A few thoughts …

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    • #20258
      Tom Ryan

        A few thoughts …

      • #20262

          Hey Tom, so John Coffee and his gym are still around, eh? That’s awesome.

          I was in Atlanta a few years back for the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual conference to stay up to date on the latest strength training developments and decided to train at Coffee’s with an Atlanta powerlifting friend of mine. It was such a GREAT gym…but I’m wondering if it’s still like a bomb fell on it. I remember having to search the entire gym for a matching set of dumbbells because lifting equipment was just thrown all over the place. I had to do the one-armed dumbbell Farmer’s walk all the time…perhaps USAWA should adopt that lift and call it the Coffee Lift…hehehe


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          Those who are enamored of practice without science
          are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
          compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

          Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

        • #20261
          Al Myers


            You are a great inspiration to me. I enjoy hearing about your training and the obstacles you overcome in your sessions. Keep up the great work!

            I do want to get to Atlanta sometime. If I can make this work lets start thinking about a record day at your place in the future.

            As for seated lifts – there is a lack of them. In discussing wheelchair lifts with Paul, I think instead of adding “wheelchair only” lifts it would be better to have more seated lifts that all can do.

            I’m a big fan of Hermann Goerner, and if I recall from his book he did a seated clean of 220#! That would be a perfect all round lift!! (hint hint send me a rule with proposal so I can pass it along to the EB).

            One place to see that is on my list is the Paul Anderson Youth Home. That would have to be on the travel plans to Atlanta, and you could be my expert guide!! I’m not sure if your writings on Paul are on the internet or not, but if not, I would love to be able to share them on the USAWA website.

            Take care and keep lifting!!! Al

          • #20260
            Tom Ryan

              Okay, Al, sounds good.

              I can put you in touch with someone at the Paul Anderson Youth Home (PAYH) who would make the local arrangements for your visit. They would probably invite you for lunch. I have had some correspondence with Glenda, Paul’s widow, over the years in regard to the PAYH, but I’ve never met her. She will be 74 this year and would undoubtedly be an interesting person to meet and engage in conversation.

              This is my only article on Paul that is on the Internet.
              http://georgiainfo.galileo.usg.edu/topics/people/article/athletes-coaches/paul-anderson .

              I wrote an article on Anderson for Bill Clark’s Strength Journal many years ago that you may have seen.

              I had a PAYH bumper sticker on my car during the 1970s and one day a woman parked her car
              behind mine when I was a graduate student at the U. of Georgia and was out shopping. I’m guessing the year was 1973. She saw my bumper sticker and asked me “Do you know Paul Anderson?”. I replied that I had indeed met him (in 1972) and had corresponded with him (in 1970). She said “Well, I am his sister, Dot, from Toccoa”. As she walked away toward the supermarket in the shopping center, I noticed that she had the same type of walking gait as Anderson. I thought that was somewhat funny. 🙂

              I’ll think about writing up a proposal for a seated clean and the rules for the lift. We might want to have both a two-handed lift and a one-handed lift. I can almost picture myself falling out of a chair while doing the two-handed lift and I might not be the only one to do so! 🙂


            • #20259
              Al Myers

                I’ll be looking forward to your rule proposal on the seated one and two handed clean!

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