Am I “That Guy?”

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  • Author
    • #20919
      Ben Edwards

        Am I “That Guy?”

      • #20920
        Al Myers


          Ben – I never even thought of you when I wrote that quote in the announcement, but looking back maybe you are “that guy”.

          But there is nothing wrong with being “that guy”. I often wonder at times if anyone even reads my blogs and the stuff on this site, so it actually is refreshing to me to get feedback. And as far as everyone liking all lifts in an all round meet – well, that has NEVER HAPPENED!!!! This organization is for the lifters – and this website is for the voice of the lifters to be heard. I welcome all feedback, even if it is critical.

          I miss Dale. I could ALWAYS count on at least one email from him every week with suggestions. He was passionate about the USAWA and I really respected that.

          BTW – I only made one “dig” in my announcement, and I’m sure everyone knows who that was directed at. I’ll give ya a hint – his nickname rhymes with BIG ME. haha Al

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