Al’s picture on Power/Strength blog

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    • #23652
      Ben Edwards

        Al’s picture on Power/Strength blog

      • #23658
        Al Myers

          Thanks Ben for that posting that link! I might not have seen this blog if it wasn’t for that. Just wondering – who writes this blog? Al

        • #23657

            al, you’re getting famous!

          • #23656
            Al Myers

              Not as famous as you Jarrod! I just got done watching your YouTube video of your last fight and I’m quite impressed! There is not a sport as hardcore as MMA! All I can say is WOW! I’m looking forward to hearing your story of the trip.

              As for the picture – I have always kept all USAWA pictures on this website as “free access” to anyone. I know at times we have probably infringed on copyright laws regarding pictures (especially Thom!) because we use pictures we find places and then put them on the website without giving photo credits. But I’m of the philosophy of sharing – and I feel if someone really wants to “protect” their pictures they should go to the work of having their name placed on the picture somewhere or they should just be “fair game” for anyone to use. I don’t use any of John Woods (of the Old Time Strongman blog) pictures for this reason – because he makes sure to have his name plastered all over his pictures. However, most of the pictures he has on his blog I can usually find somewhere else as well without the “name captions”.

              I really like it when pictures from our website are copied and then show up in other places. That is telling me that we are “making an influence” on the weightlifting community. Our website is getting a pretty high page rank now, and when you do a google search of images of certain lifts, our pictures are always at the top of the list. Al

            • #23655

                hey thanks al, that means a lot to me coming from a pro athlete! that’s good news about the page rankings. i was going to shoot you an email about maybe setting up a facebook page for USAWA if you’re interested…we’ll get your mug plastered all over the net! FB has been a big help for boosting my dojo site. i’ll email you about it soon.


              • #23654
                Chad Ullom

                  We do have a FB group page.


                • #23653

                    thanks, don’t know how i missed it!

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