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    • #20359


        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      • #20370
        Steve Freides

          Art did, indeed, officiate the Inman attempt for me.

          We went to a basketball court across the street from the gym – a huge Thank You to two young men, Sean and Mark, who helped with the schelepping – with a pair of squat stands, a bar, 4 x 20 kg and 2 x 2.5 kg plates, and I did my walk by standing at the back line of one end of the court and walking to the other end, crossing the other end line, turning around, and walking back. I did this twice and put the bar back on the squat stands to finish.

          Several diligent souls including my lovely wife, Bronwen, measured the course, and the math was done on a cell phone calculator, converting a rather large number of inches – I think it was over 44,000 – to meters.

          For what it’s worth, having to turn around a few times wasn’t the greatest, and having the squat stands staring back at me took away some motivation for going further, which I could have, albeit probably not by a whole lot. I think the ideal way to do this is to head outside on a deserted road or big parking lot and walk with spotters next to you so that you know they can take it when you can’t go any further.

          I am content, although not happy, with my performance and think that I will now put this away but, come Spring, I may start walking with weight again in earnest and see if I can do better than I did this year come 2015. And I’ll be in a new age group next Fall as well, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to get Art to climb the stairs and walk across the street yet again. 🙂

          Many thanks to Art and to Ambridge, PA for hosting the meet.


        • #20369
          Al Myers

            Wow – that looked like one of the BEST birthday bash ever!! Sure wish I could have been there.

            The meet report/results are ready to go on the website but I’m still waiting on a couple of lifters to get their USAWA membership applications to me with payment. That’s is the holdup here. Please be timely in getting your membership current.

            If I don’t receive these memberships by next week I’m going to run the results without the results of those with missing memberships. If you are unsure – the membership roster is always current on the website for you to check. I will NOT act as a “bill collector” and notify you personally what you owe, that is your responsibility.

          • #20368

              You could start breaking thumbs, al. I have heard some people do that.

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            • #20367
              Al Myers

                haha ET – I hate to be the bad guy!

              • #20366
                Steve Freides

                  I do not see my name on the membership roster. I am used to being asked, at a meet, to re-up if I need to – had no idea I was delinquent.

                  I am printing out the form now, Al, and it will go out in today’s or tomorrow’s mail.

                  Question – is it possible to register for more than one year at a time? I’d be happy to send in $50 instead of $25 and have it take care of next year as well.

                  Thank you!


                • #20365
                  Steve Freides

                    One more question, too, please:

                    Art’s form said we could contribute a few $$$ to help w/ insurance. Art was also nice enough to provide t-shirts.

                    Is it OK/good to send Art some money now, since I completely forgot about this at the meet? If so, suggestions for amounts would be appreciated.

                    Thanks again.


                  • #20364
                    Al Myers

                      Steve, Yes I am now taking membership for 2015 as well, and that is included on the membership roster. So far one person has already joined for 2015 and is listed on the roster.

                      I have no idea what the insurance expenses were for Art – but if everyone kicked in a twenty I’m sure that would go a long way for Art to buy some donuts….I mean insurance. Al

                    • #20363
                      Steve Freides

                        Al, thank you. I will try to put, into tomorrow’s mail, $50 for a 2-year membership to you and at least $20 to Al. Since the Birthday Bash entry form is no longer up on the site, could you please email me Art’s address (to steve.freides at gmail dot com)?

                        Thanks again.


                      • #20362
                        Al Myers

                          Steve, Sounds good!

                          Everything that that has ever been on the website is still there. There are two very easy ways to search the site to find information, 1. under the “search” function on the upper right side, and 2. under the tags section on the lower right column.

                          Art’s address is on the website at least a half dozen times.

                        • #20361
                          Steve Freides

                            OK – was able to find Art’s address by looking at the calendar and clicking on the date of the meet.

                            Will have $ to Art and to you in the mailbox this afternoon, then.



                          • #20360

                              GReat writeup on Art’s Birthday Bash. Sounds like a great time, with great lifting and great scenery. I always enjoy McKean’s articles, he certainly has a flair for it.

                              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

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