rear
        Bench dip
        Back extension
        bent press – lh:
        bent press – rh
        bent press – db, rh
        bent press – db, lh
        side press (lh)
        side press (rh)
        Judd c&j
        C&Pp, reflex
        Kennedy lift
        Lano lift
        James lift
        Ziegler clean
        Scott lift:
        Carter lift
        Foot press
        Phumchaona lift
        PO & press – with wrestler’s bridge
        Leg press – self loaded
        sq – one leg, r-leg
        sq – one leg, l-leg
        Van Dam lift
        Inman mile

      • #26801
        Lance Foster

          Real gyms are becoming a thing of the past. Does the Rec Center have a “lunk alarm” yet?

          The Gloved One

        • #26813

            I seen that on videos but it is still an unbelievable myth to me. I cannot image this mentality.

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