Ban the Spin

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    • #23778
      Thom Van Vleck

        Ban the Spin

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #23782
        Chad Ullom

          I’m going to have to correct you….again!!!

          You won the WOB challenge. I said after, if I was asked, I would have allowed the side sling. But, no one asked and you won with the rules you two agreed on. But that’s not a very good story, so you’re right….it was a tie!


        • #23781


          • #23780
            Ben Edwards

              Good stuff guys! I’m so impressed with the athleticism involved in the spin technique that I could never say anything bad about it – only that since I couldn’t do it…it’d have to be banned, lol.


            • #23779
              Thom Van Vleck

                Wow, Chad, I’m glad we finally cleared up who really won the border war. Now if I can get you to quit dodging me…twice now…..we can settle this once and for all. After all, if you beat me then you beat Al defacto!

                …oh, and Ben NOBODY ever accused me of being athletic before! HAHA

                Honestly, what happened was I got tired of guys I could beat standing beating me using the spin. I have a rule. If you stand, I stand, if you spin I spin. Kinda like always bringing a gun to a knife fight….just in case!

                Thom Van Vleck
                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

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